#!/usr/bin/env bash set -evo pipefail IFS=$'\n\t' ROOT="$(readlink -f ${BASH_SOURCE[0]%/*}/../../)" wait_for_server() { echo "waiting for server" for _ in $(seq 1 60); do docker run --network container:graphql-engine appropriate/curl && return echo -n . sleep 1 done echo "Failed waiting for server" && exit 1 } # get previous stable version docker-compose file curl -L https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hasura/graphql-engine/stable/install-manifests/docker-compose/docker-compose.yaml -o docker-compose-latest.yaml sed -i '/hasura\/graphql-engine:/ s/$/.cli-migrations-v2\n container_name: graphql-engine/' docker-compose-latest.yaml # start postgres docker-compose -f docker-compose-latest.yaml up --no-start graphql-engine # copy migrations directory to /hasura-migrations docker cp migrations/. graphql-engine:/hasura-migrations # copy metadata directory to /hasura-metadata docker cp metadata/. graphql-engine:/hasura-metadata # start graphql-engine docker-compose -f docker-compose-latest.yaml up -d --no-recreate graphql-engine wait_for_server # export metadata and run diff with validation/metadata.json docker run --network container:graphql-engine appropriate/curl -s -f -d'{"type" : "export_metadata", "args" : {} }' localhost:8080/v1/query | jq -j '.' | diff validation/metadata.json - # get list of migrations applied from graphql-engine server docker run --network container:graphql-engine appropriate/curl -s -f -d'{"type" : "run_sql", "args" : {"sql": "select * from hdb_catalog.schema_migrations"} }' localhost:8080/v1/query | jq -j '.' | diff validation/schema_migrations.json - # use the current build to start container docker-compose up -d wait_for_server # export metadata and run diff with validation/metadata.json docker run --network container:graphql-engine appropriate/curl -s -f -d'{"type" : "export_metadata", "args" : {} }' localhost:8080/v1/query | jq -j '.' | diff validation/metadata.json - # get list of migrations applied from graphql-engine server docker run --network container:graphql-engine appropriate/curl -s -f -d'{"type" : "run_sql", "args" : {"sql": "select * from hdb_catalog.schema_migrations"} }' localhost:8080/v1/query | jq -j '.' | diff validation/schema_migrations.json - # delete postgres and graphql-engine docker-compose down -v