.. meta:: :description: Deploy Hasura GraphQL engine with Heroku :keywords: hasura, docs, deployment, heroku .. _deploy_heroku: Run Hasura GraphQL engine on Heroku =================================== .. contents:: Table of contents :backlinks: none :depth: 2 :local: Introduction ------------ This guide shows how to deploy Hasura GraphQL engine on Heroku. Deploying Hasura with a new Postgres DB --------------------------------------- .. _heroku_one_click: Option 1: One-click deployment ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Click the below button to deploy Hasura on Heroku in a few seconds: .. image:: https://camo.githubusercontent.com/83b0e95b38892b49184e07ad572c94c8038323fb/68747470733a2f2f7777772e6865726f6b7563646e2e636f6d2f6465706c6f792f627574746f6e2e737667 :width: 200px :alt: heroku_deploy_button :class: no-shadow :target: https://heroku.com/deploy?template=https://github.com/hasura/graphql-engine-heroku .. note:: If you don't have an account on Heroku, you need to sign up on Heroku. You won't need a credit card, and once you sign up you'll be redirected to your Heroku app creation page automatically. .. thumbnail:: /img/graphql/manual/guides/heroku-app.png :alt: Deploy to Heroku Heroku's free Postgres add-on is automatically provisioned. .. _heroku_cli_deployment: Option 2: Deploy via Heroku CLI ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Follow these instructions to create a new Heroku app with a Postgres add-on using the Heroku CLI. Step 1: Clone the Hasura GraphQL engine Heroku app ************************************************** The Hasura app with Heroku buildpack/configuration is available at: https://github.com/hasura/graphql-engine-heroku Step 2: Create an app with **--stack=container** ************************************************ Use the `Heroku CLI `__ to create a new Heroku app from inside the cloned directory. Let's call the app ``graphql-on-postgres``. .. code-block:: bash # Replace graphql-on-postgres with whatever you'd like your app to be called $ heroku create graphql-on-postgres --stack=container Creating ⬢ graphql-on-postgres... done, stack is container https://graphql-on-postgres.herokuapp.com/ | https://git.heroku.com/graphql-on-postgres.git **Note**: - ``HEROKU_GIT_REMOTE``: `https://git.heroku.com/graphql-on-postgres.git` - ``HEROKU_APP_URL``: `https://graphql-on-postgres.herokuapp.com/` Step 3: Create the Heroku Postgres add-on ***************************************** Create the Postgres add-on in your Heroku app. .. code-block:: bash $ heroku addons:create heroku-postgresql:hobby-dev -a graphql-on-postgres Creating heroku-postgresql:hobby-dev on ⬢ graphql-on-postgres... free Database has been created and is available ! This database is empty. If upgrading, you can transfer ! data from another database with pg:copy Created postgresql-angular-20334 as DATABASE_URL Use heroku addons:docs heroku-postgresql to view documentation Step 4: **git push** to deploy ****************************** Remember to change ``HEROKU_GIT_REMOTE`` to your git remote below. In our case: ``https://git.heroku.com/graphql-on-postgres.git``. .. code-block:: bash $ git init && git add . $ git commit -m "first commit" $ git remote add heroku HEROKU_GIT_REMOTE $ git push heroku master Visit ``https://graphql-on-postgres.herokuapp.com`` (replace ``graphql-on-postgres`` with your app name) and you should see the Hasura console. .. _heroku_existing_db: Deploying using an existing Postgres DB --------------------------------------- Let's say you have an existing `Heroku Postgres `__ database with data in it, and you'd like to add GraphQL to it. .. note:: In case you're exposing an existing database (esp. if it is production), please :ref:`configure an admin secret key ` for the console and the GraphQL endpoint. Option 1: Via Heroku UI ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Step 1: Deploy Hasura on Heroku ******************************* Deploy Hasura on Heroku as described in :ref:`this section `. Step 2: Remove the created Postgres add-on in the app ***************************************************** Head to your Heroku dashboard and delete the Postgres add-on created in the previous step: .. thumbnail:: /img/graphql/manual/deployment/remove-heroku-postgres-addon.png :alt: Delete the Postgres add-on Step 3: Configure environment variables *************************************** Now configure the ``DATABASE_URL`` with your existing Heroku Postgres database URL and a ``HASURA_GRAPHQL_ADMIN_SECRET`` if you want to :ref:`secure your endpoint `. .. thumbnail:: /img/graphql/manual/deployment/heroku-database-url-access.png :alt: Configure environment variables .. note:: The Hasura GraphQL engine needs access permissions to your Postgres database as described in :ref:`Postgres permissions `. Step 4: Track tables and relationships ************************************** Wait for the GraphQL engine to restart and then see :ref:`schema_existing_db` to enable GraphQL over the database. Option 2: Via Heroku CLI ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ You can set up the Hasura GraphQL engine as a "git push to deploy" app on `Heroku `__ and connect it to a `Heroku Postgres `__ instance. Step 1: Clone the Hasura GraphQL engine Heroku app ************************************************** The Hasura app with Heroku buildpack/configuration is available at: https://github.com/hasura/graphql-engine-heroku Step 2: Configure the database URL ********************************** Edit the command in the ``Dockerfile`` to change which database the Hasura GraphQL engine connects to. By default, it connects to the primary database in your app which is available at ``DATABASE_URL``. .. code-block:: dockerfile :emphasize-lines: 6 FROM hasura/graphql-engine:latest # Change $DATABASE_URL to your Heroku Postgres URL if you're not using # the primary Postgres instance in your app CMD graphql-engine \ --database-url $DATABASE_URL \ serve \ --server-port $PORT \ --enable-console Read about more configuration options :ref:`here `. .. note:: Hasura GraphQL engine needs access permissions to your Postgres database as described in :ref:`Postgres permissions `. .. _heroku_secure: Securing the GraphQL endpoint ----------------------------- To make sure that your GraphQL endpoint and the Hasura console are not publicly accessible, you need to configure an admin secret key. Add an admin secret ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Head to the config-vars URL on your Heroku dashboard and set the ``HASURA_GRAPHQL_ADMIN_SECRET`` environment variable. .. thumbnail:: /img/graphql/manual/deployment/secure-heroku.png :alt: Add an admin secret Setting this environment variable will automatically restart the dyno. Now when you access your console, you'll be prompted for the admin secret key. .. thumbnail:: /img/graphql/manual/deployment/access-key-console.png :alt: Prompt for the admin secret .. note:: The ``HASURA_GRAPHQL_ADMIN_SECRET`` should never be passed from the client to Hasura GraphQL engine as it would give the client full admin rights to your Hasura instance. See :ref:`auth` for information on setting up authentication. (optional) Use the admin secret with the CLI ******************************************** In case you're using the CLI to open the Hasura console, use the ``admin-secret`` flag when you open the console: .. code-block:: bash hasura console --admin-secret=myadminsecretkey .. _heroku_logs: GraphQL engine server logs -------------------------- You can use the `Heroku CLI `__ to check the logs of the Hasura GraphQL engine deployed on Heroku: .. code-block:: bash $ heroku logs --app 2018-10-09T11:18:21.306000+00:00 app[web.1]: {"timestamp":"2018-10-09T11:18:21.305+0000", "level":"info", "type":"http-log", "detail":{"status":200, "query_hash":"48c74f902b53a886f9ddc1b7dd12a4a6020d70c3", "http_version":"HTTP/1.1", "query_execution_time":9.477913e-3, "request_id":"b7bb6fb3-97b3-4c6f-a54a-1e0f71a190e9", "url":"/v1/graphql", "user":{"x-hasura-role":"admin"}, "ip":"", "response_size":15290, "method":"POST", "detail":null}} ... **See:** - https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/logging for more details on logging on Heroku. - :ref:`hge_logs` for more details on Hasura logs .. _heroku_update: Updating GraphQL engine ----------------------- This section will help you update the Hasura GraphQL engine running on Heroku. The current latest version is: .. raw:: html hasura/graphql-engine:latest Update to the latest version ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Step 1: Clone the Hasura GraphQL engine Heroku app ************************************************** The Hasura app with Heroku buildpack/configuration is available at: https://github.com/hasura/graphql-engine-heroku. Clone the above repository. .. code-block:: bash git clone https://github.com/hasura/graphql-engine-heroku cd graphql-engine-heroku If you already have this, then pull the latest changes which will have the updated GraphQL engine Docker image. Step 2: Attach your Heroku app ****************************** Let's say your Heroku app is called ``hasura-heroku`` and is running on ``https://hasura-heroku.herokuapp.com``. From inside the ``graphql-engine-heroku`` directory, use the `Heroku CLI `__ to configure the git repo you cloned in Step 1 to be able to push to this app. .. code-block:: bash # Replace with your Heroku app's name heroku git:remote -a heroku stack:set container -a You can find your Heroku git repo in your Heroku - Settings - Info - Heroku Git URL Step 3: **git push** to deploy the latest Hasura GraphQL engine *************************************************************** When you ``git push`` to deploy, the Heroku app will get updated with the latest changes: .. code-block:: bash git push heroku master Deploy a specific version ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Head to the ``Dockerfile`` in the git repo you cloned in step 1. Change the ``FROM`` line to the specific version you want. A list of all releases can be found at https://github.com/hasura/graphql-engine/releases. .. code-block:: Dockerfile :emphasize-lines: 1 FROM hasura/graphql-engine:v1.0.0 ... ... Change ``v1.0.0`` to ``v1.1.0`` for example, commit this and then ``git push heroku master`` to deploy. .. note:: If you are downgrading to an older version of the GraphQL engine you might need to downgrade your metadata catalogue version as described in :ref:`downgrade_hge` Advanced -------- - :ref:`Setting up migrations `