.. meta:: :description: Manage event triggers with Hasura :keywords: hasura, docs, event trigger Event Triggers ============== .. contents:: Table of contents :backlinks: none :depth: 1 :local: Hasura can be used to create event triggers on tables in the Postgres database. Event triggers reliably capture events on specified tables and invoke webhooks to carry out any custom logic. .. thumbnail:: ../../../img/graphql/manual/event-triggers/database-event-triggers.png :class: no-shadow :alt: Hasura event trigger architecture Events can be of the following types: - INSERT: When a row is inserted into a table - UPDATE: When a row is updated in a table - DELETE: When a row is deleted from a table - MANUAL: Using the console or API, an event can be triggered manually on a row **See:** .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :titlesonly: create-trigger payload serverless samples Invoke trigger via console clean-up