.. meta:: :description: Transferring Ownership on Hasura Cloud :keywords: hasura, docs, project, team, ownership transfer .. _project_ownership_transfer: Project ownership transfer ========================== .. contents:: Table of contents :backlinks: none :depth: 2 :local: Introduction ------------ You can transfer ownership of your project to another user. After the ownership is transferred successfully, the original owner will lose all access to the project. .. note:: If the project is on the ``Standard`` (pay-as-you-go) tier, the new owner will pay for the entire data usage for the month in which the ownership is transferred. Send an ownership transfer invitation ------------------------------------- Go to the project settings page and scroll to the bottom. Enter the email of the user you want to transfer the project ownership to. .. thumbnail:: /img/graphql/cloud/projects/transfer-ownership.png :alt: Transfer Project Ownership :width: 1146px Revoke an ownership transfer invitation --------------------------------------- To revoke the ownership transfer invitation, click on the ``Revoke`` button right next to the email of the invitee. .. thumbnail:: /img/graphql/cloud/projects/remove-ownership.png :alt: Remove transfer ownership invite :width: 1146px Resend an ownership transfer invitation --------------------------------------- To resend the ownership transfer invitation, click on the resend symbol right next to the email of the invitee. .. thumbnail:: /img/graphql/cloud/projects/resent-ownership.png :alt: Resend transfer ownership invite :width: 1146px Invitations ----------- You can see the projects that you have been invited to become the owner of, on the project listing page. .. thumbnail:: /img/graphql/cloud/projects/project-ownership-invitation.png :alt: Projects invited to own :width: 1146px You can accept an invitation by clicking on the ``Accept`` button. .. note:: If the project is on the ``Standard`` (pay-as-you-go) tier, the new owner must have an active card associated with their Hasura Cloud account to accept the invitation.