{-# LANGUAGE DeriveLift #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} module Hasura.RQL.DML.Select where import Data.Aeson.Types import Data.List (unionBy) import Instances.TH.Lift () import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax (Lift) import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM import qualified Data.HashSet as HS import qualified Data.Sequence as DS import qualified Data.Text as T import Hasura.Prelude import Hasura.RQL.DML.Internal import Hasura.RQL.GBoolExp import Hasura.RQL.Types import Hasura.SQL.Rewrite (prefixNumToAliases) import Hasura.SQL.Types import qualified Database.PG.Query as Q import qualified Hasura.SQL.DML as S -- Conversion of SelectQ happens in 2 Stages. -- Stage 1 : Convert input query into an annotated AST -- Stage 2 : Convert annotated AST to SQL Select type SelectQExt = SelectG ExtCol BoolExp Int -- Columns in RQL data ExtCol = ECSimple !PGCol | ECRel !RelName !(Maybe RelName) !SelectQExt deriving (Show, Eq, Lift) instance ToJSON ExtCol where toJSON (ECSimple s) = toJSON s toJSON (ECRel rn mrn selq) = object $ [ "name" .= rn , "alias" .= mrn ] ++ selectGToPairs selq instance FromJSON ExtCol where parseJSON v@(Object o) = ECRel <$> o .: "name" <*> o .:? "alias" <*> parseJSON v parseJSON (String s) = return $ ECSimple $ PGCol s parseJSON _ = fail $ mconcat [ "A column should either be a string or an " , "object (relationship)" ] data AnnRel = AnnRel { arName :: !RelName -- Relationship name , arType :: !RelType -- Relationship type (ObjRel, ArrRel) , arMapping :: ![(PGCol, PGCol)] -- Column of the left table to join with , arAnnSel :: !AnnSel -- Current table. Almost ~ to SQL Select } deriving (Show, Eq) data AnnFld = FCol !PGColInfo | FExp !T.Text | FRel !AnnRel deriving (Show, Eq) data TableArgs = TableArgs { _taWhere :: !(Maybe (GBoolExp AnnSQLBoolExp)) , _taOrderBy :: !(Maybe [AnnOrderByItem]) , _taLimit :: !(Maybe Int) , _taOffset :: !(Maybe S.SQLExp) } deriving (Show, Eq) noTableArgs :: TableArgs noTableArgs = TableArgs Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing data AnnSel = AnnSel { _asFields :: ![(FieldName, AnnFld)] -- this is currently only used for computing -- dependencies of query templates , _asTable :: !QualifiedTable , _asFrom :: !(Maybe S.FromItem) , _asFilter :: !S.BoolExp , _asLimit :: !(Maybe Int) , _asArgs :: !TableArgs } deriving (Show, Eq) data BaseNode = BaseNode { _bnPrefix :: !Iden , _bnFrom :: !S.FromItem , _bnWhere :: !S.BoolExp , _bnOrderBy :: !(Maybe S.OrderByExp) , _bnLimit :: !(Maybe Int) , _bnOffset :: !(Maybe S.SQLExp) , _bnExtrs :: !(HM.HashMap S.Alias S.SQLExp) , _bnObjRels :: !(HM.HashMap RelName RelNode) , _bnArrRels :: !(HM.HashMap S.Alias RelNode) } deriving (Show, Eq) -- array relationships are not grouped, so have to be prefixed by -- parent's alias mkUniqArrRelAls :: FieldName -> FieldName -> Iden mkUniqArrRelAls parAls relAls = Iden $ getFieldNameTxt parAls <> "." <> getFieldNameTxt relAls mkArrRelTableAls :: Iden -> FieldName -> FieldName -> Iden mkArrRelTableAls pfx parAls relAls = pfx <> Iden ".ar." <> uniqArrRelAls where uniqArrRelAls = mkUniqArrRelAls parAls relAls mkObjRelTableAls :: Iden -> RelName -> Iden mkObjRelTableAls pfx relName = pfx <> Iden ".or." <> toIden relName mkBaseTableAls :: Iden -> Iden mkBaseTableAls pfx = pfx <> Iden ".base" -- posttgres ignores anything beyond 63 chars for an iden -- in this case, we'll need to use json_build_object function -- json_build_object is slower than row_to_json hence it is only -- used when needed buildJsonObject :: Iden -> FieldName -> [(FieldName, AnnFld)] -> (S.Alias, S.SQLExp) buildJsonObject pfx parAls flds = if any ( (> 63) . T.length . getFieldNameTxt . fst ) flds then withJsonBuildObj pfx parAls flds else withRowToJSON pfx parAls flds -- uses row_to_json to build a json object withRowToJSON :: Iden -> FieldName -> [(FieldName, AnnFld)] -> (S.Alias, S.SQLExp) withRowToJSON pfx parAls flds = (S.toAlias parAls, jsonRow) where withAls fldName sqlExp = S.Extractor sqlExp $ Just $ S.toAlias fldName jsonRow = S.SEFnApp "row_to_json" [S.mkRowExp $ map toFldExtr flds] Nothing toFldExtr (fldAls, fld) = withAls fldAls $ case fld of FCol col -> toJSONableExp (pgiType col) $ S.mkQIdenExp (mkBaseTableAls pfx) $ pgiName col FExp e -> S.SELit e FRel annRel -> let qual = case arType annRel of ObjRel -> mkObjRelTableAls pfx $ arName annRel ArrRel -> mkArrRelTableAls pfx parAls fldAls in S.mkQIdenExp qual fldAls -- uses json_build_object to build a json object withJsonBuildObj :: Iden -> FieldName -> [(FieldName, AnnFld)] -> (S.Alias, S.SQLExp) withJsonBuildObj pfx parAls flds = (S.toAlias parAls, jsonRow) where withAls fldName sqlExp = [S.SELit $ getFieldNameTxt fldName, sqlExp] jsonRow = S.SEFnApp "json_build_object" (concatMap toFldExtr flds) Nothing toFldExtr (fldAls, fld) = withAls fldAls $ case fld of FCol col -> toJSONableExp (pgiType col) $ S.mkQIdenExp (mkBaseTableAls pfx) $ pgiName col FExp e -> S.SELit e FRel annRel -> let qual = case arType annRel of ObjRel -> mkObjRelTableAls pfx $ arName annRel ArrRel -> mkArrRelTableAls pfx parAls fldAls in S.mkQIdenExp qual fldAls processAnnOrderByItem :: Iden -> AnnOrderByItem -- the extractors which will select the needed columns -> ( (S.Alias, S.SQLExp) -- the sql order by item that is attached to the final select , S.OrderByItem -- optionally we may have to add an obj rel node , Maybe (RelName, RelNode) ) processAnnOrderByItem pfx (OrderByItemG obTyM annObCol obNullsM) = ( (obColAls, obColExp) , sqlOrdByItem , relNodeM ) where ((obColAls, obColExp), relNodeM) = processAnnOrderByCol pfx annObCol sqlOrdByItem = S.OrderByItem (S.SEIden $ toIden obColAls) obTyM obNullsM processAnnOrderByCol :: Iden -> AnnObCol -- the extractors which will select the needed columns -> ( (S.Alias, S.SQLExp) -- optionally we may have to add an obj rel node , Maybe (RelName, RelNode) ) processAnnOrderByCol pfx = \case AOCPG colInfo -> let qualCol = S.mkQIdenExp (mkBaseTableAls pfx) (toIden $ pgiName colInfo) obColAls = pfx <> Iden ".pg." <> toIden (pgiName colInfo) in ( (S.Alias obColAls, qualCol) , Nothing ) -- "pfx.or.relname"."pfx.ob.or.relname.rest" AS "pfx.ob.or.relname.rest" AOCRel (RelInfo rn _ colMapping relTab _ _) relFltr rest -> let relPfx = mkObjRelTableAls pfx rn ((nesAls, nesCol), nesNodeM) = processAnnOrderByCol relPfx rest qualCol = S.mkQIdenExp relPfx nesAls relBaseNode = BaseNode relPfx (S.FISimple relTab Nothing) relFltr Nothing Nothing Nothing (HM.singleton nesAls nesCol) (maybe HM.empty (uncurry HM.singleton) nesNodeM) HM.empty relNode = RelNode rn (fromRel rn) colMapping relBaseNode in ( (nesAls, qualCol) , Just (rn, relNode) ) mkBaseNode :: Iden -> FieldName -> AnnSel -> BaseNode mkBaseNode pfx fldAls (AnnSel flds tn fromItemM fltr permLimitM tableArgs) = BaseNode pfx fromItem finalWhere ordByExpM finalLimit offsetM allExtrs allObjsWithOb allArrs where TableArgs whereM orderByM limitM offsetM = tableArgs finalWhere = maybe fltr (S.BEBin S.AndOp fltr . cBoolExp) whereM finalLimit = applyPermLimit permLimitM limitM fromItem = fromMaybe (S.FISimple tn Nothing) fromItemM -- the selection extractor selExtr = buildJsonObject pfx fldAls flds -- all the relationships (allObjs, allArrs) = foldl' addRel (HM.empty, HM.empty) $ mapMaybe (\(als, f) -> (als,) <$> getAnnRel f) flds _1 (a, _, _) = a _2 (_, b, _) = b _3 (_, _, c) = c procOrdByM = unzip3 . map (processAnnOrderByItem pfx) <$> orderByM ordByExpM = S.OrderByExp . _2 <$> procOrdByM -- the columns needed for orderby obExtrs = maybe [] _1 procOrdByM allExtrs = HM.fromList $ selExtr:obExtrs allObjsWithOb = foldl' (\objs (rn, relNode) -> HM.insertWith mergeRelNodes rn relNode objs) allObjs $ catMaybes $ maybe [] _3 procOrdByM mkRelPfx rTy rn relAls = case rTy of ObjRel -> mkObjRelTableAls pfx rn ArrRel -> mkArrRelTableAls pfx fldAls relAls -- process a relationship addRel (objs, arrs) (relAls, annRel) = let relName = arName annRel relNodePfx = mkRelPfx (arType annRel) relName relAls relNode = mkRelNode relNodePfx (relAls, annRel) in case arType annRel of -- in case of object relationships, we merge ObjRel -> (HM.insertWith mergeRelNodes relName relNode objs, arrs) ArrRel -> let arrRelTableAls = S.Alias $ mkUniqArrRelAls fldAls relAls in (objs, HM.insert arrRelTableAls relNode arrs) getAnnRel = \case FCol _ -> Nothing FExp _ -> Nothing FRel ar -> Just ar mergeBaseNodes :: BaseNode -> BaseNode -> BaseNode mergeBaseNodes lNodeDet rNodeDet = BaseNode pfx f whr ordBy limit offset (HM.union lExtrs rExtrs) (HM.unionWith mergeRelNodes lObjs rObjs) (HM.union lArrs rArrs) where (BaseNode pfx f whr ordBy limit offset lExtrs lObjs lArrs) = lNodeDet (BaseNode _ _ _ _ _ _ rExtrs rObjs rArrs) = rNodeDet -- should only be used to merge obj rel nodes mergeRelNodes :: RelNode -> RelNode -> RelNode mergeRelNodes lNode rNode = RelNode rn rAls rMapn $ mergeBaseNodes lNodeDet rNodeDet where (RelNode rn rAls rMapn lNodeDet) = lNode (RelNode _ _ _ rNodeDet) = rNode data RelNode = RelNode { _rnRelName :: !RelName , _rnRelAlias :: !FieldName , _rnRelMapping :: ![(PGCol, PGCol)] , _rnNodeDet :: !BaseNode } deriving (Show, Eq) mkRelNode :: Iden -> (FieldName, AnnRel) -> RelNode mkRelNode pfx (relAls, AnnRel rn _ rMapn rAnnSel) = RelNode rn relAls rMapn $ mkBaseNode pfx relAls rAnnSel withJsonAgg :: Maybe S.OrderByExp -> S.Alias -> S.FromItem -> S.Select withJsonAgg orderByM col fromItem = S.mkSelect { S.selExtr = [S.Extractor extr $ Just col] , S.selFrom = Just $ S.FromExp [fromItem] } where extr = S.SEFnApp "coalesce" [jsonAgg, S.SELit "[]"] Nothing jsonAgg = S.SEFnApp "json_agg" [S.SEIden $ toIden col] orderByM baseNodeToSel :: S.BoolExp -> BaseNode -> S.Select baseNodeToSel joinCond (BaseNode pfx fromItem whr ordByM limitM offsetM extrs objRels arrRels) = S.mkSelect { S.selExtr = [S.Extractor e $ Just a | (a, e) <- HM.toList extrs] , S.selFrom = Just $ S.FromExp [joinedFrom] , S.selOrderBy = ordByM , S.selLimit = S.LimitExp . S.intToSQLExp <$> limitM , S.selOffset = S.OffsetExp <$> offsetM } where -- this is the table which is aliased as "pfx.base" baseSel = S.mkSelect { S.selExtr = [S.Extractor S.SEStar Nothing] , S.selFrom = Just $ S.FromExp [fromItem] , S.selWhere = Just $ injectJoinCond joinCond whr } baseSelAls = S.Alias $ mkBaseTableAls pfx baseFromItem = S.FISelect (S.Lateral False) baseSel baseSelAls -- function to create a joined from item from two from items leftOuterJoin current new = S.FIJoin $ S.JoinExpr current S.LeftOuter new $ S.JoinOn $ S.BELit True -- this is the from eexp for the final select joinedFrom :: S.FromItem joinedFrom = foldl' leftOuterJoin baseFromItem $ map objRelToFromItem (HM.elems objRels) <> map arrRelToFromItem (HM.elems arrRels) relNodeToSelect :: RelNode -> (S.Select, S.Alias) relNodeToSelect (RelNode _ _ relMapn relBaseNode) = ( baseNodeToSel (mkJoinCond baseSelAls relMapn) relBaseNode , S.Alias $ _bnPrefix relBaseNode ) objRelToFromItem :: RelNode -> S.FromItem objRelToFromItem = uncurry S.mkLateralFromItem . relNodeToSelect arrRelToFromItem :: RelNode -> S.FromItem arrRelToFromItem relNode = let (sel, als) = relNodeToSelect relNode aggOrderByM = _bnOrderBy $ _rnNodeDet relNode jsonAggSel = withJsonAgg aggOrderByM (S.Alias $ toIden $ _rnRelAlias relNode) (S.mkSelFromItem sel als) in S.mkLateralFromItem jsonAggSel als mkJoinCond :: S.Alias -> [(PGCol, PGCol)] -> S.BoolExp mkJoinCond baseTableAls colMapn = foldl' (S.BEBin S.AndOp) (S.BELit True) $ flip map colMapn $ \(lCol, rCol) -> S.BECompare S.SEQ (S.mkQIdenExp baseTableAls lCol) (S.mkSIdenExp rCol) convSelCol :: (P1C m) => FieldInfoMap -> SelPermInfo -> SelCol -> m [ExtCol] convSelCol _ _ (SCExtSimple cn) = return [ECSimple cn] convSelCol fieldInfoMap _ (SCExtRel rn malias selQ) = do -- Point to the name key let pgWhenRelErr = "only relationships can be expanded" relInfo <- withPathK "name" $ askRelType fieldInfoMap rn pgWhenRelErr let (RelInfo _ _ _ relTab _ _) = relInfo (rfim, rspi) <- fetchRelDet rn relTab resolvedSelQ <- resolveStar rfim rspi selQ return [ECRel rn malias resolvedSelQ] convSelCol fieldInfoMap spi (SCStar wildcard) = convWildcard fieldInfoMap spi wildcard convWildcard :: (P1C m) => FieldInfoMap -> SelPermInfo -> Wildcard -> m [ExtCol] convWildcard fieldInfoMap (SelPermInfo cols _ _ _ _ _) wildcard = case wildcard of Star -> return simpleCols (StarDot wc) -> (simpleCols ++) <$> (catMaybes <$> relExtCols wc) where (pgCols, relColInfos) = partitionFieldInfosWith (pgiName, id) $ HM.elems fieldInfoMap simpleCols = map ECSimple $ filter (`HS.member` cols) pgCols mkRelCol wc relInfo = do let relName = riName relInfo relTab = riRTable relInfo relTabInfo <- fetchRelTabInfo relTab mRelSelPerm <- askPermInfo' PASelect relTabInfo forM mRelSelPerm $ \rspi -> do rExtCols <- convWildcard (tiFieldInfoMap relTabInfo) rspi wc return $ ECRel relName Nothing $ SelectG rExtCols Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing relExtCols wc = mapM (mkRelCol wc) relColInfos resolveStar :: (P1C m) => FieldInfoMap -> SelPermInfo -> SelectQ -> m SelectQExt resolveStar fim spi (SelectG selCols mWh mOb mLt mOf) = do procOverrides <- fmap (concat . catMaybes) $ withPathK "columns" $ indexedForM selCols $ \selCol -> case selCol of (SCStar _) -> return Nothing _ -> Just <$> convSelCol fim spi selCol everything <- case wildcards of [] -> return [] _ -> convWildcard fim spi $ maximum wildcards let extCols = unionBy equals procOverrides everything return $ SelectG extCols mWh mOb mLt mOf where wildcards = lefts $ map mkEither selCols mkEither (SCStar wc) = Left wc mkEither selCol = Right selCol equals (ECSimple x) (ECSimple y) = x == y equals (ECRel x _ _) (ECRel y _ _) = x == y equals _ _ = False data AnnObCol = AOCPG !PGColInfo | AOCRel !RelInfo !S.BoolExp !AnnObCol deriving (Show, Eq) type AnnOrderByItem = OrderByItemG AnnObCol partAnnFlds :: [AnnFld] -> ([(PGCol, PGColType)], [AnnRel]) partAnnFlds flds = partitionEithers $ catMaybes $ flip map flds $ \case FCol c -> Just $ Left (pgiName c, pgiType c) FRel r -> Just $ Right r FExp _ -> Nothing convOrderByElem :: (P1C m) => (FieldInfoMap, SelPermInfo) -> OrderByCol -> m AnnObCol convOrderByElem (flds, spi) = \case OCPG fldName -> do fldInfo <- askFieldInfo flds fldName case fldInfo of FIColumn colInfo -> do checkSelOnCol spi (pgiName colInfo) let ty = pgiType colInfo if ty == PGGeography || ty == PGGeometry then throw400 UnexpectedPayload $ mconcat [ fldName <<> " has type 'geometry'" , " and cannot be used in order_by" ] else return $ AOCPG colInfo FIRelationship _ -> throw400 UnexpectedPayload $ mconcat [ fldName <<> " is a" , " relationship and should be expanded" ] OCRel fldName rest -> do fldInfo <- askFieldInfo flds fldName case fldInfo of FIColumn _ -> throw400 UnexpectedPayload $ mconcat [ fldName <<> " is a Postgres column" , " and cannot be chained further" ] FIRelationship relInfo -> do when (riType relInfo == ArrRel) $ throw400 UnexpectedPayload $ mconcat [ fldName <<> " is an array relationship" ," and can't be used in 'order_by'" ] (relFim, relSpi) <- fetchRelDet (riName relInfo) (riRTable relInfo) AOCRel relInfo (spiFilter relSpi) <$> convOrderByElem (relFim, relSpi) rest -- If query limit > permission limit then consider permission limit Else consider query limit applyPermLimit :: Maybe Int -- Permission limit -> Maybe Int -- Query limit -> Maybe Int -- Return SQL exp applyPermLimit mPermLimit mQueryLimit = maybe mQueryLimit compareWithPermLimit mPermLimit where compareWithPermLimit pLimit = maybe (Just pLimit) (compareLimits pLimit) mQueryLimit compareLimits pLimit qLimit = Just $ if qLimit > pLimit then pLimit else qLimit convSelectQ :: (P1C m) => FieldInfoMap -- Table information of current table -> SelPermInfo -- Additional select permission info -> SelectQExt -- Given Select Query -> (PGColType -> Value -> m S.SQLExp) -> m AnnSel convSelectQ fieldInfoMap selPermInfo selQ prepValBuilder = do annFlds <- withPathK "columns" $ indexedForM (sqColumns selQ) $ \case (ECSimple pgCol) -> do colInfo <- convExtSimple fieldInfoMap selPermInfo pgCol return (fromPGCol pgCol, FCol colInfo) (ECRel relName mAlias relSelQ) -> do annRel <- convExtRel fieldInfoMap relName mAlias relSelQ prepValBuilder return (fromRel $ fromMaybe relName mAlias, FRel annRel) let spiT = spiTable selPermInfo -- Convert where clause wClause <- forM (sqWhere selQ) $ \be -> withPathK "where" $ convBoolExp' fieldInfoMap spiT selPermInfo be prepValBuilder annOrdByM <- forM (sqOrderBy selQ) $ \(OrderByExp obItems) -> withPathK "order_by" $ indexedForM obItems $ mapM $ convOrderByElem (fieldInfoMap, selPermInfo) -- validate limit and offset values withPathK "limit" $ mapM_ onlyPositiveInt mQueryLimit withPathK "offset" $ mapM_ onlyPositiveInt mQueryOffset return $ AnnSel annFlds (spiTable selPermInfo) Nothing (spiFilter selPermInfo) mPermLimit $ TableArgs wClause annOrdByM mQueryLimit (S.intToSQLExp <$> mQueryOffset) where mQueryOffset = sqOffset selQ mQueryLimit = sqLimit selQ mPermLimit = spiLimit selPermInfo convExtSimple :: (P1C m) => FieldInfoMap -> SelPermInfo -> PGCol -> m PGColInfo convExtSimple fieldInfoMap selPermInfo pgCol = do checkSelOnCol selPermInfo pgCol askPGColInfo fieldInfoMap pgCol relWhenPGErr where relWhenPGErr = "relationships have to be expanded" convExtRel :: (P1C m) => FieldInfoMap -> RelName -> Maybe RelName -> SelectQExt -> (PGColType -> Value -> m S.SQLExp) -> m AnnRel convExtRel fieldInfoMap relName mAlias selQ prepValBuilder = do -- Point to the name key relInfo <- withPathK "name" $ askRelType fieldInfoMap relName pgWhenRelErr let (RelInfo _ relTy colMapping relTab _ _) = relInfo (relCIM, relSPI) <- fetchRelDet relName relTab when (relTy == ObjRel && misused) $ throw400 UnexpectedPayload objRelMisuseMsg annSel <- convSelectQ relCIM relSPI selQ prepValBuilder return $ AnnRel (fromMaybe relName mAlias) relTy colMapping annSel where pgWhenRelErr = "only relationships can be expanded" misused = or [ isJust (sqWhere selQ) , isJust (sqLimit selQ) , isJust (sqOffset selQ) , isJust (sqOrderBy selQ) ] objRelMisuseMsg = mconcat [ "when selecting an 'obj_relationship' " , "'where', 'order_by', 'limit' and 'offset' " , " can't be used" ] injectJoinCond :: S.BoolExp -- ^ Join condition -> S.BoolExp -- ^ Where condition -> S.WhereFrag -- ^ New where frag injectJoinCond joinCond whereCond = S.WhereFrag $ S.simplifyBoolExp $ S.BEBin S.AndOp joinCond whereCond getSelectDeps :: AnnSel -> [SchemaDependency] getSelectDeps (AnnSel flds tn _ _ _ tableArgs) = mkParentDep tn : fromMaybe [] whereDeps <> colDeps <> relDeps <> nestedDeps where annWc = _taWhere tableArgs (sCols, rCols) = partAnnFlds $ map snd flds colDeps = map (mkColDep "untyped" tn . fst) sCols relDeps = map (mkRelDep . arName) rCols nestedDeps = concatMap (getSelectDeps . arAnnSel) rCols whereDeps = getBoolExpDeps tn <$> annWc mkRelDep rn = SchemaDependency (SOTableObj tn (TORel rn)) "untyped" mkSQLSelect :: Bool -> AnnSel -> S.Select mkSQLSelect isSingleObject annSel = prefixNumToAliases $ if isSingleObject then asSingleRow rootFldAls rootSelAsSubQuery else withJsonAgg Nothing rootFldAls rootSelAsSubQuery where rootSelAsSubQuery = S.mkSelFromItem rootSel $ S.Alias $ Iden "root_alias" rootSel = baseNodeToSel (S.BELit True) rootNode rootFldName = FieldName "root" rootFldAls = S.Alias $ toIden rootFldName rootNode = mkBaseNode (Iden "root") rootFldName annSel asSingleRow :: S.Alias -> S.FromItem -> S.Select asSingleRow col fromItem = S.mkSelect { S.selExtr = [S.Extractor extr $ Just col] , S.selFrom = Just $ S.FromExp [fromItem] } where extr = S.SEFnApp "coalesce" [jsonAgg, S.SELit "null"] Nothing jsonAgg = S.SEOpApp (S.SQLOp "->") [ S.SEFnApp "json_agg" [S.SEIden $ toIden col] Nothing , S.SEUnsafe "0" ] convSelectQuery :: (P1C m) => (PGColType -> Value -> m S.SQLExp) -> SelectQuery -> m AnnSel convSelectQuery prepArgBuilder (DMLQuery qt selQ) = do tabInfo <- withPathK "table" $ askTabInfo qt selPermInfo <- askSelPermInfo tabInfo extSelQ <- resolveStar (tiFieldInfoMap tabInfo) selPermInfo selQ validateHeaders $ spiRequiredHeaders selPermInfo convSelectQ (tiFieldInfoMap tabInfo) selPermInfo extSelQ prepArgBuilder -- selectP2 :: (P2C m) => (SelectQueryP1, DS.Seq Q.PrepArg) -> m RespBody selectP2 :: Bool -> (AnnSel, DS.Seq Q.PrepArg) -> Q.TxE QErr RespBody selectP2 asSingleObject (sel, p) = runIdentity . Q.getRow <$> Q.rawQE dmlTxErrorHandler (Q.fromBuilder selectSQL) (toList p) True where selectSQL = toSQL $ mkSQLSelect asSingleObject sel instance HDBQuery SelectQuery where -- type Phase1Res SelectQuery = (SelectQueryP1, DS.Seq Q.PrepArg) type Phase1Res SelectQuery = (AnnSel, DS.Seq Q.PrepArg) phaseOne q = flip runStateT DS.empty $ convSelectQuery binRHSBuilder q phaseTwo _ = liftTx . selectP2 False schemaCachePolicy = SCPNoChange