{-# LANGUAGE Arrows #-} module Hasura.RQL.DDL.Schema.Cache.Fields (addNonColumnFields) where import Control.Arrow.Extended import Control.Lens ((^.), _3, _4) import Data.Aeson import Data.Align (align) import Data.HashMap.Strict.Extended qualified as M import Data.HashSet qualified as HS import Data.Sequence qualified as Seq import Data.Text.Extended import Data.These (These (..)) import Hasura.Base.Error import Hasura.Incremental qualified as Inc import Hasura.Prelude import Hasura.RQL.DDL.ComputedField import Hasura.RQL.DDL.Relationship import Hasura.RQL.DDL.RemoteRelationship import Hasura.RQL.DDL.Schema.Cache.Common import Hasura.RQL.DDL.Schema.Function import Hasura.RQL.Types import Hasura.SQL.AnyBackend qualified as AB import Language.GraphQL.Draft.Syntax qualified as G addNonColumnFields :: forall b arr m. ( ArrowChoice arr, Inc.ArrowDistribute arr, ArrowWriter (Seq CollectedInfo) arr, ArrowKleisli m arr, MonadError QErr m, BackendMetadata b ) => ( HashMap SourceName (AB.AnyBackend PartiallyResolvedSource), SourceName, HashMap (TableName b) (TableCoreInfoG b (ColumnInfo b) (ColumnInfo b)), FieldInfoMap (ColumnInfo b), RemoteSchemaMap, DBFunctionsMetadata b, NonColumnTableInputs b ) `arr` FieldInfoMap (FieldInfo b) addNonColumnFields = proc ( allSources, source, rawTableInfo, columns, remoteSchemaMap, pgFunctions, NonColumnTableInputs {..} ) -> do objectRelationshipInfos <- buildInfoMapPreservingMetadata (_rdName . (^. _3)) (\(s, t, c) -> mkRelationshipMetadataObject @b ObjRel (s, t, c)) buildObjectRelationship -< (_tciForeignKeys <$> rawTableInfo, map (source,_nctiTable,) _nctiObjectRelationships) arrayRelationshipInfos <- buildInfoMapPreservingMetadata (_rdName . (^. _3)) (mkRelationshipMetadataObject @b ArrRel) buildArrayRelationship -< (_tciForeignKeys <$> rawTableInfo, map (source,_nctiTable,) _nctiArrayRelationships) let relationshipInfos = objectRelationshipInfos <> arrayRelationshipInfos computedFieldInfos <- buildInfoMapPreservingMetadata (_cfmName . (^. _4)) (\(s, _, t, c) -> mkComputedFieldMetadataObject (s, t, c)) buildComputedField -< (HS.fromList $ M.keys rawTableInfo, map (source,pgFunctions,_nctiTable,) _nctiComputedFields) let columnsAndComputedFields = let columnFields = columns <&> FIColumn computedFields = M.fromList $ flip map (M.toList computedFieldInfos) $ \(cfName, (cfInfo, _)) -> (fromComputedField cfName, FIComputedField cfInfo) in M.union columnFields computedFields rawRemoteRelationshipInfos <- buildInfoMapPreservingMetadata (_rrName . (^. _3)) (mkRemoteRelationshipMetadataObject @b) buildRemoteRelationship -< ((allSources, columnsAndComputedFields, remoteSchemaMap), map (source,_nctiTable,) _nctiRemoteRelationships) let relationshipFields = mapKeys fromRel relationshipInfos computedFieldFields = mapKeys fromComputedField computedFieldInfos remoteRelationshipFields = mapKeys fromRemoteRelationship rawRemoteRelationshipInfos -- First, check for conflicts between non-column fields, since we can raise a better error -- message in terms of the two metadata objects that define them. (align relationshipFields computedFieldFields >- returnA) >-> (| Inc.keyed (\fieldName fields -> (fieldName, fields) >- noFieldConflicts FIRelationship FIComputedField) |) -- Second, align with remote relationship fields >-> (\fields -> align (M.catMaybes fields) remoteRelationshipFields >- returnA) >-> (| Inc.keyed (\fieldName fields -> (fieldName, fields) >- noFieldConflicts id FIRemoteRelationship) |) -- Next, check for conflicts with custom field names. This is easiest to do before merging with -- the column info itself because we have access to the information separately, and custom field -- names are not currently stored as a separate map (but maybe should be!). >-> (\fields -> (columns, M.catMaybes fields) >- noCustomFieldConflicts) -- Finally, check for conflicts with the columns themselves. >-> (\fields -> align columns (M.catMaybes fields) >- returnA) >-> (| Inc.keyed (\_ fields -> fields >- noColumnConflicts) |) where noFieldConflicts this that = proc (fieldName, fields) -> case fields of This (thisField, metadata) -> returnA -< Just (this thisField, metadata) That (thatField, metadata) -> returnA -< Just (that thatField, metadata) These (_, thisMetadata) (_, thatMetadata) -> do tellA -< Seq.singleton $ CIInconsistency $ ConflictingObjects ("conflicting definitions for field " <>> fieldName) [thisMetadata, thatMetadata] returnA -< Nothing noCustomFieldConflicts = proc (columns, nonColumnFields) -> do let columnsByGQLName = mapFromL pgiName $ M.elems columns (| Inc.keyed ( \_ (fieldInfo, metadata) -> (| withRecordInconsistency ( do (| traverseA_ ( \fieldGQLName -> case M.lookup fieldGQLName columnsByGQLName of -- Only raise an error if the GQL name isn’t the same as the Postgres column name. -- If they are the same, `noColumnConflicts` will catch it, and it will produce a -- more useful error message. Just columnInfo | toTxt (pgiColumn columnInfo) /= G.unName fieldGQLName -> throwA -< err400 AlreadyExists $ "field definition conflicts with custom field name for postgres column " <>> pgiColumn columnInfo _ -> returnA -< () ) |) (fieldInfoGraphQLNames fieldInfo) returnA -< (fieldInfo, metadata) ) |) metadata ) |) nonColumnFields noColumnConflicts = proc fields -> case fields of This columnInfo -> returnA -< FIColumn columnInfo That (fieldInfo, _) -> returnA -< fieldInfo These columnInfo (_, fieldMetadata) -> do recordInconsistency -< ((Nothing, fieldMetadata), "field definition conflicts with postgres column") returnA -< FIColumn columnInfo mkRelationshipMetadataObject :: forall b a. (ToJSON a, Backend b) => RelType -> (SourceName, TableName b, RelDef a) -> MetadataObject mkRelationshipMetadataObject relType (source, table, relDef) = let objectId = MOSourceObjId source $ AB.mkAnyBackend $ SMOTableObj @b table $ MTORel (_rdName relDef) relType in MetadataObject objectId $ toJSON $ WithTable @b source table relDef buildObjectRelationship :: ( ArrowChoice arr, ArrowWriter (Seq CollectedInfo) arr, Backend b ) => ( HashMap (TableName b) (HashSet (ForeignKey b)), ( SourceName, TableName b, ObjRelDef b ) ) `arr` Maybe (RelInfo b) buildObjectRelationship = proc (fkeysMap, (source, table, relDef)) -> do let buildRelInfo def = objRelP2Setup source table fkeysMap def buildRelationship -< (source, table, buildRelInfo, ObjRel, relDef) buildArrayRelationship :: ( ArrowChoice arr, ArrowWriter (Seq CollectedInfo) arr, Backend b ) => ( HashMap (TableName b) (HashSet (ForeignKey b)), ( SourceName, TableName b, ArrRelDef b ) ) `arr` Maybe (RelInfo b) buildArrayRelationship = proc (fkeysMap, (source, table, relDef)) -> do let buildRelInfo def = arrRelP2Setup fkeysMap source table def buildRelationship -< (source, table, buildRelInfo, ArrRel, relDef) buildRelationship :: forall b arr a. ( ArrowChoice arr, ArrowWriter (Seq CollectedInfo) arr, ToJSON a, Backend b ) => ( SourceName, TableName b, RelDef a -> Either QErr (RelInfo b, [SchemaDependency]), RelType, RelDef a ) `arr` Maybe (RelInfo b) buildRelationship = proc (source, table, buildRelInfo, relType, relDef) -> do let relName = _rdName relDef metadataObject = mkRelationshipMetadataObject @b relType (source, table, relDef) schemaObject = SOSourceObj source $ AB.mkAnyBackend $ SOITableObj @b table $ TORel relName addRelationshipContext e = "in relationship " <> relName <<> ": " <> e (| withRecordInconsistency ( (| modifyErrA ( do (info, dependencies) <- liftEitherA -< buildRelInfo relDef recordDependencies -< (metadataObject, schemaObject, dependencies) returnA -< info ) |) (addTableContext @b table . addRelationshipContext) ) |) metadataObject mkComputedFieldMetadataObject :: forall b. (Backend b) => (SourceName, TableName b, ComputedFieldMetadata b) -> MetadataObject mkComputedFieldMetadataObject (source, table, ComputedFieldMetadata {..}) = let objectId = MOSourceObjId source $ AB.mkAnyBackend $ SMOTableObj @b table $ MTOComputedField _cfmName definition = AddComputedField source table _cfmName _cfmDefinition _cfmComment in MetadataObject objectId (toJSON definition) buildComputedField :: forall b arr m. ( ArrowChoice arr, ArrowWriter (Seq CollectedInfo) arr, ArrowKleisli m arr, MonadError QErr m, BackendMetadata b ) => ( HashSet (TableName b), (SourceName, DBFunctionsMetadata b, TableName b, ComputedFieldMetadata b) ) `arr` Maybe (ComputedFieldInfo b) buildComputedField = proc (trackedTableNames, (source, pgFunctions, table, cf@ComputedFieldMetadata {..})) -> do let addComputedFieldContext e = "in computed field " <> _cfmName <<> ": " <> e function = _cfdFunction _cfmDefinition funcDefs = fromMaybe [] $ M.lookup function pgFunctions (| withRecordInconsistency ( (| modifyErrA ( do rawfi <- bindErrorA -< handleMultipleFunctions @b (_cfdFunction _cfmDefinition) funcDefs bindErrorA -< buildComputedFieldInfo trackedTableNames table _cfmName _cfmDefinition rawfi _cfmComment ) |) (addTableContext @b table . addComputedFieldContext) ) |) (mkComputedFieldMetadataObject (source, table, cf)) mkRemoteRelationshipMetadataObject :: forall b. Backend b => (SourceName, TableName b, RemoteRelationship) -> MetadataObject mkRemoteRelationshipMetadataObject (source, table, rr@RemoteRelationship {..}) = let objectId = MOSourceObjId source $ AB.mkAnyBackend $ SMOTableObj @b table $ MTORemoteRelationship _rrName in MetadataObject objectId $ toJSON $ CreateFromSourceRelationship @b source table rr buildRemoteRelationship :: forall b arr m. ( ArrowChoice arr, ArrowWriter (Seq CollectedInfo) arr, ArrowKleisli m arr, MonadError QErr m, BackendMetadata b ) => ( (HashMap SourceName (AB.AnyBackend PartiallyResolvedSource), FieldInfoMap (FieldInfo b), RemoteSchemaMap), (SourceName, TableName b, RemoteRelationship) ) `arr` Maybe (RemoteFieldInfo b) buildRemoteRelationship = proc ( (allSources, allColumns, remoteSchemaMap), (source, table, rr@RemoteRelationship {..}) ) -> do let metadataObject = mkRemoteRelationshipMetadataObject @b (source, table, rr) schemaObj = SOSourceObj source $ AB.mkAnyBackend $ SOITableObj @b table $ TORemoteRel _rrName addRemoteRelationshipContext e = "in remote relationship" <> _rrName <<> ": " <> e (| withRecordInconsistency ( (| modifyErrA ( do (remoteField, dependencies) <- bindErrorA -< buildRemoteFieldInfo source table allColumns rr allSources remoteSchemaMap recordDependencies -< (metadataObject, schemaObj, dependencies) returnA -< remoteField ) |) (addTableContext @b table . addRemoteRelationshipContext) ) |) metadataObject