module Hasura.GraphQL.Schema.Mutation.Update ( mkUpdSetInp , mkUpdIncInp , mkUpdJSONOpInp , mkUpdSetTy , mkUpdMutFld , mkPKeyColumnsInpObj , mkUpdateByPkMutationField ) where import qualified Language.GraphQL.Draft.Syntax as G import Hasura.GraphQL.Schema.BoolExp import Hasura.GraphQL.Schema.Common import Hasura.GraphQL.Schema.Mutation.Common import Hasura.GraphQL.Validate.Types import Hasura.Prelude import Hasura.RQL.Types import Hasura.SQL.Types -- table_set_input mkUpdSetTy :: QualifiedTable -> G.NamedType mkUpdSetTy tn = G.NamedType $ qualObjectToName tn <> "_set_input" {- input table_set_input { col1: colty1 . . coln: coltyn } -} mkUpdSetInp :: QualifiedTable -> [PGColumnInfo] -> InpObjTyInfo mkUpdSetInp tn cols = mkHsraInpTyInfo (Just desc) (mkUpdSetTy tn) $ fromInpValL $ map mkPGColInp cols where desc = G.Description $ "input type for updating data in table " <>> tn -- table_inc_input mkUpdIncTy :: QualifiedTable -> G.NamedType mkUpdIncTy tn = G.NamedType $ qualObjectToName tn <> "_inc_input" {- input table_inc_input { integer-col1: int . . integer-coln: int } -} mkUpdIncInp :: QualifiedTable -> Maybe [PGColumnInfo] -> Maybe InpObjTyInfo mkUpdIncInp tn = maybe Nothing mkType where mkType cols = let numCols = onlyNumCols cols incObjTy = mkHsraInpTyInfo (Just desc) (mkUpdIncTy tn) $ fromInpValL $ map mkPGColInp numCols in bool (Just incObjTy) Nothing $ null numCols desc = G.Description $ "input type for incrementing integer column in table " <>> tn -- table__input mkJSONOpTy :: QualifiedTable -> G.Name -> G.NamedType mkJSONOpTy tn op = G.NamedType $ qualObjectToName tn <> op <> "_input" -- json ops are _concat, _delete_key, _delete_elem, _delete_at_path {- input table_concat_input { jsonb-col1: json . . jsonb-coln: json } -} {- input table_delete_key_input { jsonb-col1: string . . jsonb-coln: string } -} {- input table_delete_elem_input { jsonb-col1: int . . jsonb-coln: int } -} {- input table_delete_at_path_input { jsonb-col1: [string] . . jsonb-coln: [string] } -} -- jsonb operators and descriptions prependOp :: G.Name prependOp = "_prepend" prependDesc :: G.Description prependDesc = "prepend existing jsonb value of filtered columns with new jsonb value" appendOp :: G.Name appendOp = "_append" appendDesc :: G.Description appendDesc = "append existing jsonb value of filtered columns with new jsonb value" deleteKeyOp :: G.Name deleteKeyOp = "_delete_key" deleteKeyDesc :: G.Description deleteKeyDesc = "delete key/value pair or string element." <> " key/value pairs are matched based on their key value" deleteElemOp :: G.Name deleteElemOp = "_delete_elem" deleteElemDesc :: G.Description deleteElemDesc = "delete the array element with specified index (negative integers count from the end)." <> " throws an error if top level container is not an array" deleteAtPathOp :: G.Name deleteAtPathOp = "_delete_at_path" deleteAtPathDesc :: G.Description deleteAtPathDesc = "delete the field or element with specified path" <> " (for JSON arrays, negative integers count from the end)" mkUpdJSONOpInp :: QualifiedTable -> [PGColumnInfo] -> [InpObjTyInfo] mkUpdJSONOpInp tn cols = bool inpObjs [] $ null jsonbCols where jsonbCols = onlyJSONBCols cols jsonbColNames = map pgiName jsonbCols inpObjs = [ prependInpObj, appendInpObj, deleteKeyInpObj , deleteElemInpObj, deleteAtPathInpObj ] appendInpObj = mkHsraInpTyInfo (Just appendDesc) (mkJSONOpTy tn appendOp) $ fromInpValL $ map mkPGColInp jsonbCols prependInpObj = mkHsraInpTyInfo (Just prependDesc) (mkJSONOpTy tn prependOp) $ fromInpValL $ map mkPGColInp jsonbCols deleteKeyInpObj = mkHsraInpTyInfo (Just deleteKeyDesc) (mkJSONOpTy tn deleteKeyOp) $ fromInpValL $ map deleteKeyInpVal jsonbColNames deleteKeyInpVal n = InpValInfo Nothing n Nothing $ G.toGT $ G.NamedType "String" deleteElemInpObj = mkHsraInpTyInfo (Just deleteElemDesc) (mkJSONOpTy tn deleteElemOp) $ fromInpValL $ map deleteElemInpVal jsonbColNames deleteElemInpVal n = InpValInfo Nothing n Nothing $ G.toGT $ G.NamedType "Int" deleteAtPathInpObj = mkHsraInpTyInfo (Just deleteAtPathDesc) (mkJSONOpTy tn deleteAtPathOp) $ fromInpValL $ map deleteAtPathInpVal jsonbColNames deleteAtPathInpVal n = InpValInfo Nothing n Nothing $ G.toGT $ G.toLT $ G.NamedType "String" {- update_table( where : table_bool_exp! _set : table_set_input _inc : table_inc_input _concat: table_concat_input _delete_key: table_delete_key_input _delete_elem: table_delete_elem_input _delete_path_at: table_delete_path_at_input ): table_mutation_response -} mkIncInpVal :: QualifiedTable -> [PGColumnInfo] -> Maybe InpValInfo mkIncInpVal tn cols = bool (Just incArg) Nothing $ null numCols where numCols = onlyNumCols cols incArgDesc = "increments the integer columns with given value of the filtered values" incArg = InpValInfo (Just incArgDesc) "_inc" Nothing $ G.toGT $ mkUpdIncTy tn mkJSONOpInpVals :: QualifiedTable -> [PGColumnInfo] -> [InpValInfo] mkJSONOpInpVals tn cols = bool jsonbOpArgs [] $ null jsonbCols where jsonbCols = onlyJSONBCols cols jsonbOpArgs = [appendArg, prependArg, deleteKeyArg, deleteElemArg, deleteAtPathArg] appendArg = InpValInfo (Just appendDesc) appendOp Nothing $ G.toGT $ mkJSONOpTy tn appendOp prependArg = InpValInfo (Just prependDesc) prependOp Nothing $ G.toGT $ mkJSONOpTy tn prependOp deleteKeyArg = InpValInfo (Just deleteKeyDesc) deleteKeyOp Nothing $ G.toGT $ mkJSONOpTy tn deleteKeyOp deleteElemArg = InpValInfo (Just deleteElemDesc) deleteElemOp Nothing $ G.toGT $ mkJSONOpTy tn deleteElemOp deleteAtPathArg = InpValInfo (Just deleteAtPathDesc) deleteAtPathOp Nothing $ G.toGT $ mkJSONOpTy tn deleteAtPathOp mkUpdateOpInputs :: QualifiedTable -> [PGColumnInfo] -> [InpValInfo] mkUpdateOpInputs qt cols = catMaybes [Just setInp , mkIncInpVal qt cols] <> mkJSONOpInpVals qt cols where setArgDesc = "sets the columns of the filtered rows to the given values" setInp = InpValInfo (Just setArgDesc) "_set" Nothing $ G.toGT $ mkUpdSetTy qt mkUpdMutFld :: Maybe G.Name -> QualifiedTable -> [PGColumnInfo] -> ObjFldInfo mkUpdMutFld mCustomName tn cols = mkHsraObjFldInfo (Just desc) fldName (fromInpValL inputValues) $ G.toGT $ mkMutRespTy tn where inputValues = [filterArg] <> mkUpdateOpInputs tn cols desc = G.Description $ "update data of the table: " <>> tn defFldName = "update_" <> qualObjectToName tn fldName = fromMaybe defFldName mCustomName filterArgDesc = "filter the rows which have to be updated" filterArg = InpValInfo (Just filterArgDesc) "where" Nothing $ G.toGT $ G.toNT $ mkBoolExpTy tn {- update_table_by_pk( columns: table_pk_columns_input! _set : table_set_input _inc : table_inc_input _concat: table_concat_input _delete_key: table_delete_key_input _delete_elem: table_delete_elem_input _delete_path_at: table_delete_path_at_input ) -} {- input table_pk_columns_input { col1: col-ty1! col2: col-ty2! } where col1, col2 are primary key columns -} mkPKeyColumnsInpTy :: QualifiedTable -> G.NamedType mkPKeyColumnsInpTy qt = G.NamedType $ qualObjectToName qt <> "_pk_columns_input" mkPKeyColumnsInpObj :: QualifiedTable -> PrimaryKey PGColumnInfo -> InpObjTyInfo mkPKeyColumnsInpObj qt primaryKey = mkHsraInpTyInfo (Just description) (mkPKeyColumnsInpTy qt) $ fromInpValL $ map mkColumnInputVal $ toList $ _pkColumns primaryKey where description = G.Description $ "primary key columns input for table: " <>> qt mkUpdateByPkMutationField :: Maybe G.Name -> QualifiedTable -> [PGColumnInfo] -> PrimaryKey PGColumnInfo -> ObjFldInfo mkUpdateByPkMutationField mCustomName qt cols _ = mkHsraObjFldInfo (Just description) fieldName (fromInpValL inputArgs) $ G.toGT $ mkTableTy qt where description = G.Description $ "update single row of the table: " <>> qt fieldName = flip fromMaybe mCustomName $ "update_" <> qualObjectToName qt <> "_by_pk" inputArgs = pure primaryKeyColumnsInp <> mkUpdateOpInputs qt cols primaryKeyColumnsInp = InpValInfo Nothing "pk_columns" Nothing $ G.toGT $ G.toNT $ mkPKeyColumnsInpTy qt