module Network.HTTP.Client.DynamicTlsPermissions where import Control.Exception.Safe (Exception, Typeable, impureThrow) import Data.ByteString.Char8 qualified as BC import Data.Default.Class qualified as HTTP import Data.X509 qualified as HTTP import Data.X509.CertificateStore qualified as HTTP import Data.X509.Validation qualified as HTTP import GHC.Exception (Exception (displayException)) import Hasura.Prelude import Hasura.RQL.Types.Network (TlsAllow (TlsAllow), TlsPermission (SelfSigned)) import Network.Connection qualified as HTTP import Network.HTTP.Client qualified as HTTP import Network.HTTP.Client.TLS qualified as HTTP import Network.TLS qualified as HTTP import Network.TLS.Extra qualified as TLS import System.X509 qualified as HTTP newtype TlsServiceDefinitionError = TlsServiceDefinitionError { tlsServiceDefinitionError :: String } deriving (Show, Typeable) instance Exception TlsServiceDefinitionError where displayException (TlsServiceDefinitionError msg) = "TlsServiceDefinitionError: " <> show msg errorE :: String -> c errorE = impureThrow . TlsServiceDefinitionError -- | This mkMgr function takes a mechanism for finding the current allowlist, -- Thus allowing it to be coupled from any ref type such as SchemaCacheRef. mkMgr :: IO [TlsAllow] -> IO HTTP.Manager mkMgr currentAllow = do systemStore <- HTTP.getSystemCertificateStore let settings = HTTP.mkManagerSettings (tlsSettingsComplex systemStore) Nothing HTTP.newManager settings where tlsSettingsComplex :: HTTP.CertificateStore -> HTTP.TLSSettings tlsSettingsComplex systemStore = HTTP.TLSSettings (clientParams systemStore) clientParams :: HTTP.CertificateStore -> HTTP.ClientParams clientParams systemStore = (HTTP.defaultParamsClient hostName serviceIdBlob) { HTTP.clientSupported = HTTP.def {HTTP.supportedCiphers = TLS.ciphersuite_default}, -- supportedCiphers :: [Cipher] Supported cipher methods. The default is empty, specify a suitable cipher list. ciphersuite_default is often a good choice. Default: [] -- HTTP.clientShared = HTTP.def {HTTP.sharedCAStore = systemStore}, HTTP.clientHooks = HTTP.def { HTTP.onServerCertificate = certValidation } } certValidation :: HTTP.CertificateStore -> HTTP.ValidationCache -> HTTP.ServiceID -> HTTP.CertificateChain -> IO [HTTP.FailedReason] certValidation certStore validationCache sid chain = do res <- HTTP.onServerCertificate HTTP.def certStore validationCache sid chain allowList <- currentAllow if any (allowed sid res) allowList then pure [] else pure res -- These always seem to be overwritten when a connection is established -- Should leave as errors in this case in order to validate this assumption. -- TODO: Is there any way to define this in terms of a pure exception? hostName = errorE "hostname in HTTP client defaultParamsClient accessed - this should never happen" serviceIdBlob = errorE "serviceIdBlob in HTTP client defaultParamsClient accessed - this should never happen" -- Checks that: allowed :: (String, BC.ByteString) -> [HTTP.FailedReason] -> TlsAllow -> Bool allowed (sHost, sPort) res (TlsAllow aHost aPort aPermit) = (sHost == aHost) && (BC.unpack sPort ==? aPort) && all (\x -> any (($ x) . permitted) (fromMaybe [SelfSigned] aPermit)) res -- TODO: Could clean up this check some more. -- Comments on failure reasons taken from -- The permitted function takes high-level concerns and translates then into certain permitted errors permitted SelfSigned HTTP.SelfSigned = True -- Certificate is self signed permitted SelfSigned (HTTP.NameMismatch _) = True -- Connection name and certificate do not match permitted SelfSigned HTTP.LeafNotV3 = True -- Only authorized an X509.V3 certificate as leaf certificate. permitted SelfSigned _ = False _ ==? Nothing = True a ==? Just a' = a == a'