-- | Functions for updating the metadata (with integrity checking) to incorporate schema changes -- discovered after applying a user-supplied SQL query. None of these functions modify the schema -- cache, so it must be reloaded after the metadata is updated. module Hasura.RQL.DDL.Schema.Rename ( renameTableInMetadata, renameColumnInMetadata, renameRelationshipInMetadata, ) where import Control.Lens.Combinators import Control.Lens.Operators import Data.Aeson import Data.HashMap.Strict qualified as M import Data.HashMap.Strict.InsOrd qualified as OMap import Data.HashSet qualified as Set import Data.Text.Extended import Hasura.Base.Error import Hasura.Prelude import Hasura.RQL.DDL.Permission import Hasura.RQL.IR.BoolExp import Hasura.RQL.Types.Backend import Hasura.RQL.Types.BackendType import Hasura.RQL.Types.Column import Hasura.RQL.Types.Common import Hasura.RQL.Types.Metadata import Hasura.RQL.Types.Metadata.Backend import Hasura.RQL.Types.Permission import Hasura.RQL.Types.Relationships.Local import Hasura.RQL.Types.Relationships.Remote import Hasura.RQL.Types.Relationships.ToSource import Hasura.RQL.Types.Roles (RoleName) import Hasura.RQL.Types.SchemaCache import Hasura.RQL.Types.SchemaCacheTypes import Hasura.RQL.Types.Table import Hasura.RemoteSchema.Metadata import Hasura.SQL.AnyBackend qualified as AB import Language.GraphQL.Draft.Syntax qualified as G data RenameItem (b :: BackendType) a = RenameItem { _riTable :: TableName b, _riOld :: a, _riNew :: a } type RenameCol (b :: BackendType) = RenameItem b (Column b) data RenameField b = RFCol (RenameCol b) | RFRel (RenameItem b RelName) type RenameTable b = (TableName b, TableName b) data Rename b = RTable (RenameTable b) | RField (RenameField b) otherDeps :: QErrM m => Text -> SchemaObjId -> m () otherDeps errMsg d = throw500 $ "unexpected dependency " <> reportSchemaObj d <> "; " <> errMsg -- | Replace all references to a given table name by its new name across the entire metadata. -- -- This function will make use of the metadata dependency graph (see 'getDependentObjs') to identify -- all places that refer to the old table name, and replace it accordingly. Most operations will -- occur within the same source, such as table references in relationships and permissions. -- Dependencies across sources can happen in the case of cross-source relationships. -- -- This function will fail if it encounters a nonsensical dependency; for instance, if there's a -- dependency from that table to a source. -- -- For more information about the dependency graph, see 'SchemaObjId'. renameTableInMetadata :: forall b m. ( MonadError QErr m, CacheRM m, MonadWriter MetadataModifier m, BackendMetadata b ) => SourceName -> TableName b -> TableName b -> m () renameTableInMetadata source newQT oldQT = do sc <- askSchemaCache let allDeps = getDependentObjs sc $ SOSourceObj source $ AB.mkAnyBackend $ SOITable @b oldQT -- update all dependant schema objects forM_ allDeps $ \case -- the dependend object is a source object in the same source sobj@(SOSourceObj depSourceName exists) | depSourceName == source, Just sourceObjId <- AB.unpackAnyBackend @b exists -> case sourceObjId of SOITableObj refQT (TORel rn) -> updateRelDefs @b source refQT rn (oldQT, newQT) SOITableObj refQT (TOPerm rn pt) -> updatePermFlds @b source refQT rn pt $ RTable (oldQT, newQT) -- A trigger's definition is not dependent on the table directly SOITableObj _ (TOTrigger _) -> pure () -- A remote relationship's definition is not dependent on the table directly SOITableObj _ (TORemoteRel _) -> pure () _ -> otherDeps errMsg sobj -- the dependend object is a source object in a different source sobj@(SOSourceObj depSourceName exists) -> AB.dispatchAnyBackend @Backend exists \(sourceObjId :: SourceObjId b') -> case sourceObjId of SOITableObj tableName (TORemoteRel remoteRelationshipName) -> do updateTableInRemoteRelationshipRHS @b' @b depSourceName tableName remoteRelationshipName (oldQT, newQT) -- only remote relationships might create dependencies across sources _ -> otherDeps errMsg sobj -- any other kind of dependent object (erroneous) d -> otherDeps errMsg d -- Update table name in metadata tell $ MetadataModifier $ metaSources . ix source . (toSourceMetadata @b) . smTables %~ \tables -> flip (maybe tables) (OMap.lookup oldQT tables) $ \tableMeta -> OMap.delete oldQT $ OMap.insert newQT tableMeta {_tmTable = newQT} tables where errMsg = "cannot rename table " <> oldQT <<> " to " <>> newQT -- | Replace all references to a given column name by its new name across the entire metadata. -- -- This function will make use of the metadata dependency graph (see 'getDependentObjs') to identify -- all places that refer to the old column name, and replace it accordingly. Most operations will -- occur within the same source, such as column references in relationships and permissions. -- Dependencies across sources can happen in the case of cross-source relationships. -- -- This function will fail if it encounters a nonsensical dependency; for instance, if there's a -- dependency from that table to a source. -- -- For more information about the dependency graph, see 'SchemaObjId'. renameColumnInMetadata :: forall b m. ( MonadError QErr m, CacheRM m, MonadWriter MetadataModifier m, BackendMetadata b ) => Column b -> Column b -> SourceName -> TableName b -> FieldInfoMap (FieldInfo b) -> m () renameColumnInMetadata oCol nCol source qt fieldInfo = do sc <- askSchemaCache -- Check if any relation exists with new column name assertFldNotExists -- Fetch dependent objects let depObjs = getDependentObjs sc $ SOSourceObj source $ AB.mkAnyBackend $ SOITableObj @b qt $ TOCol @b oCol renameItem = RenameItem @b qt oCol nCol renameFld = RFCol renameItem -- Update dependent objects forM_ depObjs $ \case -- the dependend object is a source object in the same source sobj@(SOSourceObj depSourceName exists) | depSourceName == source, Just sourceObjId <- AB.unpackAnyBackend @b exists -> case sourceObjId of SOITableObj refQT (TOPerm role pt) -> updatePermFlds @b source refQT role pt $ RField renameFld SOITableObj refQT (TORel rn) -> updateColInRel @b source refQT rn renameItem SOITableObj refQT (TOTrigger triggerName) -> tell $ MetadataModifier $ tableMetadataSetter @b source refQT . tmEventTriggers . ix triggerName %~ updateColumnInEventTrigger @b refQT oCol nCol qt SOITableObj _ (TORemoteRel remoteRelName) -> updateColInRemoteRelationshipLHS source remoteRelName renameItem _ -> otherDeps errMsg sobj -- the dependend object is a source object in a different source sobj@(SOSourceObj depSourceName exists) -> AB.dispatchAnyBackend @Backend exists \(sourceObjId :: SourceObjId b') -> case sourceObjId of SOITableObj tableName (TORemoteRel remoteRelationshipName) -> do updateColInRemoteRelationshipRHS @b' @b depSourceName tableName remoteRelationshipName renameItem -- only remote relationships might create dependencies across sources _ -> otherDeps errMsg sobj -- any other kind of dependent object (erroneous) d -> otherDeps errMsg d -- Update custom column names possiblyUpdateCustomColumnNames @b source qt oCol nCol where errMsg = "cannot rename column " <> oCol <<> " to " <>> nCol assertFldNotExists = case M.lookup (fromCol @b oCol) fieldInfo of Just (FIRelationship _) -> throw400 AlreadyExists $ "cannot rename column " <> oCol <<> " to " <> nCol <<> " in table " <> qt <<> " as a relationship with the name already exists" _ -> pure () renameRelationshipInMetadata :: forall b m. ( MonadError QErr m, CacheRM m, MonadWriter MetadataModifier m, BackendMetadata b ) => SourceName -> TableName b -> RelName -> RelType -> RelName -> m () renameRelationshipInMetadata source qt oldRN relType newRN = do sc <- askSchemaCache let depObjs = getDependentObjs sc $ SOSourceObj source $ AB.mkAnyBackend $ SOITableObj @b qt $ TORel oldRN renameFld = RFRel $ RenameItem @b qt oldRN newRN forM_ depObjs $ \case sobj@(SOSourceObj _ exists) -> case AB.unpackAnyBackend @b exists of Just (SOITableObj refQT (TOPerm role pt)) -> updatePermFlds @b source refQT role pt $ RField renameFld _ -> otherDeps errMsg sobj d -> otherDeps errMsg d tell $ MetadataModifier $ tableMetadataSetter @b source qt %~ case relType of ObjRel -> tmObjectRelationships %~ rewriteRelationships ArrRel -> tmArrayRelationships %~ rewriteRelationships where errMsg = "cannot rename relationship " <> oldRN <<> " to " <>> newRN rewriteRelationships :: Relationships (RelDef a) -> Relationships (RelDef a) rewriteRelationships relationsMap = flip (maybe relationsMap) (OMap.lookup oldRN relationsMap) $ \rd -> OMap.insert newRN rd {_rdName = newRN} $ OMap.delete oldRN relationsMap -- update table names in relationship definition updateRelDefs :: forall b m. ( MonadError QErr m, CacheRM m, MonadWriter MetadataModifier m, BackendMetadata b ) => SourceName -> TableName b -> RelName -> RenameTable b -> m () updateRelDefs source qt rn renameTable = do fim <- askTableFieldInfoMap @b source qt ri <- askRelType fim rn "" tell $ MetadataModifier $ tableMetadataSetter source qt %~ case riType ri of ObjRel -> tmObjectRelationships . ix rn %~ updateObjRelDef renameTable ArrRel -> tmArrayRelationships . ix rn %~ updateArrRelDef renameTable where updateObjRelDef :: RenameTable b -> ObjRelDef b -> ObjRelDef b updateObjRelDef (oldQT, newQT) = rdUsing %~ \case RUFKeyOn fk -> RUFKeyOn fk RUManual (RelManualConfig origQT rmCols rmIO) -> let updQT = bool origQT newQT $ oldQT == origQT in RUManual $ RelManualConfig updQT rmCols rmIO updateArrRelDef :: RenameTable b -> ArrRelDef b -> ArrRelDef b updateArrRelDef (oldQT, newQT) = rdUsing %~ \case RUFKeyOn (ArrRelUsingFKeyOn origQT c) -> let updQT = getUpdQT origQT in RUFKeyOn $ ArrRelUsingFKeyOn updQT c RUManual (RelManualConfig origQT rmCols rmIO) -> let updQT = getUpdQT origQT in RUManual $ RelManualConfig updQT rmCols rmIO where getUpdQT origQT = bool origQT newQT $ oldQT == origQT -- | update fields in permissions updatePermFlds :: forall b m. ( MonadError QErr m, CacheRM m, MonadWriter MetadataModifier m, BackendMetadata b ) => SourceName -> TableName b -> RoleName -> PermType -> Rename b -> m () updatePermFlds source refQT rn pt rename = do tables <- fold <$> askTableCache source let withTables :: Reader (TableCache b) a -> a withTables = flip runReader tables tell $ MetadataModifier $ tableMetadataSetter source refQT %~ case pt of PTInsert -> tmInsertPermissions . ix rn . pdPermission %~ \insPerm -> withTables $ updateInsPermFlds refQT rename insPerm PTSelect -> tmSelectPermissions . ix rn . pdPermission %~ \selPerm -> withTables $ updateSelPermFlds refQT rename selPerm PTUpdate -> tmUpdatePermissions . ix rn . pdPermission %~ \updPerm -> withTables $ updateUpdPermFlds refQT rename updPerm PTDelete -> tmDeletePermissions . ix rn . pdPermission %~ \delPerm -> withTables $ updateDelPermFlds refQT rename delPerm updateInsPermFlds :: (MonadReader (TableCache b) m, Backend b) => TableName b -> Rename b -> PermDefPermission b InsPerm -> m (PermDefPermission b InsPerm) updateInsPermFlds refQT rename (InsPerm' (InsPerm chk preset cols backendOnly)) = case rename of RTable rt -> do let updChk = updateTableInBoolExp rt chk pure $ InsPerm' $ InsPerm updChk preset cols backendOnly RField rf -> do updChk <- updateFieldInBoolExp refQT rf chk let updPresetM = updatePreset refQT rf <$> preset updColsM = updateCols refQT rf <$> cols pure $ InsPerm' $ InsPerm updChk updPresetM updColsM backendOnly updateSelPermFlds :: (MonadReader (TableCache b) m, Backend b) => TableName b -> Rename b -> PermDefPermission b SelPerm -> m (PermDefPermission b SelPerm) updateSelPermFlds refQT rename (SelPerm' (SelPerm cols fltr limit aggAllwd computedFields allowedQueryRootFieldTypes allowedSubsRootFieldTypes)) = do case rename of RTable rt -> do let updFltr = updateTableInBoolExp rt fltr pure $ SelPerm' $ SelPerm cols updFltr limit aggAllwd computedFields allowedQueryRootFieldTypes allowedSubsRootFieldTypes RField rf -> do updFltr <- updateFieldInBoolExp refQT rf fltr let updCols = updateCols refQT rf cols pure $ SelPerm' $ SelPerm updCols updFltr limit aggAllwd computedFields allowedQueryRootFieldTypes allowedSubsRootFieldTypes updateUpdPermFlds :: (MonadReader (TableCache b) m, Backend b) => TableName b -> Rename b -> PermDefPermission b UpdPerm -> m (PermDefPermission b UpdPerm) updateUpdPermFlds refQT rename (UpdPerm' (UpdPerm cols preset fltr check backendOnly)) = do case rename of RTable rt -> do let updFltr = updateTableInBoolExp rt fltr updCheck = fmap (updateTableInBoolExp rt) check pure $ UpdPerm' $ UpdPerm cols preset updFltr updCheck backendOnly RField rf -> do updFltr <- updateFieldInBoolExp refQT rf fltr updCheck <- traverse (updateFieldInBoolExp refQT rf) check let updCols = updateCols refQT rf cols updPresetM = updatePreset refQT rf <$> preset pure $ UpdPerm' $ UpdPerm updCols updPresetM updFltr updCheck backendOnly updateDelPermFlds :: (MonadReader (TableCache b) m, Backend b) => TableName b -> Rename b -> PermDefPermission b DelPerm -> m (PermDefPermission b DelPerm) updateDelPermFlds refQT rename (DelPerm' (DelPerm fltr backendOnly)) = do case rename of RTable rt -> do let updFltr = updateTableInBoolExp rt fltr pure $ DelPerm' $ DelPerm updFltr backendOnly RField rf -> do updFltr <- updateFieldInBoolExp refQT rf fltr pure $ DelPerm' $ DelPerm updFltr backendOnly updatePreset :: (Backend b) => TableName b -> RenameField b -> ColumnValues b Value -> ColumnValues b Value updatePreset qt rf obj = case rf of RFCol (RenameItem opQT oCol nCol) -> if qt == opQT then updatePreset' oCol nCol else obj _ -> obj where updatePreset' oCol nCol = M.fromList updItems where updItems = map procObjItem $ M.toList obj procObjItem (pgCol, v) = let isUpdated = pgCol == oCol updCol = bool pgCol nCol isUpdated in (updCol, v) updateCols :: (Backend b) => TableName b -> RenameField b -> PermColSpec b -> PermColSpec b updateCols qt rf permSpec = case rf of RFCol (RenameItem opQT oCol nCol) -> if qt == opQT then updateCols' oCol nCol permSpec else permSpec _ -> permSpec where updateCols' oCol nCol cols = case cols of PCStar -> cols PCCols c -> PCCols $ flip map c $ \col -> if col == oCol then nCol else col updateTableInBoolExp :: (Backend b) => RenameTable b -> BoolExp b -> BoolExp b updateTableInBoolExp (oldQT, newQT) = over _Wrapped . transform $ (_BoolExists . geTable) %~ \rqfQT -> if rqfQT == oldQT then newQT else rqfQT updateFieldInBoolExp :: (MonadReader (TableCache b) m, Backend b) => TableName b -> RenameField b -> BoolExp b -> m (BoolExp b) updateFieldInBoolExp qt rf be = BoolExp <$> case unBoolExp be of BoolAnd exps -> BoolAnd <$> procExps exps BoolOr exps -> BoolOr <$> procExps exps BoolNot e -> BoolNot <$> updateBoolExp' e BoolExists (GExists refqt wh) -> BoolExists . GExists refqt . unBoolExp <$> updateFieldInBoolExp refqt rf (BoolExp wh) BoolField fld -> BoolField <$> updateColExp qt rf fld where procExps = mapM updateBoolExp' updateBoolExp' = fmap unBoolExp . updateFieldInBoolExp qt rf . BoolExp updateColExp :: forall b m. (MonadReader (TableCache b) m, Backend b) => TableName b -> RenameField b -> ColExp -> m ColExp updateColExp qt rf (ColExp fld val) = ColExp updatedFld <$> updatedVal where updatedFld = bool fld nFld $ opQT == qt && oFld == fld updatedVal = do tables <- ask let maybeFieldInfo = M.lookup qt tables >>= M.lookup fld . _tciFieldInfoMap . _tiCoreInfo case maybeFieldInfo of Nothing -> pure val Just fi -> case fi of FIColumn _ -> pure val FINestedObject _ -> pure val FIComputedField _ -> pure val FIRelationship ri -> do let remTable = riRTable ri case decodeValue val of Left _ -> pure val Right be -> toJSON <$> updateFieldInBoolExp remTable rf be FIRemoteRelationship {} -> pure val (oFld, nFld, opQT) = case rf of RFCol (RenameItem tn oCol nCol) -> (fromCol @b oCol, fromCol @b nCol, tn) RFRel (RenameItem tn oRel nRel) -> (fromRel oRel, fromRel nRel, tn) -- rename columns in relationship definitions updateColInRel :: forall b m. (CacheRM m, MonadWriter MetadataModifier m, BackendMetadata b) => SourceName -> TableName b -> RelName -> RenameCol b -> m () updateColInRel source fromQT rn rnCol = do tables <- fold <$> askTableCache @b source let maybeRelInfo = tables ^? ix fromQT . tiCoreInfo . tciFieldInfoMap . ix (fromRel rn) . _FIRelationship forM_ maybeRelInfo $ \relInfo -> let relTableName = riRTable relInfo in tell $ MetadataModifier $ tableMetadataSetter source fromQT %~ case riType relInfo of ObjRel -> tmObjectRelationships . ix rn . rdUsing %~ updateColInObjRel fromQT relTableName rnCol ArrRel -> tmArrayRelationships . ix rn . rdUsing %~ updateColInArrRel fromQT relTableName rnCol -- | Local helper: update a column's name in the left-hand side of a remote relationship. -- -- There are two kinds or remote relationships: remote source relationships, across sources, and -- remote schema relationships, on remote schemas. In both cases, we maintain a mapping from the -- source table's colunns to what they should be joined against in the target; when a column is -- renamed, those references must be renamed as well. This function handles both cases. -- -- See 'renameColumnInMetadata'. updateColInRemoteRelationshipLHS :: forall b m. ( MonadError QErr m, MonadWriter MetadataModifier m, BackendMetadata b ) => SourceName -> RelName -> RenameCol b -> m () updateColInRemoteRelationshipLHS source remoteRelationshipName (RenameItem qt oldCol newCol) = do oldColName <- parseGraphQLName $ toTxt oldCol newColName <- parseGraphQLName $ toTxt newCol let oldFieldName = fromCol @b oldCol newFieldName = fromCol @b newCol updateSet = Set.insert newFieldName . Set.delete oldFieldName updateMapKey = -- mapKeys is not available in M.fromList . map (\(key, value) -> (if key == oldFieldName then newFieldName else key, value)) . M.toList updateFieldCalls (RemoteFields fields) = RemoteFields $ fields <&> \(FieldCall name (RemoteArguments args)) -> FieldCall name $ RemoteArguments $ updateVariableName <$> args updateVariableName = fmap \v -> if v == oldColName then newColName else v remoteRelationshipLens = tableMetadataSetter @b source qt . tmRemoteRelationships . ix remoteRelationshipName . rrDefinition remoteSchemaLHSModifier = remoteRelationshipLens . _RelationshipToSchema . _2 %~ (trrdLhsFields %~ updateSet) . (trrdRemoteField %~ updateFieldCalls) remoteSourceLHSModifier = remoteRelationshipLens . _RelationshipToSource . tsrdFieldMapping %~ updateMapKey tell $ MetadataModifier $ remoteSchemaLHSModifier . remoteSourceLHSModifier where parseGraphQLName txt = G.mkName txt `onNothing` throw400 ParseFailed (txt <> " is not a valid GraphQL name") -- | Local helper: update a column's name in the right-hand side of a remote relationship. -- -- In the case of remote _source_ relationships, the mapping from column to column needs to be -- updated if one of the rhs columns has been renamed. A dependency is tracked from the rhs source's -- column to the lhs source's relationship: when a rhs source's column has been renamed, this -- function performs the corresponding update in the lhs source's relationship definition. -- -- See 'renameColumnInMetadata'. updateColInRemoteRelationshipRHS :: forall source target m. ( MonadWriter MetadataModifier m, Backend source, Backend target ) => SourceName -> TableName source -> RelName -> RenameCol target -> m () updateColInRemoteRelationshipRHS source tableName remoteRelationshipName (RenameItem _ oldCol newCol) = tell $ MetadataModifier $ tableMetadataSetter @source source tableName . tmRemoteRelationships . ix remoteRelationshipName . rrDefinition . _RelationshipToSource . tsrdFieldMapping %~ updateMapValue where oldFieldName = fromCol @target oldCol newFieldName = fromCol @target newCol updateMapValue = fmap \value -> if value == oldFieldName then newFieldName else value -- | Local helper: update a table's name in the right-hand side of a remote relationship. -- -- In the case of remote _source_ relationships, the relationship definition targets a specific -- table in the rhs source, and that reference needs to be updated if the targeted table has been -- renamed. A dependency is tracked from the rhs source's table to the lhs source's relationship: -- when a rhs table has been renamed, this function performs the corresponding update in the lhs -- source's relationship definition. -- -- See 'renameTableInMetadata'. updateTableInRemoteRelationshipRHS :: forall source target m. ( MonadWriter MetadataModifier m, Backend source, Backend target ) => SourceName -> TableName source -> RelName -> RenameTable target -> m () updateTableInRemoteRelationshipRHS source tableName remoteRelationshipName (_, newTableName) = tell $ MetadataModifier $ tableMetadataSetter @source source tableName . tmRemoteRelationships . ix remoteRelationshipName . rrDefinition . _RelationshipToSource . tsrdTable .~ toJSON newTableName updateColInObjRel :: (Backend b) => TableName b -> TableName b -> RenameCol b -> ObjRelUsing b -> ObjRelUsing b updateColInObjRel fromQT toQT rnCol = \case RUFKeyOn c -> RUFKeyOn $ updateRelChoice fromQT toQT rnCol c RUManual manConfig -> RUManual $ updateRelManualConfig fromQT toQT rnCol manConfig updateRelChoice :: Backend b => TableName b -> TableName b -> RenameCol b -> ObjRelUsingChoice b -> ObjRelUsingChoice b updateRelChoice fromQT toQT rnCol = \case SameTable col -> SameTable $ getNewCol rnCol fromQT col RemoteTable t c -> RemoteTable t (getNewCol rnCol toQT c) updateColInArrRel :: (Backend b) => TableName b -> TableName b -> RenameCol b -> ArrRelUsing b -> ArrRelUsing b updateColInArrRel fromQT toQT rnCol = \case RUFKeyOn (ArrRelUsingFKeyOn t c) -> let updCol = getNewCol rnCol toQT c in RUFKeyOn $ ArrRelUsingFKeyOn t updCol RUManual manConfig -> RUManual $ updateRelManualConfig fromQT toQT rnCol manConfig type ColMap b = HashMap (Column b) (Column b) getNewCol :: forall b f. Backend b => Functor f => RenameCol b -> TableName b -> f (Column b) -> f (Column b) getNewCol rnCol qt cols = if qt == opQT then go <$> cols else cols where RenameItem opQT oCol nCol = rnCol go :: Column b -> Column b go col | col == oCol = nCol | otherwise = col updateRelManualConfig :: forall b. (Backend b) => TableName b -> TableName b -> RenameCol b -> RelManualConfig b -> RelManualConfig b updateRelManualConfig fromQT toQT rnCol manConfig = RelManualConfig tn (updateColMap fromQT toQT rnCol colMap) io where RelManualConfig tn colMap io = manConfig updateColMap :: forall b. (Backend b) => TableName b -> TableName b -> RenameCol b -> ColMap b -> ColMap b updateColMap fromQT toQT rnCol = M.fromList . map (modCol fromQT *** modCol toQT) . M.toList where RenameItem qt oCol nCol = rnCol modCol colQt col = if colQt == qt && col == oCol then nCol else col possiblyUpdateCustomColumnNames :: forall b m. (MonadWriter MetadataModifier m, BackendMetadata b) => SourceName -> TableName b -> Column b -> Column b -> m () possiblyUpdateCustomColumnNames source tableName oldColumn newColumn = do tell $ MetadataModifier $ tableMetadataSetter @b source tableName . tmConfiguration . tcColumnConfig %~ swapOldColumnForNewColumn where swapOldColumnForNewColumn :: HashMap (Column b) columnData -> HashMap (Column b) columnData swapOldColumnForNewColumn customColumns = M.fromList $ (\(dbCol, val) -> (,val) $ if dbCol == oldColumn then newColumn else dbCol) <$> M.toList customColumns