{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-} -- | Feature Flags are /temporary/ toggles. module Hasura.Server.Init.FeatureFlag ( FeatureFlag (..), checkFeatureFlag, Identifier (..), FeatureFlags (..), featureFlags, nativeQueryInterface, ) where -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- import Data.Aeson (FromJSON, ToJSON) import Data.Environment qualified as Env import Data.HashMap.Strict qualified as HashMap import Hasura.Prelude -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- newtype Identifier = Identifier {getIdentifier :: Text} deriving stock (Generic) deriving newtype (Eq, FromJSON, ToJSON) deriving anyclass (Hashable) data FeatureFlag = FeatureFlag { ffIdentifier :: Identifier, ffDefaultValue :: Bool, ffDescription :: Text, ffEnvVar :: String } deriving stock (Eq, Generic) deriving anyclass (Hashable, FromJSON, ToJSON) -- | In OSS we look for a environment variable or fall back to the default -- value checkFeatureFlag :: Env.Environment -> FeatureFlag -> IO Bool checkFeatureFlag env (FeatureFlag {ffEnvVar = envVar, ffDefaultValue = defaultValue}) = case Env.lookupEnv env envVar of Just found -> pure $ fromMaybe defaultValue (readMaybe found) Nothing -> pure $ defaultValue -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- newtype FeatureFlags = FeatureFlags {getFeatureFlags :: HashMap Text FeatureFlag} featureFlags :: FeatureFlags featureFlags = FeatureFlags $ HashMap.fromList [ ("test-flag", testFlag), ("native-query-interface", nativeQueryInterface) ] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- testFlag :: FeatureFlag testFlag = FeatureFlag { ffIdentifier = Identifier "test-flag", ffDefaultValue = False, ffDescription = "Testing feature flag integration", ffEnvVar = "HASURA_FF_TEST_FLAG" } nativeQueryInterface :: FeatureFlag nativeQueryInterface = FeatureFlag { ffIdentifier = Identifier "native-query-interface", ffDefaultValue = False, ffDescription = "Expose custom views, permissions and advanced SQL functionality via custom queries", ffEnvVar = "HASURA_FF_NATIVE_QUERY_INTERFACE" }