common-boilerplate: &common-boilerplate version: 1.0.0 author: - Hasura, Inc. github: hasura/github-engine extra-source-files: - ../../../LICENSE common-lib: &common-lib flags: optimize-hasura: description: Compile hasura code with appropriate optimizations default: true manual: false profiling: description: Configures the project to be profiling-compatible default: false manual: true ghc-options: - "-foptimal-applicative-do" - "-Wall" - "-Werror" - "-Wcompat" - "-Wincomplete-record-updates" - "-Wincomplete-uni-patterns" - "-Wredundant-constraints" - "-Wmissing-export-lists" when: - condition: flag(profiling) cpp-options: -DPROFILING - condition: flag(optimize-hasura) then: ghc-options: - "-fexpose-all-unfoldings" - "-O2" else: # we just want to build fast ghc-options: - "-O0"