dist dist-* cabal-dev /result *.o *.hi *.chi *.chs.h *.dyn_o *.dyn_hi .hpc .hsenv .cabal-sandbox/ cabal.sandbox.config *.prof *.aux *.hp *.eventlog .stack-work/ cabal.project.local cabal.project.local~ .HTF/ .ghc.environment.* temp-console-hasura/ .DS_Store .idea tags # tool-agnostic personal ignore files .direnv .envrc.local .ignore .vscode .vim/ .history/ *.swp # Test artifacts *.tix # Docs artifacts docs/_build/ docs/_ext/ # Ignore benchmark report output server/benchmarks/benchmark_sets/*/report.json server/benchmarks/venv # ignored so that everyone can have their own hie.yaml hie.yaml # This file is required to build the server but we want to explicitly ignore # it in the repo. See server/graphql-engine.cabal for details server/CURRENT_VERSION # ignored to prevent accidental unzips of the .gz version from being committed Chinook.xml chinook.db # log output from tests-hspec runs tests-hspec.log # Test run results from Sandwich-powered tests test_runs/ # dependencies node_modules # ticky profiles, e.g. from dev.sh --prof-ticky *.ticky *.ticky.modules yarn-error.log