module Hasura.Backends.DataWrapper.IR.Query ( Query (..), Field (..), ColumnContents (..), RelationshipContents (..), PrimaryKey (..), ForeignKey (..), ) where -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- import Autodocodec.Extended (getValue) import Data.HashMap.Strict qualified as M import Hasura.Backends.DataWrapper.API qualified as API import Hasura.Backends.DataWrapper.IR.Column qualified as Column (Name) import Hasura.Backends.DataWrapper.IR.Expression (Expression) import Hasura.Backends.DataWrapper.IR.OrderBy (OrderBy) import Hasura.Backends.DataWrapper.IR.Table qualified as Table (Name) import Hasura.Prelude import Witch -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | An abstract request to retrieve structured data from some source. data Query = Query { -- NOTE: We should clarify what the 'Text' key is supposed to indicate. fields :: HashMap Text Field, -- | Reference to the table these fields are in. from :: Table.Name, -- | Optionally limit to N results. limit :: Maybe Int, -- | Optionally offset from the Nth result. offset :: Maybe Int, -- | Optionally constrain the results to satisfy some predicate. where_ :: Maybe Expression, -- | Optionally order the results by the value of one or more fields. orderBy :: [OrderBy] } deriving stock (Data, Eq, Generic, Ord, Show) instance From API.Query Query where from API.Query {from = from_, ..} = Query { fields = fmap Witch.from fields, from = Witch.from from_, limit = limit, offset = offset, where_ = fmap Witch.from where_, orderBy = fmap Witch.from $ maybe [] toList orderBy } -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | The specific fields that are targeted by a 'Query'. -- -- A field conceptually falls under one of the two following categories: -- 1. a "column" within the data store that the query is being issued against -- 2. a "relationship", which indicates that the field is the result of -- another query that must be executed on its own data Field = Column ColumnContents | Relationship RelationshipContents deriving stock (Data, Eq, Generic, Ord, Show) instance From API.Field Field where from (API.ColumnField name) = Column $ ColumnContents $ Witch.from (getValue name) from (API.RelationshipField (API.RelField hm qu)) = let joinCondition = M.mapKeys Witch.from $ fmap Witch.from hm query = Witch.from qu in Relationship $ RelationshipContents joinCondition query -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- newtype ColumnContents = ColumnContents { column :: Column.Name } deriving stock (Data, Eq, Generic, Ord, Show) -- | A relationship consists of the following components: -- - a sub-query, from the perspective that a relationship field will occur -- within a broader 'Query' -- - a join condition relating the data returned by the sub-query with that -- of the broader 'Query' -- -- cf. -- -- data RelationshipContents = RelationshipContents { joinCondition :: HashMap PrimaryKey ForeignKey, query :: Query } deriving stock (Data, Eq, Generic, Ord, Show) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- newtype PrimaryKey = PrimaryKey Column.Name deriving stock (Data, Generic) deriving newtype (Eq, Hashable, Ord, Show) instance From API.PrimaryKey PrimaryKey where from (API.PrimaryKey key) = PrimaryKey (Witch.from key) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- newtype ForeignKey = ForeignKey Column.Name deriving stock (Data, Generic) deriving newtype (Eq, Hashable, Ord, Show) instance From API.ForeignKey ForeignKey where from (API.ForeignKey key) = ForeignKey (Witch.from key)