{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-} -- | Postgres Connection MonadTx -- -- This module contains 'MonadTx' and related combinators. -- -- 'MonadTx', a class which abstracts the 'QErr' in 'Q.TxE' via 'MonadError'. -- -- The combinators are used for running, tracing, or otherwise perform database -- related tasks. Please consult the individual documentation for more -- information. module Hasura.Backends.Postgres.Connection.MonadTx ( MonadTx (..), runTx, runTxWithCtx, runQueryTx, withUserInfo, withTraceContext, setHeadersTx, setTraceContextInTx, sessionInfoJsonExp, checkDbConnection, doesSchemaExist, doesTableExist, enablePgcryptoExtension, dropHdbCatalogSchema, ) where import Control.Monad.Morph (hoist) import Control.Monad.Trans.Control (MonadBaseControl (..)) import Control.Monad.Validate import Data.Aeson import Data.Aeson.Extended import Data.Either (isRight) import Data.Hashable.Time () import Database.PG.Query qualified as Q import Database.PG.Query.Connection qualified as Q import Hasura.Backends.Postgres.Execute.Types as ET import Hasura.Backends.Postgres.SQL.DML qualified as S import Hasura.Backends.Postgres.SQL.Types import Hasura.Base.Error import Hasura.Base.Instances () import Hasura.Prelude import Hasura.SQL.Types import Hasura.Session import Hasura.Tracing qualified as Tracing import Test.QuickCheck.Instances.Semigroup () import Test.QuickCheck.Instances.Time () class (MonadError QErr m) => MonadTx m where liftTx :: Q.TxE QErr a -> m a instance (MonadTx m) => MonadTx (StateT s m) where liftTx = lift . liftTx instance (MonadTx m) => MonadTx (ReaderT s m) where liftTx = lift . liftTx instance (Monoid w, MonadTx m) => MonadTx (WriterT w m) where liftTx = lift . liftTx instance (MonadTx m) => MonadTx (ValidateT e m) where liftTx = lift . liftTx instance (MonadTx m) => MonadTx (Tracing.TraceT m) where liftTx = lift . liftTx instance (MonadIO m) => MonadTx (Q.TxET QErr m) where liftTx = hoist liftIO -- | Executes the given query in a transaction of the specified -- mode, within the provided PGExecCtx. runTx :: ( MonadIO m, MonadBaseControl IO m ) => PGExecCtx -> Q.TxAccess -> Q.TxET QErr m a -> ExceptT QErr m a runTx pgExecCtx = \case Q.ReadOnly -> _pecRunReadOnly pgExecCtx Q.ReadWrite -> _pecRunReadWrite pgExecCtx runTxWithCtx :: ( MonadIO m, MonadBaseControl IO m, MonadError QErr m, Tracing.MonadTrace m, UserInfoM m ) => PGExecCtx -> Q.TxAccess -> Q.TxET QErr m a -> m a runTxWithCtx pgExecCtx txAccess tx = do traceCtx <- Tracing.currentContext userInfo <- askUserInfo liftEitherM $ runExceptT $ runTx pgExecCtx txAccess $ withTraceContext traceCtx $ withUserInfo userInfo tx -- | This runs the given set of statements (Tx) without wrapping them in BEGIN -- and COMMIT. This should only be used for running a single statement query! runQueryTx :: ( MonadIO m, MonadError QErr m ) => PGExecCtx -> Q.TxET QErr IO a -> m a runQueryTx pgExecCtx tx = liftEither =<< liftIO (runExceptT $ _pecRunReadNoTx pgExecCtx tx) setHeadersTx :: (MonadIO m) => SessionVariables -> Q.TxET QErr m () setHeadersTx session = do Q.unitQE defaultTxErrorHandler setSess () False where setSess = Q.fromText $ "SET LOCAL \"hasura.user\" = " <> toSQLTxt (sessionInfoJsonExp session) sessionInfoJsonExp :: SessionVariables -> S.SQLExp sessionInfoJsonExp = S.SELit . encodeToStrictText withUserInfo :: (MonadIO m) => UserInfo -> Q.TxET QErr m a -> Q.TxET QErr m a withUserInfo uInfo tx = setHeadersTx (_uiSession uInfo) >> tx setTraceContextInTx :: (MonadIO m) => Tracing.TraceContext -> Q.TxET QErr m () setTraceContextInTx traceCtx = Q.unitQE defaultTxErrorHandler sql () False where sql = Q.fromText $ "SET LOCAL \"hasura.tracecontext\" = " <> toSQLTxt (S.SELit . encodeToStrictText . Tracing.injectEventContext $ traceCtx) -- | Inject the trace context as a transaction-local variable, -- so that it can be picked up by any triggers (including event triggers). withTraceContext :: (MonadIO m) => Tracing.TraceContext -> Q.TxET QErr m a -> Q.TxET QErr m a withTraceContext ctx tx = setTraceContextInTx ctx >> tx deriving instance Tracing.MonadTrace m => Tracing.MonadTrace (Q.TxET e m) checkDbConnection :: MonadIO m => Q.PGPool -> m Bool checkDbConnection pool = do e <- liftIO $ runExceptT $ Q.runTx' pool select1Query pure $ isRight e where select1Query :: Q.TxE QErr Int select1Query = runIdentity . Q.getRow <$> Q.withQE defaultTxErrorHandler [Q.sql| SELECT 1 |] () False doesSchemaExist :: MonadTx m => SchemaName -> m Bool doesSchemaExist schemaName = liftTx $ (runIdentity . Q.getRow) <$> Q.withQE defaultTxErrorHandler [Q.sql| SELECT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM information_schema.schemata WHERE schema_name = $1 ) |] (Identity schemaName) False doesTableExist :: MonadTx m => SchemaName -> TableName -> m Bool doesTableExist schemaName tableName = liftTx $ (runIdentity . Q.getRow) <$> Q.withQE defaultTxErrorHandler [Q.sql| SELECT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM pg_tables WHERE schemaname = $1 AND tablename = $2 ) |] (schemaName, tableName) False isExtensionAvailable :: MonadTx m => Text -> m Bool isExtensionAvailable extensionName = liftTx $ (runIdentity . Q.getRow) <$> Q.withQE defaultTxErrorHandler [Q.sql| SELECT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM pg_catalog.pg_available_extensions WHERE name = $1 ) |] (Identity extensionName) False enablePgcryptoExtension :: forall m. MonadTx m => m () enablePgcryptoExtension = do pgcryptoAvailable <- isExtensionAvailable "pgcrypto" if pgcryptoAvailable then createPgcryptoExtension else throw400 Unexpected $ "pgcrypto extension is required, but could not find the extension in the " <> "PostgreSQL server. Please make sure this extension is available." where createPgcryptoExtension :: m () createPgcryptoExtension = liftTx $ Q.unitQE needsPGCryptoError "CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS pgcrypto SCHEMA public" () False where needsPGCryptoError e@(Q.PGTxErr _ _ _ err) = case err of Q.PGIUnexpected _ -> requiredError Q.PGIStatement pgErr -> case Q.edStatusCode pgErr of Just "42501" -> err500 PostgresError permissionsMessage _ -> requiredError where requiredError = (err500 PostgresError requiredMessage) {qeInternal = Just $ ExtraInternal $ toJSON e} requiredMessage = "pgcrypto extension is required, but it could not be created;" <> " encountered unknown postgres error" permissionsMessage = "pgcrypto extension is required, but the current user doesn’t have permission to" <> " create it. Please grant superuser permission, or setup the initial schema via" <> " https://hasura.io/docs/latest/graphql/core/deployment/postgres-permissions.html" dropHdbCatalogSchema :: (MonadTx m) => m () dropHdbCatalogSchema = liftTx $ Q.catchE defaultTxErrorHandler $ -- This is where -- 1. Metadata storage:- Metadata and its stateful information stored -- 2. Postgres source:- Table event trigger related stuff & insert permission check function stored Q.unitQ "DROP SCHEMA IF EXISTS hdb_catalog CASCADE" () False