- description: Add a temp table url: /v1/query status: 200 query: type: bulk args: - type: run_sql args: sql: | create table temp_table( col1 text, col2 text, id UUID NOT NULL DEFAULT gen_random_uuid() ); - type: track_table args: schema: public name: temp_table - type: run_sql args: sql: | insert into temp_table (col1, col2) values ('temp1', 'temp2'), ('temp3', 'temp4'), ('temp5', 'temp6'); response: - result_type: CommandOk result: - message: success - result_type: CommandOk result: - description: Create a rest endpoint url: /v1/query status: 200 query: type: bulk args: - type: create_query_collection args: name: temp_collection definition: queries: - name: temp_query query: query { temp_table { col1 col2 } } - type: create_rest_endpoint args: url: temp_rest_API name: temp_rest_API methods: - GET definition: query: collection_name: temp_collection query_name: temp_query response: - message: success - message: success - description: untrack the table url: /v1/query status: 500 query: type: untrack_table args: table: schema: public name: temp_table response: internal: - definition: name: temp_query query: query { temp_table { col1 col2 } } reason: "Inconsistent object: In query collection \"temp_collection\" the query\ \ \"temp_query\" is invalid with the following error(s): \"$.temp_table: field\ \ 'temp_table' not found in object 'query_root'\". This query is being used\ \ in the following REST endpoint(s): \"temp_rest_API\"" name: query_collections temp_query in temp_collection type: query_collections path: $.args error: cannot continue due to newly found inconsistent metadata code: unexpected - description: cleanup 1 (drop the endpoint) url: /v1/query status: 200 query: type: drop_rest_endpoint args: name: temp_rest_API response: message: success - description: untrack the table url: /v1/query status: 500 query: type: untrack_table args: table: schema: public name: temp_table response: internal: - definition: name: temp_query query: query { temp_table { col1 col2 } } reason: "Inconsistent object: In query collection \"temp_collection\" the query\ \ \"temp_query\" is invalid with the following error(s): \"$.temp_table: field\ \ 'temp_table' not found in object 'query_root'\"" name: query_collections temp_query in temp_collection type: query_collections path: $.args error: cannot continue due to newly found inconsistent metadata code: unexpected - description: cleanup 2 (drop the query collection) url: /v1/query status: 200 query: type: drop_query_collection args: collection: temp_collection cascade: true response: message: success - description: cleanup 3 (drop the table) url: /v1/query status: 200 query: type: run_sql args: sql: | drop table temp_table response: result_type: CommandOk result: