module Hasura.GraphQL.Context where import Data.Aeson import Data.Has import Hasura.Prelude import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as Map import qualified Data.HashSet as Set import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Language.GraphQL.Draft.Syntax as G import Hasura.GraphQL.Resolve.ContextTypes import Hasura.GraphQL.Validate.Types import Hasura.RQL.Types.BoolExp import Hasura.RQL.Types.Common import Hasura.RQL.Types.Permission import Hasura.SQL.Types type OpCtxMap = Map.HashMap G.Name OpCtx data InsOpCtx = InsOpCtx { _iocTable :: !QualifiedTable , _iocHeaders :: ![T.Text] } deriving (Show, Eq) data SelOpCtx = SelOpCtx { _socTable :: !QualifiedTable , _socHeaders :: ![T.Text] , _socFilter :: !AnnBoolExpSQL , _socLimit :: !(Maybe Int) } deriving (Show, Eq) data SelPkOpCtx = SelPkOpCtx { _spocTable :: !QualifiedTable , _spocHeaders :: ![T.Text] , _spocFilter :: !AnnBoolExpSQL , _spocArgMap :: !PGColArgMap } deriving (Show, Eq) data FuncQOpCtx = FuncQOpCtx { _fqocTable :: !QualifiedTable , _fqocHeaders :: ![T.Text] , _fqocFilter :: !AnnBoolExpSQL , _fqocLimit :: !(Maybe Int) , _fqocFunction :: !QualifiedFunction , _fqocArgs :: !FuncArgSeq } deriving (Show, Eq) data UpdOpCtx = UpdOpCtx { _uocTable :: !QualifiedTable , _uocHeaders :: ![T.Text] , _uocFilter :: !AnnBoolExpSQL , _uocPresetCols :: !PreSetCols , _uocUniqCols :: !(Maybe [PGColInfo]) } deriving (Show, Eq) data DelOpCtx = DelOpCtx { _docTable :: !QualifiedTable , _docHeaders :: ![T.Text] , _docFilter :: !AnnBoolExpSQL , _docUniqCols :: !(Maybe [PGColInfo]) } deriving (Show, Eq) data OpCtx = OCSelect !SelOpCtx | OCSelectPkey !SelPkOpCtx | OCSelectAgg !SelOpCtx | OCFuncQuery !FuncQOpCtx | OCFuncAggQuery !FuncQOpCtx | OCInsert !InsOpCtx | OCUpdate !UpdOpCtx | OCDelete !DelOpCtx deriving (Show, Eq) data GCtx = GCtx { _gTypes :: !TypeMap , _gFields :: !FieldMap , _gOrdByCtx :: !OrdByCtx , _gQueryRoot :: !ObjTyInfo , _gMutRoot :: !(Maybe ObjTyInfo) , _gSubRoot :: !(Maybe ObjTyInfo) , _gOpCtxMap :: !OpCtxMap , _gInsCtxMap :: !InsCtxMap } deriving (Show, Eq) instance Has TypeMap GCtx where getter = _gTypes modifier f ctx = ctx { _gTypes = f $ _gTypes ctx } instance ToJSON GCtx where toJSON _ = String "GCtx" type GCtxMap = Map.HashMap RoleName GCtx data TyAgg = TyAgg { _taTypes :: !TypeMap , _taFields :: !FieldMap , _taScalars :: !(Set.HashSet PGColType) , _taOrdBy :: !OrdByCtx } deriving (Show, Eq) instance Semigroup TyAgg where (TyAgg t1 f1 s1 o1) <> (TyAgg t2 f2 s2 o2) = TyAgg (Map.union t1 t2) (Map.union f1 f2) (Set.union s1 s2) (Map.union o1 o2) instance Monoid TyAgg where mempty = TyAgg Map.empty Map.empty Set.empty Map.empty mappend = (<>) newtype RootFlds = RootFlds { _taMutation :: Map.HashMap G.Name (OpCtx, Either ObjFldInfo ObjFldInfo) } deriving (Show, Eq) instance Semigroup RootFlds where (RootFlds m1) <> (RootFlds m2) = RootFlds (Map.union m1 m2) instance Monoid RootFlds where mempty = RootFlds Map.empty mappend = (<>) mkHsraObjFldInfo :: Maybe G.Description -> G.Name -> ParamMap -> G.GType -> ObjFldInfo mkHsraObjFldInfo descM name params ty = ObjFldInfo descM name params ty HasuraType mkHsraObjTyInfo :: Maybe G.Description -> G.NamedType -> IFacesSet -> ObjFieldMap -> ObjTyInfo mkHsraObjTyInfo descM ty implIFaces flds = mkObjTyInfo descM ty implIFaces flds HasuraType mkHsraInpTyInfo :: Maybe G.Description -> G.NamedType -> InpObjFldMap -> InpObjTyInfo mkHsraInpTyInfo descM ty flds = InpObjTyInfo descM ty flds HasuraType mkHsraEnumTyInfo :: Maybe G.Description -> G.NamedType -> Map.HashMap G.EnumValue EnumValInfo -> EnumTyInfo mkHsraEnumTyInfo descM ty enumVals = EnumTyInfo descM ty enumVals HasuraType mkHsraScalarTyInfo :: PGColType -> ScalarTyInfo mkHsraScalarTyInfo ty = ScalarTyInfo Nothing ty HasuraType fromInpValL :: [InpValInfo] -> Map.HashMap G.Name InpValInfo fromInpValL = mapFromL _iviName mkCompExpName :: PGColType -> G.Name mkCompExpName pgColTy = G.Name $ T.pack (show pgColTy) <> "_comparison_exp" mkCompExpTy :: PGColType -> G.NamedType mkCompExpTy = G.NamedType . mkCompExpName {- input st_d_within_input { distance: Float! from: geometry! } -} stDWithinInpTy :: G.NamedType stDWithinInpTy = G.NamedType "st_d_within_input" --- | make compare expression input type mkCompExpInp :: PGColType -> InpObjTyInfo mkCompExpInp colTy = InpObjTyInfo (Just tyDesc) (mkCompExpTy colTy) (fromInpValL $ concat [ map (mk colScalarTy) typedOps , map (mk $ G.toLT colScalarTy) listOps , bool [] (map (mk $ mkScalarTy PGText) stringOps) isStringTy , bool [] (map jsonbOpToInpVal jsonbOps) isJsonbTy , bool [] (stDWithinOpInpVal : map geomOpToInpVal geomOps) isGeometryTy , [InpValInfo Nothing "_is_null" Nothing $ G.TypeNamed (G.Nullability True) $ G.NamedType "Boolean"] ]) HasuraType where tyDesc = mconcat [ "expression to compare columns of type " , G.Description (T.pack $ show colTy) , ". All fields are combined with logical 'AND'." ] isStringTy = case colTy of PGVarchar -> True PGText -> True _ -> False mk t n = InpValInfo Nothing n Nothing $ G.toGT t colScalarTy = mkScalarTy colTy -- colScalarListTy = GA.GTList colGTy typedOps = ["_eq", "_neq", "_gt", "_lt", "_gte", "_lte"] listOps = [ "_in", "_nin" ] -- TODO -- columnOps = -- [ "_ceq", "_cneq", "_cgt", "_clt", "_cgte", "_clte"] stringOps = [ "_like", "_nlike", "_ilike", "_nilike" , "_similar", "_nsimilar" ] isJsonbTy = case colTy of PGJSONB -> True _ -> False jsonbOpToInpVal (op, ty, desc) = InpValInfo (Just desc) op Nothing ty jsonbOps = [ ( "_contains" , G.toGT $ mkScalarTy PGJSONB , "does the column contain the given json value at the top level" ) , ( "_contained_in" , G.toGT $ mkScalarTy PGJSONB , "is the column contained in the given json value" ) , ( "_has_key" , G.toGT $ mkScalarTy PGText , "does the string exist as a top-level key in the column" ) , ( "_has_keys_any" , G.toGT $ G.toLT $ G.toNT $ mkScalarTy PGText , "do any of these strings exist as top-level keys in the column" ) , ( "_has_keys_all" , G.toGT $ G.toLT $ G.toNT $ mkScalarTy PGText , "do all of these strings exist as top-level keys in the column" ) ] -- Geometry related ops stDWithinOpInpVal = InpValInfo (Just stDWithinDesc) "_st_d_within" Nothing $ G.toGT stDWithinInpTy stDWithinDesc = "is the column within a distance from a geometry value" isGeometryTy = case colTy of PGGeometry -> True _ -> False geomOpToInpVal (op, desc) = InpValInfo (Just desc) op Nothing $ G.toGT $ mkScalarTy PGGeometry geomOps = [ ( "_st_contains" , "does the column contain the given geometry value" ) , ( "_st_crosses" , "does the column crosses the given geometry value" ) , ( "_st_equals" , "is the column equal to given geometry value. Directionality is ignored" ) , ( "_st_intersects" , "does the column spatially intersect the given geometry value" ) , ( "_st_overlaps" , "does the column 'spatially overlap' (intersect but not completely contain) the given geometry value" ) , ( "_st_touches" , "does the column have atleast one point in common with the given geometry value" ) , ( "_st_within" , "is the column contained in the given geometry value" ) ] ordByTy :: G.NamedType ordByTy = G.NamedType "order_by" ordByEnumTy :: EnumTyInfo ordByEnumTy = mkHsraEnumTyInfo (Just desc) ordByTy $ mapFromL _eviVal $ map mkEnumVal enumVals where desc = G.Description "column ordering options" mkEnumVal (n, d) = EnumValInfo (Just d) (G.EnumValue n) False enumVals = [ ( "asc" , "in the ascending order, nulls last" ), ( "asc_nulls_last" , "in the ascending order, nulls last" ), ( "asc_nulls_first" , "in the ascending order, nulls first" ), ( "desc" , "in the descending order, nulls first" ), ( "desc_nulls_first" , "in the descending order, nulls first" ), ( "desc_nulls_last" , "in the descending order, nulls last" ) ] defaultTypes :: [TypeInfo] defaultTypes = $(fromSchemaDocQ defaultSchema HasuraType) mkGCtx :: TyAgg -> RootFlds -> InsCtxMap -> GCtx mkGCtx tyAgg (RootFlds flds) insCtxMap = let queryRoot = mkHsraObjTyInfo (Just "query root") (G.NamedType "query_root") Set.empty $ mapFromL _fiName (schemaFld:typeFld:qFlds) scalarTys = map (TIScalar . mkHsraScalarTyInfo) (colTys <> toList scalars) compTys = map (TIInpObj . mkCompExpInp) colTys ordByEnumTyM = bool (Just ordByEnumTy) Nothing $ null qFlds allTys = Map.union tyInfos $ mkTyInfoMap $ catMaybes [ Just $ TIObj queryRoot , TIObj <$> mutRootM , TIObj <$> subRootM , TIEnum <$> ordByEnumTyM , TIInpObj <$> stDWithinInpM ] <> scalarTys <> compTys <> defaultTypes -- for now subscription root is query root in GCtx allTys fldInfos ordByEnums queryRoot mutRootM subRootM ( fst flds) insCtxMap where TyAgg tyInfos fldInfos scalars ordByEnums = tyAgg colTys = Set.toList $ Set.fromList $ map pgiType $ lefts $ Map.elems fldInfos mkMutRoot = mkHsraObjTyInfo (Just "mutation root") (G.NamedType "mutation_root") Set.empty . mapFromL _fiName mutRootM = bool (Just $ mkMutRoot mFlds) Nothing $ null mFlds mkSubRoot = mkHsraObjTyInfo (Just "subscription root") (G.NamedType "subscription_root") Set.empty . mapFromL _fiName subRootM = bool (Just $ mkSubRoot qFlds) Nothing $ null qFlds (qFlds, mFlds) = partitionEithers $ map snd $ Map.elems flds schemaFld = mkHsraObjFldInfo Nothing "__schema" Map.empty $ G.toGT $ G.toNT $ G.NamedType "__Schema" typeFld = mkHsraObjFldInfo Nothing "__type" typeFldArgs $ G.toGT $ G.NamedType "__Type" where typeFldArgs = mapFromL _iviName [ InpValInfo (Just "name of the type") "name" Nothing $ G.toGT $ G.toNT $ G.NamedType "String" ] stDWithinInpM = bool Nothing (Just stDWithinInp) (PGGeometry `elem` colTys) stDWithinInp = mkHsraInpTyInfo Nothing stDWithinInpTy $ fromInpValL [ InpValInfo Nothing "from" Nothing $ G.toGT $ G.toNT $ mkScalarTy PGGeometry , InpValInfo Nothing "distance" Nothing $ G.toNT $ G.toNT $ mkScalarTy PGFloat ] emptyGCtx :: GCtx emptyGCtx = mkGCtx mempty mempty mempty