.. meta:: :description: Integration and migration tutorials for Hasura :keywords: hasura, docs, integration, migration .. _guides_integrations_migrations: Guides: Integration/migration tutorials ======================================= .. contents:: Table of contents :backlinks: none :depth: 1 :local: - :ref:`guides_auth0_jwt` - :ref:`guides_auth_guardian_jwt` - :ref:`guides_aws_cognito` - :ref:`guides_apollo_subscriptions` - `Blog: Move from firebase to realtime GraphQL on Postgres `__ - `Blog: Create a Gatsby site using GraphQL on Postgres `__ - `Blog: Instant GraphQL on AWS RDS `__ - `Blog: Using TimescaleDB with Hasura GraphQL `__ .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 :titlesonly: :hidden: Auth0 JWT Integration OneGraph's AuthGuardian JWT Integration Using AWS Cognito for authentication Subscriptions using apollo-client