module Hasura.RQL.DML.Update ( validateUpdateQueryWith , validateUpdateQuery , AnnUpdG(..) , traverseAnnUpd , AnnUpd , updateQueryToTx , runUpdate ) where import Data.Aeson.Types import Instances.TH.Lift () import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as M import qualified Data.Sequence as DS import Hasura.EncJSON import Hasura.Prelude import Hasura.RQL.DML.Insert (insertCheckExpr) import Hasura.RQL.DML.Internal import Hasura.RQL.DML.Mutation import Hasura.RQL.DML.Returning import Hasura.RQL.GBoolExp import Hasura.RQL.Instances () import Hasura.RQL.Types import Hasura.SQL.Types import qualified Database.PG.Query as Q import qualified Hasura.SQL.DML as S data AnnUpdG v = AnnUpd { uqp1Table :: !QualifiedTable , uqp1SetExps :: ![(PGCol, v)] , uqp1Where :: !(AnnBoolExp v, AnnBoolExp v) , upq1Check :: !(AnnBoolExp v) -- we don't prepare the arguments for returning -- however the session variable can still be -- converted as desired , uqp1Output :: !(MutationOutputG v) , uqp1AllCols :: ![PGColumnInfo] } deriving (Show, Eq) traverseAnnUpd :: (Applicative f) => (a -> f b) -> AnnUpdG a -> f (AnnUpdG b) traverseAnnUpd f annUpd = AnnUpd tn <$> traverse (traverse f) setExps <*> ((,) <$> traverseAnnBoolExp f whr <*> traverseAnnBoolExp f fltr) <*> traverseAnnBoolExp f chk <*> traverseMutationOutput f mutOutput <*> pure allCols where AnnUpd tn setExps (whr, fltr) chk mutOutput allCols = annUpd type AnnUpd = AnnUpdG S.SQLExp mkUpdateCTE :: AnnUpd -> S.CTE mkUpdateCTE (AnnUpd tn setExps (permFltr, wc) chk _ _) = S.CTEUpdate update where update = S.SQLUpdate tn setExp Nothing tableFltr . Just . S.RetExp $ [ S.selectStar , S.Extractor (insertCheckExpr "update check constraint failed" checkExpr) Nothing ] setExp = S.SetExp $ map S.SetExpItem setExps tableFltr = Just $ S.WhereFrag tableFltrExpr tableFltrExpr = toSQLBoolExp (S.QualTable tn) $ andAnnBoolExps permFltr wc checkExpr = toSQLBoolExp (S.QualTable tn) chk convInc :: (QErrM m) => (PGColumnType -> Value -> m S.SQLExp) -> PGCol -> PGColumnType -> Value -> m (PGCol, S.SQLExp) convInc f col colType val = do prepExp <- f colType val return (col, S.SEOpApp S.incOp [S.mkSIdenExp col, prepExp]) convMul :: (QErrM m) => (PGColumnType -> Value -> m S.SQLExp) -> PGCol -> PGColumnType -> Value -> m (PGCol, S.SQLExp) convMul f col colType val = do prepExp <- f colType val return (col, S.SEOpApp S.mulOp [S.mkSIdenExp col, prepExp]) convSet :: (QErrM m) => (PGColumnType -> Value -> m S.SQLExp) -> PGCol -> PGColumnType -> Value -> m (PGCol, S.SQLExp) convSet f col colType val = do prepExp <- f colType val return (col, prepExp) convDefault :: (Monad m) => PGCol -> PGColumnType -> () -> m (PGCol, S.SQLExp) convDefault col _ _ = return (col, S.SEUnsafe "DEFAULT") convOp :: (UserInfoM m, QErrM m) => FieldInfoMap FieldInfo -> [PGCol] -> UpdPermInfo -> [(PGCol, a)] -> (PGCol -> PGColumnType -> a -> m (PGCol, S.SQLExp)) -> m [(PGCol, S.SQLExp)] convOp fieldInfoMap preSetCols updPerm objs conv = forM objs $ \(pgCol, a) -> do -- if column has predefined value then throw error when (pgCol `elem` preSetCols) $ throwNotUpdErr pgCol checkPermOnCol PTUpdate allowedCols pgCol colType <- askPGType fieldInfoMap pgCol relWhenPgErr res <- conv pgCol colType a -- build a set expression's entry withPathK (getPGColTxt pgCol) $ return res where allowedCols = upiCols updPerm relWhenPgErr = "relationships can't be updated" throwNotUpdErr c = do role <- userRole <$> askUserInfo throw400 NotSupported $ "column " <> c <<> " is not updatable" <> " for role " <> role <<> "; its value is predefined in permission" validateUpdateQueryWith :: (UserInfoM m, QErrM m, CacheRM m) => SessVarBldr m -> (PGColumnType -> Value -> m S.SQLExp) -> UpdateQuery -> m AnnUpd validateUpdateQueryWith sessVarBldr prepValBldr uq = do let tableName = uqTable uq tableInfo <- withPathK "table" $ askTabInfo tableName let coreInfo = _tiCoreInfo tableInfo -- If it is view then check if it is updatable mutableView tableName viIsUpdatable (_tciViewInfo coreInfo) "updatable" -- Check if the role has update permissions updPerm <- askUpdPermInfo tableInfo -- Check if all dependent headers are present validateHeaders $ upiRequiredHeaders updPerm -- Check if select is allowed selPerm <- modifyErr (<> selNecessaryMsg) $ askSelPermInfo tableInfo let fieldInfoMap = _tciFieldInfoMap coreInfo allCols = getCols fieldInfoMap preSetObj = upiSet updPerm preSetCols = M.keys preSetObj -- convert the object to SQL set expression setItems <- withPathK "$set" $ convOp fieldInfoMap preSetCols updPerm (M.toList $ uqSet uq) $ convSet prepValBldr incItems <- withPathK "$inc" $ convOp fieldInfoMap preSetCols updPerm (M.toList $ uqInc uq) $ convInc prepValBldr mulItems <- withPathK "$mul" $ convOp fieldInfoMap preSetCols updPerm (M.toList $ uqMul uq) $ convMul prepValBldr defItems <- withPathK "$default" $ convOp fieldInfoMap preSetCols updPerm (zip (uqDefault uq) [()..]) convDefault -- convert the returning cols into sql returing exp mAnnRetCols <- forM mRetCols $ \retCols -> withPathK "returning" $ checkRetCols fieldInfoMap selPerm retCols resolvedPreSetItems <- M.toList <$> mapM (convPartialSQLExp sessVarBldr) preSetObj let setExpItems = resolvedPreSetItems ++ setItems ++ incItems ++ mulItems ++ defItems when (null setExpItems) $ throw400 UnexpectedPayload "atleast one of $set, $inc, $mul has to be present" -- convert the where clause annSQLBoolExp <- withPathK "where" $ convBoolExp fieldInfoMap selPerm (uqWhere uq) sessVarBldr prepValBldr resolvedUpdFltr <- convAnnBoolExpPartialSQL sessVarBldr $ upiFilter updPerm resolvedUpdCheck <- fromMaybe gBoolExpTrue <$> traverse (convAnnBoolExpPartialSQL sessVarBldr) (upiCheck updPerm) return $ AnnUpd tableName setExpItems (resolvedUpdFltr, annSQLBoolExp) resolvedUpdCheck (mkDefaultMutFlds mAnnRetCols) allCols where mRetCols = uqReturning uq selNecessaryMsg = "; \"update\" is only allowed if the role " <> "has \"select\" permission as \"where\" can't be used " <> "without \"select\" permission on the table" validateUpdateQuery :: (QErrM m, UserInfoM m, CacheRM m) => UpdateQuery -> m (AnnUpd, DS.Seq Q.PrepArg) validateUpdateQuery = runDMLP1T . validateUpdateQueryWith sessVarFromCurrentSetting binRHSBuilder updateQueryToTx :: Bool -> (AnnUpd, DS.Seq Q.PrepArg) -> Q.TxE QErr EncJSON updateQueryToTx strfyNum (u, p) = runMutation $ Mutation (uqp1Table u) (updateCTE, p) (uqp1Output u) (uqp1AllCols u) strfyNum where updateCTE = mkUpdateCTE u runUpdate :: (QErrM m, UserInfoM m, CacheRM m, MonadTx m, HasSQLGenCtx m) => UpdateQuery -> m EncJSON runUpdate q = do strfyNum <- stringifyNum <$> askSQLGenCtx validateUpdateQuery q >>= liftTx . updateQueryToTx strfyNum