{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-} {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} module Hasura.SQL.GeoJSON ( Point(..) , MultiPoint(..) , LineString(..) , MultiLineString(..) , Polygon(..) , MultiPolygon(..) , GeometryCollection(..) , GeometryWithCRS(..) ) where import qualified Data.Aeson as J import qualified Data.Aeson.Casing as J import qualified Data.Aeson.TH as J import qualified Data.Aeson.Types as J import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Vector as V import Control.Monad import Data.Maybe (maybeToList) import Hasura.Prelude data Position = Position !Double !Double !(Maybe Double) deriving (Show, Eq) withParsedArray :: (J.FromJSON a) => String -> (V.Vector a -> J.Parser b) -> J.Value -> J.Parser b withParsedArray s fn = J.withArray s (mapM J.parseJSON >=> fn) instance J.FromJSON Position where parseJSON = withParsedArray "Position" $ \arr -> if V.length arr < 2 then fail "A Position needs at least 2 elements" -- here we are ignoring anything past 3 elements else return $ Position (arr `V.unsafeIndex` 0) (arr `V.unsafeIndex` 1) (arr V.!? 2) instance J.ToJSON Position where toJSON (Position a b c) = J.toJSON $ a:b:maybeToList c newtype Point = Point { unPoint :: Position } deriving (Show, Eq, J.ToJSON, J.FromJSON) newtype MultiPoint = MultiPoint { unMultiPoint :: [Position] } deriving (Show, Eq, J.ToJSON, J.FromJSON) data LineString = LineString { _lsFirst :: !Position , _lsSecond :: !Position , _lsRest :: ![Position] } deriving (Show, Eq) instance J.ToJSON LineString where toJSON (LineString a b rest) = J.toJSON $ a:b:rest instance J.FromJSON LineString where parseJSON = withParsedArray "LineString" $ \arr -> if V.length arr < 2 then fail "A LineString needs at least 2 Positions" -- here we are ignoring anything past 3 elements else let fstPos = arr `V.unsafeIndex` 0 sndPos = arr `V.unsafeIndex` 1 rest = V.toList $ V.drop 2 arr in return $ LineString fstPos sndPos rest newtype MultiLineString = MultiLineString { unMultiLineString :: [LineString] } deriving (Show, Eq, J.ToJSON, J.FromJSON) newtype GeometryCollection = GeometryCollection { unGeometryCollection :: [GeometryWithCRS] } deriving (Show, Eq, J.ToJSON, J.FromJSON) data LinearRing = LinearRing { _pFirst :: !Position , _pSecond :: !Position , _pThird :: !Position , _pRest :: ![Position] } deriving (Show, Eq) instance J.FromJSON LinearRing where parseJSON = withParsedArray "LinearRing" $ \arr -> if V.length arr < 4 then fail "A LinearRing needs at least 4 Positions" -- here we are ignoring anything past 3 elements else do let fstPos = arr `V.unsafeIndex` 0 sndPos = arr `V.unsafeIndex` 1 thrPos = arr `V.unsafeIndex` 2 rest = V.drop 3 arr let lastPos = V.last rest unless (fstPos == lastPos) $ fail "the first and last locations have to be equal for a LinearRing" return $ LinearRing fstPos sndPos thrPos $ V.toList $ V.init rest instance J.ToJSON LinearRing where toJSON (LinearRing a b c rest) = J.toJSON $ (V.fromList [a, b, c] <> V.fromList rest) `V.snoc` a newtype Polygon = Polygon { unPolygon :: [LinearRing] } deriving (Show, Eq, J.ToJSON, J.FromJSON) newtype MultiPolygon = MultiPolygon { unMultiPolygon :: [Polygon] } deriving (Show, Eq, J.ToJSON, J.FromJSON) data Geometry = GPoint !Point | GMultiPoint !MultiPoint | GLineString !LineString | GMultiLineString !MultiLineString | GPolygon !Polygon | GMultiPolygon !MultiPolygon | GGeometryCollection !GeometryCollection deriving (Show, Eq) data GeometryWithCRS = GeometryWithCRS { _gwcGeom :: !Geometry , _gwcCrs :: !(Maybe CRS) } deriving (Show, Eq) encToCoords :: (J.ToJSON a) => T.Text -> a -> Maybe CRS -> J.Value encToCoords ty a Nothing = J.object [ "type" J..= ty, "coordinates" J..= a] encToCoords ty a (Just crs) = J.object [ "type" J..= ty, "coordinates" J..= a, "crs" J..= crs] instance J.ToJSON GeometryWithCRS where toJSON (GeometryWithCRS geom crsM) = case geom of GPoint o -> encToCoords "Point" o crsM GMultiPoint o -> encToCoords "MultiPoint" o crsM GLineString o -> encToCoords "LineString" o crsM GMultiLineString o -> encToCoords "MultiLineString" o crsM GPolygon o -> encToCoords "Polygon" o crsM GMultiPolygon o -> encToCoords "MultiPolygon" o crsM GGeometryCollection o -> J.object [ "type" J..= ("GeometryCollection"::T.Text) , "geometries" J..= o ] instance J.FromJSON GeometryWithCRS where parseJSON = J.withObject "Geometry" $ \o -> do ty <- o J..: "type" geom <- case ty of "Point" -> GPoint <$> o J..: "coordinates" "MultiPoint" -> GMultiPoint <$> o J..: "coordinates" "LineString" -> GLineString <$> o J..: "coordinates" "MultiLineString" -> GMultiLineString <$> o J..: "coordinates" "Polygon" -> GPolygon <$> o J..: "coordinates" "MultiPolygon" -> GMultiPolygon <$> o J..: "coordinates" "GeometryCollection" -> GGeometryCollection <$> o J..: "geometries" _ -> fail $ "unexpected geometry type: " <> ty crsM <- o J..:? "crs" return $ GeometryWithCRS geom crsM data CRSNameProps = CRSNameProps { _cnpName :: !Text } deriving (Show, Eq) data CRSLinkProps = CRSLinkProps { _clpHref :: !Text , _clpType :: !(Maybe Text) } deriving (Show, Eq) data CRS = CRSName !CRSNameProps | CRSLink !CRSLinkProps deriving (Show, Eq) $(J.deriveJSON (J.aesonDrop 4 J.camelCase) ''CRSNameProps) $(J.deriveJSON (J.aesonDrop 4 J.camelCase) ''CRSLinkProps) $(J.deriveJSON J.defaultOptions { J.constructorTagModifier = J.camelCase . drop 3 , J.sumEncoding = J.TaggedObject "type" "properties" } ''CRS)