# CLI Migrations This docker image provides a method to run migrations and metadata at docker entrypoint. A temporary server is booted, with the migrations API allowed, securely through localhost. Once migrations and metadata have been applied, the server will reboot in a secure mode for inbound graphql usage. See [./docker-entrypoint.sh](docker-entrypoint.sh) - [CLI Migrations](#cli-migrations) - [Examples](#examples) - [Local](#local) - [Heroku](#heroku) - [Provision](#provision) - [Deploy](#deploy) - [Configuration](#configuration) - [Migrations Directory (Optional)](#migrations-directory-optional) - [Metadata Directory (Optional)](#metadata-directory-optional) - [Database (One of required)](#database-one-of-them-required) - [GraphQL Server (Optional)](#graphql-server-optional) ## Examples It is used in a docker file as: ```dockerfile FROM hasura/graphql-engine:.cli-migrations-v2 CMD graphql-engine \ --database-url $DATABASE_URL \ serve \ --server-port $PORT \ --enable-console ``` ### Local This is covered in the documentation here: https://hasura.io/docs/latest/graphql/core/migrations/auto-apply-migrations.html The below [Configuration](#configuration) will also be applicable. ### Heroku Using a docker build on heroku the manifest (`heroku.yml`) can look like: ```yaml setup: addons: - plan: heroku-postgresql as: DATABASE config: HASURA_GRAPHQL_MIGRATIONS_DATABASE_ENV_VAR: DATABASE_URL build: docker: web: Dockerfile ``` This allows you to provision and migrate a database entirely without intervention. #### Provision Setup the app, with addons and the setup steps defined in the heroku.yml ```bash heroku create heroku-migration-tester --manifest ``` #### Deploy ```bash export HEROKU_GIT_REMOTE=https://git.heroku.com/heroku-migration-tester.git git init && git add . git commit -m "first commit" git remote add heroku HEROKU_GIT_REMOTE git push heroku master ``` ## Configuration You may set the following environment variables to configure the way this image is run. ### Migrations Directory (Optional) Migrations are either mounted or built into the image. If it has been stored in a directory other than the default then it can be configured using the following: - `HASURA_GRAPHQL_MIGRATIONS_DIR` (default=`/hasura-migrations`) A path to the migrations directory. ### Metadata Directory (Optional) Metadata are either mounted or built into the image. If it has been stored in a directory other than the default then it can be configured using the following: - `HASURA_GRAPHQL_METADATA_DIR` (default=`/hasura-metadata`) A path to the metadata directory. ### Database (One of them required) The following are listed in order of evaluation, therefore if setting the first, the latter will not be evaluated. At least one of these **must** be configured to migrate the database successfully. - `HASURA_GRAPHQL_MIGRATIONS_DATABASE_ENV_VAR` (default=`null`) Defines a pointer to an environment variable, which holds the database url e.g. `HASURA_GRAPHQL_MIGRATIONS_DATABASE_ENV_VAR=DATABASE_URL` - `HASURA_GRAPHQL_MIGRATIONS_DATABASE_URL` (default=`null`) Defines the database url for migrations, allowing it to be separate from the database used for querying. An example use case is for a read only follower database used for querying your graphql endpoint. In this scenario you would migrate only the master and the follower would be kept in sync. `HASURA_GRAPHQL_MIGRATIONS_DATABASE_URL=postgres://:@:/` - `HASURA_GRAPHQL_DATABASE_URL` (default=`null`) Use as above to point to the default database url. `HASURA_GRAPHQL_DATABASE_URL=postgres://:@:/` ### GraphQL Server (Optional) Optional configuration for the server which boots during migrations. - `HASURA_GRAPHQL_MIGRATIONS_SERVER_PORT` (default=`9691`) Specify the port running the graphql server during execution of the migration script. It is advised that you do not specify a PORT that may be open e.g. 80/443 and the default should rarely require changing. - `HASURA_GRAPHQL_MIGRATIONS_SERVER_TIMEOUT` (default=`30s`) Specify the server timeout threshold.