#!/usr/bin/env python3 import graphql from http import HTTPStatus import http.server import json import os import queue import random import re import requests import ruamel.yaml as yaml from ruamel.yaml.comments import CommentedMap as OrderedDict # to avoid '!!omap' in yaml import socket import socketserver import sqlalchemy import sqlalchemy.schema import string import subprocess import threading import time from urllib.parse import urlparse import websocket import graphql_server # pytest has removed the global pytest.config # As a solution to this we are going to store it in PyTestConf.config class PytestConf(): pass class HGECtxError(Exception): pass # NOTE: use this to generate a GraphQL client that uses the `Apollo`(subscription-transport-ws) sub-protocol class GQLWsClient(): def __init__(self, hge_ctx, endpoint): self.hge_ctx = hge_ctx self.ws_queue = queue.Queue(maxsize=-1) self.ws_url = urlparse(hge_ctx.hge_url)._replace(scheme='ws', path=endpoint) self.create_conn() def create_conn(self): self.ws_queue.queue.clear() self.ws_id_query_queues = dict() self.ws_active_query_ids = set() self.connected_event = threading.Event() self.init_done = False self.is_closing = False self.remote_closed = False self._ws = websocket.WebSocketApp(self.ws_url.geturl(), on_open=self._on_open, on_message=self._on_message, on_close=self._on_close) self.wst = threading.Thread(target=self._ws.run_forever) self.wst.daemon = True self.wst.start() def recreate_conn(self): self.teardown() self.create_conn() def wait_for_connection(self, timeout=10): assert not self.is_closing assert self.connected_event.wait(timeout=timeout) def get_ws_event(self, timeout): return self.ws_queue.get(timeout=timeout) def has_ws_query_events(self, query_id): return not self.ws_id_query_queues[query_id].empty() def get_ws_query_event(self, query_id, timeout): return self.ws_id_query_queues[query_id].get(timeout=timeout) def send(self, frame): self.wait_for_connection() if frame.get('type') == 'stop': self.ws_active_query_ids.discard( frame.get('id') ) elif frame.get('type') == 'start' and 'id' in frame: self.ws_id_query_queues[frame['id']] = queue.Queue(maxsize=-1) self._ws.send(json.dumps(frame)) def init_as_admin(self): headers={} if self.hge_ctx.hge_key: headers = {'x-hasura-admin-secret': self.hge_ctx.hge_key} self.init(headers) def init(self, headers={}): payload = {'type': 'connection_init', 'payload': {}} if headers and len(headers) > 0: payload['payload']['headers'] = headers self.send(payload) ev = self.get_ws_event(3) assert ev['type'] == 'connection_ack', ev self.init_done = True def stop(self, query_id): data = {'id': query_id, 'type': 'stop'} self.send(data) self.ws_active_query_ids.discard(query_id) def gen_id(self, size=6, chars=string.ascii_letters + string.digits): new_id = ''.join(random.choice(chars) for _ in range(size)) if new_id in self.ws_active_query_ids: return self.gen_id(size, chars) return new_id def send_query(self, query, query_id=None, headers={}, timeout=60): graphql.parse(query['query']) if headers and len(headers) > 0: #Do init If headers are provided self.init(headers) elif not self.init_done: self.init() if query_id == None: query_id = self.gen_id() frame = { 'id': query_id, 'type': 'start', 'payload': query, } self.ws_active_query_ids.add(query_id) self.send(frame) while True: yield self.get_ws_query_event(query_id, timeout) def _on_open(self): if not self.is_closing: self.connected_event.set() def _on_message(self, message): # NOTE: make sure we preserve key ordering so we can test the ordering # properties in the graphql spec properly json_msg = json.loads(message, object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict) if 'id' in json_msg: query_id = json_msg['id'] if json_msg.get('type') == 'stop': #Remove from active queries list self.ws_active_query_ids.discard( query_id ) if not query_id in self.ws_id_query_queues: self.ws_id_query_queues[json_msg['id']] = queue.Queue(maxsize=-1) #Put event in the correponding query_queue self.ws_id_query_queues[query_id].put(json_msg) elif json_msg['type'] != 'ka': #Put event in the main queue self.ws_queue.put(json_msg) def _on_close(self): self.remote_closed = True self.init_done = False def teardown(self): self.is_closing = True if not self.remote_closed: self._ws.close() self.wst.join() # NOTE: use this to generate a GraphQL client that uses the `graphql-ws` sub-protocol class GraphQLWSClient(): def __init__(self, hge_ctx, endpoint): self.hge_ctx = hge_ctx self.ws_queue = queue.Queue(maxsize=-1) self.ws_url = urlparse(hge_ctx.hge_url)._replace(scheme='ws', path=endpoint) self.create_conn() def get_queue(self): return self.ws_queue.queue def clear_queue(self): self.ws_queue.queue.clear() def create_conn(self): self.ws_queue.queue.clear() self.ws_id_query_queues = dict() self.ws_active_query_ids = set() self.connected_event = threading.Event() self.init_done = False self.is_closing = False self.remote_closed = False self._ws = websocket.WebSocketApp(self.ws_url.geturl(), on_open=self._on_open, on_message=self._on_message, on_close=self._on_close, subprotocols=["graphql-transport-ws"]) self.wst = threading.Thread(target=self._ws.run_forever) self.wst.daemon = True self.wst.start() def recreate_conn(self): self.teardown() self.create_conn() def wait_for_connection(self, timeout=10): assert not self.is_closing assert self.connected_event.wait(timeout=timeout) def get_ws_event(self, timeout): return self.ws_queue.get(timeout=timeout) def has_ws_query_events(self, query_id): return not self.ws_id_query_queues[query_id].empty() def get_ws_query_event(self, query_id, timeout): print("HELLO", self.ws_active_query_ids) return self.ws_id_query_queues[query_id].get(timeout=timeout) def send(self, frame): self.wait_for_connection() if frame.get('type') == 'complete': self.ws_active_query_ids.discard( frame.get('id') ) elif frame.get('type') == 'subscribe' and 'id' in frame: self.ws_id_query_queues[frame['id']] = queue.Queue(maxsize=-1) self._ws.send(json.dumps(frame)) def init_as_admin(self): headers={} if self.hge_ctx.hge_key: headers = {'x-hasura-admin-secret': self.hge_ctx.hge_key} self.init(headers) def init(self, headers={}): payload = {'type': 'connection_init', 'payload': {}} if headers and len(headers) > 0: payload['payload']['headers'] = headers self.send(payload) ev = self.get_ws_event(5) assert ev['type'] == 'connection_ack', ev self.init_done = True def stop(self, query_id): data = {'id': query_id, 'type': 'complete'} self.send(data) self.ws_active_query_ids.discard(query_id) def gen_id(self, size=6, chars=string.ascii_letters + string.digits): new_id = ''.join(random.choice(chars) for _ in range(size)) if new_id in self.ws_active_query_ids: return self.gen_id(size, chars) return new_id def send_query(self, query, query_id=None, headers={}, timeout=60): graphql.parse(query['query']) if headers and len(headers) > 0: #Do init If headers are provided self.clear_queue() self.init(headers) elif not self.init_done: self.init() if query_id == None: query_id = self.gen_id() frame = { 'id': query_id, 'type': 'subscribe', 'payload': query, } self.ws_active_query_ids.add(query_id) self.send(frame) while True: yield self.get_ws_query_event(query_id, timeout) def _on_open(self): if not self.is_closing: self.connected_event.set() def _on_message(self, message): # NOTE: make sure we preserve key ordering so we can test the ordering # properties in the graphql spec properly json_msg = json.loads(message, object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict) if json_msg['type'] == 'ping': new_msg = json_msg new_msg['type'] = 'pong' self.send(json.dumps(new_msg)) return if 'id' in json_msg: query_id = json_msg['id'] if json_msg.get('type') == 'complete': #Remove from active queries list self.ws_active_query_ids.discard( query_id ) if not query_id in self.ws_id_query_queues: self.ws_id_query_queues[json_msg['id']] = queue.Queue(maxsize=-1) #Put event in the correponding query_queue self.ws_id_query_queues[query_id].put(json_msg) if json_msg['type'] != 'ping': self.ws_queue.put(json_msg) def _on_close(self): self.remote_closed = True self.init_done = False def get_conn_close_state(self): return self.remote_closed or self.is_closing def teardown(self): self.is_closing = True if not self.remote_closed: self._ws.close() self.wst.join() class ActionsWebhookHandler(http.server.BaseHTTPRequestHandler): def do_GET(self): self.send_response(HTTPStatus.OK) self.end_headers() def do_POST(self): content_len = self.headers.get('Content-Length') req_body = self.rfile.read(int(content_len)).decode("utf-8") self.req_json = json.loads(req_body) req_headers = self.headers req_path = self.path self.log_message(json.dumps(self.req_json)) if req_path == "/create-user": resp, status = self.create_user() self._send_response(status, resp) elif req_path == "/create-user-timeout": time.sleep(3) resp, status = self.create_user() self._send_response(status, resp) elif req_path == "/create-users": resp, status = self.create_users() self._send_response(status, resp) elif req_path == "/create-user-nested": resp, status = self.create_user_nested() self._send_response(status, resp) elif req_path == "/mirror-action": resp, status = self.mirror_action() self._send_response(status, resp) elif req_path == "/mirror-headers": resp, status = self.mirror_headers() self._send_response(status, resp) elif req_path == "/get-user-by-email": resp, status = self.get_users_by_email(True) self._send_response(status, resp) elif req_path == "/get-user-by-email-nested": resp, status = self.get_users_by_email_nested(True) self._send_response(status, resp) elif req_path == "/get-users-by-email": resp, status = self.get_users_by_email(False) self._send_response(status, resp) elif req_path == "/get-users-by-email-nested": resp, status = self.get_users_by_email_nested(False) self._send_response(status, resp) elif req_path == "/intentional-error": resp, status = self.intentional_error() self._send_response(status, resp) elif req_path == "/null-response": resp, status = self.null_response() self._send_response(status, resp) elif req_path == "/scalar-response": self._send_response(HTTPStatus.OK, "some-string") elif req_path == "/json-response": resp, status = self.json_response() self._send_response(status, resp) elif req_path == "/custom-scalar-array-response": resp, status = self.custom_scalar_array_response() self._send_response(status, resp) elif req_path == "/scalar-array-response": self._send_response(HTTPStatus.OK, ["foo", "bar", None]) elif req_path == "/recursive-output": resp, status = self.recursive_output() self._send_response(status, resp) elif req_path == "/get-results": resp, status = self.get_results() self._send_response(status, resp) elif req_path == "/typed-nested-null": self._send_response( HTTPStatus.OK, self.get_typed_nested_null() ) elif req_path == "/typed-nested-null-wrong-field": self._send_response( HTTPStatus.OK, self.get_typed_nested_null_wrong_field() ) elif req_path == "/get_messages": resp, status = self.get_messages() self._send_response(status, resp) else: self.send_response(HTTPStatus.NO_CONTENT) self.end_headers() def intentional_error(self): blob = self.req_json['input']['blob'] return blob, HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST def create_user(self): email_address = self.req_json['input']['email'] name = self.req_json['input']['name'] if not self.check_email(email_address): response = { 'message': 'Given email address is not valid', 'code': 'invalid-email' } return response, HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST gql_query = ''' mutation ($email: String! $name: String!) { insert_user_one(object: {email: $email, name: $name}){ id } } ''' query = { 'query': gql_query, 'variables': { 'email': email_address, 'name': name } } code, resp = self.execute_query(query) if code != 200 or 'data' not in resp: response = { 'message': 'GraphQL query execution failed', 'code': 'unexpected' } return response, HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST response = resp['data']['insert_user_one'] return response, HTTPStatus.OK def create_users(self): inputs = self.req_json['input']['users'] for input in inputs: email_address = input['email'] if not self.check_email(email_address): response = { 'message': 'Email address is not valid: ' + email_address, 'code': 'invalid-email' } return response, HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST gql_query = ''' mutation ($insert_inputs: [user_insert_input!]!){ insert_user(objects: $insert_inputs){ returning{ id } } } ''' query = { 'query': gql_query, 'variables': { 'insert_inputs': inputs } } code, resp = self.execute_query(query) if code != 200 or 'data' not in resp: response = { 'message': 'GraphQL query execution failed', 'code': 'unexpected' } return response, HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST response = resp['data']['insert_user']['returning'] return response, HTTPStatus.OK def create_user_nested(self): email_address = self.req_json['input']['email'] name = self.req_json['input']['name'] if not self.check_email(email_address): response = { 'message': 'Given email address is not valid', 'code': 'invalid-email' } return response, HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST gql_query = ''' mutation ($email: String! $name: String!) { insert_user_one(object: {email: $email, name: $name}){ id } } ''' query = { 'query': gql_query, 'variables': { 'email': email_address, 'name': name } } code, resp = self.execute_query(query) if code != 200 or 'data' not in resp: response = { 'message': 'GraphQL query execution failed', 'code': 'unexpected' } return response, HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST response = { 'userObj': resp['data']['insert_user_one'] } return response, HTTPStatus.OK def get_messages(self): response = [ { "content": "baz", "user_name": "foo"}, { "content": "foo", "user_name": "bar"} ] return response, HTTPStatus.OK def mirror_action(self): response = self.req_json['input']['arg'] return response, HTTPStatus.OK def mirror_headers(self): response = { 'headers': list(map(lambda header: { 'name': header[0], 'value': header[1] }, self.headers.items())) } return response, HTTPStatus.OK def get_users_by_email(self, singleUser = False): email = self.req_json['input']['email'] if not self.check_email(email): response = { 'message': 'Given email address is not valid', 'code': 'invalid-email' } return response, HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST gql_query = ''' query get_user($email:String!) { user(where:{email:{_eq:$email}},order_by: {id: asc}) { id } } ''' query = { 'query': gql_query, 'variables':{ 'email':email } } code,resp = self.execute_query(query) if code != 200 or 'data' not in resp: response = { 'message': 'GraphQL query execution failed', 'code': 'unexpected' } return response, HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST if singleUser: return resp['data']['user'][0], HTTPStatus.OK else: return resp['data']['user'], HTTPStatus.OK def get_users_by_email_nested(self, singleUser = False): resp, status = self.get_users_by_email(singleUser) def make_nested_out_object(outObj): address = { 'city': 'New York', 'country': 'USA'} outObj['address'] = address addresses = [{'city': 'Bangalore', 'country': 'India'}, {'city': 'Melbourne', 'country': 'Australia'}] outObj['addresses'] = addresses outObj['user_id'] = { 'id': outObj['id']} return outObj if status != HTTPStatus.OK: return resp, status if singleUser: return make_nested_out_object(resp), status else: return map(make_nested_out_object, resp), status def get_typed_nested_null(self): return { 'id': 1, 'child': None } def get_typed_nested_null_wrong_field(self): return { 'id': None, 'child': None } def null_response(self): response = None return response, HTTPStatus.OK def json_response(self): response = { 'foo': 'bar' } return response, HTTPStatus.OK def custom_scalar_array_response(self): response = [{ 'foo': 'bar' }] return response, HTTPStatus.OK def recursive_output(self): return { 'direct': {'id': 1, 'this': {'id': 2, 'this': {'id': 3 }}}, 'list': {'id': 1, 'these': [{'id': 2, 'these': [{'id': 3}]}, {'id': 4}]}, 'mutual': {'id': 1, 'that': {'id': 2, 'other': {'id': 3, 'that': {'id': 4}}}} }, HTTPStatus.OK def get_results(self): return { 'result_ids': [1,2,3,4] }, HTTPStatus.OK def check_email(self, email): regex = '^\w+([\.-]?\w+)*@\w+([\.-]?\w+)*(\.\w{2,3})+$' return re.search(regex,email) def execute_query(self, query): headers = {} admin_secret = self.hge_ctx.hge_key if admin_secret is not None: headers['X-Hasura-Admin-Secret'] = admin_secret code, resp, _ = self.hge_ctx.anyq('/v1/graphql', query, headers) self.log_message(json.dumps(resp)) return code, resp def _send_response(self, status, body): self.log_request(status) self.send_response_only(status) self.send_header('Content-Type', 'application/json') self.send_header('Set-Cookie', 'abcd') self.end_headers() self.wfile.write(json.dumps(body).encode("utf-8")) class ActionsWebhookServer(http.server.HTTPServer): def __init__(self, hge_ctx, server_address): handler = ActionsWebhookHandler handler.hge_ctx = hge_ctx super().__init__(server_address, handler) def server_bind(self): self.socket.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) self.socket.bind(self.server_address) class EvtsWebhookHandler(http.server.BaseHTTPRequestHandler): def do_GET(self): self.send_response(HTTPStatus.OK) self.end_headers() def do_POST(self): content_len = self.headers.get('Content-Length') req_body = self.rfile.read(int(content_len)).decode("utf-8") req_json = json.loads(req_body) req_headers = self.headers req_path = self.path self.log_message(json.dumps(req_json)) if req_path == "/fail": self.send_response(HTTPStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR) self.end_headers() # This endpoint just sleeps for 2 seconds: elif req_path == "/sleep_2s": time.sleep(2) self.send_response(HTTPStatus.NO_CONTENT) self.end_headers() # This is like a sleep endpoint above, but allowing us to decide # externally when the webhook can return, with unblock() elif req_path == "/block": if not self.server.unblocked: self.server.blocked_count += 1 with self.server.unblocked_wait: # We expect this timeout never to be reached, but if # something goes wrong the main thread will block forever: self.server.unblocked_wait.wait(timeout=60) self.server.blocked_count -= 1 self.send_response(HTTPStatus.NO_CONTENT) self.end_headers() else: self.send_response(HTTPStatus.NO_CONTENT) self.end_headers() self.server.resp_queue.put({"path": req_path, "body": req_json, "headers": req_headers}) # A very slightly more sane/performant http server. # See: https://stackoverflow.com/a/14089457/176841 # # TODO use this elsewhere, or better yet: use e.g. bottle + waitress class ThreadedHTTPServer(socketserver.ThreadingMixIn, http.server.HTTPServer): """Handle requests in a separate thread.""" class EvtsWebhookServer(ThreadedHTTPServer): def __init__(self, server_address): # Data received from hasura by our web hook, pushed after it returns to the client: self.resp_queue = queue.Queue() # We use these two vars to coordinate unblocking in the /block route self.unblocked = False self.unblocked_wait = threading.Condition() # ...and this for bookkeeping open blocked requests; this becomes # meaningless after the first call to unblock() self.blocked_count = 0 super().__init__(server_address, EvtsWebhookHandler) # Unblock all webhook requests to /block. Idempotent. def unblock(self): self.unblocked = True with self.unblocked_wait: # NOTE: this only affects currently wait()-ing threads, future # wait()s will block again (hence the simple self.unblocked flag) self.unblocked_wait.notify_all() def server_bind(self): self.socket.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) self.socket.bind(self.server_address) def get_event(self, timeout): return self.resp_queue.get(timeout=timeout) def is_queue_empty(self): return self.resp_queue.empty def teardown(self): self.evt_trggr_httpd.shutdown() self.evt_trggr_httpd.server_close() graphql_server.stop_server(self.graphql_server) self.gql_srvr_thread.join() self.evt_trggr_web_server.join() class HGECtxGQLServer: def __init__(self, hge_urls, port=5000): # start the graphql server self.port = port self._hge_urls = hge_urls self.is_running = False self.start_server() def start_server(self): if not self.is_running: self.graphql_server = graphql_server.create_server('', self.port) self.hge_urls = graphql_server.set_hge_urls(self._hge_urls) self.gql_srvr_thread = threading.Thread(target=self.graphql_server.serve_forever) self.gql_srvr_thread.start() self.is_running = True def teardown(self): self.stop_server() def stop_server(self): if self.is_running: graphql_server.stop_server(self.graphql_server) self.gql_srvr_thread.join() self.is_running = False class HGECtx: def __init__(self, hge_url, pg_url, config): self.http = requests.Session() self.hge_key = config.getoption('--hge-key') self.timeout = 60 self.hge_url = hge_url self.pg_url = pg_url self.hge_webhook = config.getoption('--hge-webhook') hge_jwt_key_file = config.getoption('--hge-jwt-key-file') if hge_jwt_key_file is None: self.hge_jwt_key = None else: with open(hge_jwt_key_file) as f: self.hge_jwt_key = f.read() self.hge_jwt_conf = config.getoption('--hge-jwt-conf') if self.hge_jwt_conf is not None: self.hge_jwt_conf_dict = json.loads(self.hge_jwt_conf) self.hge_jwt_algo = self.hge_jwt_conf_dict["type"] if self.hge_jwt_algo == "Ed25519": self.hge_jwt_algo = "EdDSA" self.webhook_insecure = config.getoption('--test-webhook-insecure') self.metadata_disabled = config.getoption('--test-metadata-disabled') self.may_skip_test_teardown = False self.function_permissions = config.getoption('--test-function-permissions') self.streaming_subscriptions = config.getoption('--test-streaming-subscriptions') # This will be GC'd, but we also explicitly dispose() in teardown() self.engine = sqlalchemy.create_engine(self.pg_url) self.meta = sqlalchemy.schema.MetaData() self.ws_read_cookie = config.getoption('--test-ws-init-cookie') self.hge_scale_url = config.getoption('--test-hge-scale-url') self.avoid_err_msg_checks = config.getoption('--avoid-error-message-checks') self.pro_tests = config.getoption('--pro-tests') self.ws_client = GQLWsClient(self, '/v1/graphql') self.ws_client_v1alpha1 = GQLWsClient(self, '/v1alpha1/graphql') self.ws_client_relay = GQLWsClient(self, '/v1beta1/relay') self.ws_client_graphql_ws = GraphQLWSClient(self, '/v1/graphql') self.backend = config.getoption('--backend') self.default_backend = 'postgres' self.is_default_backend = self.backend == self.default_backend env_version = os.getenv('VERSION') if env_version: self.version = env_version else: # HGE version result = subprocess.run(['../../scripts/get-version.sh'], shell=False, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, check=True) self.version = result.stdout.decode('utf-8').strip() if self.is_default_backend and not self.metadata_disabled and not config.getoption('--skip-schema-setup'): try: self.v2q_f("queries/" + self.backend_suffix("clear_db")+ ".yaml") except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e: self.teardown() raise HGECtxError(repr(e)) # Postgres version if self.is_default_backend: pg_version_text = self.sql('show server_version_num').fetchone()['server_version_num'] self.pg_version = int(pg_version_text) def reflect_tables(self): self.meta.reflect(bind=self.engine) def anyq(self, u, q, h, b = None, v = None): resp = None if v == 'GET': resp = self.http.get( self.hge_url + u, headers=h, timeout=self.timeout, ) elif v == 'POSTJSON' and b: resp = self.http.post( self.hge_url + u, json=b, headers=h, timeout=self.timeout, ) elif v == 'POST' and b: # TODO: Figure out why the requests are failing with a byte object passed in as `data` resp = self.http.post( self.hge_url + u, data=b, headers=h, timeout=self.timeout, ) elif v == 'PATCH' and b: resp = self.http.patch( self.hge_url + u, data=b, headers=h, timeout=self.timeout, ) elif v == 'PUT' and b: resp = self.http.put( self.hge_url + u, data=b, headers=h, timeout=self.timeout, ) elif v == 'DELETE': resp = self.http.delete( self.hge_url + u, headers=h, timeout=self.timeout, ) else: resp = self.http.post( self.hge_url + u, json=q, headers=h, timeout=self.timeout, ) # NOTE: make sure we preserve key ordering so we can test the ordering # properties in the graphql spec properly # Returning response headers to get the request id from response return resp.status_code, resp.json(object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict), resp.headers def sql(self, q): with self.engine.connect() as conn: return conn.execute(q) def execute_query(self, q, url_path, headers = {}, expected_status_code = 200): h = headers.copy() if self.hge_key is not None: h['X-Hasura-Admin-Secret'] = self.hge_key resp = self.http.post( self.hge_url + url_path, json=q, headers=h, timeout=self.timeout, ) # NOTE: make sure we preserve key ordering so we can test the ordering # properties in the graphql spec properly # Don't assume `resp` is JSON object resp_obj = {} if resp.status_code == 500 else resp.json(object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict) if expected_status_code: assert \ resp.status_code == expected_status_code, \ f'Expected {resp.status_code} to be {expected_status_code}.\nRequest:\n{json.dumps(q, indent=2)}\nResponse:\n{json.dumps(resp_obj, indent=2)}' return resp_obj def v1q(self, q, headers = {}, expected_status_code = 200): return self.execute_query(q, "/v1/query", headers, expected_status_code) def v1q_f(self, filepath, headers = {}, expected_status_code = 200): with open(filepath) as f: # NOTE: preserve ordering with ruamel yml = yaml.YAML() return self.v1q(yml.load(f), headers, expected_status_code) def v2q(self, q, headers = {}, expected_status_code = 200): return self.execute_query(q, "/v2/query", headers, expected_status_code) def v2q_f(self, filepath, headers = {}, expected_status_code = 200): with open(filepath) as f: # NOTE: preserve ordering with ruamel yml = yaml.YAML() return self.v2q(yml.load(f), headers, expected_status_code) def backend_suffix(self, filename): if self.is_default_backend: return filename else: return filename + "_" + self.backend def v1metadataq(self, q, headers = {}, expected_status_code = 200): return self.execute_query(q, "/v1/metadata", headers, expected_status_code) def v1metadataq_f(self, filepath, headers = {}, expected_status_code = 200): with open(filepath) as f: # NOTE: preserve ordering with ruamel yml = yaml.YAML() return self.v1metadataq(yml.load(f), headers, expected_status_code) def v1graphqlq(self, q, headers = {}, expected_status_code = 200): return self.execute_query(q, "/v1/graphql", headers, expected_status_code) def v1graphql_f(self, filepath, headers = {}, expected_status_code = 200): with open(filepath) as f: # NOTE: preserve ordering with ruamel yml = yaml.YAML() return self.v1graphqlq(yml.load(f), headers, expected_status_code) def teardown(self): self.http.close() self.engine.dispose() # Close websockets: self.ws_client.teardown() self.ws_client_v1alpha1.teardown() self.ws_client_relay.teardown() self.ws_client_graphql_ws.teardown() def v1GraphqlExplain(self, q, headers = {}, expected_status_code = 200): return self.execute_query(q, '/v1/graphql/explain', headers, expected_status_code)