{-# LANGUAGE DisambiguateRecordFields #-} -- | Constant configurations used throughout the test suite. module Harness.Constants ( postgresPassword, postgresUser, postgresDb, postgresHost, postgresPort, postgresqlConnectionString, postgresLivenessCheckAttempts, postgresLivenessCheckIntervalSeconds, postgresLivenessCheckIntervalMicroseconds, mysqlLivenessCheckAttempts, mysqlLivenessCheckIntervalSeconds, mysqlLivenessCheckIntervalMicroseconds, mysqlPassword, mysqlUser, mysqlDb, mysqlHost, mysqlPort, mysqlConnectInfo, sqlserverLivenessCheckAttempts, sqlserverLivenessCheckIntervalSeconds, sqlserverLivenessCheckIntervalMicroseconds, sqlserverConnectInfo, sqlserverDb, bigqueryServiceKeyVar, bigqueryProjectIdVar, bigqueryDataset, httpHealthCheckAttempts, httpHealthCheckIntervalSeconds, httpHealthCheckIntervalMicroseconds, citusConnectionString, citusDb, serveOptions, dataConnectorDb, ) where ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- import Data.HashSet qualified as Set import Data.Word (Word16) import Database.MySQL.Simple qualified as Mysql import Database.PG.Query qualified as Q import Hasura.GraphQL.Execute.Subscription.Options qualified as ES import Hasura.Logging qualified as L import Hasura.Prelude import Hasura.RQL.Types.Common (StringifyNumbers (..)) import Hasura.RQL.Types.Function (FunctionPermissionsCtx (FunctionPermissionsInferred)) import Hasura.RQL.Types.RemoteSchema (RemoteSchemaPermsCtx (RemoteSchemaPermsDisabled)) import Hasura.Server.Cors (CorsConfig (CCAllowAll)) import Hasura.Server.Init ( API (CONFIG, DEVELOPER, GRAPHQL, METADATA), OptionalInterval (..), ResponseInternalErrorsConfig (..), ServeOptions (..), ) import Hasura.Server.Init qualified as Init import Hasura.Server.Logging (MetadataQueryLoggingMode (MetadataQueryLoggingDisabled)) import Hasura.Server.Types ( EventingMode (EventingEnabled), MaintenanceMode (MaintenanceModeDisabled), ReadOnlyMode (ReadOnlyModeDisabled), ) import Network.WebSockets qualified as WS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- * Postgres postgresPassword :: String postgresPassword = "hasura" postgresUser :: String postgresUser = "hasura" postgresDb :: String postgresDb = "hasura" postgresHost :: String postgresHost = "" postgresPort :: Word16 postgresPort = 65002 postgresqlConnectionString :: String postgresqlConnectionString = "postgres://" ++ postgresUser ++ ":" ++ postgresPassword ++ "@" ++ postgresHost ++ ":" ++ show postgresPort ++ "/" ++ postgresDb -- * Citus citusPassword :: String citusPassword = "hasura" citusUser :: String citusUser = "hasura" citusDb :: String citusDb = "hasura" citusHost :: String citusHost = "" citusPort :: Word16 citusPort = 65004 citusConnectionString :: String citusConnectionString = "postgres://" ++ citusUser ++ ":" ++ citusPassword ++ "@" ++ citusHost ++ ":" ++ show citusPort ++ "/" ++ citusDb -- * DataConnector dataConnectorDb :: String dataConnectorDb = "data-connector" -- * Liveness postgresLivenessCheckAttempts :: Int postgresLivenessCheckAttempts = 5 postgresLivenessCheckIntervalSeconds :: Int postgresLivenessCheckIntervalSeconds = 1 sqlserverLivenessCheckAttempts :: Int sqlserverLivenessCheckAttempts = 5 sqlserverLivenessCheckIntervalSeconds :: Int sqlserverLivenessCheckIntervalSeconds = 1 -- | SQL Server has strict password requirements, that's why it's not -- simply @hasura@ like the others. sqlserverConnectInfo :: Text sqlserverConnectInfo = "DRIVER={ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server};SERVER=,65003;Uid=hasura;Pwd=Hasura1!;Encrypt=no" sqlserverDb :: String sqlserverDb = "hasura" sqlserverLivenessCheckIntervalMicroseconds :: Int sqlserverLivenessCheckIntervalMicroseconds = 1000 * 1000 * sqlserverLivenessCheckIntervalSeconds postgresLivenessCheckIntervalMicroseconds :: Int postgresLivenessCheckIntervalMicroseconds = 1000 * 1000 * postgresLivenessCheckIntervalSeconds mysqlLivenessCheckAttempts :: Int mysqlLivenessCheckAttempts = 5 mysqlLivenessCheckIntervalSeconds :: Int mysqlLivenessCheckIntervalSeconds = 1 mysqlLivenessCheckIntervalMicroseconds :: Int mysqlLivenessCheckIntervalMicroseconds = 1000 * 1000 * mysqlLivenessCheckIntervalSeconds -- * MySQL mysqlPassword :: String mysqlPassword = "hasura" mysqlUser :: String mysqlUser = "hasura" mysqlDb :: String mysqlDb = "hasura" mysqlHost :: String mysqlHost = "" mysqlPort :: Word16 mysqlPort = 65001 mysqlConnectInfo :: Mysql.ConnectInfo mysqlConnectInfo = Mysql.defaultConnectInfo { Mysql.connectUser = mysqlUser, Mysql.connectPassword = mysqlPassword, Mysql.connectDatabase = mysqlDb, Mysql.connectHost = mysqlHost, Mysql.connectPort = mysqlPort } bigqueryServiceKeyVar :: String bigqueryServiceKeyVar = "HASURA_BIGQUERY_SERVICE_KEY" bigqueryProjectIdVar :: String bigqueryProjectIdVar = "HASURA_BIGQUERY_PROJECT_ID" bigqueryDataset :: String bigqueryDataset = "hasura" -- * HTTP health checks httpHealthCheckAttempts :: Int httpHealthCheckAttempts = 5 httpHealthCheckIntervalSeconds :: Int httpHealthCheckIntervalSeconds = 1 httpHealthCheckIntervalMicroseconds :: Int httpHealthCheckIntervalMicroseconds = 1000 * 1000 * httpHealthCheckIntervalSeconds -- * Server configuration serveOptions :: ServeOptions L.Hasura serveOptions = ServeOptions { soPort = 12345, -- The server runner will typically be generating -- a random port, so this isn't particularly -- important. soHost = "", soConnParams = Q.defaultConnParams, soTxIso = Q.Serializable, soAdminSecret = mempty, soAuthHook = Nothing, soJwtSecret = mempty, soUnAuthRole = Nothing, soCorsConfig = CCAllowAll, soEnableConsole = True, soConsoleAssetsDir = Nothing, soEnableTelemetry = False, soStringifyNum = StringifyNumbers, soDangerousBooleanCollapse = False, soEnabledAPIs = testSuiteEnabledApis, soLiveQueryOpts = ES.mkSubscriptionsOptions Nothing Nothing, soStreamingQueryOpts = ES.mkSubscriptionsOptions Nothing Nothing, soEnableAllowlist = False, soEnabledLogTypes = Set.fromList L.userAllowedLogTypes, soLogLevel = fromMaybe (L.LevelOther "test-suite") engineLogLevel, soResponseInternalErrorsConfig = InternalErrorsAllRequests, soEventsHttpPoolSize = Nothing, soEventsFetchInterval = Nothing, soAsyncActionsFetchInterval = Skip, soLogHeadersFromEnv = False, soEnableRemoteSchemaPermissions = RemoteSchemaPermsDisabled, soConnectionOptions = WS.defaultConnectionOptions, soWebsocketKeepAlive = Init.defaultKeepAliveDelay, soInferFunctionPermissions = FunctionPermissionsInferred, soEnableMaintenanceMode = MaintenanceModeDisabled, -- MUST be disabled to be able to modify schema. soSchemaPollInterval = Interval 10, soExperimentalFeatures = mempty, soEventsFetchBatchSize = 1, soDevMode = True, soGracefulShutdownTimeout = 0, -- Don't wait to shutdown. soWebsocketConnectionInitTimeout = Init.defaultWSConnectionInitTimeout, soEventingMode = EventingEnabled, soReadOnlyMode = ReadOnlyModeDisabled, soEnableMetadataQueryLogging = MetadataQueryLoggingDisabled, soDefaultNamingConvention = Nothing } -- | What log level should be used by the engine; this is not exported, and -- only used in 'serveOptions'. -- -- This should be adjusted locally for debugging purposes; e.g. change it to -- @Just L.LevelDebug@ to enable all logs. -- -- See 'L.LogLevel' for an enumeration of available log levels. engineLogLevel :: Maybe L.LogLevel engineLogLevel = Nothing -- These are important for the test suite. testSuiteEnabledApis :: HashSet API testSuiteEnabledApis = Set.fromList [METADATA, GRAPHQL, DEVELOPER, CONFIG]