{-# LANGUAGE ApplicativeDo #-} {-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-} -- | Generate table selection schema both for ordinary Hasura-type and -- relay-type queries. All schema with "relay" or "connection" in the name is -- used exclusively by relay. module Hasura.GraphQL.Schema.Select ( selectTable, selectTableByPk, selectTableAggregate, selectTableConnection, selectFunction, selectFunctionAggregate, selectFunctionConnection, computedFieldPG, remoteRelationshipField, defaultTableArgs, tableWhereArg, tableOrderByArg, tableDistinctArg, tableLimitArg, tableOffsetArg, tablePermissionsInfo, tableSelectionSet, tableSelectionList, nodePG, nodeField, ) where import Control.Lens hiding (index) import Data.Aeson qualified as J import Data.Aeson.Extended qualified as J import Data.Aeson.Internal qualified as J import Data.Align (align) import Data.ByteString.Lazy qualified as BL import Data.Has import Data.HashMap.Strict qualified as Map import Data.HashSet qualified as Set import Data.Int (Int64) import Data.List.NonEmpty qualified as NE import Data.Parser.JSONPath import Data.Sequence qualified as Seq import Data.Sequence.NonEmpty qualified as NESeq import Data.Text qualified as T import Data.Text.Extended import Data.These (partitionThese) import Data.Traversable (mapAccumL) import Hasura.Backends.Postgres.SQL.Types qualified as PG import Hasura.Base.Error import Hasura.GraphQL.Execute.Types qualified as ET import Hasura.GraphQL.Parser ( FieldParser, InputFieldsParser, Kind (..), Parser, UnpreparedValue (..), mkParameter, ) import Hasura.GraphQL.Parser qualified as P import Hasura.GraphQL.Parser.Class ( MonadParse (parseErrorWith, withPath), MonadSchema (..), MonadTableInfo, askRoleName, askTableInfo, parseError, ) import Hasura.GraphQL.Parser.Internal.Parser qualified as P import Hasura.GraphQL.Schema.Backend import Hasura.GraphQL.Schema.BoolExp import Hasura.GraphQL.Schema.Common import Hasura.GraphQL.Schema.OrderBy import Hasura.GraphQL.Schema.Remote import {-# SOURCE #-} Hasura.GraphQL.Schema.RemoteSource import Hasura.GraphQL.Schema.Table import Hasura.Prelude import Hasura.RQL.DDL.RemoteRelationship.Validate import Hasura.RQL.IR qualified as IR import Hasura.RQL.Types import Hasura.SQL.AnyBackend qualified as AB import Hasura.Server.Utils (executeJSONPath) import Hasura.Session import Language.GraphQL.Draft.Syntax qualified as G -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Top-level functions. -- -- Those functions implement parsers for top-level components of the schema, -- such as querying a table or a function. They are typically used to implement -- root fields. -- | Simple table selection. -- -- The field for the table accepts table selection arguments, and -- expects a selection of fields -- -- > table_name(limit: 10) { -- > col1: col1_type -- > col2: col2_type -- > }: [table!]! selectTable :: forall b r m n. MonadBuildSchema b r m n => SourceName -> -- | table info TableInfo b -> -- | field display name G.Name -> -- | field description, if any Maybe G.Description -> -- | select permissions of the table SelPermInfo b -> m (FieldParser n (SelectExp b)) selectTable sourceName tableInfo fieldName description selectPermissions = memoizeOn 'selectTable (sourceName, tableName, fieldName) do stringifyNum <- asks $ qcStringifyNum . getter tableArgsParser <- tableArguments sourceName tableInfo selectPermissions selectionSetParser <- tableSelectionList sourceName tableInfo selectPermissions pure $ P.subselection fieldName description tableArgsParser selectionSetParser <&> \(args, fields) -> IR.AnnSelectG { IR._asnFields = fields, IR._asnFrom = IR.FromTable tableName, IR._asnPerm = tablePermissionsInfo selectPermissions, IR._asnArgs = args, IR._asnStrfyNum = stringifyNum } where tableName = tableInfoName tableInfo -- | Simple table connection selection. -- -- The field for the table accepts table connection selection argument, and -- expects a selection of connection fields -- -- > table_name_connection(first: 1) { -- > pageInfo: { -- > hasNextPage: Boolean! -- > endCursor: String! -- > } -- > edges: { -- > cursor: String! -- > node: { -- > id: ID! -- > col1: col1_type -- > col2: col2_type -- > } -- > } -- > }: table_nameConnection! selectTableConnection :: forall b r m n. MonadBuildSchema b r m n => SourceName -> -- | table info TableInfo b -> -- | field display name G.Name -> -- | field description, if any Maybe G.Description -> -- | primary key columns PrimaryKeyColumns b -> -- | select permissions of the table SelPermInfo b -> m (Maybe (FieldParser n (ConnectionSelectExp b))) selectTableConnection sourceName tableInfo fieldName description pkeyColumns selectPermissions = for (relayExtension @b) \xRelayInfo -> memoizeOn 'selectTableConnection (sourceName, tableName, fieldName) do stringifyNum <- asks $ qcStringifyNum . getter selectArgsParser <- tableConnectionArgs pkeyColumns sourceName tableInfo selectPermissions selectionSetParser <- P.nonNullableParser <$> tableConnectionSelectionSet sourceName tableInfo selectPermissions pure $ P.subselection fieldName description selectArgsParser selectionSetParser <&> \((args, split, slice), fields) -> IR.ConnectionSelect { IR._csXRelay = xRelayInfo, IR._csPrimaryKeyColumns = pkeyColumns, IR._csSplit = split, IR._csSlice = slice, IR._csSelect = IR.AnnSelectG { IR._asnFields = fields, IR._asnFrom = IR.FromTable tableName, IR._asnPerm = tablePermissionsInfo selectPermissions, IR._asnArgs = args, IR._asnStrfyNum = stringifyNum } } where tableName = tableInfoName tableInfo -- | Table selection by primary key. -- -- > table_name(id: 42) { -- > col1: col1_type -- > col2: col2_type -- > }: table -- -- Returns Nothing if there's nothing that can be selected with -- current permissions or if there are primary keys the user -- doesn't have select permissions for. selectTableByPk :: forall b r m n. MonadBuildSchema b r m n => SourceName -> -- | table info TableInfo b -> -- | field display name G.Name -> -- | field description, if any Maybe G.Description -> -- | select permissions of the table SelPermInfo b -> m (Maybe (FieldParser n (SelectExp b))) selectTableByPk sourceName tableInfo fieldName description selectPermissions = runMaybeT do primaryKeys <- hoistMaybe $ fmap _pkColumns . _tciPrimaryKey . _tiCoreInfo $ tableInfo guard $ all (\c -> pgiColumn c `Map.member` spiCols selectPermissions) primaryKeys lift $ memoizeOn 'selectTableByPk (sourceName, tableName, fieldName) do stringifyNum <- asks $ qcStringifyNum . getter argsParser <- sequenceA <$> for primaryKeys \columnInfo -> do field <- columnParser (pgiType columnInfo) (G.Nullability $ pgiIsNullable columnInfo) pure $ BoolFld . AVColumn columnInfo . pure . AEQ True . mkParameter <$> P.field (pgiName columnInfo) (pgiDescription columnInfo) field selectionSetParser <- tableSelectionSet sourceName tableInfo selectPermissions pure $ P.subselection fieldName description argsParser selectionSetParser <&> \(boolExpr, fields) -> let defaultPerms = tablePermissionsInfo selectPermissions -- Do not account permission limit since the result is just a nullable object permissions = defaultPerms {IR._tpLimit = Nothing} whereExpr = Just $ BoolAnd $ toList boolExpr in IR.AnnSelectG { IR._asnFields = fields, IR._asnFrom = IR.FromTable tableName, IR._asnPerm = permissions, IR._asnArgs = IR.noSelectArgs {IR._saWhere = whereExpr}, IR._asnStrfyNum = stringifyNum } where tableName = tableInfoName tableInfo -- | Table aggregation selection -- -- Parser for an aggregation selection of a table. -- > table_aggregate(limit: 10) { -- > aggregate: table_aggregate_fields -- > nodes: [table!]! -- > } :: table_aggregate! -- -- Returns Nothing if there's nothing that can be selected with -- current permissions. selectTableAggregate :: forall b r m n. MonadBuildSchema b r m n => SourceName -> -- | table info TableInfo b -> -- | field display name G.Name -> -- | field description, if any Maybe G.Description -> -- | select permissions of the table SelPermInfo b -> m (Maybe (FieldParser n (AggSelectExp b))) selectTableAggregate sourceName tableInfo fieldName description selectPermissions = runMaybeT $ do guard $ spiAllowAgg selectPermissions xNodesAgg <- hoistMaybe $ nodesAggExtension @b lift $ memoizeOn 'selectTableAggregate (sourceName, tableName, fieldName) do stringifyNum <- asks $ qcStringifyNum . getter tableGQLName <- getTableGQLName tableInfo tableArgsParser <- tableArguments sourceName tableInfo selectPermissions aggregateParser <- tableAggregationFields sourceName tableInfo selectPermissions nodesParser <- tableSelectionList sourceName tableInfo selectPermissions let selectionName = tableGQLName <> $$(G.litName "_aggregate") aggregationParser = P.nonNullableParser $ parsedSelectionsToFields IR.TAFExp <$> P.selectionSet selectionName (Just $ G.Description $ "aggregated selection of " <>> tableName) [ IR.TAFNodes xNodesAgg <$> P.subselection_ $$(G.litName "nodes") Nothing nodesParser, IR.TAFAgg <$> P.subselection_ $$(G.litName "aggregate") Nothing aggregateParser ] pure $ P.subselection fieldName description tableArgsParser aggregationParser <&> \(args, fields) -> IR.AnnSelectG { IR._asnFields = fields, IR._asnFrom = IR.FromTable tableName, IR._asnPerm = tablePermissionsInfo selectPermissions, IR._asnArgs = args, IR._asnStrfyNum = stringifyNum } where tableName = tableInfoName tableInfo {- Note [Selectability of tables] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The GraphQL specification requires that if the type of a selected field is an interface, union, or object, then its subselection set must not be empty (Section 5.3.3). Since we model database tables by GraphQL objects, this means that a table can be selected as a GraphQL field only if it has fields that we can select, such as a column. It is perfectly fine not to allow any selections of any columns of the table in the database. In that case, the table would not be selectable as a field in GraphQL. However, this is not the end of the story. In addition to scalar fields, we support relationships between tables, so that we may have another table B as a selected field of this table A. Then the selectability of A depends on the selectability of B: if we permit selection a column of B, then, as a consequence, we permit selection of the relationship from A to B, and hence we permit selection of A, as there would now be valid GraphQL syntax that selects A. In turn, the selectability of B can depend on the selectability of a further table C, through a relationship from B to C. Now consider the case of a table A, whose columns themselves are not selectable, but which has a relationship with itself. Is A selectable? In fact, if A has no further relationships with other tables, or any computed fields, A is not selectable. But as soon as any leaf field in the transitive closure of tables related to A becomes selectable, A itself becomes selectable. In summary, figuring out the selectability of a table is a mess. In order to avoid doing graph theory, for now, we simply pretend that GraphQL did not have the restriction of only allowing selections of fields of type objects when its subselection is non-empty. In practice, this white lie is somewhat unlikely to cause errors on the client side, for the following reasons: - Introspection of the GraphQL schema is normally provided to aid development of valid GraphQL schemas, and so any errors in the exposed schema can be caught at development time: when a developer is building a GraphQL query using schema introspection, they will eventually find out that the selection they aim to do is not valid GraphQL. Put differently: exposing a given field through introspection is not the same as claiming that there is a valid GraphQL query that selects that field. - We only support tables that have at least one column (since we require primary keys), so that the admin role can select every table anyway. -} -- | Fields of a table -- -- > type table{ -- > # table columns -- > column_1: column1_type -- > . -- > column_n: columnn_type -- > -- > # table relationships -- > object_relationship: remote_table -- > array_relationship: [remote_table!]! -- > -- > # computed fields -- > computed_field: field_type -- > -- > # remote relationships -- > remote_field: field_type -- > } tableSelectionSet :: forall b r m n. MonadBuildSchema b r m n => SourceName -> TableInfo b -> SelPermInfo b -> m (Parser 'Output n (AnnotatedFields b)) tableSelectionSet sourceName tableInfo selectPermissions = memoizeOn 'tableSelectionSet (sourceName, tableName) do tableGQLName <- getTableGQLName tableInfo let xRelay = relayExtension @b tableFields = Map.elems $ _tciFieldInfoMap tableCoreInfo tablePkeyColumns = _pkColumns <$> _tciPrimaryKey tableCoreInfo description = Just $ mkDescriptionWith (_tciDescription tableCoreInfo) $ "columns and relationships of " <>> tableName fieldParsers <- concat <$> for tableFields \fieldInfo -> fieldSelection sourceName tableName tablePkeyColumns fieldInfo selectPermissions -- We don't check *here* that the subselection set is non-empty, -- even though the GraphQL specification requires that it is (see -- Note [Selectability of tables]). However, the GraphQL parser -- enforces that a selection set, if present, is non-empty; and our -- parser later verifies that a selection set is present if -- required, meaning that not having this check here does not allow -- for the construction of invalid queries. queryType <- asks $ qcQueryType . getter case (queryType, tablePkeyColumns, xRelay) of -- A relay table (ET.QueryRelay, Just pkeyColumns, Just xRelayInfo) -> do let nodeIdFieldParser = P.selection_ $$(G.litName "id") Nothing P.identifier $> IR.AFNodeId xRelayInfo tableName pkeyColumns allFieldParsers = fieldParsers <> [nodeIdFieldParser] nodeInterface <- node @b pure $ P.selectionSetObject tableGQLName description allFieldParsers [nodeInterface] <&> parsedSelectionsToFields IR.AFExpression _ -> pure $ P.selectionSetObject tableGQLName description fieldParsers [] <&> parsedSelectionsToFields IR.AFExpression where tableName = tableInfoName tableInfo tableCoreInfo = _tiCoreInfo tableInfo -- | List of table fields object. -- Just a @'nonNullableObjectList' wrapper over @'tableSelectionSet'. -- > table_name: [table!]! tableSelectionList :: MonadBuildSchema b r m n => SourceName -> TableInfo b -> SelPermInfo b -> m (Parser 'Output n (AnnotatedFields b)) tableSelectionList sourceName tableInfo selectPermissions = nonNullableObjectList <$> tableSelectionSet sourceName tableInfo selectPermissions -- | Converts an output type parser from object_type to [object_type!]! nonNullableObjectList :: Parser 'Output m a -> Parser 'Output m a nonNullableObjectList = P.nonNullableParser . P.multiple . P.nonNullableParser -- | Connection fields of a table -- -- > type tableConnection{ -- > pageInfo: PageInfo! -- > edges: [tableEdge!]! -- > } -- -- > type PageInfo{ -- > startCursor: String! -- > endCursor: String! -- > hasNextPage: Boolean! -- > hasPreviousPage: Boolean! -- > } -- -- > type tableEdge{ -- > cursor: String! -- > node: table! -- > } tableConnectionSelectionSet :: forall b r m n. MonadBuildSchema b r m n => SourceName -> TableInfo b -> SelPermInfo b -> m (Parser 'Output n (ConnectionFields b)) tableConnectionSelectionSet sourceName tableInfo selectPermissions = memoizeOn 'tableConnectionSelectionSet (sourceName, tableName) do tableGQLName <- getTableGQLName tableInfo edgesParser <- tableEdgesSelectionSet tableGQLName let connectionTypeName = tableGQLName <> $$(G.litName "Connection") pageInfo = P.subselection_ $$(G.litName "pageInfo") Nothing pageInfoSelectionSet <&> IR.ConnectionPageInfo edges = P.subselection_ $$(G.litName "edges") Nothing edgesParser <&> IR.ConnectionEdges connectionDescription = G.Description $ "A Relay connection object on " <>> tableName pure $ P.nonNullableParser $ P.selectionSet connectionTypeName (Just connectionDescription) [pageInfo, edges] <&> parsedSelectionsToFields IR.ConnectionTypename where tableName = tableInfoName tableInfo pageInfoSelectionSet :: Parser 'Output n IR.PageInfoFields pageInfoSelectionSet = let startCursorField = P.selection_ $$(G.litName "startCursor") Nothing P.string $> IR.PageInfoStartCursor endCursorField = P.selection_ $$(G.litName "endCursor") Nothing P.string $> IR.PageInfoEndCursor hasNextPageField = P.selection_ $$(G.litName "hasNextPage") Nothing P.boolean $> IR.PageInfoHasNextPage hasPreviousPageField = P.selection_ $$(G.litName "hasPreviousPage") Nothing P.boolean $> IR.PageInfoHasPreviousPage allFields = [ startCursorField, endCursorField, hasNextPageField, hasPreviousPageField ] in P.nonNullableParser $ P.selectionSet $$(G.litName "PageInfo") Nothing allFields <&> parsedSelectionsToFields IR.PageInfoTypename tableEdgesSelectionSet :: G.Name -> m (Parser 'Output n (EdgeFields b)) tableEdgesSelectionSet tableGQLName = do edgeNodeParser <- P.nonNullableParser <$> tableSelectionSet sourceName tableInfo selectPermissions let edgesType = tableGQLName <> $$(G.litName "Edge") cursor = P.selection_ $$(G.litName "cursor") Nothing P.string $> IR.EdgeCursor edgeNode = P.subselection_ $$(G.litName "node") Nothing edgeNodeParser <&> IR.EdgeNode pure $ nonNullableObjectList $ P.selectionSet edgesType Nothing [cursor, edgeNode] <&> parsedSelectionsToFields IR.EdgeTypename -- | User-defined function (AKA custom function) selectFunction :: forall b r m n. MonadBuildSchema b r m n => -- | source name SourceName -> -- | SQL function info FunctionInfo b -> -- | field description, if any Maybe G.Description -> -- | select permissions of the target table SelPermInfo b -> m (FieldParser n (SelectExp b)) selectFunction sourceName fi@FunctionInfo {..} description selectPermissions = do stringifyNum <- asks $ qcStringifyNum . getter tableInfo <- askTableInfo sourceName _fiReturnType tableArgsParser <- tableArguments sourceName tableInfo selectPermissions selectionSetParser <- returnFunctionParser sourceName tableInfo selectPermissions functionArgsParser <- customSQLFunctionArgs fi _fiGQLName _fiGQLArgsName let argsParser = liftA2 (,) functionArgsParser tableArgsParser pure $ P.subselection _fiGQLName description argsParser selectionSetParser <&> \((funcArgs, tableArgs'), fields) -> IR.AnnSelectG { IR._asnFields = fields, IR._asnFrom = IR.FromFunction _fiSQLName funcArgs Nothing, IR._asnPerm = tablePermissionsInfo selectPermissions, IR._asnArgs = tableArgs', IR._asnStrfyNum = stringifyNum } where returnFunctionParser = case _fiJsonAggSelect of JASSingleObject -> tableSelectionSet JASMultipleRows -> tableSelectionList selectFunctionAggregate :: forall b r m n. MonadBuildSchema b r m n => -- | source name SourceName -> -- | SQL function info FunctionInfo b -> -- | field description, if any Maybe G.Description -> -- | select permissions of the target table SelPermInfo b -> m (Maybe (FieldParser n (AggSelectExp b))) selectFunctionAggregate sourceName fi@FunctionInfo {..} description selectPermissions = runMaybeT do guard $ spiAllowAgg selectPermissions xNodesAgg <- hoistMaybe $ nodesAggExtension @b tableInfo <- askTableInfo sourceName _fiReturnType stringifyNum <- asks $ qcStringifyNum . getter tableGQLName <- getTableGQLName tableInfo tableArgsParser <- lift $ tableArguments sourceName tableInfo selectPermissions functionArgsParser <- lift $ customSQLFunctionArgs fi _fiGQLAggregateName _fiGQLArgsName aggregateParser <- lift $ tableAggregationFields sourceName tableInfo selectPermissions selectionName <- lift $ pure tableGQLName <&> (<> $$(G.litName "_aggregate")) nodesParser <- lift $ tableSelectionList sourceName tableInfo selectPermissions let argsParser = liftA2 (,) functionArgsParser tableArgsParser aggregationParser = fmap (parsedSelectionsToFields IR.TAFExp) $ P.nonNullableParser $ P.selectionSet selectionName Nothing [ IR.TAFNodes xNodesAgg <$> P.subselection_ $$(G.litName "nodes") Nothing nodesParser, IR.TAFAgg <$> P.subselection_ $$(G.litName "aggregate") Nothing aggregateParser ] pure $ P.subselection _fiGQLAggregateName description argsParser aggregationParser <&> \((funcArgs, tableArgs'), fields) -> IR.AnnSelectG { IR._asnFields = fields, IR._asnFrom = IR.FromFunction _fiSQLName funcArgs Nothing, IR._asnPerm = tablePermissionsInfo selectPermissions, IR._asnArgs = tableArgs', IR._asnStrfyNum = stringifyNum } selectFunctionConnection :: forall pgKind r m n. MonadBuildSchema ('Postgres pgKind) r m n => -- | source name SourceName -> -- | SQL function info FunctionInfo ('Postgres pgKind) -> -- | field description, if any Maybe G.Description -> -- | primary key columns of the target table PrimaryKeyColumns ('Postgres pgKind) -> -- | select permissions of the target table SelPermInfo ('Postgres pgKind) -> m (Maybe (FieldParser n (ConnectionSelectExp ('Postgres pgKind)))) selectFunctionConnection sourceName fi@FunctionInfo {..} description pkeyColumns selectPermissions = do let fieldName = _fiGQLName <> $$(G.litName "_connection") for (relayExtension @('Postgres pgKind)) \xRelayInfo -> do stringifyNum <- asks $ qcStringifyNum . getter tableInfo <- askTableInfo sourceName _fiReturnType tableConnectionArgsParser <- tableConnectionArgs pkeyColumns sourceName tableInfo selectPermissions functionArgsParser <- customSQLFunctionArgs fi _fiGQLName _fiGQLArgsName selectionSetParser <- tableConnectionSelectionSet sourceName tableInfo selectPermissions let argsParser = liftA2 (,) functionArgsParser tableConnectionArgsParser pure $ P.subselection fieldName description argsParser selectionSetParser <&> \((funcArgs, (args, split, slice)), fields) -> IR.ConnectionSelect { IR._csXRelay = xRelayInfo, IR._csPrimaryKeyColumns = pkeyColumns, IR._csSplit = split, IR._csSlice = slice, IR._csSelect = IR.AnnSelectG { IR._asnFields = fields, IR._asnFrom = IR.FromFunction _fiSQLName funcArgs Nothing, IR._asnPerm = tablePermissionsInfo selectPermissions, IR._asnArgs = args, IR._asnStrfyNum = stringifyNum } } -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Components -- -- Those parsers are sub-components of those top-level parsers. -- | Arguments for a table selection. Default implementation for BackendSchema. -- -- > distinct_on: [table_select_column!] -- > limit: Int -- > offset: Int -- > order_by: [table_order_by!] -- > where: table_bool_exp defaultTableArgs :: forall b r m n. MonadBuildSchema b r m n => SourceName -> TableInfo b -> SelPermInfo b -> m (InputFieldsParser n (SelectArgs b)) defaultTableArgs sourceName tableInfo selectPermissions = do whereParser <- tableWhereArg sourceName tableInfo selectPermissions orderByParser <- tableOrderByArg sourceName tableInfo selectPermissions distinctParser <- tableDistinctArg sourceName tableInfo selectPermissions let result = do whereArg <- whereParser orderByArg <- orderByParser limitArg <- tableLimitArg offsetArg <- tableOffsetArg distinctArg <- distinctParser pure $ IR.SelectArgs { IR._saWhere = whereArg, IR._saOrderBy = orderByArg, IR._saLimit = limitArg, IR._saOffset = offsetArg, IR._saDistinct = distinctArg } pure $ result `P.bindFields` \args -> do sequence_ do orderBy <- IR._saOrderBy args distinct <- IR._saDistinct args Just $ validateArgs orderBy distinct pure args where validateArgs orderByCols distinctCols = do let colsLen = length distinctCols initOrderBys = take colsLen $ NE.toList orderByCols initOrdByCols = flip mapMaybe initOrderBys $ \ob -> case IR.obiColumn ob of IR.AOCColumn pgCol -> Just $ pgiColumn pgCol _ -> Nothing isValid = (colsLen == length initOrdByCols) && all (`elem` initOrdByCols) (toList distinctCols) unless isValid $ parseError "\"distinct_on\" columns must match initial \"order_by\" columns" -- | Argument to filter rows returned from table selection -- > where: table_bool_exp tableWhereArg :: forall b r m n. MonadBuildSchema b r m n => SourceName -> TableInfo b -> SelPermInfo b -> m (InputFieldsParser n (Maybe (IR.AnnBoolExp b (UnpreparedValue b)))) tableWhereArg sourceName tableInfo selectPermissions = do boolExpParser <- boolExp sourceName tableInfo (Just selectPermissions) pure $ fmap join $ P.fieldOptional whereName whereDesc $ P.nullable boolExpParser where whereName = $$(G.litName "where") whereDesc = Just $ G.Description "filter the rows returned" -- | Argument to sort rows returned from table selection -- > order_by: [table_order_by!] tableOrderByArg :: forall b r m n. MonadBuildSchema b r m n => SourceName -> TableInfo b -> SelPermInfo b -> m (InputFieldsParser n (Maybe (NonEmpty (IR.AnnotatedOrderByItemG b (UnpreparedValue b))))) tableOrderByArg sourceName tableInfo selectPermissions = do orderByParser <- orderByExp sourceName tableInfo selectPermissions pure $ do maybeOrderByExps <- fmap join $ P.fieldOptional orderByName orderByDesc $ P.nullable $ P.list orderByParser pure $ maybeOrderByExps >>= NE.nonEmpty . concat where orderByName = $$(G.litName "order_by") orderByDesc = Just $ G.Description "sort the rows by one or more columns" -- | Argument to distinct select on columns returned from table selection -- > distinct_on: [table_select_column!] tableDistinctArg :: forall b r m n. MonadBuildSchema b r m n => SourceName -> TableInfo b -> SelPermInfo b -> m (InputFieldsParser n (Maybe (NonEmpty (Column b)))) tableDistinctArg sourceName tableInfo selectPermissions = do columnsEnum <- tableSelectColumnsEnum sourceName tableInfo selectPermissions pure do maybeDistinctOnColumns <- join . join <$> for columnsEnum (P.fieldOptional distinctOnName distinctOnDesc . P.nullable . P.list) pure $ maybeDistinctOnColumns >>= NE.nonEmpty where distinctOnName = $$(G.litName "distinct_on") distinctOnDesc = Just $ G.Description "distinct select on columns" -- | Argument to limit rows returned from table selection -- > limit: NonNegativeInt tableLimitArg :: forall n. MonadParse n => InputFieldsParser n (Maybe Int) tableLimitArg = fmap (fmap fromIntegral . join) $ P.fieldOptional limitName limitDesc $ P.nullable P.nonNegativeInt where limitName = $$(G.litName "limit") limitDesc = Just $ G.Description "limit the number of rows returned" -- | Argument to skip some rows, in conjunction with order_by -- > offset: BigInt tableOffsetArg :: forall n. MonadParse n => InputFieldsParser n (Maybe Int64) tableOffsetArg = fmap join $ P.fieldOptional offsetName offsetDesc $ P.nullable P.bigInt where offsetName = $$(G.litName "offset") offsetDesc = Just $ G.Description "skip the first n rows. Use only with order_by" -- | Arguments for a table connection selection -- -- > distinct_on: [table_select_column!] -- > order_by: [table_order_by!] -- > where: table_bool_exp -- > first: Int -- > last: Int -- > before: String -- > after: String tableConnectionArgs :: forall b r m n. MonadBuildSchema b r m n => PrimaryKeyColumns b -> SourceName -> TableInfo b -> SelPermInfo b -> m ( InputFieldsParser n ( SelectArgs b, Maybe (NonEmpty (IR.ConnectionSplit b (UnpreparedValue b))), Maybe IR.ConnectionSlice ) ) tableConnectionArgs pkeyColumns sourceName tableInfo selectPermissions = do whereParser <- tableWhereArg sourceName tableInfo selectPermissions orderByParser <- fmap (fmap appendPrimaryKeyOrderBy) <$> tableOrderByArg sourceName tableInfo selectPermissions distinctParser <- tableDistinctArg sourceName tableInfo selectPermissions let maybeFirst = fmap join $ P.fieldOptional $$(G.litName "first") Nothing $ P.nullable P.nonNegativeInt maybeLast = fmap join $ P.fieldOptional $$(G.litName "last") Nothing $ P.nullable P.nonNegativeInt maybeAfter = fmap join $ P.fieldOptional $$(G.litName "after") Nothing $ P.nullable base64Text maybeBefore = fmap join $ P.fieldOptional $$(G.litName "before") Nothing $ P.nullable base64Text firstAndLast = (,) <$> maybeFirst <*> maybeLast afterBeforeAndOrderBy = (,,) <$> maybeAfter <*> maybeBefore <*> orderByParser pure $ do whereF <- whereParser orderBy <- orderByParser distinct <- distinctParser split <- afterBeforeAndOrderBy `P.bindFields` \(after, before, orderBy') -> do rawSplit <- case (after, before) of (Nothing, Nothing) -> pure Nothing (Just _, Just _) -> parseError "\"after\" and \"before\" are not allowed at once" (Just v, Nothing) -> pure $ Just (IR.CSKAfter, v) (Nothing, Just v) -> pure $ Just (IR.CSKBefore, v) for rawSplit (uncurry (parseConnectionSplit orderBy')) slice <- firstAndLast `P.bindFields` \case (Nothing, Nothing) -> pure Nothing (Just _, Just _) -> parseError "\"first\" and \"last\" are not allowed at once" (Just v, Nothing) -> pure $ Just $ IR.SliceFirst $ fromIntegral v (Nothing, Just v) -> pure $ Just $ IR.SliceLast $ fromIntegral v pure ( IR.SelectArgs whereF orderBy Nothing Nothing distinct, split, slice ) where base64Text = base64Decode <$> P.string appendPrimaryKeyOrderBy :: NonEmpty (IR.AnnotatedOrderByItemG b v) -> NonEmpty (IR.AnnotatedOrderByItemG b v) appendPrimaryKeyOrderBy orderBys@(h NE.:| t) = let orderByColumnNames = orderBys ^.. traverse . to IR.obiColumn . IR._AOCColumn . to pgiColumn pkeyOrderBys = flip mapMaybe (toList pkeyColumns) $ \pgColumnInfo -> if pgiColumn pgColumnInfo `elem` orderByColumnNames then Nothing else Just $ IR.OrderByItemG Nothing (IR.AOCColumn pgColumnInfo) Nothing in h NE.:| (t <> pkeyOrderBys) parseConnectionSplit :: Maybe (NonEmpty (IR.AnnotatedOrderByItemG b (UnpreparedValue b))) -> IR.ConnectionSplitKind -> BL.ByteString -> n (NonEmpty (IR.ConnectionSplit b (UnpreparedValue b))) parseConnectionSplit maybeOrderBys splitKind cursorSplit = do cursorValue <- J.eitherDecode cursorSplit `onLeft` const throwInvalidCursor case maybeOrderBys of Nothing -> forM (NESeq.toNonEmpty pkeyColumns) $ \pgColumnInfo -> do let columnJsonPath = [J.Key $ toTxt $ pgiColumn pgColumnInfo] columnType = pgiType pgColumnInfo pgColumnValue <- iResultToMaybe (executeJSONPath columnJsonPath cursorValue) `onNothing` throwInvalidCursor pgValue <- liftQErr $ parseScalarValueColumnType columnType pgColumnValue let unresolvedValue = UVParameter Nothing $ ColumnValue columnType pgValue pure $ IR.ConnectionSplit splitKind unresolvedValue $ IR.OrderByItemG Nothing (IR.AOCColumn pgColumnInfo) Nothing Just orderBys -> forM orderBys $ \orderBy -> do let IR.OrderByItemG orderType annObCol nullsOrder = orderBy columnType = getOrderByColumnType annObCol orderByItemValue <- iResultToMaybe (executeJSONPath (getPathFromOrderBy annObCol) cursorValue) `onNothing` throwInvalidCursor pgValue <- liftQErr $ parseScalarValueColumnType columnType orderByItemValue let unresolvedValue = UVParameter Nothing $ ColumnValue columnType pgValue pure $ IR.ConnectionSplit splitKind unresolvedValue $ IR.OrderByItemG orderType annObCol nullsOrder where throwInvalidCursor = parseError "the \"after\" or \"before\" cursor is invalid" liftQErr = either (parseError . qeError) pure . runExcept mkAggregateOrderByPath = \case IR.AAOCount -> [J.Key "count"] IR.AAOOp t col -> [J.Key t, J.Key $ toTxt $ pgiColumn col] getPathFromOrderBy = \case IR.AOCColumn pgColInfo -> let pathElement = J.Key $ toTxt $ pgiColumn pgColInfo in [pathElement] IR.AOCObjectRelation relInfo _ obCol -> let pathElement = J.Key $ relNameToTxt $ riName relInfo in pathElement : getPathFromOrderBy obCol IR.AOCArrayAggregation relInfo _ aggOb -> let fieldName = J.Key $ relNameToTxt (riName relInfo) <> "_aggregate" in fieldName : mkAggregateOrderByPath aggOb IR.AOCComputedField cfob -> let fieldNameText = computedFieldNameToText $ IR._cfobName cfob in case IR._cfobOrderByElement cfob of IR.CFOBEScalar _ -> [J.Key fieldNameText] IR.CFOBETableAggregation _ _ aggOb -> J.Key (fieldNameText <> "_aggregate") : mkAggregateOrderByPath aggOb getOrderByColumnType = \case IR.AOCColumn pgColInfo -> pgiType pgColInfo IR.AOCObjectRelation _ _ obCol -> getOrderByColumnType obCol IR.AOCArrayAggregation _ _ aggOb -> aggregateOrderByColumnType aggOb IR.AOCComputedField cfob -> case IR._cfobOrderByElement cfob of IR.CFOBEScalar scalarType -> ColumnScalar scalarType IR.CFOBETableAggregation _ _ aggOb -> aggregateOrderByColumnType aggOb where aggregateOrderByColumnType = \case IR.AAOCount -> ColumnScalar (aggregateOrderByCountType @b) IR.AAOOp _ colInfo -> pgiType colInfo -- | Aggregation fields -- -- > type table_aggregate_fields{ -- > count(distinct: Boolean, columns: [table_select_column!]): Int! -- > sum: table_sum_fields -- > avg: table_avg_fields -- > stddev: table_stddev_fields -- > stddev_pop: table_stddev_pop_fields -- > variance: table_variance_fields -- > var_pop: table_var_pop_fields -- > max: table_max_fields -- > min: table_min_fields -- > } tableAggregationFields :: forall b r m n. MonadBuildSchema b r m n => SourceName -> TableInfo b -> SelPermInfo b -> m (Parser 'Output n (IR.AggregateFields b)) tableAggregationFields sourceName tableInfo selectPermissions = memoizeOn 'tableAggregationFields (sourceName, tableInfoName tableInfo) do tableGQLName <- getTableGQLName tableInfo allColumns <- tableSelectColumns sourceName tableInfo selectPermissions let numericColumns = onlyNumCols allColumns comparableColumns = onlyComparableCols allColumns selectName = tableGQLName <> $$(G.litName "_aggregate_fields") description = G.Description $ "aggregate fields of " <>> tableInfoName tableInfo count <- countField numericAndComparable <- fmap concat $ sequenceA $ catMaybes [ -- operators on numeric columns if null numericColumns then Nothing else Just $ for numericAggOperators $ \operator -> do numFields <- mkNumericAggFields operator numericColumns pure $ parseAggOperator operator tableGQLName numFields, -- operators on comparable columns if null comparableColumns then Nothing else Just $ do comparableFields <- traverse mkColumnAggField comparableColumns pure $ comparisonAggOperators & map \operator -> parseAggOperator operator tableGQLName comparableFields ] let aggregateFields = count : numericAndComparable pure $ P.selectionSet selectName (Just description) aggregateFields <&> parsedSelectionsToFields IR.AFExp where mkNumericAggFields :: G.Name -> [ColumnInfo b] -> m [FieldParser n (IR.ColFld b)] mkNumericAggFields name | name == $$(G.litName "sum") = traverse mkColumnAggField | otherwise = traverse \columnInfo -> pure $ P.selection_ (pgiName columnInfo) (pgiDescription columnInfo) (P.nullable P.float) $> IR.CFCol (pgiColumn columnInfo) (pgiType columnInfo) mkColumnAggField :: ColumnInfo b -> m (FieldParser n (IR.ColFld b)) mkColumnAggField columnInfo = do field <- columnParser (pgiType columnInfo) (G.Nullability True) pure $ P.selection_ (pgiName columnInfo) (pgiDescription columnInfo) field $> IR.CFCol (pgiColumn columnInfo) (pgiType columnInfo) countField :: m (FieldParser n (IR.AggregateField b)) countField = do columnsEnum <- tableSelectColumnsEnum sourceName tableInfo selectPermissions let columnsName = $$(G.litName "columns") distinctName = $$(G.litName "distinct") args = do distinct <- P.fieldOptional distinctName Nothing P.boolean columns <- maybe (pure Nothing) (P.fieldOptional columnsName Nothing . P.list) columnsEnum pure $ mkCountType @b distinct columns pure $ IR.AFCount <$> P.selection $$(G.litName "count") Nothing args P.int parseAggOperator :: G.Name -> G.Name -> [FieldParser n (IR.ColFld b)] -> FieldParser n (IR.AggregateField b) parseAggOperator operator tableGQLName columns = let opText = G.unName operator setName = tableGQLName <> $$(G.litName "_") <> operator <> $$(G.litName "_fields") setDesc = Just $ G.Description $ "aggregate " <> opText <> " on columns" subselectionParser = P.selectionSet setName setDesc columns <&> parsedSelectionsToFields IR.CFExp in P.subselection_ operator Nothing subselectionParser <&> IR.AFOp . IR.AggregateOp opText lookupNestedFieldType' :: (MonadSchema n m, MonadError QErr m) => G.Name -> RemoteSchemaIntrospection -> FieldCall -> m G.GType lookupNestedFieldType' parentTypeName remoteSchemaIntrospection (FieldCall fcName _) = case lookupObject remoteSchemaIntrospection parentTypeName of Nothing -> throw400 RemoteSchemaError $ "object with name " <> parentTypeName <<> " not found" Just G.ObjectTypeDefinition {..} -> case find ((== fcName) . G._fldName) _otdFieldsDefinition of Nothing -> throw400 RemoteSchemaError $ "field with name " <> fcName <<> " not found" Just G.FieldDefinition {..} -> pure _fldType lookupNestedFieldType :: (MonadSchema n m, MonadError QErr m) => G.Name -> RemoteSchemaIntrospection -> NonEmpty FieldCall -> m G.GType lookupNestedFieldType parentTypeName remoteSchemaIntrospection (fieldCall :| rest) = do fieldType <- lookupNestedFieldType' parentTypeName remoteSchemaIntrospection fieldCall case NE.nonEmpty rest of Nothing -> pure $ fieldType Just rest' -> do lookupNestedFieldType (G.getBaseType fieldType) remoteSchemaIntrospection rest' -- | An individual field of a table -- -- > field_name(arg_name: arg_type, ...): field_type fieldSelection :: forall b r m n. MonadBuildSchema b r m n => SourceName -> TableName b -> Maybe (PrimaryKeyColumns b) -> FieldInfo b -> SelPermInfo b -> m [FieldParser n (AnnotatedField b)] fieldSelection sourceName table maybePkeyColumns fieldInfo selectPermissions = do case fieldInfo of FIColumn columnInfo -> maybeToList <$> runMaybeT do queryType <- asks $ qcQueryType . getter let columnName = pgiColumn columnInfo fieldName = pgiName columnInfo if | fieldName == $$(G.litName "id") && queryType == ET.QueryRelay -> do xRelayInfo <- hoistMaybe $ relayExtension @b pkeyColumns <- hoistMaybe maybePkeyColumns pure $ P.selection_ fieldName Nothing P.identifier $> IR.AFNodeId xRelayInfo table pkeyColumns | otherwise -> do guard $ columnName `Map.member` (spiCols selectPermissions) let caseBoolExp = join $ Map.lookup columnName (spiCols selectPermissions) let caseBoolExpUnpreparedValue = (fmap . fmap) partialSQLExpToUnpreparedValue <$> caseBoolExp let pathArg = jsonPathArg $ pgiType columnInfo -- In an inherited role, when a column is part of all the select -- permissions which make up the inherited role then the nullability -- of the field is determined by the nullability of the DB column -- otherwise it is marked as nullable explicitly, ignoring the column's -- nullability. We do this because -- in multiple roles we execute an SQL query like: -- -- select -- (case when (P1 or P2) then addr else null end) as addr, -- (case when P2 then phone else null end) as phone -- from employee -- where (P1 or P2) -- -- In the above example, P(n) is a predicate configured for a role -- -- NOTE: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/research/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/FGALanguageICDE07.pdf -- The above is the paper which talks about the idea of cell-level -- authorization and multiple roles. The paper says that we should only -- allow the case analysis only on nullable columns. nullability = pgiIsNullable columnInfo || isJust caseBoolExp field <- lift $ columnParser (pgiType columnInfo) (G.Nullability nullability) pure $ P.selection fieldName (pgiDescription columnInfo) pathArg field <&> IR.mkAnnColumnField (pgiColumn columnInfo) (pgiType columnInfo) caseBoolExpUnpreparedValue FIRelationship relationshipInfo -> concat . maybeToList <$> relationshipField sourceName table relationshipInfo FIComputedField computedFieldInfo -> maybeToList <$> computedField sourceName computedFieldInfo table selectPermissions FIRemoteRelationship remoteFieldInfo -> concat . maybeToList <$> remoteRelationshipField remoteFieldInfo -- | Field parsers for a table relationship relationshipField :: forall b r m n. MonadBuildSchema b r m n => SourceName -> TableName b -> RelInfo b -> m (Maybe [FieldParser n (AnnotatedField b)]) relationshipField sourceName table RelInfo {..} = runMaybeT do otherTableInfo <- lift $ askTableInfo sourceName riRTable remotePerms <- MaybeT $ tableSelectPermissions otherTableInfo relFieldName <- lift $ textToName $ relNameToTxt riName case riType of ObjRel -> do let desc = Just $ G.Description "An object relationship" selectionSetParser <- lift $ tableSelectionSet sourceName otherTableInfo remotePerms -- We need to set the correct nullability of our GraphQL field. Manual -- relationships are always nullable, and so are "reverse" object -- relationships, i.e. Hasura relationships that are generated from a -- referenced table to a referencing table. For automatic forward object -- relationships, i.e. the generated relationship from table1 to table2, -- where table1 has a foreign key constraint, we have to do some work. -- -- Specifically, we would like to mark the relationship generated from a -- foreign key constraint from table1 to table2 to be non-nullable if -- Postgres enforces that for each row in table1, a corresponding row in -- table2 exists. From the Postgres manual: -- -- "Normally, a referencing row need not satisfy the foreign key -- constraint if any of its referencing columns are null. If MATCH FULL -- is added to the foreign key declaration, a referencing row escapes -- satisfying the constraint only if all its referencing columns are null -- (so a mix of null and non-null values is guaranteed to fail a MATCH -- FULL constraint)." -- -- https://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.5/ddl-constraints.html#DDL-CONSTRAINTS-FK -- -- Since we don't store MATCH FULL in the RQL representation of the -- database, the closest we can get is to only set the field to be -- non-nullable if _all_ of the columns that reference the foreign table -- are non-nullable. Strictly speaking, we could do slightly better by -- setting the field to be non-nullable also if the foreign key has MATCH -- FULL set, and _any_ of the columns is non-nullable. But we skip doing -- this since, as of writing this, the old code used to make the wrong -- decision about nullability of joint foreign keys entirely, so this is -- probably not a very widely used mode of use. The impact of this -- suboptimality is merely that in introspection some fields might get -- marked nullable which are in fact known to always be non-null. nullable <- case (riIsManual, riInsertOrder) of -- Automatically generated forward relationship (False, BeforeParent) -> do tableInfo <- askTableInfo @b sourceName table let columns = Map.keys riMapping fieldInfoMap = _tciFieldInfoMap $ _tiCoreInfo tableInfo findColumn col = Map.lookup (fromCol @b col) fieldInfoMap ^? _Just . _FIColumn -- Fetch information about the referencing columns of the foreign key -- constraint colInfo <- traverse findColumn columns `onNothing` throw500 "could not find column info in schema cache" pure $ boolToNullable $ any pgiIsNullable colInfo -- Manual or reverse relationships are always nullable _ -> pure Nullable pure $ pure $ case nullable of { Nullable -> id; NotNullable -> P.nonNullableField } $ P.subselection_ relFieldName desc selectionSetParser <&> \fields -> IR.AFObjectRelation $ IR.AnnRelationSelectG riName riMapping $ IR.AnnObjectSelectG fields riRTable $ IR._tpFilter $ tablePermissionsInfo remotePerms ArrRel -> do let arrayRelDesc = Just $ G.Description "An array relationship" otherTableParser <- lift $ selectTable sourceName otherTableInfo relFieldName arrayRelDesc remotePerms let arrayRelField = otherTableParser <&> \selectExp -> IR.AFArrayRelation $ IR.ASSimple $ IR.AnnRelationSelectG riName riMapping selectExp relAggFieldName = relFieldName <> $$(G.litName "_aggregate") relAggDesc = Just $ G.Description "An aggregate relationship" remoteAggField <- lift $ selectTableAggregate sourceName otherTableInfo relAggFieldName relAggDesc remotePerms remoteConnectionField <- runMaybeT $ do -- Parse array connection field only for relay schema queryType <- asks $ qcQueryType . getter guard $ queryType == ET.QueryRelay xRelayInfo <- hoistMaybe $ relayExtension @b pkeyColumns <- MaybeT $ (^? tiCoreInfo . tciPrimaryKey . _Just . pkColumns) <$> pure otherTableInfo let relConnectionName = relFieldName <> $$(G.litName "_connection") relConnectionDesc = Just $ G.Description "An array relationship connection" MaybeT $ lift $ selectTableConnection sourceName otherTableInfo relConnectionName relConnectionDesc pkeyColumns remotePerms pure $ catMaybes [ Just arrayRelField, fmap (IR.AFArrayRelation . IR.ASAggregate . IR.AnnRelationSelectG riName riMapping) <$> remoteAggField, fmap (IR.AFArrayRelation . IR.ASConnection . IR.AnnRelationSelectG riName riMapping) <$> remoteConnectionField ] -- | Computed field parser computedFieldPG :: forall pgKind r m n. MonadBuildSchema ('Postgres pgKind) r m n => SourceName -> ComputedFieldInfo ('Postgres pgKind) -> TableName ('Postgres pgKind) -> SelPermInfo ('Postgres pgKind) -> m (Maybe (FieldParser n (AnnotatedField ('Postgres pgKind)))) computedFieldPG sourceName ComputedFieldInfo {..} parentTable selectPermissions = runMaybeT do stringifyNum <- asks $ qcStringifyNum . getter fieldName <- lift $ textToName $ computedFieldNameToText _cfiName functionArgsParser <- lift $ computedFieldFunctionArgs _cfiFunction case _cfiReturnType of CFRScalar scalarReturnType -> do caseBoolExpMaybe <- onNothing (Map.lookup _cfiName (spiScalarComputedFields selectPermissions)) (hoistMaybe Nothing) let caseBoolExpUnpreparedValue = (fmap . fmap) partialSQLExpToUnpreparedValue <$> caseBoolExpMaybe fieldArgsParser = do args <- functionArgsParser colOp <- jsonPathArg $ ColumnScalar scalarReturnType pure $ IR.AFComputedField _cfiXComputedFieldInfo _cfiName ( IR.CFSScalar ( IR.ComputedFieldScalarSelect { IR._cfssFunction = _cffName _cfiFunction, IR._cfssType = scalarReturnType, IR._cfssColumnOp = colOp, IR._cfssArguments = args } ) caseBoolExpUnpreparedValue ) dummyParser <- lift $ columnParser @('Postgres pgKind) (ColumnScalar scalarReturnType) (G.Nullability True) pure $ P.selection fieldName (Just fieldDescription) fieldArgsParser dummyParser CFRSetofTable tableName -> do tableInfo <- lift $ askTableInfo sourceName tableName remotePerms <- MaybeT $ tableSelectPermissions tableInfo selectArgsParser <- lift $ tableArguments sourceName tableInfo remotePerms selectionSetParser <- lift $ P.multiple . P.nonNullableParser <$> tableSelectionSet sourceName tableInfo remotePerms let fieldArgsParser = liftA2 (,) functionArgsParser selectArgsParser pure $ P.subselection fieldName (Just fieldDescription) fieldArgsParser selectionSetParser <&> \((functionArgs', args), fields) -> IR.AFComputedField _cfiXComputedFieldInfo _cfiName $ IR.CFSTable JASMultipleRows $ IR.AnnSelectG { IR._asnFields = fields, IR._asnFrom = IR.FromFunction (_cffName _cfiFunction) functionArgs' Nothing, IR._asnPerm = tablePermissionsInfo remotePerms, IR._asnArgs = args, IR._asnStrfyNum = stringifyNum } where fieldDescription = let defaultDescription = "A computed field, executes function " <>> _cffName _cfiFunction in mkDescriptionWith (_cffDescription _cfiFunction) defaultDescription computedFieldFunctionArgs :: ComputedFieldFunction ('Postgres pgKind) -> m (InputFieldsParser n (IR.FunctionArgsExpTableRow ('Postgres pgKind) (UnpreparedValue ('Postgres pgKind)))) computedFieldFunctionArgs ComputedFieldFunction {..} = functionArgs (FTAComputedField _cfiName sourceName parentTable) (IAUserProvided <$> _cffInputArgs) <&> fmap addTableAndSessionArgument where tableRowArgument = IR.AETableRow Nothing addTableAndSessionArgument args@(IR.FunctionArgsExp positional named) = let withTable = case _cffTableArgument of FTAFirst -> IR.FunctionArgsExp (tableRowArgument : positional) named FTANamed argName index -> IR.insertFunctionArg argName index tableRowArgument args sessionArgVal = IR.AESession UVSession in case _cffSessionArgument of Nothing -> withTable Just (FunctionSessionArgument argName index) -> IR.insertFunctionArg argName index sessionArgVal withTable -- | Remote relationship field parsers remoteRelationshipField :: forall b r m n. MonadBuildSchema b r m n => RemoteFieldInfo b -> m (Maybe [FieldParser n (AnnotatedField b)]) remoteRelationshipField remoteFieldInfo = runMaybeT do queryType <- asks $ qcQueryType . getter remoteRelationshipQueryCtx <- asks $ qcRemoteRelationshipContext . getter -- https://github.com/hasura/graphql-engine/issues/5144 -- The above issue is easily fixable by removing the following guard and 'MaybeT' monad transformation guard $ queryType == ET.QueryHasura case remoteFieldInfo of RFISource remoteSource -> lift $ remoteSourceField remoteSource RFISchema remoteSchema -> do let RemoteSchemaFieldInfo name params hasuraFields remoteFields remoteSchemaInfo remoteSchemaInputValueDefns remoteSchemaName (table, source) = remoteSchema RemoteRelationshipQueryContext roleIntrospectionResultOriginal _ remoteSchemaCustomizer <- -- The remote relationship field should not be accessible -- if the remote schema is not accessible to the said role hoistMaybe $ Map.lookup remoteSchemaName remoteRelationshipQueryCtx role <- askRoleName let hasuraFieldNames = Set.map dbJoinFieldToName hasuraFields relationshipDef = RemoteSchemaRelationshipDef remoteSchemaName hasuraFieldNames remoteFields (newInpValDefns :: [(G.TypeDefinition [G.Name] RemoteSchemaInputValueDefinition)], remoteFieldParamMap) <- if role == adminRoleName then do -- we don't validate the remote relationship when the role is admin -- because it's already been validated, when the remote relationship -- was created pure (remoteSchemaInputValueDefns, params) else do fieldInfoMap <- (_tciFieldInfoMap . _tiCoreInfo) <$> askTableInfo @b source table roleRemoteField <- afold @(Either _) $ validateRemoteSchemaRelationship relationshipDef table name source (remoteSchemaInfo, roleIntrospectionResultOriginal) fieldInfoMap pure $ (_rfiInputValueDefinitions roleRemoteField, _rfiParamMap roleRemoteField) let roleIntrospection@(RemoteSchemaIntrospection typeDefns) = irDoc roleIntrospectionResultOriginal -- add the new input value definitions created by the remote relationship -- to the existing schema introspection of the role remoteRelationshipIntrospection = RemoteSchemaIntrospection $ typeDefns <> newInpValDefns fieldName <- textToName $ remoteRelationshipNameToText name -- This selection set parser, should be of the remote node's selection set parser, which comes -- from the fieldCall let fieldCalls = unRemoteFields remoteFields parentTypeName = irQueryRoot roleIntrospectionResultOriginal nestedFieldType <- lift $ lookupNestedFieldType parentTypeName roleIntrospection fieldCalls let typeName = G.getBaseType nestedFieldType fieldTypeDefinition <- onNothing (lookupType roleIntrospection typeName) -- the below case will never happen because we get the type name -- from the schema document itself i.e. if a field exists for the -- given role, then it's return type also must exist $ throw500 $ "unexpected: " <> typeName <<> " not found " -- These are the arguments that are given by the user while executing a query let remoteFieldUserArguments = map snd $ Map.toList remoteFieldParamMap remoteFld <- lift $ customizeFieldParser (,) remoteSchemaCustomizer parentTypeName . P.wrapFieldParser nestedFieldType <$> remoteField remoteRelationshipIntrospection fieldName Nothing remoteFieldUserArguments fieldTypeDefinition pure $ pure $ remoteFld `P.bindField` \(resultCustomizer, G.Field {G._fArguments = args, G._fSelectionSet = selSet, G._fName = fname}) -> do let remoteArgs = Map.toList args <&> \(argName, argVal) -> IR.RemoteFieldArgument argName $ P.GraphQLValue $ argVal let resultCustomizer' = applyFieldCalls fieldCalls $ applyAliasMapping (singletonAliasMapping fname (fcName $ NE.last fieldCalls)) resultCustomizer pure $ IR.AFRemote $ IR.RemoteSelectRemoteSchema $ IR.RemoteSchemaSelect { _rselArgs = remoteArgs, _rselResultCustomizer = resultCustomizer', _rselSelection = selSet, _rselHasuraFields = hasuraFields, _rselFieldCall = fieldCalls, _rselRemoteSchema = remoteSchemaInfo } where -- Apply parent field calls so that the result customizer modifies the nested field applyFieldCalls :: NonEmpty FieldCall -> RemoteResultCustomizer -> RemoteResultCustomizer applyFieldCalls fieldCalls resultCustomizer = foldr (modifyFieldByName . fcName) resultCustomizer $ NE.init fieldCalls -- | The custom SQL functions' input "args" field parser -- > function_name(args: function_args) customSQLFunctionArgs :: (BackendSchema b, MonadSchema n m, MonadTableInfo r m) => FunctionInfo b -> G.Name -> G.Name -> m (InputFieldsParser n (IR.FunctionArgsExpTableRow b (UnpreparedValue b))) customSQLFunctionArgs FunctionInfo {..} functionName functionArgsName = functionArgs ( FTACustomFunction $ CustomFunctionNames { cfnFunctionName = functionName, cfnArgsName = functionArgsName } ) _fiInputArgs -- | Parses the arguments to the underlying sql function of a computed field or -- a custom function. All arguments to the underlying sql function are parsed -- as an "args" object. Named arguments are expected in a field with the same -- name, while positional arguments are expected in an field named "arg_$n". -- Note that collisions are possible, but ignored for now, if a named argument -- is also named "arg_$n". (FIXME: link to an issue?) -- -- If the function requires no argument, or if its only argument is not -- user-provided (the session argument in the case of custom functions, the -- table row argument in the case of computed fields), the args object will -- be omitted. functionArgs :: forall b m n r. ( BackendSchema b, MonadSchema n m, MonadTableInfo r m ) => FunctionTrackedAs b -> Seq.Seq (FunctionInputArgument b) -> m (InputFieldsParser n (IR.FunctionArgsExpTableRow b (UnpreparedValue b))) functionArgs functionTrackedAs (toList -> inputArgs) = do -- First, we iterate through the original sql arguments in order, to find the -- corresponding graphql names. At the same time, we create the input field -- parsers, in three groups: session argument, optional arguments, and -- mandatory arguments. Optional arguments have a default value, mandatory -- arguments don't. let (names, session, optional, mandatory) = mconcat $ snd $ mapAccumL splitArguments 1 inputArgs defaultArguments = IR.FunctionArgsExp (snd <$> session) Map.empty if | length session > 1 -> -- We somehow found more than one session argument; this should never -- happen and is an error on our side. throw500 "there shouldn't be more than one session argument" | null optional && null mandatory -> -- There are no user-provided arguments to the function: there will be -- no args field. pure $ pure defaultArguments | otherwise -> do -- There are user-provided arguments: we need to parse an args object. argumentParsers <- sequenceA $ optional <> mandatory objectName <- case functionTrackedAs of FTAComputedField computedFieldName sourceName tableName -> do tableInfo <- askTableInfo sourceName tableName computedFieldGQLName <- textToName $ computedFieldNameToText computedFieldName tableGQLName <- getTableGQLName @b tableInfo pure $ computedFieldGQLName <> $$(G.litName "_") <> tableGQLName <> $$(G.litName "_args") FTACustomFunction (CustomFunctionNames {cfnArgsName}) -> pure cfnArgsName let fieldName = $$(G.litName "args") fieldDesc = case functionTrackedAs of FTAComputedField computedFieldName _sourceName tableName -> G.Description $ "input parameters for computed field " <> computedFieldName <<> " defined on table " <>> tableName FTACustomFunction (CustomFunctionNames {cfnFunctionName}) -> G.Description $ "input parameters for function " <>> cfnFunctionName objectParser = P.object objectName Nothing (sequenceA argumentParsers) `P.bind` \arguments -> do -- After successfully parsing, we create a dictionary of the parsed fields -- and we re-iterate through the original list of sql arguments, now with -- the knowledge of their graphql name. let foundArguments = Map.fromList $ catMaybes arguments <> session argsWithNames = zip names inputArgs -- All elements (in the orignal sql order) that are found in the result map -- are treated as positional arguments, whether they were originally named or -- not. (positional, left) <- spanMaybeM (\(name, _) -> pure $ Map.lookup name foundArguments) argsWithNames -- If there are arguments left, it means we found one that was not passed -- positionally. As a result, any remaining argument will have to be passed -- by name. We fail with a parse error if we encounter a positional sql -- argument (that does not have a name in the sql function), as: -- * only the last positional arguments can be omitted; -- * it has no name we can use. -- We also fail if we find a mandatory argument that was not -- provided by the user. named <- Map.fromList . catMaybes <$> traverse (namedArgument foundArguments) left pure $ IR.FunctionArgsExp positional named pure $ P.field fieldName (Just fieldDesc) objectParser where sessionPlaceholder :: IR.ArgumentExp b (UnpreparedValue b) sessionPlaceholder = IR.AEInput P.UVSession splitArguments :: Int -> FunctionInputArgument b -> ( Int, ( [Text], -- graphql names, in order [(Text, IR.ArgumentExp b (UnpreparedValue b))], -- session argument [m (InputFieldsParser n (Maybe (Text, IR.ArgumentExp b (UnpreparedValue b))))], -- optional argument [m (InputFieldsParser n (Maybe (Text, IR.ArgumentExp b (UnpreparedValue b))))] -- mandatory argument ) ) splitArguments positionalIndex (IASessionVariables name) = let argName = getFuncArgNameTxt name in (positionalIndex, ([argName], [(argName, sessionPlaceholder)], [], [])) splitArguments positionalIndex (IAUserProvided arg) = let (argName, newIndex) = case faName arg of Nothing -> ("arg_" <> tshow positionalIndex, positionalIndex + 1) Just name -> (getFuncArgNameTxt name, positionalIndex) in if unHasDefault $ faHasDefault arg then (newIndex, ([argName], [], [parseArgument arg argName], [])) else (newIndex, ([argName], [], [], [parseArgument arg argName])) parseArgument :: FunctionArg b -> Text -> m (InputFieldsParser n (Maybe (Text, IR.ArgumentExp b (UnpreparedValue b)))) parseArgument arg name = do typedParser <- columnParser (ColumnScalar $ functionArgScalarType @b $ faType arg) (G.Nullability True) fieldName <- textToName name -- While some arguments are "mandatory" (i.e. they don't have a default -- value), we don't enforce the distinction at the GraphQL type system -- level, because all postgres function arguments are nullable, and -- GraphQL conflates nullability and optionality (see Note [Optional -- fields and nullability]). Making the field "mandatory" in the GraphQL -- sense would mean giving a default value of `null`, implicitly passing -- `null` to the postgres function if the user were to omit the -- argument. For backwards compatibility reasons, and also to avoid -- surprises, we prefer to reject the query if a mandatory argument is -- missing rather than filling the blanks for the user. let argParser = P.fieldOptional fieldName Nothing typedParser pure $ argParser `mapField` ((name,) . IR.AEInput . mkParameter) namedArgument :: HashMap Text (IR.ArgumentExp b (UnpreparedValue b)) -> (Text, FunctionInputArgument b) -> n (Maybe (Text, IR.ArgumentExp b (UnpreparedValue b))) namedArgument dictionary (name, inputArgument) = case inputArgument of IASessionVariables _ -> pure $ Just (name, sessionPlaceholder) IAUserProvided arg -> case Map.lookup name dictionary of Just parsedValue -> case faName arg of Just _ -> pure $ Just (name, parsedValue) Nothing -> parseErrorWith NotSupported "Only last set of positional arguments can be omitted" Nothing -> whenMaybe (not $ unHasDefault $ faHasDefault arg) $ parseErrorWith NotSupported "Non default arguments cannot be omitted" tablePermissionsInfo :: Backend b => SelPermInfo b -> TablePerms b tablePermissionsInfo selectPermissions = IR.TablePerm { IR._tpFilter = fmap partialSQLExpToUnpreparedValue <$> spiFilter selectPermissions, IR._tpLimit = spiLimit selectPermissions } ------------------------ Node interface from Relay --------------------------- {- Note [Relay Node Id] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The 'Node' interface in Relay schema has exactly one field which returns a non-null 'ID' value. Each table object type in Relay schema should implement 'Node' interface to provide global object identification. See https://relay.dev/graphql/objectidentification.htm for more details. To identify each row in a table, we need to encode the table information (schema and name) and primary key column values in the 'Node' id. Node id data: ------------- We are using JSON format for encoding and decoding the node id. The JSON schema looks like following '[, "", "", "column-1", "column-2", ... "column-n"]' It is represented in the type @'NodeId'. The 'version-integer' represents the JSON schema version to enable any backward compatibility if it is broken in upcoming versions. The stringified JSON is Base64 encoded and sent to client. Also the same base64 encoded JSON string is accepted for 'node' field resolver's 'id' input. -} data V1NodeId = V1NodeId { _nidTable :: !(TableName ('Postgres 'Vanilla)), _nidColumns :: !(NESeq.NESeq J.Value) } deriving (Show, Eq) -- | The Relay 'Node' inteface's 'id' field value. -- See Note [Relay Node id]. data NodeId = NodeIdV1 !V1NodeId deriving (Show, Eq) instance J.FromJSON NodeId where parseJSON v = do valueList <- J.parseJSON v case valueList of [] -> fail "unexpected GUID format, found empty list" J.Number 1 : rest -> NodeIdV1 <$> parseNodeIdV1 rest J.Number n : _ -> fail $ "unsupported GUID version: " <> show n _ -> fail "unexpected GUID format, needs to start with a version number" where parseNodeIdV1 (schemaValue : (nameValue : (firstColumn : remainingColumns))) = V1NodeId <$> (PG.QualifiedObject <$> J.parseJSON schemaValue <*> J.parseJSON nameValue) <*> pure (firstColumn NESeq.:<|| Seq.fromList remainingColumns) parseNodeIdV1 _ = fail "GUID version 1: expecting schema name, table name and at least one column value" throwInvalidNodeId :: MonadParse n => Text -> n a throwInvalidNodeId t = parseError $ "the node id is invalid: " <> t -- | The 'node' root field of a Relay request. nodePG :: forall m n r. MonadBuildSchema ('Postgres 'Vanilla) r m n => m ( P.Parser 'Output n ( HashMap (TableName ('Postgres 'Vanilla)) ( SourceName, SourceConfig ('Postgres 'Vanilla), SelPermInfo ('Postgres 'Vanilla), PrimaryKeyColumns ('Postgres 'Vanilla), AnnotatedFields ('Postgres 'Vanilla) ) ) ) nodePG = memoizeOn 'nodePG () do let idDescription = G.Description "A globally unique identifier" idField = P.selection_ $$(G.litName "id") (Just idDescription) P.identifier nodeInterfaceDescription = G.Description "An object with globally unique ID" sources :: SourceCache <- asks getter let allTables = Map.fromList $ do -- FIXME? When source name is used in type generation? (source, sourceInfo) <- Map.toList sources tableName <- maybe [] (Map.keys . takeValidTables) $ unsafeSourceTables @('Postgres 'Vanilla) sourceInfo sourceConfig <- maybeToList $ unsafeSourceConfiguration @('Postgres 'Vanilla) sourceInfo pure (tableName, (source, sourceConfig)) tables <- Map.mapMaybe id <$> flip Map.traverseWithKey allTables \table (source, sourceConfig) -> runMaybeT do tableInfo <- lift $ askTableInfo source table tablePkeyColumns <- hoistMaybe $ tableInfo ^? tiCoreInfo . tciPrimaryKey . _Just . pkColumns selectPermissions <- MaybeT $ tableSelectPermissions tableInfo annotatedFieldsParser <- lift $ tableSelectionSet source tableInfo selectPermissions pure $ (source,sourceConfig,selectPermissions,tablePkeyColumns,) <$> annotatedFieldsParser pure $ P.selectionSetInterface $$(G.litName "Node") (Just nodeInterfaceDescription) [idField] tables nodeField :: forall m n r. MonadBuildSchema ('Postgres 'Vanilla) r m n => m (P.FieldParser n (IR.QueryRootField UnpreparedValue)) nodeField = do let idDescription = G.Description "A globally unique id" idArgument = P.field $$(G.litName "id") (Just idDescription) P.identifier stringifyNum <- asks $ qcStringifyNum . getter nodeObject <- node return $ P.subselection $$(G.litName "node") Nothing idArgument nodeObject `P.bindField` \(ident, parseds) -> do NodeIdV1 (V1NodeId table columnValues) <- parseNodeId ident (source, sourceConfig, perms, pkeyColumns, fields) <- onNothing (Map.lookup table parseds) $ withArgsPath $ throwInvalidNodeId $ "the table " <>> ident whereExp <- buildNodeIdBoolExp columnValues pkeyColumns return $ IR.RFDB source $ AB.mkAnyBackend $ IR.SourceConfigWith sourceConfig Nothing $ IR.QDBR $ IR.QDBSingleRow $ IR.AnnSelectG { IR._asnFields = fields, IR._asnFrom = IR.FromTable table, IR._asnPerm = tablePermissionsInfo perms, IR._asnArgs = IR.SelectArgs { IR._saWhere = Just whereExp, IR._saOrderBy = Nothing, IR._saLimit = Nothing, IR._saOffset = Nothing, IR._saDistinct = Nothing }, IR._asnStrfyNum = stringifyNum } where parseNodeId :: Text -> n NodeId parseNodeId = either (withArgsPath . throwInvalidNodeId . T.pack) pure . J.eitherDecode . base64Decode withArgsPath = withPath (++ [Key "args", Key "id"]) buildNodeIdBoolExp :: NESeq.NESeq J.Value -> NESeq.NESeq (ColumnInfo ('Postgres 'Vanilla)) -> n (IR.AnnBoolExp ('Postgres 'Vanilla) (UnpreparedValue ('Postgres 'Vanilla))) buildNodeIdBoolExp columnValues pkeyColumns = do let firstPkColumn NESeq.:<|| remainingPkColumns = pkeyColumns firstColumnValue NESeq.:<|| remainingColumns = columnValues (nonAlignedPkColumns, nonAlignedColumnValues, alignedTuples) = partitionThese $ toList $ align remainingPkColumns remainingColumns unless (null nonAlignedPkColumns) $ throwInvalidNodeId $ "primary key columns " <> dquoteList (map pgiColumn nonAlignedPkColumns) <> " are missing" unless (null nonAlignedColumnValues) $ throwInvalidNodeId $ "unexpected column values " <> J.encodeToStrictText nonAlignedColumnValues let allTuples = (firstPkColumn, firstColumnValue) : alignedTuples flip onLeft (parseErrorWith ParseFailed . qeError) $ runExcept $ fmap IR.BoolAnd $ for allTuples $ \(columnInfo, columnValue) -> do let modifyErrFn t = "value of column " <> pgiColumn columnInfo <<> " in node id: " <> t pgColumnType = pgiType columnInfo pgValue <- modifyErr modifyErrFn $ parseScalarValueColumnType pgColumnType columnValue let unpreparedValue = UVParameter Nothing $ ColumnValue pgColumnType pgValue pure $ IR.BoolFld $ IR.AVColumn columnInfo [IR.AEQ True unpreparedValue]