-- | Definition of all supported GraphQL directives.
module Hasura.GraphQL.Parser.Directives
  ( -- list of directives, for the schema
    -- Custom Directive Types
    CachedDirective (..),
    -- lookup keys for directives
    -- parsing utilities
    -- exposed for tests
    Directive (..),
    DirectiveKey (..),

import Data.Dependent.Map qualified as DM
import Data.Dependent.Sum (DSum (..))
import Data.GADT.Compare.Extended
import Data.HashMap.Strict.Extended qualified as M
import Data.HashSet qualified as S
import Data.List.Extended (duplicates)
import Data.Parser.JSONPath
import Data.Text.Extended
import Data.Typeable (eqT)
import Hasura.GraphQL.Parser.Class
import Hasura.GraphQL.Parser.Internal.Input
import Hasura.GraphQL.Parser.Internal.Scalars
import Hasura.GraphQL.Parser.Schema
import Hasura.Prelude
import Language.GraphQL.Draft.Syntax qualified as G
import Type.Reflection (Typeable, typeRep, (:~:) (..))

-- | Returns the schema information for all supported directives, for each of
-- which a @DirectiveDefinition@ will be inserted into the schema.
-- To add a new custom directives to the schema, add it to @customDirectives@.
-- Inclusion directives are treated separately, as they are not concerned with
-- altering the result of the parsers, but about whether a given field should be
-- parsed at all (see @collectFields@ for more information).
-- Alternatively, you could manually add a @DirectiveInfo@ to this list;
-- however, if you do so, and do not provide a corresponding definition in
-- @customDirectives@, calls to @parseDirectives@ will NOT attempt to parse that
-- new directive: they will only validate that it is used correctly. You can use
-- this option to implement directives that do not match our simple inclusion /
-- custom dichotomy.
-- To create a directive definition, you need to create a @Directive@ using
-- @mkDirective@, and export from this module its corresponding @DirectiveKey@
-- (see @skip@ below for an example). Make sure the type in the key matches the
-- type of the parser!
-- Directives may be "hidden", in which case they won't advertised in the
-- schema, but silently accepted. This is un-advisable and should only be used
-- when there's no other way around it.
directivesInfo :: forall m. MonadParse m => [DirectiveInfo]
directivesInfo = do
  dir <- inclusionDirectives @m <> customDirectives @m
  guard $ dAdvertised dir
  pure $ dDefinition dir

-- | Not exported, only used internally; identical to 'directivesInfo', but also
-- contains hidden directives.
allDirectives :: forall m. MonadParse m => [DirectiveInfo]
allDirectives = map dDefinition $ inclusionDirectives @m <> customDirectives @m

inclusionDirectives :: forall m. MonadParse m => [Directive m]
inclusionDirectives = [includeDirective @m, skipDirective @m]

customDirectives :: forall m. MonadParse m => [Directive m]
customDirectives = [cachedDirective @m, multipleRootFieldsDirective @m]

-- | Parses directives, given a location. Ensures that all directives are known
-- and match the location; subsequently builds a dependent map of the results,
-- that can be then introspected with @withDirective@. The list of parsers that
-- should be applied is given as an argument: if a valid directive is found, but
-- for which no parser is provided, it will be ignored.
-- Example use:
--     dMap <- parseDirectives customDirectives (DLExecutable EDLQUERY) directives
--     withDirective dMap cached $ onJust \_ -> tagAsCached
parseDirectives ::
  forall m.
  MonadParse m =>
  [Directive m] ->
  G.DirectiveLocation ->
  [G.Directive Variable] ->
  m DirectiveMap
parseDirectives directiveParsers location givenDirectives = do
  result <-
    catMaybes <$> for givenDirectives \directive -> do
      let name = G._dName directive
      -- check the directive has a matching definition
      DirectiveInfo {diLocations} <-
        find (\di -> diName di == name) (allDirectives @m)
          `onNothing` parseError ("directive " <> name <<> " is not defined in the schema")
      -- check that it is allowed at the current location
      unless (location `elem` diLocations) $
        parseError $ "directive " <> name <<> " is not allowed on " <> humanReadable location
      -- if we are expecting to parse it now, create a dmap entry
      case find (\d -> diName (dDefinition d) == name) directiveParsers of
        Nothing -> pure Nothing
        Just (Directive {dParser}) -> do
          result <- dParser directive
          pure $ Just (name, DirectiveKey name :=> pure result)
  -- check that the result does not contain duplicates
  let dups = duplicates $ fst <$> result
  unless (null dups) $
    parseError $ "the following directives are used more than once: " <> commaSeparated dups
  pure $ DM.fromList $ snd <$> result
    humanReadable = \case
      G.DLExecutable G.EDLQUERY -> "a query"
      G.DLExecutable G.EDLMUTATION -> "a mutation"
      G.DLExecutable G.EDLSUBSCRIPTION -> "a subscription"
      G.DLExecutable G.EDLFIELD -> "a field"
      G.DLExecutable G.EDLFRAGMENT_DEFINITION -> "a fragment definition"
      G.DLExecutable G.EDLFRAGMENT_SPREAD -> "a fragment spread"
      G.DLExecutable G.EDLINLINE_FRAGMENT -> "an inline fragment"
      G.DLTypeSystem G.TSDLSCHEMA -> "the schema"
      G.DLTypeSystem G.TSDLSCALAR -> "a scalar definition"
      G.DLTypeSystem G.TSDLOBJECT -> "an object definition"
      G.DLTypeSystem G.TSDLFIELD_DEFINITION -> "a field definition"
      G.DLTypeSystem G.TSDLARGUMENT_DEFINITION -> "an argument definition"
      G.DLTypeSystem G.TSDLINTERFACE -> "an interface definition"
      G.DLTypeSystem G.TSDLUNION -> "an union definition"
      G.DLTypeSystem G.TSDLENUM -> "an enum definition"
      G.DLTypeSystem G.TSDLENUM_VALUE -> "an enum value definition"
      G.DLTypeSystem G.TSDLINPUT_OBJECT -> "an input object definition"
      G.DLTypeSystem G.TSDLINPUT_FIELD_DEFINITION -> "an input field definition"

withDirective ::
  DirectiveMap ->
  DirectiveKey a ->
  (Maybe a -> m b) ->
  m b
withDirective dmap key callback = callback $ runIdentity <$> DM.lookup key dmap

-- Cached custom directive.

cachedDirective :: forall m. MonadParse m => Directive m
cachedDirective =
    $$(G.litName "cached")
    (Just "whether this query should be cached (Hasura Cloud only)")
    [G.DLExecutable G.EDLQUERY]
    (CachedDirective <$> ttlArgument <*> forcedArgument)
    -- Optionally set the cache entry time to live
    ttlArgument :: InputFieldsParser m Int
    ttlArgument = fieldWithDefault $$(G.litName "ttl") (Just "measured in seconds") (G.VInt 60) $ fromIntegral <$> int

    -- Optionally Force a refresh of the cache entry
    forcedArgument :: InputFieldsParser m Bool
    forcedArgument = fieldWithDefault $$(G.litName "refresh") (Just "refresh the cache entry") (G.VBoolean False) boolean

data CachedDirective = CachedDirective {cdTtl :: Int, cdRefresh :: Bool}

cached :: DirectiveKey CachedDirective
cached = DirectiveKey $$(G.litName "cached")

-- Subscription tests custom directive.

multipleRootFieldsDirective :: forall m. MonadParse m => Directive m
multipleRootFieldsDirective =
    $$(G.litName "_multiple_top_level_fields")
    False -- not advertised in the schema
    (pure ())

multipleRootFields :: DirectiveKey ()
multipleRootFields = DirectiveKey $$(G.litName "_multiple_top_level_fields")

-- Built-in inclusion directives

skipDirective :: MonadParse m => Directive m
skipDirective =
    $$(G.litName "skip")
    (Just "whether this query should be skipped")
    [ G.DLExecutable G.EDLFIELD,

includeDirective :: MonadParse m => Directive m
includeDirective =
    $$(G.litName "include")
    (Just "whether this query should be included")
    [ G.DLExecutable G.EDLFIELD,

skip :: DirectiveKey Bool
skip = DirectiveKey $$(G.litName "skip")

include :: DirectiveKey Bool
include = DirectiveKey $$(G.litName "include")

ifArgument :: MonadParse m => InputFieldsParser m Bool
ifArgument = field $$(G.litName "if") Nothing boolean

-- Parser type for directives.

data Directive m where
  Directive ::
    forall m a.
    (MonadParse m, Typeable a) =>
    { dDefinition :: DirectiveInfo,
      dAdvertised :: Bool,
      dParser :: G.Directive Variable -> m a
    } ->
    Directive m

data DirectiveKey a where
  DirectiveKey :: Typeable a => G.Name -> DirectiveKey a

instance GEq DirectiveKey where
    (DirectiveKey name1 :: DirectiveKey a1)
    (DirectiveKey name2 :: DirectiveKey a2)
      | name1 == name2,
        Just Refl <- eqT @a1 @a2 =
        Just Refl
      | otherwise = Nothing

instance GCompare DirectiveKey where
    (DirectiveKey name1 :: DirectiveKey a1)
    (DirectiveKey name2 :: DirectiveKey a2) =
      strengthenOrdering (compare name1 name2)
        `extendGOrdering` gcompare (typeRep @a1) (typeRep @a2)
        `extendGOrdering` GEQ

type DirectiveMap = DM.DMap DirectiveKey Identity

mkDirective ::
  (MonadParse m, Typeable a) =>
  G.Name ->
  Maybe G.Description ->
  Bool ->
  [G.DirectiveLocation] ->
  InputFieldsParser m a ->
  Directive m
mkDirective name description advertised location argsParser =
    { dDefinition = DirectiveInfo name description (ifDefinitions argsParser) location,
      dAdvertised = advertised,
      dParser = \(G.Directive _name arguments) -> withPath (++ [Key $ G.unName name]) $ do
        for_ (M.keys arguments) \argumentName ->
          unless (argumentName `S.member` argumentNames) $
            parseError $ name <<> " has no argument named " <>> argumentName
        withPath (++ [Key "args"]) $ ifParser argsParser $ GraphQLValue <$> arguments
    argumentNames = S.fromList (dName <$> ifDefinitions argsParser)