spec-version: 0.34.7 name: aeson-ordered description: > Provides a data type that mirrors Aeson's 'Value', but that preserves order of object properties using an insertion-ordered map. version: author: - Anon Ray - Bryan O'Sullivan - MailRank, Inc. license: BSD3 github: hasura/github-engine-mono extra-source-files: - CHANGELOG.md - LICENSE ghc-options: - "-foptimal-applicative-do" - "-Wall" - "-Wcompat" - "-Wincomplete-record-updates" - "-Wincomplete-uni-patterns" - "-Wredundant-constraints" default-extensions: - BangPatterns - DeriveDataTypeable - DeriveGeneric - DerivingStrategies - GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving - ImportQualifiedPost - LambdaCase - OverloadedStrings - StrictData library: source-dirs: - src dependencies: - base - aeson - attoparsec - bytestring - hashable - insert-ordered-containers - lens - lens-aeson - scientific - text - vector