-- | Validate logical models against postgres-like flavors. module Hasura.Backends.Postgres.Instances.LogicalModels ( validateLogicalModel, logicalModelToPreparedStatement, ) where import Data.Aeson (toJSON) import Data.Bifunctor import Data.ByteString qualified as BS import Data.Environment qualified as Env import Data.HashMap.Strict qualified as HashMap import Data.HashMap.Strict.InsOrd qualified as InsOrd import Data.Map.Strict (Map) import Data.Map.Strict qualified as Map import Data.Set (Set) import Data.Set qualified as Set import Data.Text qualified as Text import Data.Text.Encoding qualified as Text import Data.Text.Extended (commaSeparated, toTxt) import Data.Tuple (swap) import Database.PG.Query qualified as PG import Database.PostgreSQL.LibPQ qualified as PQ import Hasura.Backends.Postgres.Connection qualified as PG import Hasura.Backends.Postgres.Connection.Connect (withPostgresDB) import Hasura.Backends.Postgres.Instances.Types () import Hasura.Backends.Postgres.SQL.Types (PGScalarType (..), pgScalarTypeToText) import Hasura.Base.Error import Hasura.CustomReturnType.Metadata (CustomReturnTypeMetadata (..)) import Hasura.LogicalModel.Metadata ( InterpolatedItem (..), InterpolatedQuery (..), LogicalModelArgumentName, LogicalModelMetadata (..), ) import Hasura.LogicalModel.Types (NullableScalarType (nstType), getLogicalModelName) import Hasura.Prelude import Hasura.SQL.Backend -- | Prepare a logical model query against a postgres-like database to validate it. validateLogicalModel :: forall m pgKind. (MonadIO m, MonadError QErr m) => InsOrd.InsOrdHashMap PGScalarType PQ.Oid -> Env.Environment -> PG.PostgresConnConfiguration -> CustomReturnTypeMetadata ('Postgres pgKind) -> LogicalModelMetadata ('Postgres pgKind) -> m () validateLogicalModel pgTypeOidMapping env connConf customReturnType model = do (prepname, preparedQuery) <- logicalModelToPreparedStatement customReturnType model description <- runCheck prepname (PG.fromText preparedQuery) let returnColumns = bimap toTxt nstType <$> InsOrd.toList (_crtmFields customReturnType) for_ (toList returnColumns) (matchTypes description) where -- Run stuff against the database. -- -- We don't need to deallocate the prepared statement because 'withPostgresDB' -- opens a new connection, runs a statement, and then closes the connection. -- Since a prepared statement only lasts for the duration of the session, once -- the session closes, the prepared statement is deallocated as well. runCheck :: BS.ByteString -> PG.Query -> m (PG.PreparedDescription PQ.Oid) runCheck prepname stmt = liftEither =<< liftIO ( withPostgresDB env connConf ( do -- prepare statement PG.rawQE @_ @() ( \e -> (err400 ValidationFailed "Failed to validate query") { qeInternal = Just $ ExtraInternal $ toJSON e } ) stmt [] False -- extract description PG.describePreparedStatement ( \e -> (err400 ValidationFailed "Failed to validate query") { qeInternal = Just $ ExtraInternal $ toJSON e } ) prepname ) ) -- Look for the type for a particular column in the prepared statement description -- and compare them. -- fail if not found, try to provide a good error message if you can. matchTypes :: PG.PreparedDescription PQ.Oid -> (Text, PGScalarType) -> m () matchTypes description (name, expectedType) = case lookup (Just (Text.encodeUtf8 name)) (PG.pd_fname_ftype description) of Nothing -> throwError (err400 ValidationFailed "Failed to validate query") { qeInternal = Just $ ExtraInternal $ toJSON @Text $ "Column named '" <> toTxt name <> "' is not returned from the query." } Just actualOid | Just expectedOid <- InsOrd.lookup expectedType pgTypeOidMapping, expectedOid /= actualOid -> throwError (err400 ValidationFailed "Failed to validate query") { qeInternal = Just $ ExtraInternal $ toJSON @Text $ Text.unwords $ [ "Return column '" <> name <> "' has a type mismatch.", "The expected type is '" <> toTxt expectedType <> "'," ] <> case Map.lookup actualOid (invertPgTypeOidMap pgTypeOidMapping) of Just t -> ["but the actual type is '" <> toTxt t <> "'."] Nothing -> [ "and has the " <> tshow expectedOid <> ",", "but the actual type has the " <> tshow actualOid <> "." ] } Just {} -> pure () -- | Invert the type/oid mapping. invertPgTypeOidMap :: InsOrdHashMap PGScalarType PQ.Oid -> Map PQ.Oid PGScalarType invertPgTypeOidMap = Map.fromList . map swap . InsOrd.toList --------------------------------------- -- | The environment and fresh-name generator used by 'renameIQ'. data RenamingState = RenamingState { rsNextFree :: Int, rsBoundVars :: Map LogicalModelArgumentName Int } -- | 'Rename' an 'InterpolatedQuery' expression with 'LogicalModelArgumentName' variables -- into one which uses ordinal arguments instead of named arguments, suitable -- for a prepared query. renameIQ :: InterpolatedQuery LogicalModelArgumentName -> ( InterpolatedQuery Int, Map Int LogicalModelArgumentName ) renameIQ = runRenaming . fmap InterpolatedQuery . mapM renameII . getInterpolatedQuery where runRenaming :: forall a. State RenamingState a -> (a, Map Int LogicalModelArgumentName) runRenaming action = let (res, st) = runState action (RenamingState 1 mempty) in (res, inverseMap $ rsBoundVars st) drawFree :: State RenamingState Int drawFree = do i <- gets rsNextFree modify (\s -> s {rsNextFree = i + 1}) return i -- Rename a variable, assigning a fresh argument index when encounting new -- variables and reusing the previously assigned indices when encountering a -- previously treated variable accordingly. renameII :: InterpolatedItem LogicalModelArgumentName -> State RenamingState (InterpolatedItem Int) renameII = traverse \v -> do env <- gets rsBoundVars (Map.lookup v env) `onNothing` ( do i <- drawFree modify \s -> s {rsBoundVars = Map.insert v i (rsBoundVars s)} return i ) -- When renaming from the named representation to the ordinal representation -- it is convenient for the variable renaming environment to be keyed by the -- names. -- When subsequently rendering the prepared statement definition however, it -- is more convenient to inspect the environment by index. -- Therefore we invert the map as part of renaming. inverseMap :: Ord b => Map a b -> Map b a inverseMap = Map.fromList . map swap . Map.toList -- | Pretty print an interpolated query with numbered parameters. renderIQ :: InterpolatedQuery Int -> Text renderIQ (InterpolatedQuery items) = foldMap printItem items where printItem :: InterpolatedItem Int -> Text printItem (IIText t) = t printItem (IIVariable i) = "$" <> tshow i ----------------------------------------- -- | Convert a logical model to a prepared statement to be validate. -- -- Used by 'validateLogicalModel'. Exported for testing. logicalModelToPreparedStatement :: forall m pgKind. MonadError QErr m => CustomReturnTypeMetadata ('Postgres pgKind) -> LogicalModelMetadata ('Postgres pgKind) -> m (BS.ByteString, Text) logicalModelToPreparedStatement customReturnType model = do let name = getLogicalModelName $ _lmmRootFieldName model let (preparedIQ, argumentMapping) = renameIQ $ _lmmCode model logimoCode :: Text logimoCode = renderIQ preparedIQ prepname = "_logimo_vali_" <> toTxt name occurringArguments, declaredArguments, undeclaredArguments :: Set LogicalModelArgumentName occurringArguments = Set.fromList (Map.elems argumentMapping) declaredArguments = Set.fromList $ HashMap.keys (_lmmArguments model) undeclaredArguments = occurringArguments `Set.difference` declaredArguments argumentTypes :: Map Int PGScalarType argumentTypes = nstType <$> Map.fromList (HashMap.toList $ _lmmArguments model) `Map.compose` argumentMapping argumentSignature | argumentTypes /= mempty = "(" <> commaSeparated (pgScalarTypeToText <$> Map.elems argumentTypes) <> ")" | otherwise = "" returnedColumnNames :: Text returnedColumnNames = commaSeparated $ InsOrd.keys (_crtmFields customReturnType) wrapInCTE :: Text -> Text wrapInCTE query = Text.intercalate "\n" [ "WITH " <> ctename <> " AS (", query, ")", "SELECT " <> returnedColumnNames, "FROM " <> ctename ] where ctename = "_cte" <> prepname preparedQuery = "PREPARE " <> prepname <> argumentSignature <> " AS " <> wrapInCTE logimoCode when (Set.empty /= undeclaredArguments) $ throwError $ err400 ValidationFailed $ "Undeclared arguments: " <> commaSeparated (map tshow $ Set.toList undeclaredArguments) pure (Text.encodeUtf8 prepname, preparedQuery)