-- | -- = Remote Schema Permissions Validation -- -- This module parses the GraphQL IDL (Schema Document) that's provided by -- the user for configuring permissions for remote schemas to a schema -- introspection object, which is then used to construct the remote schema for -- the particular role. -- -- This module does two things essentially: -- -- 1. Checks if the given schema document is a subset of the upstream remote -- schema document. This is done by checking if all the objects, interfaces, -- unions, enums, scalars and input objects provided in the schema document -- exist in the upstream remote schema too. We validate the fields, directives -- and arguments too, wherever applicable. -- 2. Parse the `preset` directives (if any) on input object fields or argument fields. -- A `preset` directive is used to specify any preset argument on a field, it can be -- either a static value or session variable value. There is some validation done -- on preset directives. For example: -- - Preset directives can only be specified at -- `ARGUMENT_DEFINITION` or `INPUT_FIELD_DEFINITION` -- - A field expecting object cannot have a scalar/enum preset directive and vice versa. -- -- If a preset directive value is a session variable (like `x-hasura-*`), then it's -- considered to be a session variable value. In the case, the user wants to treat the -- session variable value literally, they can add the `static` key to the preset directive -- to indicate that the value provided should be considered literally. For example: -- -- `user(id: Int @preset(value: "x-hasura-user-id", static: true)) -- -- In this case `x-hasura-user-id` will be considered literally. -- -- For validation, we use the `MonadValidate` monad transformer to collect as many errors -- as possible and then report all those errors at one go to the user. module Hasura.RQL.DDL.RemoteSchema.Permission ( resolveRoleBasedRemoteSchema, ) where import Control.Monad.Validate import Data.HashMap.Strict.Extended qualified as Map import Data.HashSet qualified as S import Data.List.Extended (duplicates, getDifference) import Data.List.NonEmpty qualified as NE import Data.Text qualified as T import Data.Text.Extended import Hasura.Base.Error import Hasura.Prelude import Hasura.RQL.Types hiding (GraphQLType, defaultScalars) import Hasura.Server.Utils (englishList, isSessionVariable) import Hasura.Session import Language.GraphQL.Draft.Syntax qualified as G data FieldDefinitionType = ObjectField | InterfaceField | EnumField deriving (Show, Eq) instance ToTxt FieldDefinitionType where toTxt = \case ObjectField -> "Object" InterfaceField -> "Interface" EnumField -> "Enum" data ArgumentDefinitionType = InputObjectArgument | DirectiveArgument deriving (Show, Eq) instance ToTxt ArgumentDefinitionType where toTxt = \case InputObjectArgument -> "Input object" DirectiveArgument -> "Directive" data PresetInputTypeInfo = PresetScalar !G.Name | PresetEnum !G.Name ![G.EnumValue] | PresetInputObject ![G.InputValueDefinition] deriving (Show, Eq, Generic, Ord) data GraphQLType = Enum | InputObject | Object | Interface | Union | Scalar | Directive | Field !FieldDefinitionType | Argument !ArgumentDefinitionType deriving (Show, Eq) instance ToTxt GraphQLType where toTxt = \case Enum -> "Enum" InputObject -> "Input object" Object -> "Object" Interface -> "Interface" Union -> "Union" Scalar -> "Scalar" Directive -> "Directive" Field ObjectField -> "Object field" Field InterfaceField -> "Interface field" Field EnumField -> "Enum field" Argument InputObjectArgument -> "Input object argument" Argument DirectiveArgument -> "Directive Argument" data RoleBasedSchemaValidationError = -- | error to indicate that a type provided by the user -- differs from the corresponding type defined in the upstream -- remote schema NonMatchingType !G.Name !GraphQLType !G.GType !G.GType | -- | error to indicate when a type definition doesn't exist -- in the upstream remote schema TypeDoesNotExist !GraphQLType !G.Name | -- | error to indicate when the default value of an argument -- differs from the default value of the corresponding argument NonMatchingDefaultValue !G.Name !G.Name !(Maybe (G.Value Void)) !(Maybe (G.Value Void)) | -- | error to indicate when a given input argument doesn't exist -- in the corresponding upstream input object NonExistingInputArgument !G.Name !G.Name | MissingNonNullableArguments !G.Name !(NonEmpty G.Name) | -- | error to indicate when a given directive argument -- doesn't exist in the corresponding upstream directive NonExistingDirectiveArgument !G.Name !GraphQLType !G.Name !(NonEmpty G.Name) | -- | error to indicate when a given field doesn't exist in a field type (Object/Interface) NonExistingField !(FieldDefinitionType, G.Name) !G.Name | -- | error to indicate when member types of an Union don't exist in the -- corresponding upstream union NonExistingUnionMemberTypes !G.Name !(NE.NonEmpty G.Name) | -- | error to indicate when an object is trying to implement an interface -- which exists in the schema document but the interface doesn't exist -- in the upstream remote. CustomInterfacesNotAllowed !G.Name !(NE.NonEmpty G.Name) | -- | error to indicate when object implements interfaces that don't exist ObjectImplementsNonExistingInterfaces !G.Name !(NE.NonEmpty G.Name) | -- | error to indicate enum values in an enum do not exist in the -- corresponding upstream enum NonExistingEnumValues !G.Name !(NE.NonEmpty G.Name) | -- | error to indicate when the user provided schema contains more than -- one schema definition MultipleSchemaDefinitionsFound | -- | error to indicate when the schema definition doesn't contain the -- query root. MissingQueryRoot | DuplicateTypeNames !(NE.NonEmpty G.Name) | DuplicateDirectives !(GraphQLType, G.Name) !(NE.NonEmpty G.Name) | DuplicateFields !(FieldDefinitionType, G.Name) !(NE.NonEmpty G.Name) | DuplicateArguments !G.Name !(NE.NonEmpty G.Name) | DuplicateEnumValues !G.Name !(NE.NonEmpty G.Name) | InvalidPresetDirectiveLocation | MultiplePresetDirectives !(GraphQLType, G.Name) | NoPresetArgumentFound | InvalidPresetArgument !G.Name | ExpectedInputTypeButGotOutputType !G.Name | EnumValueNotFound !G.Name !G.Name | ExpectedEnumValue !G.Name !(G.Value Void) | KeyDoesNotExistInInputObject !G.Name !G.Name | ExpectedInputObject !G.Name !(G.Value Void) | ExpectedScalarValue !G.Name !(G.Value Void) | DisallowSessionVarForListType !G.Name | InvalidStaticValue | -- | Error to indicate we're comparing non corresponding -- type definitions. Ideally, this error will never occur -- unless there's a programming error UnexpectedNonMatchingNames !G.Name !G.Name !GraphQLType deriving (Show, Eq) convertTypeDef :: G.TypeDefinition [G.Name] a -> G.TypeDefinition () a convertTypeDef (G.TypeDefinitionInterface (G.InterfaceTypeDefinition desc name dirs flds _)) = G.TypeDefinitionInterface $ G.InterfaceTypeDefinition desc name dirs flds () convertTypeDef (G.TypeDefinitionScalar s) = G.TypeDefinitionScalar s convertTypeDef (G.TypeDefinitionInputObject inpObj) = G.TypeDefinitionInputObject inpObj convertTypeDef (G.TypeDefinitionEnum s) = G.TypeDefinitionEnum s convertTypeDef (G.TypeDefinitionUnion s) = G.TypeDefinitionUnion s convertTypeDef (G.TypeDefinitionObject s) = G.TypeDefinitionObject s {- Note [Remote Schema Argument Presets] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Remote schema argument presets are a way to inject values from static values or from session variables during execution. Presets can be set using the `preset` directive, the preset directive is defined in the following manner: ``` scalar PresetValue directive @preset( value: PresetValue ) on INPUT_FIELD_DEFINITION | ARGUMENT_DEFINITION ``` When a preset directive is defined on an input type, the input type is removed from the schema and the value is injected by the graphql-engine during the execution. There are two types of preset: 1. Static preset ---------------- Static preset is used to preset a static GraphQL value which will be injected during the execution of the query. Static presets can be specified on all types of input types i.e scalars, enums and input objects and lists of these types. The preset value (if specified) will be validated against the type it's provided. For example: ``` users(user_id: Int @preset(value: {user_id: 1})) ``` The above example will throw an error because the preset is attempting to preset an input object value for a scalar (Int) type. 2. Session variable preset -------------------------- Session variable preset is used to inject value from a session variable into the graphql query during the execution. If the `value` argument of the preset directive is in the format of the session variable i.e. `x-hasura-*` it will be treated as a session variable preset. During the execution of a query, which has a session variable preset set, the session variable's will be looked up and the value will be constructed into a GraphQL variable. Check out `resolveRemoteVariable` for more details about how the session variable presets get resolved. At the time of writing this note, session variable presets can **only** be specified at named types and only for scalar and enum types. This is done because currently there's no good way to specify array or object values through session variables. -} {- Note [Remote Schema Permissions Architecture] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Remote schema permissions feature is designed in the following way: 1. An user can configure remote schema permissions for a particular role using the `add_remote_schema_permissions` API, note that this API will only work when remote schema permissions are enabled while starting the graphql-engine, which can be done either by the setting the server flag `--enable-remote-schema-permissions` or the env variable `HASURA_GRAPHQL_ENABLE_REMOTE_SCHEMA_PERMISSIONS` to `true`. Check the module documentation of `Hasura.RQL.DDL.RemoteSchema.Permission` (this module) for more details about how the `add_remote_schema_permissions` API works. 2. The given schema document is parsed into an `IntrospectionResult` object, 3. The schema is built with the `IntrospectionResult` parsed in #2 for the said role. Check out the documentation in `argumentsParser` to know more about how the presets are handled. 4. For a remote schema query, the schema will return a `RemoteField` which contains unresolved session variables, the `RemoteField` is resolved using the `resolveRemoteField` function. The `resolveRemoteVariable` function contains more details about how the `RemoteVariable` is resolved. 5. After resolving the remote field, the remote server is queried with the resolved remote field. -} showRoleBasedSchemaValidationError :: RoleBasedSchemaValidationError -> Text showRoleBasedSchemaValidationError = \case NonMatchingType fldName fldType expectedType providedType -> "expected type of " <> dquote fldName <> "(" <> dquote fldType <> ")" <> " to be " <> (G.showGT expectedType) <> " but received " <> (G.showGT providedType) TypeDoesNotExist graphQLType typeName -> graphQLType <<> ": " <> typeName <<> " does not exist in the upstream remote schema" NonMatchingDefaultValue inpObjName inpValName expectedVal providedVal -> "expected default value of input value: " <> inpValName <<> "of input object " <> inpObjName <<> " to be " <> defaultValueToText expectedVal <> " but received " <> defaultValueToText providedVal NonExistingInputArgument inpObjName inpArgName -> "input argument " <> inpArgName <<> " does not exist in the input object:" <>> inpObjName MissingNonNullableArguments fieldName nonNullableArgs -> "field: " <> fieldName <<> " expects the following non nullable arguments to " <> "be present: " <> englishList "and" (fmap dquote nonNullableArgs) NonExistingDirectiveArgument parentName parentType directiveName nonExistingArgs -> "the following directive argument(s) defined in the directive: " <> directiveName <<> " defined with the type name: " <> parentName <<> " of type " <> parentType <<> " do not exist in the corresponding upstream directive: " <> englishList "and" (fmap dquote nonExistingArgs) NonExistingField (fldDefnType, parentTypeName) providedName -> "field " <> providedName <<> " does not exist in the " <> fldDefnType <<> ": " <>> parentTypeName NonExistingUnionMemberTypes unionName nonExistingMembers -> "union " <> unionName <<> " contains members which do not exist in the members" <> " of the remote schema union :" <> englishList "and" (fmap dquote nonExistingMembers) CustomInterfacesNotAllowed objName customInterfaces -> "custom interfaces are not supported. " <> "Object" <> objName <<> " implements the following custom interfaces: " <> englishList "and" (fmap dquote customInterfaces) ObjectImplementsNonExistingInterfaces objName nonExistentInterfaces -> "object " <> objName <<> " is trying to implement the following interfaces" <> " that do not exist in the corresponding upstream remote object: " <> englishList "and" (fmap dquote nonExistentInterfaces) NonExistingEnumValues enumName nonExistentEnumVals -> "enum " <> enumName <<> " contains the following enum values that do not exist " <> "in the corresponding upstream remote enum: " <> englishList "and" (fmap dquote nonExistentEnumVals) MissingQueryRoot -> "query root does not exist in the schema definition" MultipleSchemaDefinitionsFound -> "multiple schema definitions found" DuplicateTypeNames typeNames -> "duplicate type names found: " <> englishList "and" (fmap dquote typeNames) DuplicateDirectives (parentType, parentName) directiveNames -> "duplicate directives: " <> englishList "and" (fmap dquote directiveNames) <> "found in the " <> parentType <<> " " <>> parentName DuplicateFields (parentType, parentName) fieldNames -> "duplicate fields: " <> englishList "and" (fmap dquote fieldNames) <> "found in the " <> parentType <<> " " <>> parentName DuplicateArguments fieldName args -> "duplicate arguments: " <> englishList "and" (fmap dquote args) <> "found in the field: " <>> fieldName DuplicateEnumValues enumName enumValues -> "duplicate enum values: " <> englishList "and" (fmap dquote enumValues) <> " found in the " <> enumName <<> " enum" InvalidPresetDirectiveLocation -> "Preset directives can be defined only on INPUT_FIELD_DEFINITION or ARGUMENT_DEFINITION" MultiplePresetDirectives (parentType, parentName) -> "found multiple preset directives at " <> parentType <<> " " <>> parentName NoPresetArgumentFound -> "no arguments found in the preset directive" InvalidPresetArgument argName -> "preset argument \"value\" not found at " <>> argName ExpectedInputTypeButGotOutputType typeName -> "expected " <> typeName <<> " to be an input type, but it's an output type" EnumValueNotFound enumName enumValue -> enumValue <<> " not found in the enum: " <>> enumName ExpectedEnumValue typeName presetValue -> "expected preset value " <> presetValue <<> " of type " <> typeName <<> " to be an enum value" ExpectedScalarValue typeName presetValue -> "expected preset value " <> presetValue <<> " of type " <> typeName <<> " to be a scalar value" ExpectedInputObject typeName presetValue -> "expected preset value " <> presetValue <<> " of type " <> typeName <<> " to be an input object value" KeyDoesNotExistInInputObject key' inpObjTypeName -> key' <<> " does not exist in the input object " <>> inpObjTypeName DisallowSessionVarForListType name -> "illegal preset value at " <> name <<> ". Session arguments can only be set for singleton values" InvalidStaticValue -> "expected preset static value to be a Boolean value" UnexpectedNonMatchingNames providedName upstreamName gType -> "unexpected: trying to compare " <> gType <<> " with name " <> providedName <<> " with " <>> upstreamName where defaultValueToText = \case Just defaultValue -> toTxt defaultValue Nothing -> "" presetValueScalar :: G.ScalarTypeDefinition presetValueScalar = G.ScalarTypeDefinition Nothing $$(G.litName "PresetValue") mempty presetDirectiveDefn :: G.DirectiveDefinition G.InputValueDefinition presetDirectiveDefn = G.DirectiveDefinition Nothing $$(G.litName "preset") [directiveArg] directiveLocations where gType = G.TypeNamed (G.Nullability False) $ G._stdName presetValueScalar directiveLocations = map G.DLTypeSystem [G.TSDLARGUMENT_DEFINITION, G.TSDLINPUT_FIELD_DEFINITION] directiveArg = G.InputValueDefinition Nothing $$(G.litName "value") gType Nothing mempty presetDirectiveName :: G.Name presetDirectiveName = $$(G.litName "preset") lookupInputType :: G.SchemaDocument -> G.Name -> Maybe PresetInputTypeInfo lookupInputType (G.SchemaDocument types) name = go types where go :: [G.TypeSystemDefinition] -> Maybe PresetInputTypeInfo go (tp : tps) = case tp of G.TypeSystemDefinitionSchema _ -> go tps G.TypeSystemDefinitionType typeDef -> case typeDef of G.TypeDefinitionScalar (G.ScalarTypeDefinition _ scalarName _) -> if | name == scalarName -> Just $ PresetScalar scalarName | otherwise -> go tps G.TypeDefinitionEnum (G.EnumTypeDefinition _ enumName _ vals) -> if | name == enumName -> Just $ PresetEnum enumName $ map G._evdName vals | otherwise -> go tps G.TypeDefinitionInputObject (G.InputObjectTypeDefinition _ inpObjName _ vals) -> if | name == inpObjName -> Just $ PresetInputObject vals | otherwise -> go tps _ -> go tps go [] = Nothing -- | `parsePresetValue` constructs a GraphQL value when an input value definition -- contains a preset with it. This function checks if the given preset value -- is a legal value to the field that's specified it. For example: A scalar input -- value cannot contain an input object value. When the preset value is a session -- variable, we treat it as a session variable whose value will be resolved while -- the query is executed. In the case of session variables preset, we make the GraphQL -- value as a Variable value and during the execution we resolve all these -- "session variable" variable(s) and then query the remote server. parsePresetValue :: forall m. ( MonadValidate [RoleBasedSchemaValidationError] m, MonadReader G.SchemaDocument m ) => G.GType -> G.Name -> Bool -> G.Value Void -> m (G.Value RemoteSchemaVariable) parsePresetValue gType varName isStatic value = do schemaDoc <- ask case gType of G.TypeNamed _ typeName -> case (lookupInputType schemaDoc typeName) of Nothing -> refute $ pure $ ExpectedInputTypeButGotOutputType typeName Just (PresetScalar scalarTypeName) -> case value of G.VEnum _ -> refute $ pure $ ExpectedScalarValue typeName value G.VString t -> case (isSessionVariable t && (not isStatic)) of True -> pure $ G.VVariable $ SessionPresetVariable (mkSessionVariable t) scalarTypeName $ SessionArgumentPresetScalar False -> pure $ G.VString t G.VList _ -> refute $ pure $ ExpectedScalarValue typeName value G.VObject _ -> refute $ pure $ ExpectedScalarValue typeName value v -> pure $ G.literal v Just (PresetEnum enumTypeName enumVals) -> case value of enumVal@(G.VEnum e) -> case e `elem` enumVals of True -> pure $ G.literal enumVal False -> refute $ pure $ EnumValueNotFound typeName $ G.unEnumValue e G.VString t -> case isSessionVariable t of True -> pure $ G.VVariable $ SessionPresetVariable (mkSessionVariable t) enumTypeName $ SessionArgumentPresetEnum $ S.fromList enumVals False -> refute $ pure $ ExpectedEnumValue typeName value _ -> refute $ pure $ ExpectedEnumValue typeName value Just (PresetInputObject inputValueDefinitions) -> let inpValsMap = mapFromL G._ivdName inputValueDefinitions parseInputObjectField k val = do inpVal <- onNothing (Map.lookup k inpValsMap) (refute $ pure $ KeyDoesNotExistInInputObject k typeName) parsePresetValue (G._ivdType inpVal) k isStatic val in case value of G.VObject obj -> G.VObject <$> Map.traverseWithKey parseInputObjectField obj _ -> refute $ pure $ ExpectedInputObject typeName value G.TypeList _ gType' -> case value of G.VList lst -> G.VList <$> traverse (parsePresetValue gType' varName isStatic) lst -- The below is valid because singleton GraphQL values can be "upgraded" -- to array types. For ex: An `Int` value can be provided as input to -- a type `[Int]` or `[[Int]]` s'@(G.VString s) -> case isSessionVariable s of True -> refute $ pure $ DisallowSessionVarForListType varName False -> parsePresetValue gType' varName isStatic s' v -> parsePresetValue gType' varName isStatic v parsePresetDirective :: forall m. ( MonadValidate [RoleBasedSchemaValidationError] m, MonadReader G.SchemaDocument m ) => G.GType -> G.Name -> G.Directive Void -> m (G.Value RemoteSchemaVariable) parsePresetDirective gType parentArgName (G.Directive name args) = do if | Map.null args -> refute $ pure $ NoPresetArgumentFound | otherwise -> do val <- onNothing (Map.lookup $$(G.litName "value") args) $ refute $ pure $ InvalidPresetArgument parentArgName isStatic <- case (Map.lookup $$(G.litName "static") args) of Nothing -> pure False (Just (G.VBoolean b)) -> pure b _ -> refute $ pure $ InvalidStaticValue parsePresetValue gType parentArgName isStatic val -- | validateDirective checks if the arguments of a given directive -- is a subset of the corresponding upstream directive arguments -- *NOTE*: This function assumes that the `providedDirective` and the -- `upstreamDirective` have the same name. validateDirective :: MonadValidate [RoleBasedSchemaValidationError] m => -- | provided directive G.Directive a -> -- | upstream directive G.Directive a -> -- | parent type and name (GraphQLType, G.Name) -> m () validateDirective providedDirective upstreamDirective (parentType, parentTypeName) = do when (providedName /= upstreamName) $ dispute $ pure $ UnexpectedNonMatchingNames providedName upstreamName Directive onJust (NE.nonEmpty $ Map.keys argsDiff) $ \argNames -> dispute $ pure $ NonExistingDirectiveArgument parentTypeName parentType providedName argNames where argsDiff = Map.difference providedDirectiveArgs upstreamDirectiveArgs G.Directive providedName providedDirectiveArgs = providedDirective G.Directive upstreamName upstreamDirectiveArgs = upstreamDirective -- | validateDirectives checks if the `providedDirectives` -- are a subset of `upstreamDirectives` and then validate -- each of the directives by calling the `validateDirective` validateDirectives :: MonadValidate [RoleBasedSchemaValidationError] m => [G.Directive a] -> [G.Directive a] -> G.TypeSystemDirectiveLocation -> (GraphQLType, G.Name) -> m (Maybe (G.Directive a)) validateDirectives providedDirectives upstreamDirectives directiveLocation parentType = do onJust (NE.nonEmpty $ S.toList $ duplicates $ map G._dName nonPresetDirectives) $ \dups -> do refute $ pure $ DuplicateDirectives parentType dups for_ nonPresetDirectives $ \dir -> do let directiveName = G._dName dir upstreamDir <- onNothing (Map.lookup directiveName upstreamDirectivesMap) $ refute $ pure $ TypeDoesNotExist Directive directiveName validateDirective dir upstreamDir parentType case presetDirectives of [] -> pure Nothing [presetDirective] -> do case directiveLocation of G.TSDLINPUT_FIELD_DEFINITION -> pure () G.TSDLARGUMENT_DEFINITION -> pure () _ -> dispute $ pure $ InvalidPresetDirectiveLocation pure $ Just presetDirective _ -> refute $ pure $ MultiplePresetDirectives parentType where upstreamDirectivesMap = mapFromL G._dName upstreamDirectives presetFilterFn = (== $$(G.litName "preset")) . G._dName presetDirectives = filter presetFilterFn providedDirectives nonPresetDirectives = filter (not . presetFilterFn) providedDirectives -- | `validateEnumTypeDefinition` checks the validity of an enum definition -- provided by the user against the corresponding upstream enum. -- The function does the following things: -- 1. Validates the directives (if any) -- 2. For each enum provided, check if the enum values are a subset of -- the enum values of the corresponding upstream enum -- *NOTE*: This function assumes that the `providedEnum` and the `upstreamEnum` -- have the same name. validateEnumTypeDefinition :: (MonadValidate [RoleBasedSchemaValidationError] m) => -- | provided enum type definition G.EnumTypeDefinition -> -- | upstream enum type definition G.EnumTypeDefinition -> m G.EnumTypeDefinition validateEnumTypeDefinition providedEnum upstreamEnum = do when (providedName /= upstreamName) $ dispute $ pure $ UnexpectedNonMatchingNames providedName upstreamName Enum void $ validateDirectives providedDirectives upstreamDirectives G.TSDLENUM $ (Enum, providedName) onJust (NE.nonEmpty $ S.toList $ duplicates providedEnumValNames) $ \dups -> do refute $ pure $ DuplicateEnumValues providedName dups onJust (NE.nonEmpty $ S.toList fieldsDifference) $ \nonExistingEnumVals -> dispute $ pure $ NonExistingEnumValues providedName nonExistingEnumVals pure providedEnum where G.EnumTypeDefinition _ providedName providedDirectives providedValueDefns = providedEnum G.EnumTypeDefinition _ upstreamName upstreamDirectives upstreamValueDefns = upstreamEnum providedEnumValNames = map (G.unEnumValue . G._evdName) $ providedValueDefns upstreamEnumValNames = map (G.unEnumValue . G._evdName) $ upstreamValueDefns fieldsDifference = getDifference providedEnumValNames upstreamEnumValNames -- | `validateInputValueDefinition` validates a given input value definition -- , against the corresponding upstream input value definition. Two things -- are validated to do the same, the type and the default value of the -- input value definitions should be equal. validateInputValueDefinition :: ( MonadValidate [RoleBasedSchemaValidationError] m, MonadReader G.SchemaDocument m ) => G.InputValueDefinition -> G.InputValueDefinition -> G.Name -> m RemoteSchemaInputValueDefinition validateInputValueDefinition providedDefn upstreamDefn inputObjectName = do when (providedName /= upstreamName) $ dispute $ pure $ UnexpectedNonMatchingNames providedName upstreamName (Argument InputObjectArgument) presetDirective <- validateDirectives providedDirectives upstreamDirectives G.TSDLINPUT_FIELD_DEFINITION $ (Argument InputObjectArgument, inputObjectName) when (providedType /= upstreamType) $ dispute $ pure $ NonMatchingType providedName (Argument InputObjectArgument) upstreamType providedType when (providedDefaultValue /= upstreamDefaultValue) $ dispute $ pure $ NonMatchingDefaultValue inputObjectName providedName upstreamDefaultValue providedDefaultValue presetArguments <- for presetDirective $ parsePresetDirective providedType providedName pure $ RemoteSchemaInputValueDefinition providedDefn presetArguments where G.InputValueDefinition _ providedName providedType providedDefaultValue providedDirectives = providedDefn G.InputValueDefinition _ upstreamName upstreamType upstreamDefaultValue upstreamDirectives = upstreamDefn -- | `validateArguments` validates the provided arguments against the corresponding -- upstream remote schema arguments. validateArguments :: ( MonadValidate [RoleBasedSchemaValidationError] m, MonadReader G.SchemaDocument m ) => (G.ArgumentsDefinition G.InputValueDefinition) -> (G.ArgumentsDefinition RemoteSchemaInputValueDefinition) -> G.Name -> m [RemoteSchemaInputValueDefinition] validateArguments providedArgs upstreamArgs parentTypeName = do onJust (NE.nonEmpty $ S.toList $ duplicates $ map G._ivdName providedArgs) $ \dups -> do refute $ pure $ DuplicateArguments parentTypeName dups let argsDiff = getDifference nonNullableUpstreamArgs nonNullableProvidedArgs onJust (NE.nonEmpty $ S.toList argsDiff) $ \nonNullableArgs -> do refute $ pure $ MissingNonNullableArguments parentTypeName nonNullableArgs for providedArgs $ \providedArg@(G.InputValueDefinition _ name _ _ _) -> do upstreamArg <- onNothing (Map.lookup name upstreamArgsMap) $ refute $ pure $ NonExistingInputArgument parentTypeName name validateInputValueDefinition providedArg upstreamArg parentTypeName where upstreamArgsMap = mapFromL G._ivdName $ map _rsitdDefinition upstreamArgs nonNullableUpstreamArgs = map G._ivdName $ filter (not . G.isNullable . G._ivdType) $ map _rsitdDefinition upstreamArgs nonNullableProvidedArgs = map G._ivdName $ filter (not . G.isNullable . G._ivdType) providedArgs validateInputObjectTypeDefinition :: ( MonadValidate [RoleBasedSchemaValidationError] m, MonadReader G.SchemaDocument m ) => G.InputObjectTypeDefinition G.InputValueDefinition -> G.InputObjectTypeDefinition RemoteSchemaInputValueDefinition -> m (G.InputObjectTypeDefinition RemoteSchemaInputValueDefinition) validateInputObjectTypeDefinition providedInputObj upstreamInputObj = do when (providedName /= upstreamName) $ dispute $ pure $ UnexpectedNonMatchingNames providedName upstreamName InputObject void $ validateDirectives providedDirectives upstreamDirectives G.TSDLINPUT_OBJECT $ (InputObject, providedName) args <- validateArguments providedArgs upstreamArgs $ providedName pure $ providedInputObj {G._iotdValueDefinitions = args} where G.InputObjectTypeDefinition _ providedName providedDirectives providedArgs = providedInputObj G.InputObjectTypeDefinition _ upstreamName upstreamDirectives upstreamArgs = upstreamInputObj validateFieldDefinition :: ( MonadValidate [RoleBasedSchemaValidationError] m, MonadReader G.SchemaDocument m ) => (G.FieldDefinition G.InputValueDefinition) -> (G.FieldDefinition RemoteSchemaInputValueDefinition) -> (FieldDefinitionType, G.Name) -> m (G.FieldDefinition RemoteSchemaInputValueDefinition) validateFieldDefinition providedFieldDefinition upstreamFieldDefinition (parentType, parentTypeName) = do when (providedName /= upstreamName) $ dispute $ pure $ UnexpectedNonMatchingNames providedName upstreamName (Field parentType) void $ validateDirectives providedDirectives upstreamDirectives G.TSDLFIELD_DEFINITION $ (Field parentType, parentTypeName) when (providedType /= upstreamType) $ dispute $ pure $ NonMatchingType providedName (Field parentType) upstreamType providedType args <- validateArguments providedArgs upstreamArgs $ providedName pure $ providedFieldDefinition {G._fldArgumentsDefinition = args} where G.FieldDefinition _ providedName providedArgs providedType providedDirectives = providedFieldDefinition G.FieldDefinition _ upstreamName upstreamArgs upstreamType upstreamDirectives = upstreamFieldDefinition validateFieldDefinitions :: ( MonadValidate [RoleBasedSchemaValidationError] m, MonadReader G.SchemaDocument m ) => [(G.FieldDefinition G.InputValueDefinition)] -> [(G.FieldDefinition RemoteSchemaInputValueDefinition)] -> -- | parent type and name (FieldDefinitionType, G.Name) -> m [(G.FieldDefinition RemoteSchemaInputValueDefinition)] validateFieldDefinitions providedFldDefnitions upstreamFldDefinitions parentType = do onJust (NE.nonEmpty $ S.toList $ duplicates $ map G._fldName providedFldDefnitions) $ \dups -> do refute $ pure $ DuplicateFields parentType dups for providedFldDefnitions $ \fldDefn@(G.FieldDefinition _ name _ _ _) -> do upstreamFldDefn <- onNothing (Map.lookup name upstreamFldDefinitionsMap) $ refute $ pure $ NonExistingField parentType name validateFieldDefinition fldDefn upstreamFldDefn parentType where upstreamFldDefinitionsMap = mapFromL G._fldName upstreamFldDefinitions validateInterfaceDefinition :: ( MonadValidate [RoleBasedSchemaValidationError] m, MonadReader G.SchemaDocument m ) => G.InterfaceTypeDefinition () G.InputValueDefinition -> G.InterfaceTypeDefinition [G.Name] RemoteSchemaInputValueDefinition -> m (G.InterfaceTypeDefinition () RemoteSchemaInputValueDefinition) validateInterfaceDefinition providedInterfaceDefn upstreamInterfaceDefn = do when (providedName /= upstreamName) $ dispute $ pure $ UnexpectedNonMatchingNames providedName upstreamName Interface void $ validateDirectives providedDirectives upstreamDirectives G.TSDLINTERFACE $ (Interface, providedName) fieldDefinitions <- validateFieldDefinitions providedFieldDefns upstreamFieldDefns $ (InterfaceField, providedName) pure $ providedInterfaceDefn {G._itdFieldsDefinition = fieldDefinitions} where G.InterfaceTypeDefinition _ providedName providedDirectives providedFieldDefns _ = providedInterfaceDefn G.InterfaceTypeDefinition _ upstreamName upstreamDirectives upstreamFieldDefns _ = upstreamInterfaceDefn validateScalarDefinition :: MonadValidate [RoleBasedSchemaValidationError] m => G.ScalarTypeDefinition -> G.ScalarTypeDefinition -> m G.ScalarTypeDefinition validateScalarDefinition providedScalar upstreamScalar = do when (providedName /= upstreamName) $ dispute $ pure $ UnexpectedNonMatchingNames providedName upstreamName Scalar void $ validateDirectives providedDirectives upstreamDirectives G.TSDLSCALAR $ (Scalar, providedName) pure providedScalar where G.ScalarTypeDefinition _ providedName providedDirectives = providedScalar G.ScalarTypeDefinition _ upstreamName upstreamDirectives = upstreamScalar validateUnionDefinition :: MonadValidate [RoleBasedSchemaValidationError] m => G.UnionTypeDefinition -> G.UnionTypeDefinition -> m G.UnionTypeDefinition validateUnionDefinition providedUnion upstreamUnion = do when (providedName /= upstreamName) $ dispute $ pure $ UnexpectedNonMatchingNames providedName upstreamName Union void $ validateDirectives providedDirectives upstreamDirectives G.TSDLUNION $ (Union, providedName) onJust (NE.nonEmpty $ S.toList memberTypesDiff) $ \nonExistingMembers -> refute $ pure $ NonExistingUnionMemberTypes providedName nonExistingMembers pure providedUnion where G.UnionTypeDefinition _ providedName providedDirectives providedMemberTypes = providedUnion G.UnionTypeDefinition _ upstreamName upstreamDirectives upstreamMemberTypes = upstreamUnion memberTypesDiff = getDifference providedMemberTypes upstreamMemberTypes validateObjectDefinition :: ( MonadValidate [RoleBasedSchemaValidationError] m, MonadReader G.SchemaDocument m ) => G.ObjectTypeDefinition G.InputValueDefinition -> G.ObjectTypeDefinition RemoteSchemaInputValueDefinition -> -- | Interfaces declared by in the role-based schema S.HashSet G.Name -> m (G.ObjectTypeDefinition RemoteSchemaInputValueDefinition) validateObjectDefinition providedObj upstreamObj interfacesDeclared = do when (providedName /= upstreamName) $ dispute $ pure $ UnexpectedNonMatchingNames providedName upstreamName Object void $ validateDirectives providedDirectives upstreamDirectives G.TSDLOBJECT $ (Object, providedName) onJust (NE.nonEmpty $ S.toList customInterfaces) $ \ifaces -> dispute $ pure $ CustomInterfacesNotAllowed providedName ifaces onJust (NE.nonEmpty nonExistingInterfaces) $ \ifaces -> dispute $ pure $ ObjectImplementsNonExistingInterfaces providedName ifaces fieldDefinitions <- validateFieldDefinitions providedFldDefnitions upstreamFldDefnitions $ (ObjectField, providedName) pure $ providedObj {G._otdFieldsDefinition = fieldDefinitions} where G.ObjectTypeDefinition _ providedName providedIfaces providedDirectives providedFldDefnitions = providedObj G.ObjectTypeDefinition _ upstreamName upstreamIfaces upstreamDirectives upstreamFldDefnitions = upstreamObj interfacesDiff = getDifference providedIfaces upstreamIfaces providedIfacesSet = S.fromList providedIfaces customInterfaces = S.intersection interfacesDiff interfacesDeclared nonExistingInterfaces = S.toList $ S.difference interfacesDiff providedIfacesSet -- | helper function to validate the schema definitions mentioned in the schema -- document. validateSchemaDefinitions :: (MonadValidate [RoleBasedSchemaValidationError] m) => [G.SchemaDefinition] -> m (Maybe G.Name, Maybe G.Name, Maybe G.Name) validateSchemaDefinitions [] = pure $ (Nothing, Nothing, Nothing) validateSchemaDefinitions [schemaDefn] = do let G.SchemaDefinition _ rootOpsTypes = schemaDefn rootOpsTypesMap = mapFromL G._rotdOperationType rootOpsTypes mQueryRootName = G._rotdOperationTypeType <$> Map.lookup G.OperationTypeQuery rootOpsTypesMap mMutationRootName = G._rotdOperationTypeType <$> Map.lookup G.OperationTypeMutation rootOpsTypesMap mSubscriptionRootName = G._rotdOperationTypeType <$> Map.lookup G.OperationTypeSubscription rootOpsTypesMap pure (mQueryRootName, mMutationRootName, mSubscriptionRootName) validateSchemaDefinitions _ = refute $ pure $ MultipleSchemaDefinitionsFound -- | Construction of the `possibleTypes` map for interfaces, while parsing the -- user provided Schema document, it doesn't include the `possibleTypes`, so -- constructing here, manually. createPossibleTypesMap :: [(G.ObjectTypeDefinition RemoteSchemaInputValueDefinition)] -> HashMap G.Name [G.Name] createPossibleTypesMap objectDefinitions = do Map.fromListWith (<>) $ do objectDefinition <- objectDefinitions let objectName = G._otdName objectDefinition interface <- G._otdImplementsInterfaces objectDefinition pure (interface, [objectName]) partitionTypeSystemDefinitions :: [G.TypeSystemDefinition] -> ([G.SchemaDefinition], [G.TypeDefinition () G.InputValueDefinition]) partitionTypeSystemDefinitions = foldr f ([], []) where f d (schemaDefinitions, typeDefinitions) = case d of G.TypeSystemDefinitionSchema schemaDefinition -> ((schemaDefinition : schemaDefinitions), typeDefinitions) G.TypeSystemDefinitionType typeDefinition -> (schemaDefinitions, (typeDefinition : typeDefinitions)) -- | getSchemaDocIntrospection converts the `PartitionedTypeDefinitions` to -- `IntrospectionResult` because the function `buildRemoteParser` function which -- builds the remote schema parsers accepts an `IntrospectionResult`. The -- conversion involves converting `G.TypeDefinition ()` to `G.TypeDefinition -- [G.Name]`. The `[G.Name]` here being the list of object names that an -- interface implements. This is needed to be done here by-hand because while -- specifying the `SchemaDocument` through the GraphQL DSL, it doesn't include -- the `possibleTypes` along with an object. getSchemaDocIntrospection :: [G.TypeDefinition () RemoteSchemaInputValueDefinition] -> (Maybe G.Name, Maybe G.Name, Maybe G.Name) -> IntrospectionResult getSchemaDocIntrospection providedTypeDefns (queryRoot, mutationRoot, subscriptionRoot) = let objects = flip mapMaybe providedTypeDefns $ \case G.TypeDefinitionObject obj -> Just obj _ -> Nothing possibleTypesMap = createPossibleTypesMap objects modifiedTypeDefns = do providedType <- providedTypeDefns case providedType of G.TypeDefinitionInterface interface@(G.InterfaceTypeDefinition _ name _ _ _) -> pure $ G.TypeDefinitionInterface $ interface {G._itdPossibleTypes = concat $ maybeToList (Map.lookup name possibleTypesMap)} G.TypeDefinitionScalar scalar -> pure $ G.TypeDefinitionScalar scalar G.TypeDefinitionEnum enum -> pure $ G.TypeDefinitionEnum enum G.TypeDefinitionObject obj -> pure $ G.TypeDefinitionObject obj G.TypeDefinitionUnion union' -> pure $ G.TypeDefinitionUnion union' G.TypeDefinitionInputObject inpObj -> pure $ G.TypeDefinitionInputObject inpObj remoteSchemaIntrospection = RemoteSchemaIntrospection $ Map.fromListOn getTypeName modifiedTypeDefns in IntrospectionResult remoteSchemaIntrospection (fromMaybe $$(G.litName "Query") queryRoot) mutationRoot subscriptionRoot -- | validateRemoteSchema accepts two arguments, the `SchemaDocument` of -- the role-based schema, that is provided by the user and the `SchemaIntrospection` -- of the upstream remote schema. This function, in turn calls the other validation -- functions for scalars, enums, unions, interfaces,input objects and objects. validateRemoteSchema :: ( MonadValidate [RoleBasedSchemaValidationError] m, MonadReader G.SchemaDocument m ) => RemoteSchemaIntrospection -> m IntrospectionResult validateRemoteSchema upstreamRemoteSchemaIntrospection = do G.SchemaDocument providedTypeSystemDefinitions <- ask let (providedSchemaDefinitions, providedTypeDefinitions) = partitionTypeSystemDefinitions providedTypeSystemDefinitions duplicateTypesList = S.toList $ duplicates (getTypeName <$> providedTypeDefinitions) onJust (NE.nonEmpty duplicateTypesList) $ \duplicateTypeNames -> refute $ pure $ DuplicateTypeNames duplicateTypeNames rootTypeNames <- validateSchemaDefinitions providedSchemaDefinitions let providedInterfacesTypes = S.fromList $ flip mapMaybe providedTypeDefinitions $ \case G.TypeDefinitionInterface interface -> Just $ G._itdName interface _ -> Nothing validatedTypeDefinitions <- for providedTypeDefinitions $ \case G.TypeDefinitionScalar providedScalarTypeDefn -> do let nameTxt = G.unName $ G._stdName providedScalarTypeDefn case nameTxt `elem` ["ID", "Int", "Float", "Boolean", "String"] of True -> pure $ G.TypeDefinitionScalar providedScalarTypeDefn False -> do upstreamScalarTypeDefn <- lookupScalar upstreamRemoteSchemaIntrospection (G._stdName providedScalarTypeDefn) `onNothing` typeNotFound Scalar (G._stdName providedScalarTypeDefn) G.TypeDefinitionScalar <$> validateScalarDefinition providedScalarTypeDefn upstreamScalarTypeDefn G.TypeDefinitionInterface providedInterfaceTypeDefn -> do upstreamInterfaceTypeDefn <- lookupInterface upstreamRemoteSchemaIntrospection (G._itdName providedInterfaceTypeDefn) `onNothing` typeNotFound Interface (G._itdName providedInterfaceTypeDefn) G.TypeDefinitionInterface <$> validateInterfaceDefinition providedInterfaceTypeDefn upstreamInterfaceTypeDefn G.TypeDefinitionObject providedObjectTypeDefn -> do upstreamObjectTypeDefn <- lookupObject upstreamRemoteSchemaIntrospection (G._otdName providedObjectTypeDefn) `onNothing` typeNotFound Object (G._otdName providedObjectTypeDefn) G.TypeDefinitionObject <$> validateObjectDefinition providedObjectTypeDefn upstreamObjectTypeDefn providedInterfacesTypes G.TypeDefinitionUnion providedUnionTypeDefn -> do upstreamUnionTypeDefn <- lookupUnion upstreamRemoteSchemaIntrospection (G._utdName providedUnionTypeDefn) `onNothing` typeNotFound Union (G._utdName providedUnionTypeDefn) G.TypeDefinitionUnion <$> validateUnionDefinition providedUnionTypeDefn upstreamUnionTypeDefn G.TypeDefinitionEnum providedEnumTypeDefn -> do upstreamEnumTypeDefn <- lookupEnum upstreamRemoteSchemaIntrospection (G._etdName providedEnumTypeDefn) `onNothing` typeNotFound Enum (G._etdName providedEnumTypeDefn) G.TypeDefinitionEnum <$> validateEnumTypeDefinition providedEnumTypeDefn upstreamEnumTypeDefn G.TypeDefinitionInputObject providedInputObjectTypeDefn -> do upstreamInputObjectTypeDefn <- lookupInputObject upstreamRemoteSchemaIntrospection (G._iotdName providedInputObjectTypeDefn) `onNothing` typeNotFound InputObject (G._iotdName providedInputObjectTypeDefn) G.TypeDefinitionInputObject <$> validateInputObjectTypeDefinition providedInputObjectTypeDefn upstreamInputObjectTypeDefn pure $ getSchemaDocIntrospection validatedTypeDefinitions rootTypeNames where typeNotFound gType name = refute (pure $ TypeDoesNotExist gType name) resolveRoleBasedRemoteSchema :: MonadError QErr m => G.SchemaDocument -> RemoteSchemaCtx -> m (IntrospectionResult, [SchemaDependency]) resolveRoleBasedRemoteSchema (G.SchemaDocument providedTypeDefns) upstreamRemoteCtx = do let providedSchemaDocWithDefaultScalars = G.SchemaDocument $ providedTypeDefns <> (map (G.TypeSystemDefinitionType . G.TypeDefinitionScalar) defaultScalars) introspectionRes <- flip onLeft (throw400 ValidationFailed . showErrors) =<< runValidateT ( flip runReaderT providedSchemaDocWithDefaultScalars $ validateRemoteSchema $ irDoc $ _rscIntroOriginal upstreamRemoteCtx ) pure (introspectionRes, [schemaDependency]) where showErrors :: [RoleBasedSchemaValidationError] -> Text showErrors errors = "validation for the given role-based schema failed " <> reasonsMessage where reasonsMessage = case errors of [singleError] -> "because " <> showRoleBasedSchemaValidationError singleError _ -> "for the following reasons:\n" <> T.unlines (map ((" • " <>) . showRoleBasedSchemaValidationError) errors) schemaDependency = SchemaDependency (SORemoteSchema $ _rscName upstreamRemoteCtx) DRRemoteSchema defaultScalars = map (\n -> G.ScalarTypeDefinition Nothing n []) $ [intScalar, floatScalar, stringScalar, boolScalar, idScalar]