{-# LANGUAGE QuantifiedConstraints #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskellQuotes #-} {-# LANGUAGE NoOverloadedStrings #-} -- | A suite of test cases for memoization monads. -- Designed to be reusable. module Control.Monad.MemoizationSpecDefinition (Memoizer (..), memoizationSpec) where import Control.Monad.TimeLimit import Data.HashMap.Strict qualified as HashMap import Data.Kind (Type) import Data.Typeable (Typeable) import Hasura.Prelude import Language.Haskell.TH (Name) import Test.Hspec class ( forall k v. MonadTrans (m k v), forall k v n. (Monad n) => Functor (m k v n), forall k v n. (Monad n) => Applicative (m k v n), forall k v n. (Monad n) => Monad (m k v n), forall k v n s. (MonadState s n) => MonadState s (m k v n) ) => Memoizer (m :: Type -> Type -> (Type -> Type) -> Type -> Type) where runMemoizer :: forall k v n a. (MonadFix n, MonadIO n, Eq k, Ord k, Hashable k) => m k v n a -> n a memoize :: forall k v n. (MonadFix n, MonadIO n, Eq k, Ord k, Hashable k, Typeable k, Typeable v) => Name -> k -> m k v n v -> m k v n v memoizationSpec :: forall m. (Memoizer m) => Spec memoizationSpec = do describe "circular graphs" $ checkCircularGraphs @m describe "infinite lists" $ checkInfiniteLists @m describe "memoization" $ checkMemoization @m describe "does not protect against bad code" $ checkFailure @m -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Graphs data Node = Node String [Node] nodeName :: Node -> String nodeName (Node n _) = n instance Show Node where show (Node name succs) = "Node " ++ show name ++ " " ++ show (nodeName <$> succs) instance Eq Node where Node n1 s1 == Node n2 s2 = n1 == n2 && map nodeName s1 == map nodeName s2 checkCircularGraphs :: forall m. (Memoizer m) => Spec checkCircularGraphs = do it "builds A -> B -> C -> A" do (a, b, c) <- succeedsWithinTimeLimit $ runMemoizer @m do let buildA = memoize 'checkCircularGraphs "a" do b <- buildB pure $ Node "a" [b] buildB = memoize 'checkCircularGraphs "b" do c <- buildC pure $ Node "b" [c] buildC = memoize 'checkCircularGraphs "c" do a <- buildA pure $ Node "c" [a] (,,) <$> buildA <*> buildB <*> buildC a `shouldBe` Node "a" [b] b `shouldBe` Node "b" [c] c `shouldBe` Node "c" [a] it "builds A -> A" do a <- succeedsWithinTimeLimit $ runMemoizer @m do let buildA = memoize 'checkCircularGraphs "a" do a <- buildA pure $ Node "a" [a] buildA a `shouldBe` Node "a" [a] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Infinite lists checkInfiniteLists :: forall m. (Memoizer m) => Spec checkInfiniteLists = do it "builds `x = 1 : x`" do l <- succeedsWithinTimeLimit $ runMemoizer @m do let x = memoize 'checkInfiniteLists () do y <- x pure $ (1 :: Int) : y x take 5 l `shouldBe` [1, 1, 1, 1, 1] it "builds `[0,1,2..]`" do l <- succeedsWithinTimeLimit $ runMemoizer @m do let x = memoize 'checkInfiniteLists () do y <- x pure $ (0 :: Int) : map succ y x take 5 l `shouldBe` [0, 1, 2, 3, 4] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Memoization checkMemoization :: forall m. (Memoizer m) => Spec checkMemoization = do it "memoizes fibo" do (fibos, count) <- succeedsWithinTimeLimit $ flip runStateT (mempty :: HashMap Int Int) $ runMemoizer @m do let fibo n = memoize 'checkMemoization n do modify $ HashMap.insertWith (+) n (1 :: Int) case n of 0 -> pure 0 1 -> pure 1 _ -> (+) <$> fibo (n - 2) <*> fibo (n - 1) traverse fibo [0 .. 20] fibos !! 20 `shouldBe` (6765 :: Int) count `shouldBe` HashMap.fromList (zip [0 .. 20] (repeat 1)) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Failure checkFailure :: forall m. (Memoizer m) => Spec checkFailure = do it "unsuccessfully attempts to memoize Maybe" do result <- runWithTimeLimit $ runMemoizer @m do let buildA :: m String (Maybe Node) IO (Maybe Node) buildA = memoize 'checkFailure "a" do mb <- buildB -- a can only exist if b exists pure $ mb <&> \b -> Node "a" [b] buildB :: m String (Maybe Node) IO (Maybe Node) buildB = memoize 'checkFailure "b" do ma <- buildA -- b can only exist if a exists pure $ ma <&> \a -> Node "b" [a] buildA result `shouldBe` Nothing it "unsuccessfully attempts to build a self-referential int" do result <- runWithTimeLimit $ runMemoizer @m do let go = memoize 'checkFailure () do x <- go pure $ if odd x then 1 else 0 :: Int go result `shouldBe` Nothing