SHELL := bash -e -u -o pipefail # default target .PHONY: help ## help: prints help message help: @echo "Usage:" @sed -n 's/^##//p' ${MAKEFILE_LIST} | column -t -s ':' | sed -e 's/^/ /' .PHONY: typecheck ## typecheck: Typechecks all workspaces typecheck: typecheck-dc-api-types typecheck-reference-agent typecheck-sqlite-agent .PHONY: typecheck-dc-api-types ## typecheck-dc-api-types: Typechecks the dc-api-types typecheck-dc-api-types: npm run -w dc-api-types typecheck .PHONY: typecheck-reference-agent ## typecheck-reference-agent: Typechecks the Reference agent typecheck-reference-agent: npm run -w reference typecheck .PHONY: typecheck-sqlite-agent ## typecheck-sqlite-agent: Typechecks the SQLite agent typecheck-sqlite-agent: npm run -w sqlite typecheck .PHONY: start-reference-agent ## start-reference-agent: Starts the Reference agent start-reference-agent: npm start -w reference .PHONY: start-sqlite-agent ## start-sqlite-agent: Starts the SQLite agent start-sqlite-agent: npm start -w sqlite TESTS_DC_API := cabal run dc-api:test:tests-dc-api -- .PHONY: generate-types ## generate-types: Generates the TypeScript API types in dc-api-types generate-types: export TESTS_DC_API := $(TESTS_DC_API) generate-types: ./scripts/ .PHONY: regenerate-types ## regenerate-types: Regenerates the TypeScript API types in dc-api-types from the original Haskell types regenerate-types: export TESTS_DC_API := $(TESTS_DC_API) regenerate-types: rm -f ./dc-api-types/src/agent.openapi.json ./scripts/ .PHONY: update-api-types-deps ## update-api-types-deps: Updates packages that are dependant on dc-api-types with its current version from its package.json update-api-types-deps: ./scripts/ .PHONY: derive-lockfiles ## derive-lockfiles: Derives individual lockfiles for the workspace packages from the lockfile in the root project derive-lockfiles: npx ts-node ./scripts/derive-lockfile.ts -l package-lock.json -w reference -w sqlite