.. meta:: :description: Use an existing database with Heroku deployment :keywords: hasura, docs, deployment, heroku, existing database .. _heroku_existing_db: Using an existing Heroku database ================================= .. contents:: Table of contents :backlinks: none :depth: 1 :local: Let's say you have an existing `Heroku Postgres `__ database with data in it, and you'd like add GraphQL on it. .. note:: In case you're exposing an existing database (esp. if it is production), please configure an admin secret key for the console and the GraphQL endpoint. Step 1: Deploy Hasura on Heroku ------------------------------- Deploy Hasura on Heroku by clicking on this button: .. image:: https://camo.githubusercontent.com/83b0e95b38892b49184e07ad572c94c8038323fb/68747470733a2f2f7777772e6865726f6b7563646e2e636f6d2f6465706c6f792f627574746f6e2e737667 :width: 200px :alt: heroku_deploy_button :class: no-shadow :target: https://heroku.com/deploy?template=https://github.com/hasura/graphql-engine-heroku Follow the Heroku instructions to deploy, check if the Hasura console loads up when you click on **View app** and then head to the **Manage App** screen on your Heroku dashboard. This will deploy Hasura with a free Postgres add-on automatically provisioned. Step 2: Remove the created Postgres add-on in the app ----------------------------------------------------- Head to your Heroku dashboard and delete the Postgres add-on created in the previous step: .. thumbnail:: ../../../../img/graphql/manual/deployment/remove-heroku-postgres-addon.png :alt: Delete the Postgres add-on Step 3: Configure environment variables --------------------------------------- Now configure the ``DATABASE_URL`` with your existing Heroku Postgres database URL and a ``HASURA_GRAPHQL_ADMIN_SECRET`` if you want to secure your endpoint. .. thumbnail:: ../../../../img/graphql/manual/deployment/heroku-database-url-access.png :alt: Configure environment variables .. note:: The Hasura GraphQL engine needs access permissions to your Postgres database as described in :ref:`Postgres permissions `. Step 4: Track tables and relationships -------------------------------------- Wait for the GraphQL engine to restart and then see :ref:`schema_existing_db` to enable GraphQL over the database.