set positional-arguments set shell := ["bash", "-c"] default: just --list build: cargo build --release --all-targets format: cargo fmt --check prettier --check . ! command -v nix || nix fmt -- --check . alias fmt := format fix: cargo clippy --all-targets --no-deps --fix --allow-no-vcs cargo fmt just fix-format ! command -v nix || nix fmt fix-format: prettier --write . run-local-with-shell: #!/usr/bin/env bash cargo run --bin custom-connector | ts "custom-connector:" & OTLP_ENDPOINT=http://localhost:4317 \ cargo run --bin dev-auth-webhook | ts "dev-auth-webhook:" & RUST_LOG=DEBUG cargo run --bin engine -- \ --otlp-endpoint http://localhost:4317 \ --authn-config-path static/auth/auth_config.json \ --metadata-path crates/engine/tests/schema.json \ --expose-internal-errors | ts "engine: " & wait # start all the docker deps for running tests (not engine) start-docker-test-deps: # start connectors and wait for health docker compose -f ci.docker-compose.yaml up --wait postgres postgres_connector custom_connector custom_connector_ndc_v01 # start all the docker run time deps for the engine start-docker-run-deps: # start auth_hook and jaeger docker compose up --wait auth_hook jaeger # pull / build all docker deps docker-refresh: docker compose -f ci.docker-compose.yaml pull postgres_connector docker compose -f ci.docker-compose.yaml build custom_connector # stop all the docker deps stop-docker: docker compose -f ci.docker-compose.yaml down -v docker compose down -v # run the tests using local engine (once) test *ARGS: start-docker-test-deps #!/usr/bin/env bash if command -v cargo-nextest; then COMMAND=(cargo nextest run) else COMMAND=(cargo test) fi COMMAND+=(--no-fail-fast "$@") echo "${COMMAND[*]}" "${COMMAND[@]}" # run a watch process that runs the tests locally watch: start-docker-test-deps start-docker-run-deps RUST_LOG=DEBUG \ cargo watch -i "**/*" \ -x test \ -x 'clippy --no-deps' \ -x 'run --bin engine -- \ --otlp-endpoint http://localhost:4317 \ --authn-config-path static/auth/auth_config.json \ --metadata-path crates/engine/tests/schema.json \ --expose-internal-errors' # check the code is fine lint: cargo clippy --all-targets --no-deps ! command -v nix || nix flake check # ensure we don't have unused dependencies: machete: cargo machete --with-metadata # update golden tests update-golden-files: start-docker-test-deps UPDATE_GOLDENFILES=1 cargo test just fix-format update-custom-connector-schema-in-test-metadata: && fix-format #!/usr/bin/env bash set -e docker compose -f ci.docker-compose.yaml up --build --wait custom_connector new_capabilities=$(curl http://localhost:8102/capabilities | jq) new_schema=$(curl http://localhost:8102/schema | jq) ndc_version="v0.2" # Should only be tests that actually talk to the running connector and therefore must be up to date test_directories=(./crates/engine/tests/execute) find "${test_directories[@]}" -name '*.json' -print0 | while IFS= read -r -d '' file; do # Check if the file actually contains a custom connector DataConnectorLink if jq -e ' (. | type == "object") and has("subgraphs") and (.subgraphs | length > 0) and (.subgraphs[] | has("objects") and (.objects | length > 0)) and any(.subgraphs[].objects[]; .kind == "DataConnectorLink" and .definition.url.singleUrl.value == "http://localhost:8102")' "$file" >/dev/null; then # Update its schema, capabilities and version jq --argjson newCapabilities "$new_capabilities" --argjson newSchema "$new_schema" --arg ndcVersion "$ndc_version" ' (.subgraphs[].objects[] | select(.kind == "DataConnectorLink" and .definition.url.singleUrl.value == "http://localhost:8102").definition.schema) |= (.capabilities = $newCapabilities | .schema = $newSchema | .version = $ndcVersion) ' $file \ | sponge $file echo "Updated $file" else echo "Skipping $file: Does not appear to be a metadata file with a custom connector" fi done docker compose -f ci.docker-compose.yaml down # run the engine using schema from tests run: start-docker-test-deps start-docker-run-deps RUST_LOG=DEBUG cargo run --bin engine -- \ --otlp-endpoint http://localhost:4317 \ --authn-config-path static/auth/auth_config.json \ --metadata-path crates/engine/tests/schema.json \ --expose-internal-errors # check the docker build works build-docker-with-nix binary="engine": #!/usr/bin/env bash echo "$(tput bold)nix build .#{{ binary }}-docker | gunzip | docker load$(tput sgr0)" gunzip < "$(nix build --no-warn-dirty --no-link --print-out-paths '.#{{ binary }}-docker')" | docker load # check the arm64 docker build works build-aarch64-docker-with-nix binary="engine": #!/usr/bin/env bash echo "$(tput bold)nix build .#{{ binary }}-docker-aarch64-linux | gunzip | docker load$(tput sgr0)" gunzip < "$(nix build --no-warn-dirty --no-link --print-out-paths --system aarch64-linux '.#{{ binary }}-docker-aarch64-linux')" | docker load