.. meta:: :description: Hasura Cloud operation analysis :keywords: hasura, docs, cloud, reliability, operations .. _operations: Operations ========== .. contents:: Table of contents :backlinks: none :depth: 1 :local: Terminology ----------- **Operation** Any GraphQL (query, mutation, subscription) request made to v1/graphql endpoint of a GraphQL engine instance **Operation name** (Optional) Any GraphQL request can be labelled with a name by the client making the query. In this example, *getPollOptions* is the operation name: .. code-block:: graphql query getPollOptions ( poll { options { id name description } } } **Operation ID** A unique, auto-generated hash for each Operation name; can distinguish between different operations executed with the same name **Operation type** Whether the operation is a query, mutation, or subscription **Request ID** A unique, auto-generated ID for each request, comes from x-request-id HTTP header **Websocket ID** A unique ID generated by the server when a websocket connection is established by the client **Websocket Operation ID** A unique ID generated by the websocket client for each operation it is sending to the server Operations ---------- Processed realtime logs of all requests to the GraphQL Engine. View all and inspect individual operations: .. thumbnail:: /img/graphql/cloud/metrics/pro-tab-operations.png :alt: Hasura Cloud Console list operations .. thumbnail:: /img/graphql/cloud/metrics/pro-tab-operations-inspect.png :alt: Hasura Cloud Console inspect operation Filtering operations -------------------- Click on the **Filter** header to open the menu of filter options .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 * - Filter option - Filter type - Example or options * - Time range - timestamps - last hour, last 6 hours, last 12 hours, last 24 hours, or custom range * - Operation ID - string (text field) - 5284946f4e15aa81bc868316d56aa68f * - Operation Name - string (text field) - getPollOptions * - Request ID - string (text field) - e15f7bj9-3b9f-4152-92a4-e745471514af * - Show only errors - boolean (checkbox field) - true or false (default false) * - Websocket ID - string (text field) - def703fc-851f-48e8-8e5c-cbdead37b2fe * - Websocket Operation ID - string (text field) - 110 * - Hide introspection query - boolean (checkbox field) - true or false (default false) * - Operation Type - enum (select field) - query, mutation, subscription, all * - Role - enum (select field) - from *x-hasura-user-role*: no role, admin, user, ... * - Error Code - enum (select field) - no error code, access-denied, depth-limit-exceeded, ... * - Client Name - enum (select field) - no client name, hasura-console, hasura-test-runner, ... * - Transport - enum (select field) - http or ws * - Status - enum (select field) - started or closed Sorting operations ------------------ Each column in the **Operations List** can be sorted (ascending or descending) just by clicking on it. Very useful for identifying operations with unusually high execution time or response size!