module Hasura.SQL.Value ( PGScalarValue(..) , pgColValueToInt , withConstructorFn , parsePGValue , TxtEncodedPGVal , txtEncodedPGVal , binEncoder , txtEncoder , toBinaryValue , toTxtValue , toPrepParam ) where import Hasura.SQL.GeoJSON import Hasura.SQL.Time import Hasura.SQL.Types import qualified Database.PG.Query as Q import qualified Database.PG.Query.PTI as PTI import qualified Hasura.SQL.DML as S import Data.Aeson import Data.Int import Data.Scientific import Data.Time import Hasura.Prelude import qualified Data.Aeson.Text as AE import qualified Data.Aeson.Types as AT import qualified Data.ByteString as B import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Text.Conversions as TC import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as TE import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL import qualified Database.PostgreSQL.LibPQ as PQ import qualified PostgreSQL.Binary.Encoding as PE newtype RasterWKB = RasterWKB { getRasterWKB :: TC.Base16 B.ByteString } deriving (Show, Eq) instance FromJSON RasterWKB where parseJSON = \case String t -> case TC.fromText t of Just v -> return $ RasterWKB v Nothing -> fail "invalid hexadecimal representation of raster well known binary format" _ -> fail "expecting String for raster" -- Binary value. Used in prepared sq data PGScalarValue = PGValInteger !Int32 | PGValSmallInt !Int16 | PGValBigInt !Int64 | PGValFloat !Float | PGValDouble !Double | PGValNumeric !Scientific | PGValBoolean !Bool | PGValChar !Char | PGValVarchar !T.Text | PGValText !T.Text | PGValDate !Day | PGValTimeStampTZ !UTCTime | PGValTimeTZ !ZonedTimeOfDay | PGNull !PGScalarType | PGValJSON !Q.JSON | PGValJSONB !Q.JSONB | PGValGeo !GeometryWithCRS | PGValRaster !RasterWKB | PGValUnknown !T.Text deriving (Show, Eq) pgColValueToInt :: PGScalarValue -> Maybe Int pgColValueToInt (PGValInteger i) = Just $ fromIntegral i pgColValueToInt (PGValSmallInt i) = Just $ fromIntegral i pgColValueToInt (PGValBigInt i) = Just $ fromIntegral i pgColValueToInt _ = Nothing withConstructorFn :: PGScalarType -> S.SQLExp -> S.SQLExp withConstructorFn ty v | isGeoType ty = S.SEFnApp "ST_GeomFromGeoJSON" [v] Nothing | ty == PGRaster = S.SEFnApp "ST_RastFromHexWKB" [v] Nothing | otherwise = v parsePGValue :: PGScalarType -> Value -> AT.Parser PGScalarValue parsePGValue ty val = case (ty, val) of (_ , Null) -> pure $ PGNull ty (PGUnknown _, String t) -> pure $ PGValUnknown t (PGRaster , _) -> parseTyped -- strictly parse raster value (_ , String t) -> parseTyped <|> pure (PGValUnknown t) (_ , _) -> parseTyped where parseTyped = case ty of PGSmallInt -> PGValSmallInt <$> parseJSON val PGInteger -> PGValInteger <$> parseJSON val PGBigInt -> PGValBigInt <$> parseJSON val PGSerial -> PGValInteger <$> parseJSON val PGBigSerial -> PGValBigInt <$> parseJSON val PGFloat -> PGValFloat <$> parseJSON val PGDouble -> PGValDouble <$> parseJSON val PGNumeric -> PGValNumeric <$> parseJSON val PGBoolean -> PGValBoolean <$> parseJSON val PGChar -> PGValChar <$> parseJSON val PGVarchar -> PGValVarchar <$> parseJSON val PGText -> PGValText <$> parseJSON val PGDate -> PGValDate <$> parseJSON val PGTimeStampTZ -> PGValTimeStampTZ <$> parseJSON val PGTimeTZ -> PGValTimeTZ <$> parseJSON val PGJSON -> PGValJSON . Q.JSON <$> parseJSON val PGJSONB -> PGValJSONB . Q.JSONB <$> parseJSON val PGGeometry -> PGValGeo <$> parseJSON val PGGeography -> PGValGeo <$> parseJSON val PGRaster -> PGValRaster <$> parseJSON val PGUnknown tyName -> fail $ "A string is expected for type : " ++ T.unpack tyName data TxtEncodedPGVal = TENull | TELit !Text deriving (Show, Eq, Generic) instance Hashable TxtEncodedPGVal instance ToJSON TxtEncodedPGVal where toJSON = \case TENull -> Null TELit t -> String t txtEncodedPGVal :: PGScalarValue -> TxtEncodedPGVal txtEncodedPGVal colVal = case colVal of PGValInteger i -> TELit $ T.pack $ show i PGValSmallInt i -> TELit $ T.pack $ show i PGValBigInt i -> TELit $ T.pack $ show i PGValFloat f -> TELit $ T.pack $ show f PGValDouble d -> TELit $ T.pack $ show d PGValNumeric sc -> TELit $ T.pack $ show sc PGValBoolean b -> TELit $ bool "false" "true" b PGValChar t -> TELit $ T.pack $ show t PGValVarchar t -> TELit t PGValText t -> TELit t PGValDate d -> TELit $ T.pack $ showGregorian d PGValTimeStampTZ u -> TELit $ T.pack $ formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%FT%T%QZ" u PGValTimeTZ (ZonedTimeOfDay tod tz) -> TELit $ T.pack (show tod ++ timeZoneOffsetString tz) PGNull _ -> TENull PGValJSON (Q.JSON j) -> TELit $ TL.toStrict $ AE.encodeToLazyText j PGValJSONB (Q.JSONB j) -> TELit $ TL.toStrict $ AE.encodeToLazyText j PGValGeo o -> TELit $ TL.toStrict $ AE.encodeToLazyText o PGValRaster r -> TELit $ TC.toText $ getRasterWKB r PGValUnknown t -> TELit t binEncoder :: PGScalarValue -> Q.PrepArg binEncoder colVal = case colVal of PGValInteger i -> Q.toPrepVal i PGValSmallInt i -> Q.toPrepVal i PGValBigInt i -> Q.toPrepVal i PGValFloat f -> Q.toPrepVal f PGValDouble d -> Q.toPrepVal d PGValNumeric sc -> Q.toPrepVal sc PGValBoolean b -> Q.toPrepVal b PGValChar t -> Q.toPrepVal t PGValVarchar t -> Q.toPrepVal t PGValText t -> Q.toPrepVal t PGValDate d -> Q.toPrepVal d PGValTimeStampTZ u -> Q.toPrepVal u PGValTimeTZ (ZonedTimeOfDay t z) -> Q.toPrepValHelper PTI.timetz PE.timetz_int (t, z) PGNull ty -> (pgTypeOid ty, Nothing) PGValJSON u -> Q.toPrepVal u PGValJSONB u -> Q.toPrepVal u PGValGeo o -> Q.toPrepVal $ TL.toStrict $ AE.encodeToLazyText o PGValRaster r -> Q.toPrepVal $ TC.toText $ getRasterWKB r PGValUnknown t -> (, Just (TE.encodeUtf8 t, PQ.Text)) txtEncoder :: PGScalarValue -> S.SQLExp txtEncoder colVal = case txtEncodedPGVal colVal of TENull -> S.SENull TELit t -> S.SELit t toPrepParam :: Int -> PGScalarType -> S.SQLExp toPrepParam i ty = withConstructorFn ty $ S.SEPrep i toBinaryValue :: WithScalarType PGScalarValue -> Q.PrepArg toBinaryValue = binEncoder . pstValue toTxtValue :: WithScalarType PGScalarValue -> S.SQLExp toTxtValue (WithScalarType ty val) = S.withTyAnn ty . withConstructorFn ty $ txtEncoder val