#!/usr/bin/env bash ### This is an example .envrc.local file you can start with. Uncomment the parts ### you'd like to use, and copy this to `.envrc.local`. ### Enable providing tooling with the Nix package manager ### (read the commentary in flake.nix first) # use flake ### Enable providing NodeJS versions with `nvm` # use nvm ### Enable providing GHC versions with `ghcup` # use ghcup ### Raise open file limit to stop `api-tests` struggling # ulimit -n 10240 ### Export key for running BigQuery tests locally. This depends on a ### `bigquery-service-account-key.json` key living in the directory above ### the `graphql-engine` repository. # HASURA_BIGQUERY_PROJECT_ID='regency-polecat-beehive' # export HASURA_BIGQUERY_PROJECT_ID # HASURA_BIGQUERY_SERVICE_KEY=$(cat ../bigquery-service-account.json) # export HASURA_BIGQUERY_SERVICE_KEY ### Export EE license key for running pro tests locally ### This depends on a `ee-license-key.txt` living in the directory above ### the `graphql-engine` repository # HASURA_GRAPHQL_EE_LICENSE_KEY=$(cat ../ee-license-key.txt) # export HASURA_GRAPHQL_EE_LICENSE_KEY