{% extends "basic/layout.html" %} {%- if pagename == 'index' %} {% set is_landing_page = true %} {%- endif %} {% set ALGOLIA_INDEX = 'graphql-docs-prod' %} {% set ALGOLIA_API_KEY = '298d448cd9d7ed93fbab395658da19e8' %} {%- if pagename.startswith('graphql/core') %} {% set is_core = true %} {# % set ALGOLIA_INDEX = 'graphql-docs-prod' % #} {# % set ALGOLIA_API_KEY = '298d448cd9d7ed93fbab395658da19e8' % #} {%- elif pagename.startswith('graphql/cloud') %} {% set is_cloud = true %} {# % set ALGOLIA_INDEX = 'cloud-docs-prod' % #} {# % set ALGOLIA_API_KEY = 'cf84f05a225bedb72ce472dada63d29f' % #} {%- endif %} {% set css_files = css_files + ['_static/graphiql/graphiql.css', '_static/styles/main.css'] %} {%- if is_landing_page %} {% set css_files = css_files + ['_static/styles/landing.css'] %} {%- endif %} {# NOTE: Use plain js instead of jquery which is an outdated & redundant library #} {# Sphinx seems to have a jquery dependency. They have an open PR to remove it. #} {# https://github.com/sphinx-doc/sphinx/issues/7405 #} {# TODO: replace react & graphiql imports with a custom directive #} {# b/c we're not using any graphiql functionality, only styles #} {% set deferred_script_files = ['_static/react/react-17.0.2.min.js', '_static/react/react-dom-17.0.2.min.js', '_static/graphiql/graphiql-1.4.2.min.js', '_static/scripts/hdocs.js'] %} {%- if pagename.endswith('mysql-preview') %} {% set deferred_script_files = deferred_script_files + ['_static/scripts/mysql-subscribe.js'] %} {%- endif %} {%- macro secondnav() %} {%- if prev %} « previous {{ reldelim2 }} {%- endif %} {%- if next %} next » {%- endif %} {%- endmacro %} {% block linktags %} {{ super() }} {% endblock %} {% block extrahead %} {% endblock %} {% block document %}