module Hasura.GraphQL.Execute ( EB.ExecutionStep (..), ResolvedExecutionPlan (..), ET.GraphQLQueryType (..), getResolvedExecPlan, getExecPlanPartial, execRemoteGQ, SubscriptionExecution (..), buildSubscriptionPlan, ExecutionCtx (..), EC.MonadGQLExecutionCheck (..), checkQueryInAllowlist, MultiplexedLiveQueryPlan (..), LiveQueryPlan (..), ) where import Data.Aeson qualified as J import Data.Containers.ListUtils (nubOrd) import Data.Environment qualified as Env import Data.HashMap.Strict qualified as Map import Data.HashMap.Strict.InsOrd qualified as OMap import Data.HashSet qualified as HS import Data.Tagged qualified as Tagged import Hasura.Base.Error import Hasura.EncJSON import Hasura.GraphQL.Context qualified as C import Hasura.GraphQL.Execute.Action qualified as EA import Hasura.GraphQL.Execute.Backend qualified as EB import Hasura.GraphQL.Execute.Common qualified as EC import Hasura.GraphQL.Execute.LiveQuery.Plan qualified as EL import Hasura.GraphQL.Execute.Mutation qualified as EM import Hasura.GraphQL.Execute.Query qualified as EQ import Hasura.GraphQL.Execute.RemoteJoin qualified as RJ import Hasura.GraphQL.Execute.Types qualified as ET import Hasura.GraphQL.Namespace import Hasura.GraphQL.ParameterizedQueryHash import Hasura.GraphQL.Parser.Column (UnpreparedValue (..)) import Hasura.GraphQL.Parser.Directives import Hasura.GraphQL.Parser.Monad import Hasura.GraphQL.RemoteServer (execRemoteGQ) import Hasura.GraphQL.Transport.HTTP.Protocol import Hasura.Logging qualified as L import Hasura.Metadata.Class import Hasura.Prelude import Hasura.QueryTags import Hasura.RQL.IR qualified as IR import Hasura.RQL.Types import Hasura.SQL.AnyBackend qualified as AB import Hasura.Server.Types (ReadOnlyMode (..), RequestId (..)) import Hasura.Session import Hasura.Tracing qualified as Tracing import Language.GraphQL.Draft.Syntax qualified as G import Network.HTTP.Client qualified as HTTP import Network.HTTP.Types qualified as HTTP -- | Execution context data ExecutionCtx = ExecutionCtx { _ecxLogger :: L.Logger L.Hasura, _ecxSqlGenCtx :: SQLGenCtx, _ecxSchemaCache :: SchemaCache, _ecxSchemaCacheVer :: SchemaCacheVer, _ecxHttpManager :: HTTP.Manager, _ecxEnableAllowList :: Bool, _ecxReadOnlyMode :: ReadOnlyMode } getExecPlanPartial :: (MonadError QErr m) => UserInfo -> SchemaCache -> ET.GraphQLQueryType -> GQLReqParsed -> m (C.GQLContext, SingleOperation) getExecPlanPartial userInfo sc queryType req = (getGCtx,) <$> getSingleOperation req where role = _uiRole userInfo contextMap = case queryType of ET.QueryHasura -> scGQLContext sc ET.QueryRelay -> scRelayContext sc defaultContext = case queryType of ET.QueryHasura -> scUnauthenticatedGQLContext sc ET.QueryRelay -> scUnauthenticatedRelayContext sc getGCtx :: C.GQLContext getGCtx = case Map.lookup role contextMap of Nothing -> defaultContext Just (C.RoleContext frontend backend) -> case _uiBackendOnlyFieldAccess userInfo of BOFAAllowed -> fromMaybe frontend backend BOFADisallowed -> frontend -- The graphql query is resolved into a sequence of execution operations data ResolvedExecutionPlan = -- | query execution; remote schemas and introspection possible QueryExecutionPlan EB.ExecutionPlan [IR.QueryRootField UnpreparedValue] DirectiveMap | -- | mutation execution; only __typename introspection supported MutationExecutionPlan EB.ExecutionPlan | -- | either action query or live query execution; remote schemas and introspection not supported SubscriptionExecutionPlan SubscriptionExecution newtype MultiplexedLiveQueryPlan (b :: BackendType) = MultiplexedLiveQueryPlan (EL.LiveQueryPlan b (EB.MultiplexedQuery b)) newtype LiveQueryPlan = LQP (AB.AnyBackend MultiplexedLiveQueryPlan) -- | The comprehensive subscription plan. We only support either -- 1. Fields with only async action queries with no associated relationships -- or -- 2. Source database query fields from same source and also can be mixed with async -- action query fields whose relationships are defined to tables in the source data SubscriptionExecution = SEAsyncActionsWithNoRelationships !(RootFieldMap (ActionId, ActionLogResponse -> Either QErr EncJSON)) | SEOnSourceDB !(HashSet ActionId) !(ActionLogResponseMap -> ExceptT QErr IO (SourceName, LiveQueryPlan)) buildSubscriptionPlan :: forall m. (MonadError QErr m, EB.MonadQueryTags m) => UserInfo -> RootFieldMap (IR.QueryRootField UnpreparedValue) -> ParameterizedQueryHash -> m SubscriptionExecution buildSubscriptionPlan userInfo rootFields parameterizedQueryHash = do (onSourceFields, noRelationActionFields) <- foldlM go (mempty, mempty) (OMap.toList rootFields) if | null onSourceFields -> do pure $ SEAsyncActionsWithNoRelationships noRelationActionFields | null noRelationActionFields -> do let allActionIds = HS.fromList $ map fst $ lefts $ toList onSourceFields pure $ SEOnSourceDB allActionIds $ \actionLogMap -> do sourceSubFields <- for onSourceFields $ \case Right x -> pure x Left (actionId, (srcConfig, dbExecution)) -> do let sourceName = EA._aaqseSource dbExecution actionLogResponse <- Map.lookup actionId actionLogMap `onNothing` throw500 "unexpected: cannot lookup action_id in the map" let selectAST = EA._aaqseSelectBuilder dbExecution $ actionLogResponse queryDB = case EA._aaqseJsonAggSelect dbExecution of JASMultipleRows -> IR.QDBMultipleRows selectAST JASSingleObject -> IR.QDBSingleRow selectAST pure $ (sourceName, AB.mkAnyBackend $ IR.SourceConfigWith srcConfig Nothing (IR.QDBR queryDB)) case OMap.toList sourceSubFields of [] -> throw500 "empty selset for subscription" ((rootFieldName, sub) : _) -> buildAction sub sourceSubFields rootFieldName | otherwise -> throw400 NotSupported "async action queries with no relationships aren't expected to mix with normal source database queries" where go :: ( RootFieldMap ( Either (ActionId, (PGSourceConfig, EA.AsyncActionQuerySourceExecution (UnpreparedValue ('Postgres 'Vanilla)))) (SourceName, AB.AnyBackend (IR.SourceConfigWith (IR.QueryDBRoot Void UnpreparedValue))) ), RootFieldMap (ActionId, ActionLogResponse -> Either QErr EncJSON) ) -> (RootFieldAlias, IR.QueryRootField UnpreparedValue) -> m ( RootFieldMap ( Either (ActionId, (PGSourceConfig, EA.AsyncActionQuerySourceExecution (UnpreparedValue ('Postgres 'Vanilla)))) (SourceName, AB.AnyBackend (IR.SourceConfigWith (IR.QueryDBRoot Void UnpreparedValue))) ), RootFieldMap (ActionId, ActionLogResponse -> Either QErr EncJSON) ) go accFields (gName, field) = case field of IR.RFRemote _ -> throw400 NotSupported "subscription to remote server is not supported" IR.RFRaw _ -> throw400 NotSupported "Introspection not supported over subscriptions" IR.RFDB src e -> do newQDB <- AB.traverseBackend @EB.BackendExecute e \(IR.SourceConfigWith srcConfig queryTagsConfig (IR.QDBR qdb)) -> do let (newQDB, remoteJoins) = RJ.getRemoteJoinsQueryDB qdb unless (isNothing remoteJoins) $ throw400 NotSupported "Remote relationships are not allowed in subscriptions" pure $ IR.SourceConfigWith srcConfig queryTagsConfig (IR.QDBR newQDB) pure $ first (OMap.insert gName (Right (src, newQDB))) accFields IR.RFAction action -> do let (noRelsDBAST, remoteJoins) = RJ.getRemoteJoinsActionQuery action unless (isNothing remoteJoins) $ throw400 NotSupported "Remote relationships are not allowed in subscriptions" case noRelsDBAST of IR.AQAsync q -> do let actionId = _aaaqActionId q case EA.resolveAsyncActionQuery userInfo q of EA.AAQENoRelationships respMaker -> pure $ second (OMap.insert gName (actionId, respMaker)) accFields EA.AAQEOnSourceDB srcConfig dbExecution -> pure $ first (OMap.insert gName (Left (actionId, (srcConfig, dbExecution)))) accFields IR.AQQuery _ -> throw400 NotSupported "query actions cannot be run as a subscription" buildAction :: (SourceName, AB.AnyBackend (IR.SourceConfigWith b)) -> RootFieldMap (SourceName, AB.AnyBackend (IR.SourceConfigWith (IR.QueryDBRoot Void UnpreparedValue))) -> RootFieldAlias -> ExceptT QErr IO (SourceName, LiveQueryPlan) buildAction (sourceName, exists) allFields rootFieldName = do lqp <- AB.dispatchAnyBackend @EB.BackendExecute exists \(IR.SourceConfigWith sourceConfig queryTagsConfig _ :: IR.SourceConfigWith db b) -> do qdbs <- traverse (checkField @b sourceName) allFields let subscriptionQueryTagsAttributes = encodeQueryTags $ QTLiveQuery $ LivequeryMetadata rootFieldName parameterizedQueryHash let queryTagsComment = Tagged.untag $ EB.createQueryTags @m subscriptionQueryTagsAttributes queryTagsConfig LQP . AB.mkAnyBackend . MultiplexedLiveQueryPlan <$> runReaderT (EB.mkDBSubscriptionPlan userInfo sourceName sourceConfig (_rfaNamespace rootFieldName) qdbs) queryTagsComment pure (sourceName, lqp) checkField :: forall b m1. (Backend b, MonadError QErr m1) => SourceName -> (SourceName, AB.AnyBackend (IR.SourceConfigWith (IR.QueryDBRoot Void UnpreparedValue))) -> m1 (IR.QueryDB b Void (UnpreparedValue b)) checkField sourceName (src, exists) | sourceName /= src = throw400 NotSupported "all fields of a subscription must be from the same source" | otherwise = case AB.unpackAnyBackend exists of Nothing -> throw500 "internal error: two sources share the same name but are tied to different backends" Just (IR.SourceConfigWith _ _ (IR.QDBR qdb)) -> pure qdb checkQueryInAllowlist :: (MonadError QErr m) => Bool -> AllowlistMode -> UserInfo -> GQLReqParsed -> SchemaCache -> m () checkQueryInAllowlist allowlistEnabled allowlistMode userInfo req schemaCache = -- only for non-admin roles -- check if query is in allowlist when (allowlistEnabled && role /= adminRoleName) do let query = G.ExecutableDocument . unGQLExecDoc $ _grQuery req allowlist = scAllowlist schemaCache allowed = allowlistAllowsQuery allowlist allowlistMode role query unless allowed $ modifyQErr modErr $ throw400 ValidationFailed "query is not allowed" where role = _uiRole userInfo modErr e = let msg = "query is not in any of the allowlists" in e {qeInternal = Just $ ExtraInternal $ J.object ["message" J..= J.String msg]} getResolvedExecPlan :: forall m. ( MonadError QErr m, MonadMetadataStorage (MetadataStorageT m), MonadIO m, Tracing.MonadTrace m, EC.MonadGQLExecutionCheck m, EB.MonadQueryTags m ) => Env.Environment -> L.Logger L.Hasura -> UserInfo -> SQLGenCtx -> ReadOnlyMode -> SchemaCache -> SchemaCacheVer -> ET.GraphQLQueryType -> HTTP.Manager -> [HTTP.Header] -> (GQLReqUnparsed, GQLReqParsed) -> RequestId -> m (ParameterizedQueryHash, ResolvedExecutionPlan) getResolvedExecPlan env logger userInfo sqlGenCtx readOnlyMode sc _scVer queryType httpManager reqHeaders (reqUnparsed, reqParsed) reqId = do (gCtx, queryParts) <- getExecPlanPartial userInfo sc queryType reqParsed let maybeOperationName = (Just <$> _unOperationName) =<< _grOperationName reqParsed (parameterizedQueryHash, resolvedExecPlan) <- case queryParts of G.TypedOperationDefinition G.OperationTypeQuery _ varDefs directives inlinedSelSet -> do (executionPlan, queryRootFields, dirMap, parameterizedQueryHash) <- EQ.convertQuerySelSet env logger gCtx userInfo httpManager reqHeaders directives inlinedSelSet varDefs reqUnparsed (scSetGraphqlIntrospectionOptions sc) reqId maybeOperationName pure (parameterizedQueryHash, QueryExecutionPlan executionPlan queryRootFields dirMap) G.TypedOperationDefinition G.OperationTypeMutation _ varDefs directives inlinedSelSet -> do when (readOnlyMode == ReadOnlyModeEnabled) $ throw400 NotSupported "Mutations are not allowed when read-only mode is enabled" (executionPlan, parameterizedQueryHash) <- EM.convertMutationSelectionSet env logger gCtx sqlGenCtx userInfo httpManager reqHeaders directives inlinedSelSet varDefs reqUnparsed (scSetGraphqlIntrospectionOptions sc) reqId maybeOperationName pure (parameterizedQueryHash, MutationExecutionPlan executionPlan) G.TypedOperationDefinition G.OperationTypeSubscription _ varDefs directives inlinedSelSet -> do -- Parse as query to check correctness (unpreparedAST, normalizedDirectives, normalizedSelectionSet) <- EQ.parseGraphQLQuery gCtx varDefs (_grVariables reqUnparsed) directives inlinedSelSet let parameterizedQueryHash = calculateParameterizedQueryHash normalizedSelectionSet -- Process directives on the subscription dirMap <- (`onLeft` reportParseErrors) =<< runParseT (parseDirectives customDirectives (G.DLExecutable G.EDLSUBSCRIPTION) normalizedDirectives) -- A subscription should have exactly one root field. -- However, for testing purposes, we may allow several root fields; we check for this by -- looking for directive "_multiple_top_level_fields" on the subscription. THIS IS NOT A -- SUPPORTED FEATURE. We might remove it in the future without warning. DO NOT USE THIS. allowMultipleRootFields <- withDirective dirMap multipleRootFields $ pure . isJust case inlinedSelSet of [_] -> pure () [] -> throw500 "empty selset for subscription" _ -> unless (allowMultipleRootFields && isSingleNamespace unpreparedAST) $ throw400 ValidationFailed "subscriptions must select one top level field" subscriptionPlan <- buildSubscriptionPlan userInfo unpreparedAST parameterizedQueryHash pure (parameterizedQueryHash, SubscriptionExecutionPlan subscriptionPlan) -- the parameterized query hash is calculated here because it is used in multiple -- places and instead of calculating it separately, this is a common place to calculate -- the parameterized query hash and then thread it to the required places pure $ (parameterizedQueryHash, resolvedExecPlan) -- | Even when directive _multiple_top_level_fields is given, we can't allow -- fields within differently-aliased namespaces. -- This is because the namespace is added to the result by wrapping -- the bytestring response we get back from the DB. isSingleNamespace :: RootFieldMap a -> Bool isSingleNamespace fieldMap = case nubOrd (_rfaNamespace <$> OMap.keys fieldMap) of [_] -> True _ -> False