{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK not-home #-} -- | Supporting functionality for fine-grained dependency tracking. module Hasura.Incremental.Internal.Dependency where import Hasura.Prelude import qualified Data.Dependent.Map as DM import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as Map import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict.InsOrd as OMap import qualified Data.HashSet.InsOrd as OSet import qualified Data.URL.Template as UT import qualified Language.GraphQL.Draft.Syntax as G import qualified Network.URI.Extended as N import Data.Aeson (Value) import Data.ByteString (ByteString) import Data.CaseInsensitive (CI) import Data.Functor.Classes (Eq1 (..), Eq2 (..)) import Data.GADT.Compare import Data.Int import Data.Scientific (Scientific) import Data.Set (Set) import Data.Text.NonEmpty import Data.Time import Data.Vector (Vector) import Data.Word import GHC.Generics (Generic (..), K1 (..), M1 (..), U1 (..), V1, (:*:) (..), (:+:) (..)) import System.Cron.Types import Hasura.Incremental.Select -- | A 'Dependency' represents a value that a 'Rule' can /conditionally/ depend on. A 'Dependency' -- is created using 'newDependency', and it can be “opened” again using 'dependOn'. What makes a -- 'Dependency' useful is the way it cooperates with 'cache'---if a 'Dependency' is passed to a -- cached rule, but that rule (or any of its sub-rules) never “opens” it using 'dependOn', then -- subsequent executions of the rule will ignore the 'Dependency' when computing whether or not it -- is necessary to re-execute the rule. -- -- The above functionality is useful on its own to express conditional dependencies, but even more -- useful is the ability to express /partial/ dependencies. For example, if a 'Dependency' contains -- a 'HashMap', a rule can choose to only depend on the value associated with a particular key by -- using 'selectKeyD' (or the more general 'selectD'). Only the parts that are actually used will be -- counted when computing whether a rule needs to be re-executed. data Dependency a = Dependency !(DependencyKey a) !a instance (Eq a) => Eq (Dependency a) where Dependency _ a == Dependency _ b = a == b -- | Applies a 'Selector' to select part of a 'Dependency'. selectD :: (Select a) => Selector a b -> Dependency a -> Dependency b selectD k (Dependency dk a) = Dependency (DependencyChild k dk) (select k a) -- | Selects a single key from a dependency containing a map-like data structure. selectKeyD :: (Select a, Selector a ~ ConstS k v) => k -> Dependency a -> Dependency v selectKeyD = selectD . ConstS -- | Tracks whether a 'Dependency' is a “root” dependency created by 'newDependency' or a “child” -- dependency created from an existing dependency using 'selectD'. data DependencyKey a where DependencyRoot :: !(UniqueS a) -> DependencyKey a DependencyChild :: (Select a) => !(Selector a b) -> !(DependencyKey a) -> DependencyKey b instance GEq DependencyKey where DependencyRoot a `geq` DependencyRoot b | Just Refl <- a `geq` b = Just Refl DependencyChild a1 a2 `geq` DependencyChild b1 b2 | Just Refl <- a2 `geq` b2 , Just Refl <- a1 `geq` b1 = Just Refl _ `geq` _ = Nothing instance GCompare DependencyKey where DependencyRoot a `gcompare` DependencyRoot b = case gcompare a b of GLT -> GLT GEQ -> GEQ GGT -> GGT DependencyChild a1 a2 `gcompare` DependencyChild b1 b2 = case gcompare a2 b2 of GLT -> GLT GEQ -> case gcompare a1 b1 of GLT -> GLT GEQ -> GEQ GGT -> GGT GGT -> GGT DependencyRoot _ `gcompare` DependencyChild _ _ = GLT DependencyChild _ _ `gcompare` DependencyRoot _ = GGT -- | A typeclass that implements the dependency-checking machinery used by 'cache'. Morally, this -- class is like 'Eq', but it only checks the parts of a 'Dependency' that were actually accessed on -- the previous execution. It is highly unlikely you will need to implement any 'Cacheable' -- instances yourself; the default implementation uses 'Generic' to derive an instance -- automatically. class (Eq a) => Cacheable a where unchanged :: Accesses -> a -> a -> Bool default unchanged :: (Generic a, GCacheable (Rep a)) => Accesses -> a -> a -> Bool unchanged accesses a b = gunchanged (from a) (from b) accesses {-# INLINABLE unchanged #-} -- | A mapping from root 'Dependency' keys to the accesses made against those dependencies. newtype Accesses = Accesses { unAccesses :: DM.DMap UniqueS Access } instance Semigroup Accesses where Accesses a <> Accesses b = Accesses $ DM.unionWithKey (const (<>)) a b instance Monoid Accesses where mempty = Accesses DM.empty recordAccess :: DependencyKey a -> Access a -> Accesses -> Accesses recordAccess depKey !access (Accesses accesses) = case depKey of DependencyRoot rootKey -> Accesses $ DM.insertWith' (<>) rootKey access accesses DependencyChild selector parentKey -> recordAccess parentKey (AccessedParts $ DM.singleton selector access) (Accesses accesses) -- | Records the accesses made within a single 'Dependency' and its children. The 'Semigroup' -- instance for 'Access' computes a least upper bound: -- -- * 'AccessedAll' serves as the top of the lattice and records the dependency’s entire value was -- accessed. -- * 'AccessedParts' records a set of accesses for individual parts of a dependency. data Access a where AccessedAll :: (Cacheable a) => Access a AccessedParts :: (Select a) => !(DM.DMap (Selector a) Access) -> Access a instance Semigroup (Access a) where AccessedAll <> _ = AccessedAll _ <> AccessedAll = AccessedAll AccessedParts a <> AccessedParts b = AccessedParts $ DM.unionWithKey (const (<>)) a b instance (Cacheable a) => Cacheable (Dependency a) where unchanged accesses (Dependency key1 v1) (Dependency _ v2) = -- look up which parts of this dependency were previously accessed case lookupAccess key1 of -- looking up the access was enough to determine the result Left result -> result -- otherwise, look through the accessed children Right access -> unchangedBy v1 v2 access where -- Looks up the Access associated with the given DependencyKey, if it exists. lookupAccess :: DependencyKey b -> Either Bool (Access b) lookupAccess = \case DependencyRoot key -> handleNoAccess $ DM.lookup key (unAccesses accesses) DependencyChild selector key -> lookupAccess key >>= \case AccessedAll -> Left (unchanged accesses v1 v2) AccessedParts parts -> handleNoAccess $ DM.lookup selector parts where -- if this dependency was never accessed, then it’s certainly unchanged handleNoAccess = maybe (Left True) Right -- Walks the given values guided by the given Access, checking that all the subparts -- identified by the AccessedAll leaves are unchanged. unchangedBy :: forall b. b -> b -> Access b -> Bool unchangedBy a b = \case AccessedAll -> unchanged accesses a b AccessedParts parts -> DM.foldrWithKey reduce True parts where reduce :: (Select b) => Selector b c -> Access c -> Bool -> Bool reduce selector = (&&) . unchangedBy (select selector a) (select selector b) -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- boilerplate Cacheable instances instance Cacheable Char where unchanged _ = (==) instance Cacheable Double where unchanged _ = (==) instance Cacheable Int where unchanged _ = (==) instance Cacheable Int32 where unchanged _ = (==) instance Cacheable Integer where unchanged _ = (==) instance Cacheable Scientific where unchanged _ = (==) instance Cacheable Text where unchanged _ = (==) instance Cacheable NonEmptyText where unchanged _ = (==) instance Cacheable N.URIAuth where unchanged _ = (==) instance Cacheable G.Name where unchanged _ = (==) instance Cacheable DiffTime where unchanged _ = (==) instance Cacheable NominalDiffTime where unchanged _ = (==) instance Cacheable UTCTime where unchanged _ = (==) instance Cacheable Day where unchanged _ = (==) instance Cacheable TimeOfDay where unchanged _ = (==) instance Cacheable LocalTime where unchanged _ = (==) instance Cacheable ByteString where unchanged _ = (==) instance Cacheable Float where unchanged _ = (==) instance Cacheable Word where unchanged _ = (==) instance Cacheable Word8 where unchanged _ = (==) instance Cacheable Word16 where unchanged _ = (==) -- instances for CronSchedule from package `cron` instance Cacheable StepField instance Cacheable RangeField instance Cacheable SpecificField instance Cacheable BaseField instance Cacheable CronField instance Cacheable MonthSpec instance Cacheable DayOfMonthSpec instance Cacheable DayOfWeekSpec instance Cacheable HourSpec instance Cacheable MinuteSpec instance Cacheable CronSchedule instance (Cacheable a) => Cacheable (Seq a) where unchanged = liftEq . unchanged instance (Cacheable a) => Cacheable (Vector a) where unchanged = liftEq . unchanged instance (Cacheable k, Cacheable v) => Cacheable (HashMap k v) where unchanged accesses = liftEq2 (unchanged accesses) (unchanged accesses) instance (Cacheable a) => Cacheable (HashSet a) where unchanged = liftEq . unchanged instance (Cacheable a) => Cacheable (OSet.InsOrdHashSet a) where unchanged accesses l r = unchanged accesses (OSet.toHashSet l) (OSet.toHashSet r) instance (Cacheable a) => Cacheable (CI a) where unchanged _ = (==) instance (Cacheable a) => Cacheable (Set a) where unchanged = liftEq . unchanged instance (Hashable k, Cacheable k, Cacheable v) => Cacheable (InsOrdHashMap k v) where unchanged accesses l r = unchanged accesses (toHashMap l) (toHashMap r) where toHashMap = Map.fromList . OMap.toList instance Cacheable () instance (Cacheable a, Cacheable b) => Cacheable (a, b) instance (Cacheable a, Cacheable b, Cacheable c) => Cacheable (a, b, c) instance (Cacheable a, Cacheable b, Cacheable c, Cacheable d) => Cacheable (a, b, c, d) instance (Cacheable a, Cacheable b, Cacheable c, Cacheable d, Cacheable e) => Cacheable (a, b, c, d, e) instance (Cacheable a, Cacheable b, Cacheable c, Cacheable d, Cacheable e, Cacheable f) => Cacheable (a, b, c, d, e, f) instance (Cacheable a, Cacheable b, Cacheable c, Cacheable d, Cacheable e, Cacheable f, Cacheable g) => Cacheable (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) instance Cacheable Bool instance Cacheable Void instance Cacheable Value instance Cacheable G.FragmentDefinition instance Cacheable G.GType instance Cacheable G.Nullability instance Cacheable G.OperationType instance Cacheable G.VariableDefinition instance Cacheable G.InputValueDefinition instance Cacheable G.EnumValueDefinition instance (Cacheable a) => Cacheable (G.FieldDefinition a) instance Cacheable G.ScalarTypeDefinition instance Cacheable G.UnionTypeDefinition instance (Cacheable possibleTypes, Cacheable a) => Cacheable (G.InterfaceTypeDefinition a possibleTypes) instance Cacheable G.EnumTypeDefinition instance (Cacheable a) => Cacheable (G.InputObjectTypeDefinition a) instance (Cacheable a) => Cacheable (G.ObjectTypeDefinition a) instance (Cacheable a, Cacheable possibleTypes) => Cacheable (G.TypeDefinition a possibleTypes) instance Cacheable N.URI instance Cacheable UT.Variable instance Cacheable UT.TemplateItem instance Cacheable UT.URLTemplate instance (Cacheable a) => Cacheable (Maybe a) instance (Cacheable a, Cacheable b) => Cacheable (Either a b) instance (Cacheable a) => Cacheable (NESeq a) instance Cacheable a => Cacheable [a] instance Cacheable a => Cacheable (NonEmpty a) instance Cacheable a => Cacheable (G.Directive a) instance Cacheable a => Cacheable (G.ExecutableDefinition a) instance (Cacheable (a b), Cacheable b) => Cacheable (G.Field a b) instance Cacheable a => Cacheable (G.FragmentSpread a) instance (Cacheable (a b), Cacheable b) => Cacheable (G.InlineFragment a b) instance (Cacheable (a b), Cacheable b) => Cacheable (G.OperationDefinition a b) instance (Cacheable (a b), Cacheable b) => Cacheable (G.Selection a b) instance (Cacheable (a b), Cacheable b) => Cacheable (G.TypedOperationDefinition a b) instance Cacheable a => Cacheable (G.Value a) instance Cacheable a => Cacheable (Const a b) deriving instance Cacheable G.Description deriving instance Cacheable G.EnumValue deriving instance Cacheable a => Cacheable (G.ExecutableDocument a) instance Cacheable G.RootOperationTypeDefinition instance Cacheable G.SchemaDefinition instance Cacheable G.TypeSystemDefinition instance Cacheable G.SchemaDocument instance Cacheable G.SchemaIntrospection class GCacheable f where gunchanged :: f p -> f p -> Accesses -> Bool instance GCacheable V1 where gunchanged a = case a of {} {-# INLINE gunchanged #-} instance GCacheable U1 where gunchanged U1 U1 _ = True {-# INLINE gunchanged #-} instance (Cacheable a) => GCacheable (K1 t a) where gunchanged (K1 a) (K1 b) accesses = unchanged accesses a b {-# INLINE gunchanged #-} instance (GCacheable f) => GCacheable (M1 t m f) where gunchanged (M1 a) (M1 b) = gunchanged a b {-# INLINE gunchanged #-} instance (GCacheable f, GCacheable g) => GCacheable (f :*: g) where gunchanged (a1 :*: a2) (b1 :*: b2) = liftA2 (&&) (gunchanged a1 b1) (gunchanged a2 b2) {-# INLINE gunchanged #-} instance (GCacheable f, GCacheable g) => GCacheable (f :+: g) where gunchanged (L1 a) (L1 b) = gunchanged a b gunchanged (R1 a) (R1 b) = gunchanged a b gunchanged _ _ = const False {-# INLINE gunchanged #-}