#! /usr/bin/env bash # If no arguments are provided to this script, all the server upgrade tests will be run # With arguments, you can specify which server upgrade pytests should be run # Any options provided to this script will be applied to the # pytest command collecting server upgrade tests set -euo pipefail # # keep track of the last executed command # trap 'last_command=$current_command; current_command=$BASH_COMMAND' DEBUG # # echo an error message before exiting # trap 'echo "\"${last_command}\" command filed with exit code $?."' EXIT cd "${BASH_SOURCE[0]%/*}" ROOT="${PWD}" cd - > /dev/null download_with_etag_check() { URL="$1" FILE="$2" ETAG="$(curl -I $URL | grep etag: | awk '{print $2}' | sed 's/\r$//')" set -x if ! ( [ -f "$FILE" ] && [ "$(cat "$FILE.etag" 2>/dev/null)" == "$ETAG" ] ) ; then curl -Lo "$FILE" "$URL" chmod +x "$FILE" echo -e -n "$ETAG" > "$FILE.etag" fi set +x } fail_if_port_busy() { local PORT=$1 if nc -z localhost $PORT ; then echo "Port $PORT is busy. Exiting" exit 1 fi } # wait_for_port PORT [PID] [LOG_FILE] wait_for_port() { local PORT=$1 local PIDMSG="" local PID=${2:-} if [ -n "$PID" ] ; then PIDMSG=", PID ($PID)" fi echo "waiting for ${PORT}${PIDMSG}" for i in `seq 1 60`; do nc -z localhost $PORT && echo "port $PORT is ready" && return echo -n . sleep 1 if [ -n "$PID" ] && ! ps $PID >/dev/null ; then echo "Process $PID has exited" if [ -n "${3:-}" ] ; then cat $3 fi exit 1 fi done echo "Failed waiting for $PORT" && exit 1 } log() { echo $'\e[1;33m'"--> $*"$'\e[0m'; } : ${HASURA_GRAPHQL_SERVER_PORT:=8080} : ${API_SERVER_PORT:=3000} : ${HASURA_PROJECT_DIR:=$ROOT/hasura} : ${API_SERVER_DIR:=$ROOT/api-server} : ${SERVER_OUTPUT_DIR:=/build/_server_output} : ${SERVER_BINARY:=/build/_server_output/graphql-engine} : ${LATEST_SERVER_BINARY:=/bin/graphql-engine-latest} : ${HASURA_GRAPHQL_STRINGIFY_NUMERIC_TYPES:=true} LATEST_SERVER_LOG=$SERVER_OUTPUT_DIR/upgrade-test-latest-release-server.log CURRENT_SERVER_LOG=$SERVER_OUTPUT_DIR/upgrade-test-current-server.log HGE_ENDPOINT=http://localhost:$HASURA_GRAPHQL_SERVER_PORT PYTEST_DIR="${ROOT}/../../server/tests-py" pip3 -q install -r "${PYTEST_DIR}/requirements.txt" # export them so that GraphQL Engine can use it export HASURA_GRAPHQL_STRINGIFY_NUMERIC_TYPES="$HASURA_GRAPHQL_STRINGIFY_NUMERIC_TYPES" # Required for testing caching export GHCRTS='-N1' # Required for event trigger tests export WEBHOOK_FROM_ENV="" export EVENT_WEBHOOK_HEADER="MyEnvValue" export REMOTE_SCHEMAS_WEBHOOK_DOMAIN="" # graphql-engine will be run on this port fail_if_port_busy ${HASURA_GRAPHQL_SERVER_PORT} # Remote graphql server of pytests run on this port fail_if_port_busy 5000 log "setting up directories" mkdir -p $SERVER_OUTPUT_DIR touch $LATEST_SERVER_LOG touch $CURRENT_SERVER_LOG # download latest graphql engine release log "downloading latest release of graphql engine" download_with_etag_check 'https://graphql-engine-cdn.hasura.io/server/latest/linux-amd64' "$LATEST_SERVER_BINARY" cur_server_version(){ echo "$(curl http://localhost:${HASURA_GRAPHQL_SERVER_PORT}/v1/version -q 2>/dev/null)" } log "Run pytests with server upgrade" WORKTREE_DIR="$(mktemp -d)" RELEASE_PYTEST_DIR="${WORKTREE_DIR}/server/tests-py" RELEASE_VERSION="$( $LATEST_SERVER_BINARY version | cut -d':' -f2 | awk '{print $1}' )" rm_worktree(){ rm -rf "$WORKTREE_DIR" } trap rm_worktree ERR make_latest_release_worktree() { git worktree add --detach "$WORKTREE_DIR" "$RELEASE_VERSION" cd "$WORKTREE_DIR" # FIX ME: Remove the patch below after the next stable release # The --avoid-error-message-checks in pytest was implementated as a rather relaxed check than # what we intended to have. In versions <= v1.3.0, # this check allows response to be success even if the expected response is a failure. # The patch below fixes that issue. # The `git apply` should give errors from next release onwards, # since this change is going to be included in the next release version git apply "${ROOT}/err_msg.patch" || \ (log "Remove the git apply in make_latest_release_worktree function" && false) cd - > /dev/null } cleanup_hasura_metadata_if_present() { set -x psql "$HASURA_GRAPHQL_DATABASE_URL" -c 'drop schema if exists hdb_catalog cascade; drop schema if exists hdb_views cascade' >/dev/null 2>/dev/null set +x } get_tables_of_interest() { psql $HASURA_GRAPHQL_DATABASE_URL -P pager=off -c " select table_schema as schema, table_name as name from information_schema.tables where table_schema not in ('hdb_catalog','hdb_views', 'pg_catalog', 'information_schema','topology', 'tiger') and (table_schema <> 'public' or table_name not in ('geography_columns','geometry_columns','spatial_ref_sys','raster_columns','raster_overviews') ); " } get_current_catalog_version() { psql $HASURA_GRAPHQL_DATABASE_URL -P pager=off -c "SELECT version FROM hdb_catalog.hdb_version" } args=("$@") get_server_upgrade_tests() { cd $RELEASE_PYTEST_DIR tmpfile="$(mktemp --dry-run)" set -x # FIX ME: Deselecting some introspection tests from the previous test suite # which throw errors on the latest build. Even when the output of the current build is more accurate. # Remove these deselects after the next stable release python3 -m pytest -q --collect-only --collect-upgrade-tests-to-file "$tmpfile" \ -m 'allow_server_upgrade_test and not skip_server_upgrade_test' \ --deselect test_schema_stitching.py::TestRemoteSchemaBasic::test_introspection \ --deselect test_schema_stitching.py::TestAddRemoteSchemaCompareRootQueryFields::test_schema_check_arg_default_values_and_field_and_arg_types \ --deselect test_graphql_mutations.py::TestGraphqlInsertPermission::test_user_with_no_backend_privilege \ --deselect test_graphql_mutations.py::TestGraphqlInsertPermission::test_backend_user_no_admin_secret_fail \ --deselect test_graphql_mutations.py::TestGraphqlMutationCustomSchema::test_update_article \ --deselect test_graphql_queries.py::TestGraphQLQueryEnums::test_introspect_user_role \ --deselect test_schema_stitching.py::TestRemoteSchemaQueriesOverWebsocket::test_remote_query_error \ "${args[@]}" 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null set +x cat "$tmpfile" cd - >/dev/null rm "$tmpfile" } run_server_upgrade_pytest() { HGE_PID="" cleanup_hge(){ kill $HGE_PID || true wait $HGE_PID || true # cleanup_hasura_metadata_if_present rm_worktree } trap cleanup_hge ERR local HGE_URL="http://localhost:${HASURA_GRAPHQL_SERVER_PORT}" local tests_to_run="$1" [ -n "$tests_to_run" ] || ( echo "Got no test as input" && false ) run_pytest(){ cd $RELEASE_PYTEST_DIR set -x # With --avoid-error-message-checks, we are only going to throw warnings if the error message has changed between releases pytest --hge-urls "${HGE_URL}" --pg-urls "$HASURA_GRAPHQL_DATABASE_URL" \ --avoid-error-message-checks "$@" \ -m 'allow_server_upgrade_test and not skip_server_upgrade_test' \ --deselect test_graphql_mutations.py::TestGraphqlInsertPermission::test_user_with_no_backend_privilege \ --deselect test_graphql_mutations.py::TestGraphqlMutationCustomSchema::test_update_article \ --deselect test_graphql_queries.py::TestGraphQLQueryEnums::test_introspect_user_role \ -v $tests_to_run set +x cd - } ############## Tests for latest release GraphQL engine ######################### # Start the old (latest release) GraphQL Engine log "starting latest graphql engine release" $LATEST_SERVER_BINARY serve > $LATEST_SERVER_LOG 2>&1 & HGE_PID=$! # Wait for server start wait_for_port $HASURA_GRAPHQL_SERVER_PORT $HGE_PID $LATEST_SERVER_LOG log "Catalog version for $(cur_server_version)" get_current_catalog_version log "Run pytest for latest graphql-engine release $(cur_server_version) while skipping schema teardown" run_pytest --skip-schema-teardown log "kill the api server $(cur_server_version)" kill $HGE_PID || true wait $HGE_PID || true log "the tables of interest in the database are: " get_tables_of_interest ############## Tests for the current build GraphQL engine ######################### if [[ "$1" =~ "test_schema_stitching" ]] ; then # In this case, Hasura metadata will have GraphQL servers defined as remote. # We need to have remote GraphQL server running for the graphql-engine to avoid # inconsistent metadata error cd $RELEASE_PYTEST_DIR python3 graphql_server.py & REMOTE_GQL_PID=$! wait_for_port 5000 cd - fi log "start the current build" set -x rm -f graphql-engine.tix $SERVER_BINARY serve > $CURRENT_SERVER_LOG 2>&1 & HGE_PID=$! set +x # Wait for server start wait_for_port $HASURA_GRAPHQL_SERVER_PORT $HGE_PID $CURRENT_SERVER_LOG log "Catalog version for $(cur_server_version)" get_current_catalog_version if [[ "$1" =~ "test_schema_stitching" ]] ; then kill $REMOTE_GQL_PID || true wait $REMOTE_GQL_PID || true fi log "Run pytest for the current build $(cur_server_version) without modifying schema" run_pytest --skip-schema-setup --skip-schema-teardown log "kill the api server $(cur_server_version)" kill $HGE_PID || true wait $HGE_PID || true #################### Downgrade to release version ########################## log "Downgrade graphql-engine to $RELEASE_VERSION" $SERVER_BINARY downgrade "--to-$RELEASE_VERSION" ############## Tests for latest release GraphQL engine once more after downgrade ######################### if [[ "$1" =~ "test_schema_stitching" ]] ; then cd $RELEASE_PYTEST_DIR python3 graphql_server.py & REMOTE_GQL_PID=$! wait_for_port 5000 cd - fi # Start the old (latest release) GraphQL Engine log "starting latest graphql engine release" $LATEST_SERVER_BINARY serve > $LATEST_SERVER_LOG 2>&1 & HGE_PID=$! # Wait for server start wait_for_port $HASURA_GRAPHQL_SERVER_PORT $HGE_PID $LATEST_SERVER_LOG log "Catalog version for $(cur_server_version)" get_current_catalog_version if [[ "$1" =~ "test_schema_stitching" ]] ; then kill $REMOTE_GQL_PID || true wait $REMOTE_GQL_PID || true fi log "Run pytest for latest graphql-engine release $(cur_server_version) (once more) while skipping schema setup" run_pytest --skip-schema-setup log "kill the api server $(cur_server_version)" kill $HGE_PID || true wait $HGE_PID || true } make_latest_release_worktree cleanup_hasura_metadata_if_present for pytest in $(get_server_upgrade_tests) ; do log "Running pytest $pytest" run_server_upgrade_pytest "$pytest" done cleanup_hasura_metadata_if_present exit 0