module Hasura.Tracing.TraceId ( -- * TraceId TraceId, randomTraceId, traceIdFromBytes, traceIdToBytes, traceIdFromHex, traceIdToHex, -- * SpanId SpanId, randomSpanId, spanIdFromBytes, spanIdToBytes, spanIdFromHex, spanIdToHex, ) where import Data.Bits ((.|.)) import Data.ByteString (ByteString) import Data.ByteString qualified as ByteString import Data.ByteString.Base16 qualified as Base16 import Data.Serialize qualified as Serialize import Hasura.Prelude import System.Random.Stateful qualified as Random -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- TraceId -- | 128-bit trace identifiers. -- -- 'TraceId's are guaranteed to have at least one non-zero bit. data TraceId = TraceId {-# UNPACK #-} !Word64 {-# UNPACK #-} !Word64 deriving (Eq) -- 128 bits traceIdBytes :: Int traceIdBytes = 16 randomTraceId :: (MonadIO m) => m TraceId randomTraceId = liftIO do (w1, w2) <- flip Random.applyAtomicGen Random.globalStdGen $ \gen0 -> let (!w1, !gen1) = Random.random gen0 (!w2, !gen2) = Random.random gen1 in ((w1, w2), gen2) if w1 .|. w2 == 0 then randomTraceId else pure $ TraceId w1 w2 -- | Create a 'TraceId' from a 'ByteString'. -- -- Fails if the 'ByteString' is not exactly 16 bytes long, or if it contains -- only zero bytes. traceIdFromBytes :: ByteString -> Maybe TraceId traceIdFromBytes bs = do guard $ ByteString.length bs == traceIdBytes (w1, w2) <- eitherToMaybe $ flip Serialize.runGet bs $ (,) <$> Serialize.getWord64be <*> Serialize.getWord64be guard $ w1 .|. w2 /= 0 pure $ TraceId w1 w2 -- | Convert a 'TraceId' to a 'ByteString' of 16 bytes. traceIdToBytes :: TraceId -> ByteString traceIdToBytes (TraceId w1 w2) = Serialize.runPut $ Serialize.putWord64be w1 >> Serialize.putWord64be w2 -- | Create a 'TraceId' from a 'ByteString' of hex characters. -- -- Fails if the 'ByteString' is not exactly 32 characters long, or if it -- contains only zero characters. traceIdFromHex :: ByteString -> Maybe TraceId traceIdFromHex = traceIdFromBytes <=< eitherToMaybe . Base16.decode -- | Convert a 'TraceId' to a 'ByteString' of 32 lowercase hex characters. traceIdToHex :: TraceId -> ByteString traceIdToHex = Base16.encode . traceIdToBytes -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- SpanId -- | 64-bit span identifiers -- -- 'SpanId's are guaranteed to have at least one non-zero bit. newtype SpanId = SpanId Word64 deriving (Eq) -- 64 bits spanIdBytes :: Int spanIdBytes = 8 randomSpanId :: (MonadIO m) => m SpanId randomSpanId = liftIO do w <- Random.uniformM Random.globalStdGen if w == 0 then randomSpanId else pure $ SpanId w -- | Create a 'SpanId' from a 'ByteString'. -- -- Fails if the 'ByteString' is not exactly 8 bytes long, or if it contains -- only zero bytes. spanIdFromBytes :: ByteString -> Maybe SpanId spanIdFromBytes bs = do guard $ ByteString.length bs == spanIdBytes w <- eitherToMaybe $ Serialize.runGet Serialize.getWord64be bs guard $ w /= 0 pure $ SpanId w -- | Convert a 'SpanId' to a 'ByteString' of 8 bytes. spanIdToBytes :: SpanId -> ByteString spanIdToBytes (SpanId w) = Serialize.runPut $ Serialize.putWord64be w -- | Create a 'SpanId' from a 'ByteString' of hex characters. -- -- Fails if the 'ByteString' is not exactly 16 characters long, or if it -- contains only zero characters. spanIdFromHex :: ByteString -> Maybe SpanId spanIdFromHex = spanIdFromBytes <=< eitherToMaybe . Base16.decode -- | Convert a 'SpanId' to a 'ByteString' of 16 lowercase hex characters. spanIdToHex :: SpanId -> ByteString spanIdToHex = Base16.encode . spanIdToBytes