#!/usr/bin/env bash ### This file is not meant to be run directly, but to be sourced from ### the dev script. It defines all the functions required to run an ### MSSQL docker container. ###################### # Configuration # ###################### if [ "$MODE" = "test" ]; then MSSQL_PORT=31433 else MSSQL_PORT=21433 fi MSSQL_HOST= MSSQL_PASSWORD=hasuraMSSQL1 MSSQL_VOLUME_NAME='hasura-dev-mssql' MSSQL_CONTAINER_NAME="hasura-dev-mssql-$MSSQL_PORT" # shellcheck disable=SC2034 # this variable is used in scripts sourcing this one MSSQL_CONN_STR="DRIVER={ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server};SERVER=$MSSQL_HOST,$MSSQL_PORT;Uid=sa;Pwd=$MSSQL_PASSWORD;" MSSQL_DOCKER="docker exec -it $MSSQL_CONTAINER_NAME sqlcmd -S localhost -U sa -P $MSSQL_PASSWORD" if [[ "$(uname -m)" == 'arm64' ]]; then MSSQL_PLATFORM=linux/arm64 MSSQL_CONTAINER_IMAGE=mcr.microsoft.com/azure-sql-edge else MSSQL_PLATFORM=linux/amd64 MSSQL_CONTAINER_IMAGE=hasura/mssql-server-2019-cu10-ubuntu-20.04:latest fi ###################### # Functions # ###################### function mssql_launch_container { echo_pretty "Launching MSSQL container: $MSSQL_CONTAINER_NAME" docker volume create "$MSSQL_VOLUME_NAME" docker run \ --name $MSSQL_CONTAINER_NAME \ --platform "$MSSQL_PLATFORM" \ --publish="${MSSQL_HOST}:${MSSQL_PORT}:1433" \ --volume="${MSSQL_VOLUME_NAME}:/var/opt/mssql" \ --env=ACCEPT_EULA=1 \ --env="MSSQL_SA_PASSWORD=$MSSQL_PASSWORD" \ --detach \ "$MSSQL_CONTAINER_IMAGE" } function mssql_wait { echo -n "Waiting for mssql to come up" until ( $MSSQL_DOCKER -Q 'SELECT 1' ) &>/dev/null; do echo -n '.' && sleep 0.2 done echo " Ok" } function mssql_cleanup { echo_pretty "Removing $MSSQL_CONTAINER_NAME and its volumes in 5 seconds!" echo_pretty " PRESS CTRL-C TO ABORT removal of all containers, or ENTER to clean up right away" read -rt5 || true docker stop "$MSSQL_CONTAINER_NAME" docker rm -v "$MSSQL_CONTAINER_NAME" docker volume rm "$MSSQL_VOLUME_NAME" }