- description: query the remote with a non-existing input argument 'foo' url: /v1/graphql status: 200 query: query: | { user(foo:1) { id username } } response: errors: - extensions: path: $.selectionSet.user code: validation-failed message: '"user" has no argument named "foo"' - description: query the remote with a string literal for an int url: /v1/graphql status: 200 query: query: | { user(id:"1") { id username } } response: data: errors: - message: "Argument \"id\" has invalid value \"1\".\nExpected type \"Int\", found \"1\"." locations: - line: 1 column: 19 - description: query the remote with a non-existing input object field 'foo' url: /v1/graphql status: 200 query: query: | mutation { createUserInputObj(userData:{id:5,username:"somethin",foo:"baz"}) { user { id username } } } response: errors: - extensions: path: $.selectionSet.createUserInputObj.args.userData.foo code: validation-failed message: "field \"foo\" not found in type: 'UserDetailsInput'" - description: an argument expecting a list of input objects should work properly url: /v1/graphql status: 200 query: query: | { objectPassedToArrayType: user(id:1, userInfo: {id: 1, username: "foo"}) { id username } user(id:1, userInfo: {id: 1, username: "foo"}) { id username } } response: data: objectPassedToArrayType: id: 1 username: jane user: id: 1 username: jane - description: an argument expecting a list of input objects should work properly url: /v1/graphql status: 200 query: query: | { objectPassedToArrayType: user(id:1, userInfo: {id: 1, username: "foo"}) { id username } user(id:1, userInfo: [{id: 1, username: "foo"}]) { id username } } response: data: objectPassedToArrayType: id: 1 username: jane user: id: 1 username: jane