{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-} {-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-} -- | Testing the `run_sql` API module Test.EventTriggersRunSQLSpec (spec) where import Control.Concurrent.Chan qualified as Chan import Data.Aeson (eitherDecode) import Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 qualified as L8 import Harness.Backend.Postgres qualified as Postgres import Harness.GraphqlEngine qualified as GraphqlEngine import Harness.Http qualified as Http import Harness.Quoter.Yaml import Harness.Test.Context qualified as Context import Harness.Test.Schema (Table (..), table) import Harness.Test.Schema qualified as Schema import Harness.TestEnvironment (Server (..), TestEnvironment, getServer, stopServer) import Harness.Webhook qualified as Webhook import Hasura.Prelude (Text, onLeft, onNothing) import Network.HTTP.Simple qualified as Http import System.Timeout (timeout) import Test.HUnit.Base (assertFailure) import Test.Hspec (SpecWith, it, shouldBe) import Prelude -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Preamble spec :: SpecWith TestEnvironment spec = Context.runWithLocalTestEnvironment [ Context.Context { name = Context.Backend Context.Postgres, -- setup the webhook server as the local test environment, -- so that the server can be referenced while testing mkLocalTestEnvironment = webhookServerMkLocalTestEnvironment, setup = postgresSetup, teardown = postgresTeardown, customOptions = Nothing } ] tests -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- * Backend -- ** Schema authorsTable :: Text -> Schema.Table authorsTable tableName = (table tableName) { tableColumns = [ Schema.column "id" Schema.TStr, Schema.column "name" Schema.TStr, Schema.column "created_at" Schema.TUTCTime ], tablePrimaryKey = ["id"] } usersTable :: Schema.Table usersTable = (table "users") { tableColumns = [ Schema.column "id" Schema.TStr, Schema.column "name" Schema.TStr, Schema.column "created_at" Schema.TUTCTime ], tablePrimaryKey = ["id"] } schema :: Text -> [Schema.Table] schema authorTableName = [ authorsTable authorTableName, usersTable ] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Tests tests :: Context.Options -> SpecWith (TestEnvironment, (GraphqlEngine.Server, Webhook.EventsQueue)) tests opts = do triggerListeningToAllColumnTests opts triggerListeningToSpecificColumnsTests opts dropTableContainingTriggerTest opts renameTableContainingTriggerTests opts triggerListeningToAllColumnTests :: Context.Options -> SpecWith (TestEnvironment, (GraphqlEngine.Server, Webhook.EventsQueue)) triggerListeningToAllColumnTests opts = do it ( "when a run_sql query drops a column of a table," <> " it should not throw any error even when an event trigger" <> " that accesses all the columns of that table exists" ) $ \(testEnvironment, _) -> shouldReturnYaml opts ( GraphqlEngine.postV2Query 200 testEnvironment [yaml| type: run_sql args: source: postgres sql: "ALTER TABLE authors DROP COLUMN created_at;" |] ) [yaml| result_type: CommandOk result: null |] it "inserting a new row should work fine" $ \(testEnvironment, (_, (Webhook.EventsQueue eventsQueue))) -> do shouldReturnYaml opts ( GraphqlEngine.postV2Query 200 testEnvironment [yaml| type: run_sql args: source: postgres sql: "INSERT INTO authors (id, name) values (1, 'john') RETURNING name" |] ) [yaml| result_type: TuplesOk result: - - name - - john |] eventPayload <- -- wait for the event for a maximum of 5 seconds timeout (5 * 1000000) (Chan.readChan eventsQueue) >>= (`onNothing` (assertFailure "Event expected, but not fired")) eventPayload `shouldBeYaml` [yaml| old: null new: name: john id: '1' |] triggerListeningToSpecificColumnsTests :: Context.Options -> SpecWith (TestEnvironment, (GraphqlEngine.Server, Webhook.EventsQueue)) triggerListeningToSpecificColumnsTests _ = do it ( "when a run_sql query drops a column of a table" <> " and an event trigger is defined to access that column" <> " dependency error should be thrown" ) $ \((getServer -> Server {urlPrefix, port}), _) -> do response <- Http.post (urlPrefix ++ ":" ++ show port ++ "/v2/query") mempty [yaml| type: run_sql args: source: postgres sql: "ALTER TABLE users DROP COLUMN created_at;" |] Http.getResponseStatusCode response `shouldBe` 400 let responseBody = Http.getResponseBody response responseValue <- eitherDecode responseBody `onLeft` \err -> assertFailure ( "In request: " ++ "/v2/query" ++ "Couldn't decode JSON body:" ++ show err ++ "Body was:" ++ L8.unpack responseBody ) responseValue `shouldBeYaml` [yaml| path: $ error: 'cannot drop due to the following dependent objects : event-trigger hasura.users.users_name_created_at in source "postgres"' code: dependency-error |] dropTableContainingTriggerTest :: Context.Options -> SpecWith (TestEnvironment, (GraphqlEngine.Server, Webhook.EventsQueue)) dropTableContainingTriggerTest opts = do it ( "when a run_sql query drops a table" <> " dependency error should be thrown when an event trigger" <> " accesses specific columns of the table" ) $ \(testEnvironment, _) -> shouldReturnYaml opts ( GraphqlEngine.postV2Query 200 testEnvironment [yaml| type: run_sql args: source: postgres sql: "DROP TABLE users" |] ) [yaml| result_type: CommandOk result: null |] renameTableContainingTriggerTests :: Context.Options -> SpecWith (TestEnvironment, (GraphqlEngine.Server, Webhook.EventsQueue)) renameTableContainingTriggerTests opts = do it ( "when a run_sql query drops a column of a table" <> " should not throw any error even when an event trigger" <> " that accesses all the columns of that table exists" ) $ \(testEnvironment, _) -> shouldReturnYaml opts ( GraphqlEngine.postV2Query 200 testEnvironment [yaml| type: run_sql args: source: postgres sql: "ALTER TABLE authors RENAME TO authors_new;" |] ) [yaml| result_type: CommandOk result: null |] it "inserting a new row should work fine" $ \(testEnvironment, (_, (Webhook.EventsQueue eventsQueue))) -> do shouldReturnYaml opts ( GraphqlEngine.postV2Query 200 testEnvironment [yaml| type: run_sql args: source: postgres sql: "INSERT INTO authors_new (id, name) values (2, 'dan') RETURNING name" |] ) [yaml| result_type: TuplesOk result: - - name - - dan |] eventPayload <- -- wait for the event for a maximum of 5 seconds timeout (5 * 1000000) (Chan.readChan eventsQueue) >>= (`onNothing` (assertFailure "Event expected, but not fired")) eventPayload `shouldBeYaml` [yaml| old: null new: name: dan id: '2' |] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- ** Setup and teardown override postgresSetup :: (TestEnvironment, (GraphqlEngine.Server, Webhook.EventsQueue)) -> IO () postgresSetup (testEnvironment, (webhookServer, _)) = do Postgres.setup (schema "authors") (testEnvironment, ()) let webhookServerEchoEndpoint = GraphqlEngine.serverUrl webhookServer ++ "/echo" GraphqlEngine.postMetadata_ testEnvironment $ [yaml| type: bulk args: - type: pg_create_event_trigger args: name: authors_all source: postgres table: name: authors schema: hasura webhook: *webhookServerEchoEndpoint insert: columns: "*" - type: pg_create_event_trigger args: name: users_name_created_at source: postgres table: name: users schema: hasura webhook: *webhookServerEchoEndpoint insert: columns: - name - created_at |] postgresTeardown :: (TestEnvironment, (GraphqlEngine.Server, Webhook.EventsQueue)) -> IO () postgresTeardown (testEnvironment, (server, _)) = do GraphqlEngine.postMetadata_ testEnvironment $ [yaml| type: bulk args: - type: pg_delete_event_trigger args: name: authors_all source: postgres |] stopServer server -- only authors table needs to be tear down because -- the users table has already been dropped in the -- `dropTableContainingTriggerTest` test. -- The authors table was renamed in the `renameTableContainingTriggerTests` test Postgres.teardown [(authorsTable "authors_new")] (testEnvironment, ()) webhookServerMkLocalTestEnvironment :: TestEnvironment -> IO (GraphqlEngine.Server, Webhook.EventsQueue) webhookServerMkLocalTestEnvironment _ = do Webhook.run