// Copyright IBM Corp. 2017. All Rights Reserved. // Node module: openapi-to-graphql // This file is licensed under the MIT License. // License text available at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT 'use strict'; import { graphql, GraphQLSchema, parse, validate } from 'graphql'; import { afterAll, beforeAll, expect, test } from '@jest/globals'; import * as openAPIToGraphQL from '../src/index'; const oas = require('./fixtures/cloudfunction.json'); let createdSchema: GraphQLSchema; beforeAll(async () => { const { schema } = await openAPIToGraphQL.createGraphQLSchema(oas); createdSchema = schema; }); test('Get response', async () => { const query = `mutation { mutationViewerBasicAuth (username: "test" password: "data") { postTestAction2 (payloadInput: {age: 27}) { payload age } } }`; // validate that 'limit' parameter is covered by options: const ast = parse(query); const errors = validate(createdSchema, ast); expect(errors).toEqual([]); });