module Hasura.SQL.DML where import Hasura.Prelude import Hasura.SQL.Types import Data.String (fromString) import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax (Lift) import qualified Data.Aeson as J import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM import qualified Data.Text.Extended as T import qualified Text.Builder as TB infixr 6 <-> (<->) :: TB.Builder -> TB.Builder -> TB.Builder (<->) l r = l <> TB.char ' ' <> r {-# INLINE (<->) #-} paren :: TB.Builder -> TB.Builder paren t = TB.char '(' <> t <> TB.char ')' {-# INLINE paren #-} data Select = Select { selDistinct :: !(Maybe DistinctExpr) , selExtr :: ![Extractor] , selFrom :: !(Maybe FromExp) , selWhere :: !(Maybe WhereFrag) , selGroupBy :: !(Maybe GroupByExp) , selHaving :: !(Maybe HavingExp) , selOrderBy :: !(Maybe OrderByExp) , selLimit :: !(Maybe LimitExp) , selOffset :: !(Maybe OffsetExp) } deriving (Show, Eq, Data) mkSelect :: Select mkSelect = Select Nothing [] Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing newtype LimitExp = LimitExp SQLExp deriving (Show, Eq, Data) instance ToSQL LimitExp where toSQL (LimitExp se) = "LIMIT" <-> toSQL se newtype OffsetExp = OffsetExp SQLExp deriving (Show, Eq, Data) instance ToSQL OffsetExp where toSQL (OffsetExp se) = "OFFSET" <-> toSQL se newtype OrderByExp = OrderByExp [OrderByItem] deriving (Show, Eq, Data) data OrderByItem = OrderByItem { oColumn :: !SQLExp , oType :: !(Maybe OrderType) , oNulls :: !(Maybe NullsOrder) } deriving (Show, Eq, Data) instance ToSQL OrderByItem where toSQL (OrderByItem e ot no) = toSQL e <-> toSQL ot <-> toSQL no data OrderType = OTAsc | OTDesc deriving (Show, Eq, Lift, Data) instance ToSQL OrderType where toSQL OTAsc = "ASC" toSQL OTDesc = "DESC" data NullsOrder = NFirst | NLast deriving (Show, Eq, Lift, Data) instance ToSQL NullsOrder where toSQL NFirst = "NULLS FIRST" toSQL NLast = "NULLS LAST" instance ToSQL OrderByExp where toSQL (OrderByExp l) = "ORDER BY" <-> (", " <+> l) newtype GroupByExp = GroupByExp [SQLExp] deriving (Show, Eq, Data) instance ToSQL GroupByExp where toSQL (GroupByExp idens) = "GROUP BY" <-> (", " <+> idens) newtype FromExp = FromExp [FromItem] deriving (Show, Eq, Data) instance ToSQL FromExp where toSQL (FromExp items) = "FROM" <-> (", " <+> items) mkIdenFromExp :: (IsIden a) => a -> FromExp mkIdenFromExp a = FromExp [FIIden $ toIden a] mkSimpleFromExp :: QualifiedTable -> FromExp mkSimpleFromExp qt = FromExp [FISimple qt Nothing] mkSelFromExp :: Bool -> Select -> TableName -> FromItem mkSelFromExp isLateral sel tn = FISelect (Lateral isLateral) sel alias where alias = Alias $ toIden tn mkFuncFromItem :: QualifiedFunction -> [SQLExp] -> FromItem mkFuncFromItem qf args = FIFunc qf args Nothing mkRowExp :: [Extractor] -> SQLExp mkRowExp extrs = let innerSel = mkSelect { selExtr = extrs } innerSelName = TableName "e" -- SELECT r FROM (SELECT col1, col2, .. ) AS r outerSel = mkSelect { selExtr = [Extractor (SERowIden $ toIden innerSelName) Nothing] , selFrom = Just $ FromExp [mkSelFromExp False innerSel innerSelName] } in SESelect outerSel newtype HavingExp = HavingExp BoolExp deriving (Show, Eq, Data) instance ToSQL HavingExp where toSQL (HavingExp be) = "HAVING" <-> toSQL be newtype WhereFrag = WhereFrag { getWFBoolExp :: BoolExp } deriving (Show, Eq, Data) instance ToSQL WhereFrag where toSQL (WhereFrag be) = "WHERE" <-> paren (toSQL be) instance ToSQL Select where toSQL sel = "SELECT" <-> toSQL (selDistinct sel) <-> (", " <+> selExtr sel) <-> toSQL (selFrom sel) <-> toSQL (selWhere sel) <-> toSQL (selGroupBy sel) <-> toSQL (selHaving sel) <-> toSQL (selOrderBy sel) <-> toSQL (selLimit sel) <-> toSQL (selOffset sel) mkSIdenExp :: (IsIden a) => a -> SQLExp mkSIdenExp = SEIden . toIden mkQIdenExp :: (IsIden a, IsIden b) => a -> b -> SQLExp mkQIdenExp q t = SEQIden $ mkQIden q t data Qual = QualIden !Iden | QualTable !QualifiedTable | QualVar !T.Text deriving (Show, Eq, Data) mkQual :: QualifiedTable -> Qual mkQual = QualTable instance ToSQL Qual where toSQL (QualIden i) = toSQL i toSQL (QualTable qt) = toSQL qt toSQL (QualVar v) = TB.text v mkQIden :: (IsIden a, IsIden b) => a -> b -> QIden mkQIden q t = QIden (QualIden (toIden q)) (toIden t) data QIden = QIden !Qual !Iden deriving (Show, Eq, Data) instance ToSQL QIden where toSQL (QIden qual iden) = mconcat [toSQL qual, TB.char '.', toSQL iden] newtype SQLOp = SQLOp {sqlOpTxt :: T.Text} deriving (Show, Eq, Data) incOp :: SQLOp incOp = SQLOp "+" mulOp :: SQLOp mulOp = SQLOp "*" jsonbPathOp :: SQLOp jsonbPathOp = SQLOp "#>" jsonbConcatOp :: SQLOp jsonbConcatOp = SQLOp "||" jsonbDeleteOp :: SQLOp jsonbDeleteOp = SQLOp "-" jsonbDeleteAtPathOp :: SQLOp jsonbDeleteAtPathOp = SQLOp "#-" newtype TypeAnn = TypeAnn {unTypeAnn :: T.Text} deriving (Show, Eq, Data) mkTypeAnn :: PGType PGScalarType -> TypeAnn mkTypeAnn = TypeAnn . toSQLTxt intTypeAnn :: TypeAnn intTypeAnn = mkTypeAnn $ PGTypeSimple PGInteger textTypeAnn :: TypeAnn textTypeAnn = mkTypeAnn $ PGTypeSimple PGText textArrTypeAnn :: TypeAnn textArrTypeAnn = mkTypeAnn $ PGTypeArray PGText jsonTypeAnn :: TypeAnn jsonTypeAnn = mkTypeAnn $ PGTypeSimple PGJSON jsonbTypeAnn :: TypeAnn jsonbTypeAnn = mkTypeAnn $ PGTypeSimple PGJSONB data CountType = CTStar | CTSimple ![PGCol] | CTDistinct ![PGCol] deriving(Show, Eq, Data) instance ToSQL CountType where toSQL CTStar = "*" toSQL (CTSimple cols) = paren $ ", " <+> cols toSQL (CTDistinct cols) = "DISTINCT" <-> paren (", " <+> cols) newtype TupleExp = TupleExp [SQLExp] deriving (Show, Eq, Data) instance ToSQL TupleExp where toSQL (TupleExp exps) = paren $ ", " <+> exps data SQLExp = SEPrep !Int | SENull | SELit !T.Text | SEUnsafe !T.Text | SESelect !Select | SEStar | SEIden !Iden -- iden and row identifier are distinguished for easier rewrite rules | SERowIden !Iden | SEQIden !QIden | SEFnApp !T.Text ![SQLExp] !(Maybe OrderByExp) | SEOpApp !SQLOp ![SQLExp] | SETyAnn !SQLExp !TypeAnn | SECond !BoolExp !SQLExp !SQLExp | SEBool !BoolExp | SEExcluded !T.Text | SEArray ![SQLExp] | SETuple !TupleExp | SECount !CountType deriving (Show, Eq, Data) withTyAnn :: PGScalarType -> SQLExp -> SQLExp withTyAnn colTy v = SETyAnn v . mkTypeAnn $ PGTypeSimple colTy instance J.ToJSON SQLExp where toJSON = J.toJSON . toSQLTxt newtype Alias = Alias { getAlias :: Iden } deriving (Show, Eq, Hashable, Data) instance IsIden Alias where toIden (Alias iden) = iden instance ToSQL Alias where toSQL (Alias iden) = "AS" <-> toSQL iden toAlias :: (IsIden a) => a -> Alias toAlias = Alias . toIden countStar :: SQLExp countStar = SECount CTStar instance ToSQL SQLExp where toSQL (SEPrep argNumber) = TB.char '$' <> fromString (show argNumber) toSQL SENull = TB.text "null" toSQL (SELit tv) = TB.text $ pgFmtLit tv toSQL (SEUnsafe t) = TB.text t toSQL (SESelect se) = paren $ toSQL se toSQL SEStar = TB.char '*' toSQL (SEIden iden) = toSQL iden toSQL (SERowIden iden) = toSQL iden toSQL (SEQIden qIden) = toSQL qIden -- toSQL (SEFnApp name args mObe) = TB.text name <> paren ((", " <+> args) <-> toSQL mObe) toSQL (SEOpApp op args) = paren (sqlOpTxt op <+> args) toSQL (SETyAnn e ty) = paren (toSQL e) <> "::" <> TB.text (unTypeAnn ty) toSQL (SECond cond te fe) = "CASE WHEN" <-> toSQL cond <-> "THEN" <-> toSQL te <-> "ELSE" <-> toSQL fe <-> "END" toSQL (SEBool be) = toSQL be toSQL (SEExcluded t) = "EXCLUDED." <> toSQL (PGCol t) toSQL (SEArray exps) = "ARRAY" <> TB.char '[' <> (", " <+> exps) <> TB.char ']' toSQL (SETuple tup) = toSQL tup toSQL (SECount ty) = "COUNT" <> paren (toSQL ty) intToSQLExp :: Int -> SQLExp intToSQLExp = SEUnsafe . T.pack . show data Extractor = Extractor !SQLExp !(Maybe Alias) deriving (Show, Eq, Data) mkSQLOpExp :: SQLOp -> SQLExp -- lhs -> SQLExp -- rhs -> SQLExp -- result mkSQLOpExp op lhs rhs = SEOpApp op [lhs, rhs] mkColDefValMap :: [PGCol] -> HM.HashMap PGCol SQLExp mkColDefValMap cols = HM.fromList $ zip cols (repeat $ SEUnsafe "DEFAULT") handleIfNull :: SQLExp -> SQLExp -> SQLExp handleIfNull l e = SEFnApp "coalesce" [e, l] Nothing applyJsonBuildObj :: [SQLExp] -> SQLExp applyJsonBuildObj args = SEFnApp "json_build_object" args Nothing applyRowToJson :: [Extractor] -> SQLExp applyRowToJson extrs = SEFnApp "row_to_json" [mkRowExp extrs] Nothing getExtrAlias :: Extractor -> Maybe Alias getExtrAlias (Extractor _ ma) = ma mkAliasedExtr :: (IsIden a, IsIden b) => a -> Maybe b -> Extractor mkAliasedExtr t = mkAliasedExtrFromExp (mkSIdenExp t) mkAliasedExtrFromExp :: (IsIden a) => SQLExp -> Maybe a -> Extractor mkAliasedExtrFromExp sqlExp ma = Extractor sqlExp (aliasF <$> ma) where aliasF = Alias . toIden mkExtr :: (IsIden a) => a -> Extractor mkExtr t = Extractor (mkSIdenExp t) Nothing instance ToSQL Extractor where toSQL (Extractor ce mal) = toSQL ce <-> toSQL mal data DistinctExpr = DistinctSimple | DistinctOn ![SQLExp] deriving (Show, Eq, Data) instance ToSQL DistinctExpr where toSQL DistinctSimple = "DISTINCT" toSQL (DistinctOn exps) = "DISTINCT ON" <-> paren ("," <+> exps) data FromItem = FISimple !QualifiedTable !(Maybe Alias) | FIIden !Iden | FIFunc !QualifiedFunction ![SQLExp] !(Maybe Alias) | FIUnnest ![SQLExp] !Alias ![SQLExp] | FISelect !Lateral !Select !Alias | FIValues !ValuesExp !Alias !(Maybe [PGCol]) | FIJoin !JoinExpr deriving (Show, Eq, Data) mkSelFromItem :: Select -> Alias -> FromItem mkSelFromItem = FISelect (Lateral False) mkLateralFromItem :: Select -> Alias -> FromItem mkLateralFromItem = FISelect (Lateral True) toColTupExp :: [PGCol] -> SQLExp toColTupExp = SETuple . TupleExp . map (SEIden . Iden . getPGColTxt) instance ToSQL FromItem where toSQL (FISimple qt mal) = toSQL qt <-> toSQL mal toSQL (FIIden iden) = toSQL iden toSQL (FIFunc qf args mal) = toSQL qf <> paren (", " <+> args) <-> toSQL mal -- unnest(expressions) alias(columns) toSQL (FIUnnest args als cols) = "UNNEST" <> paren (", " <+> args) <-> toSQL als <> paren (", " <+> cols) toSQL (FISelect mla sel al) = toSQL mla <-> paren (toSQL sel) <-> toSQL al toSQL (FIValues valsExp al mCols) = paren (toSQL valsExp) <-> toSQL al <-> toSQL (toColTupExp <$> mCols) toSQL (FIJoin je) = toSQL je newtype Lateral = Lateral Bool deriving (Show, Eq, Data) instance ToSQL Lateral where toSQL (Lateral True) = "LATERAL" toSQL (Lateral False) = mempty data JoinExpr = JoinExpr { tjeLeft :: !FromItem , tjeType :: !JoinType , tjeRight :: !FromItem , tjeJC :: !JoinCond } deriving (Show, Eq, Data) instance ToSQL JoinExpr where toSQL je = toSQL (tjeLeft je) <-> toSQL (tjeType je) <-> toSQL (tjeRight je) <-> toSQL (tjeJC je) data JoinType = Inner | LeftOuter | RightOuter | FullOuter deriving (Eq, Show, Data) instance ToSQL JoinType where toSQL Inner = "INNER JOIN" toSQL LeftOuter = "LEFT OUTER JOIN" toSQL RightOuter = "RIGHT OUTER JOIN" toSQL FullOuter = "FULL OUTER JOIN" data JoinCond = JoinOn !BoolExp | JoinUsing ![PGCol] deriving (Show, Eq, Data) instance ToSQL JoinCond where toSQL (JoinOn be) = "ON" <-> paren (toSQL be) toSQL (JoinUsing cols) = "USING" <-> paren ("," <+> cols) data BoolExp = BELit !Bool | BEBin !BinOp !BoolExp !BoolExp | BENot !BoolExp | BECompare !CompareOp !SQLExp !SQLExp -- this is because l = (ANY (e)) is not valid -- i.e, (ANY(e)) is not same as ANY(e) | BECompareAny !CompareOp !SQLExp !SQLExp | BENull !SQLExp | BENotNull !SQLExp | BEExists !Select | BEIN !SQLExp ![SQLExp] | BEExp !SQLExp deriving (Show, Eq, Data) -- removes extraneous 'AND true's simplifyBoolExp :: BoolExp -> BoolExp simplifyBoolExp be = case be of BEBin AndOp e1 e2 -> let e1s = simplifyBoolExp e1 e2s = simplifyBoolExp e2 in if | e1s == BELit True -> e2s | e2s == BELit True -> e1s | otherwise -> BEBin AndOp e1s e2s BEBin OrOp e1 e2 -> let e1s = simplifyBoolExp e1 e2s = simplifyBoolExp e2 in if | e1s == BELit False -> e2s | e2s == BELit False -> e1s | otherwise -> BEBin OrOp e1s e2s e -> e mkExists :: FromItem -> BoolExp -> BoolExp mkExists fromItem whereFrag = BEExists mkSelect { selExtr = [Extractor (SEUnsafe "1") Nothing] , selFrom = Just $ FromExp $ pure fromItem , selWhere = Just $ WhereFrag whereFrag } instance ToSQL BoolExp where toSQL (BELit True) = TB.text $ T.squote "true" toSQL (BELit False) = TB.text $ T.squote "false" toSQL (BEBin bo bel ber) = paren (toSQL bel) <-> toSQL bo <-> paren (toSQL ber) toSQL (BENot be) = "NOT" <-> paren (toSQL be) toSQL (BECompare co vl vr) = paren (toSQL vl) <-> toSQL co <-> paren (toSQL vr) toSQL (BECompareAny co vl vr) = paren (toSQL vl) <-> toSQL co <-> "ANY" <> paren (toSQL vr) toSQL (BENull v) = paren (toSQL v) <-> "IS NULL" toSQL (BENotNull v) = paren (toSQL v) <-> "IS NOT NULL" toSQL (BEExists sel) = "EXISTS " <-> paren (toSQL sel) -- special case to handle lhs IN (exp1, exp2) toSQL (BEIN vl exps) = paren (toSQL vl) <-> toSQL SIN <-> paren (", " <+> exps) -- Any SQL expression which evaluates to bool value toSQL (BEExp e) = paren $ toSQL e data BinOp = AndOp | OrOp deriving (Show, Eq, Data) instance ToSQL BinOp where toSQL AndOp = "AND" toSQL OrOp = "OR" data CompareOp = SEQ | SGT | SLT | SIN | SNE | SLIKE | SNLIKE | SILIKE | SNILIKE | SSIMILAR | SNSIMILAR | SGTE | SLTE | SNIN | SContains | SContainedIn | SHasKey | SHasKeysAny | SHasKeysAll deriving (Eq, Data) instance Show CompareOp where show = \case SEQ -> "=" SGT -> ">" SLT -> "<" SIN -> "IN" SNE -> "<>" SGTE -> ">=" SLTE -> "<=" SNIN -> "NOT IN" SLIKE -> "LIKE" SNLIKE -> "NOT LIKE" SILIKE -> "ILIKE" SNILIKE -> "NOT ILIKE" SSIMILAR -> "SIMILAR TO" SNSIMILAR -> "NOT SIMILAR TO" SContains -> "@>" SContainedIn -> "<@" SHasKey -> "?" SHasKeysAny -> "?|" SHasKeysAll -> "?&" instance ToSQL CompareOp where toSQL = fromString . show buildInsVal :: PGCol -> Int -> (PGCol, SQLExp) buildInsVal colName argNumber = (colName, SEPrep argNumber) data SQLDelete = SQLDelete { delTable :: !QualifiedTable , delUsing :: !(Maybe UsingExp) , delWhere :: !(Maybe WhereFrag) , delRet :: !(Maybe RetExp) } deriving (Show, Eq) data SQLUpdate = SQLUpdate { upTable :: !QualifiedTable , upSet :: !SetExp , upFrom :: !(Maybe FromExp) , upWhere :: !(Maybe WhereFrag) , upRet :: !(Maybe RetExp) } deriving (Show, Eq) newtype SetExp = SetExp [SetExpItem] deriving (Show, Eq) newtype SetExpItem = SetExpItem (PGCol, SQLExp) deriving (Show, Eq) buildSEI :: PGCol -> Int -> SetExpItem buildSEI colName argNumber = SetExpItem (colName, SEPrep argNumber) buildUpsertSetExp :: [PGCol] -> HM.HashMap PGCol SQLExp -> SetExp buildUpsertSetExp cols preSet = SetExp $ map SetExpItem $ HM.toList setExps where setExps = HM.union preSet $ HM.fromList $ flip map cols $ \col -> (col, SEExcluded $ getPGColTxt col) newtype UsingExp = UsingExp [TableName] deriving (Show, Eq) instance ToSQL UsingExp where toSQL (UsingExp tables) = "USING" <-> "," <+> tables newtype RetExp = RetExp [Extractor] deriving (Show, Eq) selectStar :: Extractor selectStar = Extractor SEStar Nothing returningStar :: RetExp returningStar = RetExp [selectStar] instance ToSQL RetExp where toSQL (RetExp []) = mempty toSQL (RetExp exps) = "RETURNING" <-> (", " <+> exps) instance ToSQL SQLDelete where toSQL sd = "DELETE FROM" <-> toSQL (delTable sd) <-> toSQL (delUsing sd) <-> toSQL (delWhere sd) <-> toSQL (delRet sd) instance ToSQL SQLUpdate where toSQL a = "UPDATE" <-> toSQL (upTable a) <-> toSQL (upSet a) <-> toSQL (upFrom a) <-> toSQL (upWhere a) <-> toSQL (upRet a) instance ToSQL SetExp where toSQL (SetExp cvs) = "SET" <-> ("," <+> cvs) instance ToSQL SetExpItem where toSQL (SetExpItem (col, val)) = toSQL col <-> "=" <-> toSQL val data SQLConflictTarget = SQLColumn ![PGCol] | SQLConstraint !ConstraintName deriving (Show, Eq) instance ToSQL SQLConflictTarget where toSQL (SQLColumn cols) = "(" <-> ("," <+> cols) <-> ")" toSQL (SQLConstraint cons) = "ON CONSTRAINT" <-> toSQL cons data SQLConflict = DoNothing !(Maybe SQLConflictTarget) | Update !SQLConflictTarget !SetExp !(Maybe WhereFrag) deriving (Show, Eq) instance ToSQL SQLConflict where toSQL (DoNothing Nothing) = "ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING" toSQL (DoNothing (Just ct)) = "ON CONFLICT" <-> toSQL ct <-> "DO NOTHING" toSQL (Update ct set whr) = "ON CONFLICT" <-> toSQL ct <-> "DO UPDATE" <-> toSQL set <-> toSQL whr newtype ValuesExp = ValuesExp [TupleExp] deriving (Show, Eq, Data) instance ToSQL ValuesExp where toSQL (ValuesExp tuples) = "VALUES" <-> (", " <+> tuples) data SQLInsert = SQLInsert { siTable :: !QualifiedTable , siCols :: ![PGCol] , siValues :: !ValuesExp , siConflict :: !(Maybe SQLConflict) , siRet :: !(Maybe RetExp) } deriving (Show, Eq) instance ToSQL SQLInsert where toSQL si = let insConflict = maybe "" toSQL in "INSERT INTO" <-> toSQL (siTable si) <-> "(" <-> (", " <+> siCols si) <-> ")" <-> toSQL (siValues si) <-> insConflict (siConflict si) <-> toSQL (siRet si) data CTE = CTESelect !Select | CTEInsert !SQLInsert | CTEUpdate !SQLUpdate | CTEDelete !SQLDelete deriving (Show, Eq) instance ToSQL CTE where toSQL = \case CTESelect q -> toSQL q CTEInsert q -> toSQL q CTEUpdate q -> toSQL q CTEDelete q -> toSQL q data SelectWith = SelectWith { swCTEs :: [(Alias, CTE)] , swSelect :: !Select } deriving (Show, Eq) instance ToSQL SelectWith where toSQL (SelectWith ctes sel) = "WITH " <> (", " <+> map f ctes) <-> toSQL sel where f (Alias al, q) = toSQL al <-> "AS" <-> paren (toSQL q)