const { ApolloServer, ApolloError } = require('apollo-server'); const gql = require('graphql-tag'); const { print } = require('graphql'); const allMessages = [ { id: 1, name: "Clarke", msg: "Welcome to the team, Clarke"}, { id: 2, name: "Alice", msg: "Welcome to the team, Alice"}, ]; const typeDefs = gql` interface Communication { id: Int! msg: String! } type Message implements Communication { id: Int! name: String! msg: String! errorMsg: String } type Query { hello: String message(id: Int!) : Message } `; const resolvers = { Message: { errorMsg : () => { throw new ApolloError("intentional-error", "you asked for it"); } }, Query: { hello: () => "world", message: (_, { id }) => { return allMessages.find(m => == id); } }, Communication: { __resolveType(communication, context, info){ if( { return "Message"; } return null; } } }; class BasicLogging { requestDidStart({queryString, parsedQuery, variables}) { const query = queryString || print(parsedQuery); console.log(query); console.log(variables); } willSendResponse({graphqlResponse}) { console.log(JSON.stringify(graphqlResponse, null, 2)); } } const schema = new ApolloServer( { typeDefs, resolvers, extensions: [() => new BasicLogging()], formatError: (err) => { // Stack traces make expected test output brittle and noisey: delete err.extensions; return err; } }); schema.listen({ port: process.env.PORT || 4001 }).then(({ url }) => { console.log(`schema ready at ${url}`); });