{-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-} module Hasura.Backends.BigQuery.Meta ( MetadataError (..), getTables, RestTableReference (..), RestTable (..), RestTableSchema (..), RestFieldSchema (..), RestType (..), Mode (..), RestRoutineType (..), RestArgument (..), RestStandardSqlField (..), RestStandardSqlTableType (..), RestRoutineReference (..), routineReferenceToFunctionName, RestRoutine (..), getRoutines, ) where import Control.Exception.Safe import Control.Monad.IO.Class import Control.Monad.Trans.Except import Data.Aeson import Data.Aeson qualified as J import Data.Foldable import Data.Maybe import Data.Sequence qualified as Seq import Data.Text qualified as T import GHC.Generics import Hasura.Backends.BigQuery.Connection import Hasura.Backends.BigQuery.Source import Hasura.Backends.BigQuery.Types import Hasura.Prelude import Network.HTTP.Simple import Network.HTTP.Types -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Types data MetadataError = RestProblem RestProblem deriving (Show) data RestProblem = GetTablesProblem SomeException | GetTableProblem SomeException | GetRoutineProblem SomeException | GetMetaDecodeProblem String | GetTablesBigQueryProblem BigQueryProblem | GetRoutinesBigQueryProblem BigQueryProblem | RESTRequestNonOK Status deriving (Show) data RestTableList = RestTableList { nextPageToken :: Maybe Text, tables :: [RestTableBrief] } deriving (Show) instance FromJSON RestTableList where parseJSON = withObject "RestTableList" ( \o -> do kind <- o .: "kind" case kind of ("bigquery#tableList" :: Text) -> do nextPageToken <- o .:? "nextPageToken" tables <- o .:? "tables" .!= [] pure RestTableList {..} _ -> fail "Expected kind of bigquery#tableList" ) data RestTableBrief = RestTableBrief { tableReference :: RestTableReference } deriving (Show, Generic) instance FromJSON RestTableBrief data RestTableReference = RestTableReference { datasetId :: Text, projectId :: Text, tableId :: Text } deriving (Show, Generic) instance FromJSON RestTableReference data RestTable = RestTable { tableReference :: RestTableReference, schema :: RestTableSchema } deriving (Show, Generic) instance FromJSON RestTable data RestTableSchema = RestTableSchema { fields :: [RestFieldSchema] } deriving (Show, Generic) instance FromJSON RestTableSchema data RestFieldSchema = RestFieldSchema { name :: Text, -- | The field data type. Possible values include STRING, BYTES, -- INTEGER, INT64 (same as INTEGER), FLOAT, FLOAT64 (same as -- FLOAT), BOOLEAN, BOOL (same as BOOLEAN), TIMESTAMP, DATE, TIME, -- DATETIME, GEOGRAPHY, NUMERIC, RECORD (where RECORD indicates -- that the field contains a nested schema) or STRUCT (same as -- RECORD). type' :: RestType, mode :: Mode -- The field mode. Possible values include NULLABLE, REQUIRED and -- REPEATED. The default value is NULLABLE. } deriving (Show, Generic) instance FromJSON RestFieldSchema where parseJSON = withObject "RestFieldSchema" ( \o -> do type' <- o .: "type" name <- o .: "name" mode <- o .:? "mode" .!= Nullable pure RestFieldSchema {..} ) data Mode = Nullable | Required | Repeated deriving (Show) instance FromJSON Mode where parseJSON j = do s <- parseJSON j case s :: Text of "NULLABLE" -> pure Nullable "REQUIRED" -> pure Required "REPEATED" -> pure Repeated _ -> fail ("invalid mode " ++ show s) data RestType = STRING | BYTES | INTEGER | FLOAT | BOOL | TIMESTAMP | DATE | TIME | DATETIME | GEOGRAPHY | DECIMAL | BIGDECIMAL | JSON | STRUCT -- (same as RECORD). deriving (Eq, Show) instance FromJSON RestType where parseJSON j = do s <- parseJSON j case s :: Text of "STRING" -> pure STRING "BYTES" -> pure BYTES "INTEGER" -> pure INTEGER "INT64" -> pure INTEGER "FLOAT" -> pure FLOAT "FLOAT64" -> pure FLOAT "BOOLEAN" -> pure BOOL "BOOL" -> pure BOOL "TIMESTAMP" -> pure TIMESTAMP "DATE" -> pure DATE "TIME" -> pure TIME "DATETIME" -> pure DATETIME "GEOGRAPHY" -> pure GEOGRAPHY "NUMERIC" -> pure DECIMAL "DECIMAL" -> pure DECIMAL "BIGNUMERIC" -> pure BIGDECIMAL "BIGDECIMAL" -> pure BIGDECIMAL "JSON" -> pure JSON "RECORD" -> pure STRUCT "STRUCT" -> pure STRUCT _ -> fail ("invalid type " ++ show s) instance ToJSON RestType where toJSON = String . \case STRING -> "STRING" BYTES -> "BYTES" INTEGER -> "INTEGER" FLOAT -> "FLOAT" BOOL -> "BOOLEAN" TIMESTAMP -> "TIMESTAMP" DATE -> "DATE" TIME -> "TIME" DATETIME -> "DATETIME" GEOGRAPHY -> "GEOGRAPHY" DECIMAL -> "DECIMAL" BIGDECIMAL -> "BIGDECIMAL" JSON -> "JSON" STRUCT -> "STRUCT" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- REST request -- | Get all tables from all specified data sets. getTables :: (MonadIO m) => BigQuerySourceConfig -> m (Either RestProblem [RestTable]) getTables BigQuerySourceConfig {..} = runExceptT (fmap concat (traverse (ExceptT . getTablesForDataSet _scConnection) _scDatasets)) -- | Get tables in the dataset. getTablesForDataSet :: (MonadIO m) => BigQueryConnection -> BigQueryDataset -> m (Either RestProblem [RestTable]) getTablesForDataSet conn dataSet = do result <- liftIO (catchAny (run Nothing mempty) (pure . Left . GetTablesProblem)) case result of Left e -> pure (Left e) Right briefs -> fmap sequence ( traverse ( \RestTableBrief {tableReference = RestTableReference {tableId}} -> getTable conn dataSet tableId ) briefs ) where run pageToken acc = do let req = setRequestHeader "Content-Type" ["application/json"] $ parseRequest_ url eResp <- runBigQuery conn req case eResp of Left e -> pure (Left (GetTablesBigQueryProblem e)) Right resp -> case getResponseStatusCode resp of 200 -> case J.eitherDecode (getResponseBody resp) of Left e -> pure (Left (GetMetaDecodeProblem e)) Right RestTableList {nextPageToken, tables} -> case nextPageToken of Nothing -> pure (Right (toList (acc <> Seq.fromList tables))) Just token -> run (pure token) (acc <> Seq.fromList tables) _ -> pure (Left (RESTRequestNonOK (getResponseStatus resp))) where url = T.unpack $ "GET https://bigquery.googleapis.com/bigquery/v2/projects/" <> getBigQueryProjectId (_bqProjectId conn) <> "/datasets/" <> getBigQueryDataset dataSet <> "/tables?alt=json&" <> encodeParams extraParameters extraParameters = pageTokenParam where pageTokenParam = case pageToken of Nothing -> [] Just token -> [("pageToken", token)] -- | Get tables in the schema. getTable :: (MonadIO m) => BigQueryConnection -> BigQueryDataset -> Text -> m (Either RestProblem RestTable) getTable conn dataSet tableId = do liftIO (catchAny run (pure . Left . GetTableProblem)) where run = do let req = setRequestHeader "Content-Type" ["application/json"] $ parseRequest_ url eResp <- runBigQuery conn req case eResp of Left e -> pure (Left (GetTablesBigQueryProblem e)) Right resp -> case getResponseStatusCode resp of 200 -> case J.eitherDecode (getResponseBody resp) of Left e -> pure (Left (GetMetaDecodeProblem e)) Right table -> pure (Right table) _ -> pure (Left (RESTRequestNonOK (getResponseStatus resp))) where url = T.unpack $ "GET https://bigquery.googleapis.com/bigquery/v2/projects/" <> getBigQueryProjectId (_bqProjectId conn) <> "/datasets/" <> getBigQueryDataset dataSet <> "/tables/" <> tableId <> "?alt=json&" <> encodeParams extraParameters extraParameters = [] encodeParams :: [(Text, Text)] -> Text encodeParams = T.intercalate "&" . map (\(k, v) -> k <> "=" <> v) -- Routines related -- | The fine-grained type of the routine -- Ref: https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/docs/reference/rest/v2/routines#RoutineType data RestRoutineType = ROUTINE_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED | SCALAR_FUNCTION | PROCEDURE | TABLE_VALUED_FUNCTION deriving (Show, Eq, Generic) instance FromJSON RestRoutineType instance ToJSON RestRoutineType -- | Input argument of a function/routine. -- Ref: https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/docs/reference/rest/v2/routines#Argument data RestArgument = RestArgument { -- | The name of this argument. Can be absent for function return argument. _raName :: Maybe Text, _raDataType :: Maybe RestType } deriving (Eq, Show, Generic) instance FromJSON RestArgument where parseJSON = withObject "RestArgument" ( \o -> do name <- o .:? "name" typeObject <- o .:? "dataType" -- (Hopefully) very temporary fix: right now, we don't have an -- understanding of @ARRAY@ as a 'RestType', which is causing issues -- in production. With this change, we ignore any BigQuery argument -- types that we don't recognise. While not ideal, this should be -- safe, as we shouldn't get types from BigQuery that it can't itself -- understand. type' <- mapM (.: "typeKind") typeObject <|> pure Nothing pure $ RestArgument name type' ) instance ToJSON RestArgument where toJSON (RestArgument name ty) = object [ "name" .= name, "dataType" .= object ["typeKind" .= ty] ] -- | A field or a column. -- Ref: https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/docs/reference/rest/v2/StandardSqlField data RestStandardSqlField = RestStandardSqlField { -- | The field name is optional and is absent for fields with STRUCT type. _rssfName :: Maybe Text, _rssType :: Maybe RestType } deriving (Eq, Show, Generic) instance FromJSON RestStandardSqlField where parseJSON = withObject "RestStandardSqlField" ( \o -> do name <- o .:? "name" typeObject <- o .:? "type" -- (Hopefully) very temporary fix: right now, we don't have an -- understanding of @ARRAY@ as a 'RestType', which is causing issues -- in production. With this change, we ignore any BigQuery argument -- types that we don't recognise. While not ideal, this should be -- safe, as we shouldn't get types from BigQuery that it can't itself -- understand. type' <- mapM (.: "typeKind") typeObject <|> pure Nothing pure $ RestStandardSqlField name type' ) instance ToJSON RestStandardSqlField where toJSON (RestStandardSqlField name ty) = object ["name" .= name, "type" .= (object ["typeKind" .= ty])] -- | A table type, which has only list of columns with names and types. -- Ref: https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/docs/reference/rest/v2/routines#StandardSqlTableType data RestStandardSqlTableType = RestStandardSqlTableType { _rrttColumns :: [RestStandardSqlField] } deriving (Eq, Show, Generic) instance FromJSON RestStandardSqlTableType where parseJSON = genericParseJSON hasuraJSON instance ToJSON RestStandardSqlTableType where toJSON = genericToJSON hasuraJSON -- | Id path of a routine. -- Ref: https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/docs/reference/rest/v2/routines#RoutineReference data RestRoutineReference = RestRoutineReference { datasetId :: Text, projectId :: Text, routineId :: Text } deriving (Eq, Show, Generic) instance FromJSON RestRoutineReference instance ToJSON RestRoutineReference routineReferenceToFunctionName :: RestRoutineReference -> FunctionName routineReferenceToFunctionName RestRoutineReference {..} = FunctionName {functionName = routineId, functionNameSchema = Just datasetId} -- | A user-defined function. -- Ref: https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/docs/reference/rest/v2/routines#Routine data RestRoutine = RestRoutine { -- | Reference describing the ID of this routine routineReference :: RestRoutineReference, -- | The type of routine routineType :: RestRoutineType, -- | List of arguments defined arguments :: Maybe [RestArgument], -- | Routines defined with 'RETURNS TABLE' clause has this information returnTableType :: Maybe RestStandardSqlTableType } deriving (Eq, Show, Generic) instance FromJSON RestRoutine instance ToJSON RestRoutine -- | List of routines -- Ref: https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/docs/reference/rest/v2/routines/list data RestRoutineList = RestRoutineList { _rrlRoutines :: [RestRoutine], _rrlNextPageToken :: Maybe Text } deriving (Show) instance FromJSON RestRoutineList where parseJSON = withObject "Object" $ \o -> RestRoutineList <$> o .:? "routines" .!= [] -- "routine" field is absent when there are no routines defined <*> o .:? "nextPageToken" -- | Get all routines from all specified data sets. getRoutines :: (MonadIO m) => BigQuerySourceConfig -> m (Either RestProblem [RestRoutine]) getRoutines BigQuerySourceConfig {..} = runExceptT (fmap concat (traverse (ExceptT . getRoutinesForDataSet _scConnection) _scDatasets)) -- | Get routines in the dataset. getRoutinesForDataSet :: (MonadIO m) => BigQueryConnection -> BigQueryDataset -> m (Either RestProblem [RestRoutine]) getRoutinesForDataSet conn dataSet = do liftIO (catchAny (run Nothing mempty) (pure . Left . GetRoutineProblem)) where run pageToken acc = do let req = setRequestHeader "Content-Type" ["application/json"] $ parseRequest_ url eResp <- runBigQuery conn req case eResp of Left e -> pure (Left (GetRoutinesBigQueryProblem e)) Right resp -> case getResponseStatusCode resp of 200 -> case J.eitherDecode (getResponseBody resp) of Left e -> pure (Left (GetMetaDecodeProblem e)) Right RestRoutineList {_rrlRoutines = routines, _rrlNextPageToken = nextPageToken} -> case nextPageToken of Nothing -> pure (Right (toList (acc <> Seq.fromList routines))) Just token -> run (pure token) (acc <> Seq.fromList routines) _ -> pure (Left (RESTRequestNonOK (getResponseStatus resp))) where url = T.unpack $ "GET https://bigquery.googleapis.com/bigquery/v2/projects/" <> getBigQueryProjectId (_bqProjectId conn) <> "/datasets/" <> getBigQueryDataset dataSet <> "/routines?alt=json&" <> encodeParams extraParameters extraParameters = pageTokenParam <> readMaskParam where pageTokenParam = case pageToken of Nothing -> [] Just token -> [("pageToken", token)] readMaskParam = [("readMask", "routineType,arguments,returnTableType")]