{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-} -- | This module contains the default types and function that model aggregation -- predicates. module Hasura.RQL.IR.BoolExp.AggregationPredicates ( AggregationPredicatesImplementation (..), AggregationPredicate (..), AggregationPredicateArguments (..), ) where import Data.Aeson import Data.Aeson.Extended (ToJSONKeyValue (..)) import Data.Aeson.Key (fromText) import Hasura.Incremental (Cacheable) import Hasura.Prelude import Hasura.RQL.IR.BoolExp (AnnBoolExp, OpExpG) import Hasura.RQL.Types.Backend (Backend (Column)) import Hasura.RQL.Types.Backend qualified as B import Hasura.RQL.Types.Relationships.Local (RelInfo) import Hasura.SQL.Backend (BackendType) -- | This type the default non-empty implementation of the -- 'AggregationPredicates' type family of 'class Backend'. -- -- This represents an _applied_ aggregation predicate, i.e. _not_ an aggegation -- function in isolation. -- -- In the default schema implementation, this type results from parsing graphql such as: -- -- table(_where( -- _aggregate: -- {: { -- arguments: , -- predicate: , -- distinct: bool -- } -- } -- )) -- { ... } -- -- Note that we make no attempt at modelling window functions or so-called -- 'analytical' functions such as 'percentile_cont'. data AggregationPredicatesImplementation (b :: BackendType) field = AggregationPredicatesImplementation { aggRelation :: RelInfo b, aggRowPermission :: AnnBoolExp b field, aggPredicate :: AggregationPredicate b field } deriving stock (Foldable, Traversable, Functor, Generic) deriving instance ( B.Backend b, Eq (AggregationPredicate b field), Eq (AnnBoolExp b field) ) => Eq (AggregationPredicatesImplementation b field) deriving instance ( B.Backend b, Show (AggregationPredicate b field), Show (AnnBoolExp b field) ) => Show (AggregationPredicatesImplementation b field) instance ( B.Backend b, Cacheable (AggregationPredicate b field), Cacheable (AnnBoolExp b field) ) => Cacheable (AggregationPredicatesImplementation b field) instance ( B.Backend b, Hashable (AggregationPredicate b field), Hashable (AnnBoolExp b field) ) => Hashable (AggregationPredicatesImplementation b field) instance ( B.Backend b, NFData (AggregationPredicate b field), NFData (AnnBoolExp b field) ) => NFData (AggregationPredicatesImplementation b field) instance ( ToJSON (AnnBoolExp b field), ToJSON (AggregationPredicate b field), ToJSON (OpExpG b field), B.Backend b ) => ToJSON (AggregationPredicatesImplementation b field) instance ( Backend b, ToJSONKeyValue (AggregationPredicate b field) ) => ToJSONKeyValue (AggregationPredicatesImplementation b field) where toJSONKeyValue AggregationPredicatesImplementation {..} = ( fromText "aggregation_predicates", toJSON [ ("predicate" :: Text, toJSON $ toJSONKeyValue aggPredicate), ("relation", toJSON aggRelation) ] ) data AggregationPredicate (b :: BackendType) field = AggregationPredicate { aggPredFunctionName :: Text, aggPredDistinct :: Bool, aggPredFilter :: Maybe (AnnBoolExp b field), aggPredArguments :: AggregationPredicateArguments b, aggPredPredicate :: [OpExpG b field] } deriving stock (Foldable, Traversable, Functor, Generic) deriving instance ( B.Backend b, Eq (AnnBoolExp b field), Eq (OpExpG b field), Eq (AggregationPredicateArguments b) ) => Eq (AggregationPredicate b field) deriving instance ( B.Backend b, Show (AnnBoolExp b field), Show (OpExpG b field), Show (AggregationPredicateArguments b) ) => Show (AggregationPredicate b field) instance ( B.Backend b, Hashable (B.BooleanOperators b field), Hashable (AnnBoolExp b field), Hashable field ) => Hashable (AggregationPredicate b field) instance ( B.Backend b, Cacheable (AggregationPredicateArguments b), Cacheable (AnnBoolExp b field), Cacheable (OpExpG b field) ) => Cacheable (AggregationPredicate b field) instance ( B.Backend b, NFData (AggregationPredicateArguments b), NFData (AnnBoolExp b field), NFData (OpExpG b field) ) => NFData (AggregationPredicate b field) instance ( ToJSON (AggregationPredicateArguments b), ToJSON (AnnBoolExp b field), ToJSONKeyValue (OpExpG b field) ) => ToJSONKeyValue (AggregationPredicate b field) where toJSONKeyValue AggregationPredicate {..} = ( fromText aggPredFunctionName, toJSON [ ("aggPredDistinct" :: Text, toJSON aggPredDistinct), ("aggPredFilter", toJSON aggPredFilter), ("aggPredArguments", toJSON aggPredArguments), ("aggPredPredicate", toJSON (map toJSONKeyValue aggPredPredicate)) ] ) data AggregationPredicateArguments (b :: BackendType) = AggregationPredicateArgumentsStar | AggregationPredicateArguments (NonEmpty (Column b)) deriving stock (Generic) deriving instance B.Backend b => Eq (AggregationPredicateArguments b) deriving instance B.Backend b => Show (AggregationPredicateArguments b) instance Backend b => Hashable (AggregationPredicateArguments b) instance Backend b => Cacheable (AggregationPredicateArguments b) instance Backend b => NFData (AggregationPredicateArguments b) instance (Backend b) => ToJSON (AggregationPredicateArguments b)