{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-} -- | Test insert with default values module Test.InsertDefaultsSpec (spec) where import Harness.Backend.Citus qualified as Citus import Harness.Backend.Postgres qualified as Postgres import Harness.Backend.Sqlserver qualified as Sqlserver import Harness.GraphqlEngine qualified as GraphqlEngine import Harness.Quoter.Graphql (graphql) import Harness.Quoter.Yaml (shouldReturnYaml, yaml) import Harness.Test.Context qualified as Context import Harness.Test.Schema qualified as Schema import Harness.TestEnvironment (TestEnvironment) import Test.Hspec (SpecWith, it) import Prelude -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- ** Preamble spec :: SpecWith TestEnvironment spec = do Context.run [ postgresContext, citusContext, mssqlContext ] commonTests Context.run [postgresContext, citusContext] postgresTests Context.run [mssqlContext] mssqlTests where postgresContext = Context.Context { name = Context.Backend Context.Postgres, mkLocalTestEnvironment = Context.noLocalTestEnvironment, setup = Postgres.setup schema, teardown = Postgres.teardown schema, customOptions = Nothing } citusContext = Context.Context { name = Context.Backend Context.Citus, mkLocalTestEnvironment = Context.noLocalTestEnvironment, setup = Citus.setup schema, teardown = Citus.teardown schema, customOptions = Nothing } mssqlContext = Context.Context { name = Context.Backend Context.SQLServer, mkLocalTestEnvironment = Context.noLocalTestEnvironment, setup = Sqlserver.setup schema, teardown = Sqlserver.teardown schema, customOptions = Nothing } -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- ** Schema schema :: [Schema.Table] schema = [ alldefaults, somedefaults, withrelationship ] alldefaults :: Schema.Table alldefaults = Schema.Table { tableName = "alldefaults", tableColumns = [ Schema.column "id" defaultSerialType, Schema.column "dt" defaultDateTimeType ], tablePrimaryKey = ["id"], tableReferences = [], tableData = [] } somedefaults :: Schema.Table somedefaults = Schema.Table { tableName = "somedefaults", tableColumns = [ Schema.column "id" defaultSerialType, Schema.column "dt" defaultDateTimeType, Schema.column "name" Schema.TStr ], tablePrimaryKey = ["name"], tableReferences = [], tableData = [] } withrelationship :: Schema.Table withrelationship = Schema.Table { tableName = "withrelationship", tableColumns = [ Schema.column "id" defaultSerialType, Schema.column "nickname" Schema.TStr, Schema.column "time_id" Schema.TInt ], tablePrimaryKey = ["nickname"], tableReferences = [Schema.Reference "time_id" "alldefaults" "id"], tableData = [] } defaultSerialType :: Schema.ScalarType defaultSerialType = Schema.TCustomType $ Schema.defaultBackendScalarType { Schema.bstMysql = Nothing, Schema.bstMssql = Just "INT IDENTITY(1,1)", Schema.bstCitus = Just "SERIAL", Schema.bstPostgres = Just "SERIAL", Schema.bstBigQuery = Nothing } defaultDateTimeType :: Schema.ScalarType defaultDateTimeType = Schema.TCustomType $ Schema.defaultBackendScalarType { Schema.bstMysql = Nothing, Schema.bstMssql = Just "DATETIME DEFAULT GETDATE()", Schema.bstCitus = Just "TIMESTAMP DEFAULT NOW()", Schema.bstPostgres = Just "TIMESTAMP DEFAULT NOW()", Schema.bstBigQuery = Nothing } -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- * Tests commonTests :: Context.Options -> SpecWith TestEnvironment commonTests opts = do it "Insert empty object with default values" $ \testEnvironment -> shouldReturnYaml opts ( GraphqlEngine.postGraphql testEnvironment [graphql| mutation { insert_hasura_alldefaults( objects:[{}] ){ affected_rows } } |] ) [yaml| data: insert_hasura_alldefaults: affected_rows: 1 |] it "Insert multiple empty objects with default values" $ \testEnvironment -> shouldReturnYaml opts ( GraphqlEngine.postGraphql testEnvironment [graphql| mutation { insert_hasura_alldefaults( objects:[{}, {}, {}] ){ affected_rows } } |] ) [yaml| data: insert_hasura_alldefaults: affected_rows: 3 |] it "Insert simple object with default values" $ \testEnvironment -> shouldReturnYaml opts ( GraphqlEngine.postGraphql testEnvironment [graphql| mutation { insert_hasura_somedefaults( objects:[{ name: "a" }] ){ affected_rows returning { id name } } } |] ) [yaml| data: insert_hasura_somedefaults: affected_rows: 1 returning: - id: 1 name: "a" |] postgresTests :: Context.Options -> SpecWith TestEnvironment postgresTests opts = do it "Upsert simple object with default values - check empty constraints" $ \testEnvironment -> shouldReturnYaml opts ( GraphqlEngine.postGraphql testEnvironment [graphql| mutation { insert_hasura_somedefaults( objects: [{ name: "a" }] on_conflict: { constraint: somedefaults_pkey, update_columns: [] } ){ affected_rows returning { id } } } |] ) [yaml| data: insert_hasura_somedefaults: affected_rows: 1 returning: - id: 1 |] it "Upsert simple object with default values - check conflict doesn't update" $ \testEnvironment -> shouldReturnYaml opts ( GraphqlEngine.postGraphql testEnvironment [graphql| mutation { insert_hasura_somedefaults( objects: [{ name: "a" }] on_conflict: { constraint: somedefaults_pkey, update_columns: [] } ){ affected_rows returning { id } } } |] ) [yaml| data: insert_hasura_somedefaults: affected_rows: 0 returning: [] |] it "Nested insert with empty object" $ \testEnvironment -> shouldReturnYaml opts ( GraphqlEngine.postGraphql testEnvironment [graphql| mutation { insert_hasura_withrelationship( objects: [{ nickname: "the a", alldefaults_by_time_id: {data: {} } }] on_conflict: { constraint: withrelationship_pkey, update_columns: [] } ){ affected_rows returning { id nickname alldefaults_by_time_id { id } } } } |] ) [yaml| data: insert_hasura_withrelationship: affected_rows: 2 returning: - id: 1 nickname: "the a" alldefaults_by_time_id: id: 1 |] mssqlTests :: Context.Options -> SpecWith TestEnvironment mssqlTests opts = do it "Upsert simple object with default values - check empty if_matched" $ \testEnvironment -> shouldReturnYaml opts ( GraphqlEngine.postGraphql testEnvironment [graphql| mutation { insert_hasura_somedefaults( objects: [{ name: "a" }] if_matched: { match_columns: [], update_columns: [] } ){ affected_rows returning { id } } } |] ) [yaml| data: insert_hasura_somedefaults: affected_rows: 1 returning: - id: 1 |] it "Upsert simple object with default values - check conflict doesn't update" $ \testEnvironment -> shouldReturnYaml opts ( GraphqlEngine.postGraphql testEnvironment [graphql| mutation { insert_hasura_somedefaults( objects: [{ name: "a" }] if_matched: { match_columns: name, update_columns: [] } ){ affected_rows returning { id } } } |] ) [yaml| data: insert_hasura_somedefaults: affected_rows: 0 returning: [] |]