module Hasura.Backends.Postgres.DDL.Source ( ToMetadataFetchQuery , fetchPgScalars , fetchTableMetadata , fetchFunctionMetadata , initCatalogForSource , postDropSourceHook , resolveDatabaseMetadata , resolveSourceConfig ) where import Hasura.Prelude import qualified Data.Environment as Env import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as Map import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE import qualified Database.PG.Query as Q import qualified Language.Haskell.TH.Lib as TH import qualified Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax as TH import Control.Monad.Trans.Control (MonadBaseControl) import Data.FileEmbed (makeRelativeToProject) import Data.Time.Clock (UTCTime) import Hasura.Backends.Postgres.Connection import Hasura.Backends.Postgres.DDL.Source.Version import Hasura.Backends.Postgres.SQL.Types import Hasura.Base.Error import Hasura.RQL.Types.Backend import Hasura.RQL.Types.Common import Hasura.RQL.Types.EventTrigger (RecreateEventTriggers (..)) import Hasura.RQL.Types.Function import Hasura.RQL.Types.Source import Hasura.RQL.Types.Table import Hasura.SQL.Backend import Hasura.Server.Migrate.Internal import Hasura.Server.Types (MaintenanceMode (..)) -- | We differentiate the handling of metadata between Citus and Vanilla -- Postgres because Citus imposes limitations on the types of joins that it -- permits, which then limits the types of relations that we can track. class ToMetadataFetchQuery (pgKind :: PostgresKind) where tableMetadata :: Q.Query instance ToMetadataFetchQuery 'Vanilla where tableMetadata = $(makeRelativeToProject "src-rsr/pg_table_metadata.sql" >>= Q.sqlFromFile) instance ToMetadataFetchQuery 'Citus where tableMetadata = $(makeRelativeToProject "src-rsr/citus_table_metadata.sql" >>= Q.sqlFromFile) resolveSourceConfig :: (MonadIO m, MonadResolveSource m) => SourceName -> PostgresConnConfiguration -> Env.Environment -> m (Either QErr (SourceConfig ('Postgres pgKind))) resolveSourceConfig name config _env = runExceptT do sourceResolver <- getSourceResolver liftEitherM $ liftIO $ sourceResolver name config resolveDatabaseMetadata :: forall pgKind m . (Backend ('Postgres pgKind), ToMetadataFetchQuery pgKind, MonadIO m, MonadBaseControl IO m) => SourceConfig ('Postgres pgKind) -> m (Either QErr (ResolvedSource ('Postgres pgKind))) resolveDatabaseMetadata sourceConfig = runExceptT do (tablesMeta, functionsMeta, pgScalars) <- runTx (_pscExecCtx sourceConfig) Q.ReadOnly $ do tablesMeta <- fetchTableMetadata functionsMeta <- fetchFunctionMetadata pgScalars <- fetchPgScalars pure (tablesMeta, functionsMeta, pgScalars) pure $ ResolvedSource sourceConfig tablesMeta functionsMeta pgScalars -- | Initialise catalog tables for a source, including those required by the event delivery subsystem. initCatalogForSource :: forall m . MonadTx m => MaintenanceMode -> UTCTime -> m RecreateEventTriggers initCatalogForSource maintenanceMode migrationTime = do hdbCatalogExist <- doesSchemaExist "hdb_catalog" eventLogTableExist <- doesTableExist "hdb_catalog" "event_log" sourceVersionTableExist <- doesTableExist "hdb_catalog" "hdb_source_catalog_version" -- when maintenance mode is enabled, don't perform any migrations if | maintenanceMode == MaintenanceModeEnabled -> pure RETDoNothing -- Fresh database | not hdbCatalogExist -> liftTx do Q.unitQE defaultTxErrorHandler "CREATE SCHEMA hdb_catalog" () False enablePgcryptoExtension initPgSourceCatalog return RETDoNothing -- Only 'hdb_catalog' schema defined | not sourceVersionTableExist && not eventLogTableExist -> do liftTx initPgSourceCatalog return RETDoNothing -- Source is initialised by pre multisource support servers | not sourceVersionTableExist && eventLogTableExist -> do -- Update the Source Catalog to v43 to include the new migration -- changes. Skipping this step will result in errors. currMetadataCatalogVersion <- liftTx getCatalogVersion -- we migrate to the 43 version, which is the migration where -- metadata separation is introduced migrateTo43MetadataCatalog currMetadataCatalogVersion liftTx createVersionTable -- Migrate the catalog from initial version i.e '1' migrateSourceCatalogFrom "1" return RETRecreate | otherwise -> migrateSourceCatalog >> return RETRecreate where initPgSourceCatalog = do () <- Q.multiQE defaultTxErrorHandler $(makeRelativeToProject "src-rsr/init_pg_source.sql" >>= Q.sqlFromFile) setSourceCatalogVersion createVersionTable = do () <- Q.multiQE defaultTxErrorHandler [Q.sql| CREATE TABLE hdb_catalog.hdb_source_catalog_version( version TEXT NOT NULL, upgraded_on TIMESTAMPTZ NOT NULL ); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX hdb_source_catalog_version_one_row ON hdb_catalog.hdb_source_catalog_version((version IS NOT NULL)); |] pure () migrateTo43MetadataCatalog prevVersion = do let neededMigrations = dropWhile ((/= prevVersion) . fst) upMigrationsUntil43 case NE.nonEmpty neededMigrations of Just nonEmptyNeededMigrations -> do -- Migrations aren't empty. We need to update the catalog version after migrations liftTx $ traverse_ snd nonEmptyNeededMigrations setCatalogVersion "43" migrationTime Nothing -> -- No migrations exists, implies the database is migrated to latest metadata catalog version pure () -- NOTE (rakesh): -- Down migrations for postgres sources is not supported in this PR. We need an -- exhaustive discussion to make a call as I think, as of now, it is not -- trivial. For metadata catalog migrations, we have a separate downgrade -- command in the graphql-engine exe. -- -- I can think of two ways: -- -- - Just like downgrade, we need to have a new command path for downgrading -- pg sources (command design should support other backends too, -- graphql-engine source-downgrade postgres --to-catalog-version 1 -- -- downgrade all available pg sources to 1) -- - Have an online documentation with necessary SQLs to help users to -- downgrade pg sources themselves. Improve error message by referring the URL -- to the documentation. migrateSourceCatalog :: MonadTx m => m () migrateSourceCatalog = getSourceCatalogVersion >>= migrateSourceCatalogFrom migrateSourceCatalogFrom :: (MonadTx m) => Text -> m () migrateSourceCatalogFrom prevVersion | prevVersion == latestSourceCatalogVersionText = pure () | [] <- neededMigrations = throw400 NotSupported $ "Expected source catalog version <= " <> latestSourceCatalogVersionText <> ", but the current version is " <> prevVersion | otherwise = do liftTx $ traverse_ snd neededMigrations setSourceCatalogVersion where neededMigrations = dropWhile ((/= prevVersion) . fst) sourceMigrations sourceMigrations :: [(Text, Q.TxE QErr ())] sourceMigrations = $(let migrationFromFile from = let to = from + 1 path = "src-rsr/pg_source_migrations/" <> show from <> "_to_" <> show to <> ".sql" in [| Q.multiQE defaultTxErrorHandler $(makeRelativeToProject path >>= Q.sqlFromFile) |] migrationsFromFile = map $ \(from :: Integer) -> [| ($(TH.lift $ tshow from), $(migrationFromFile from)) |] in TH.listE $ migrationsFromFile [1..(latestSourceCatalogVersion - 1)] ) -- Upgrade the hdb_catalog schema to v43 (Metadata catalog) upMigrationsUntil43 :: [(Text, Q.TxE QErr ())] upMigrationsUntil43 = $(let migrationFromFile from to = let path = "src-rsr/migrations/" <> from <> "_to_" <> to <> ".sql" in [| Q.multiQE defaultTxErrorHandler $(makeRelativeToProject path >>= Q.sqlFromFile) |] migrationsFromFile = map $ \(to :: Integer) -> let from = to - 1 in [| ( $(TH.lift $ tshow from) , $(migrationFromFile (show from) (show to)) ) |] in TH.listE -- version 0.8 is the only non-integral catalog version $ [| ("0.8", $(migrationFromFile "08" "1")) |] : migrationsFromFile [2..3] ++ [| ("3", from3To4) |] : migrationsFromFile [5..43] ) -- | Fetch Postgres metadata of all user tables fetchTableMetadata :: forall pgKind m . (Backend ('Postgres pgKind), ToMetadataFetchQuery pgKind, MonadTx m) => m (DBTablesMetadata ('Postgres pgKind)) fetchTableMetadata = do results <- liftTx $ Q.withQE defaultTxErrorHandler (tableMetadata @pgKind) () True pure $ Map.fromList $ flip map results $ \(schema, table, Q.AltJ info) -> (QualifiedObject schema table, info) -- | Fetch Postgres metadata for all user functions fetchFunctionMetadata :: (MonadTx m) => m (DBFunctionsMetadata ('Postgres pgKind)) fetchFunctionMetadata = do results <- liftTx $ Q.withQE defaultTxErrorHandler $(makeRelativeToProject "src-rsr/pg_function_metadata.sql" >>= Q.sqlFromFile) () True pure $ Map.fromList $ flip map results $ \(schema, table, Q.AltJ infos) -> (QualifiedObject schema table, infos) -- | Fetch all scalar types from Postgres fetchPgScalars :: MonadTx m => m (HashSet PGScalarType) fetchPgScalars = liftTx $ Q.getAltJ . runIdentity . Q.getRow <$> Q.withQE defaultTxErrorHandler [Q.sql| SELECT coalesce(json_agg(typname), '[]') FROM pg_catalog.pg_type where typtype = 'b' |] () True -- | Clean source database after dropping in metadata postDropSourceHook :: (MonadIO m, MonadError QErr m, MonadBaseControl IO m) => PGSourceConfig -> m () postDropSourceHook sourceConfig = do -- Clean traces of Hasura in source database -- -- There are three type of database we have to consider here, which we -- refer to as types 1, 2, and 3 below: -- 1. default postgres source (no separate metadata database) -- In this case, we want to drop nothing. -- -- 2. dedicated metadata database -- In this case, we want to only drop source-related tables ("event_log", -- "hdb_source_catalog_version", etc), leaving the rest of the schema intact. -- -- 3. non-default postgres source (necessarily without metadata tables) -- In this case, we want to drop the entire "hdb_catalog" schema. liftEitherM $ runPgSourceWriteTx sourceConfig $ do hdbMetadataTableExist <- doesTableExist "hdb_catalog" "hdb_metadata" eventLogTableExist <- doesTableExist "hdb_catalog" "event_log" if -- If "hdb_metadata" and "event_log" tables are found in the "hdb_catalog" schema, -- then this implies the source is being used as the default postgres source, i.e. -- this is a default postgres source (type 1 above). -- In this case we don't drop anything in the catalog schema. | hdbMetadataTableExist && eventLogTableExist -> pure () -- However, it is possible that the above condition is not met for a default -- postgres source. This will happen if no event triggers have been defined, -- because we initialise event catalog tables only when required (i.e. when -- a trigger is defined). -- -- This could lead to a possible problem where "hdb_metadata" exists, "event_log" -- does not exist, but the _other_ source-related tables exist. In that case, we -- would end up dropping them here, which would go against our requirements above. -- However, observe that these tables are always all created or destroyed together, -- in single transactions where we run setup/teardown SQL files, so this condition -- is guaranteed to not take place. -- -- So if only "hdb_metadata" exists, we have one of two possible cases: -- * this is a metadata database (type 2) and we can drop all source-related tables -- * this is a default database (type 1) which has no source-related tables (because -- it has no "event_log" table, it cannot have the others, because of the previous -- argument) -- -- It should be clear that we can now safely issue DROP IF EXISTS statements for -- all source-related tables now according to the spec above. The IF EXISTS lets us -- handle both cases uniformly, doing nothing in the second case, and for metadata -- databases, we drop only source-related tables from the database's "hdb_catalog" schema. | hdbMetadataTableExist -> Q.multiQE defaultTxErrorHandler $(makeRelativeToProject "src-rsr/drop_pg_source.sql" >>= Q.sqlFromFile) -- Otherwise, we have a non-default postgres source, which has no metadata tables. -- We drop the entire "hdb_catalog" schema as discussed above. | otherwise -> dropHdbCatalogSchema -- Destory postgres source connection liftIO $ _pecDestroyConn $ _pscExecCtx sourceConfig -- Run other drop hooks configured at source creation time liftIO $ _pscPostDropHook sourceConfig