# gatsby-contentful-auth0 This is the sample music playlist application demonstrating the Gatsby + Contentful Remote Join with Hasura GraphQL. ## Getting started If you've cloned this repository, navigate into the directory and install the npm modules using this command: ```bash npm install ``` > Note: if you clone this project through the Gatsby CLI, it will install the modules for you. ## Auth0 This application uses Auth0 to manage identity. Refer to the [Auth0 integration guide](https://hasura.io/docs/latest/graphql/core/guides/integrations/auth0-jwt.html) for the configuration. ### Modify auth config Rename `.env.EXAMPLE` to `.env.development` (or `.env.production`) and replace `` for `AUTH0_DOMAIN` and `AUTH0_CLIENTID` with your Auth0 domain prefix and your client ID. These can be found on your [client dashboard](https://manage.auth0.com/#/clients). Replace the `` for `AUTH0_CALLBACK` with the URL for your callback route. The default for development is `http://localhost:8000/callback`. ## Contentful Contentful remote schema is added as part of the migration. Configure the environment variables in Hasura GraphQL Engine server for the types to get merged. - `CONTENTFUL_API_KEY` - `CONTENTFUL_API_ENDPOINT` which is of the format https://graphql.contentful.com/content/v1/spaces/ ## Migrations Execute the following command inside `hasura` to apply the migrations ```bash hasura migrate apply ``` This will create all the necessary tables, relationships and remote joins. ## Run the app You can start the development server with the following command: ```bash gatsby develop ``` The app runs at `localhost:8000` by default.